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THE MAGAZINE FOR INDUSTRIAL LEADERS z Fd FA a UT PAU be Lea pe eek) to hea world-ci eee ae Minimising the PVs Ly health and safety CAUCE Bees eye risks in the field of housing requires a CST EUG cea Us construction CORRS TLC Ky of King’s Cross No.1 SINCE aS he The Fab Four weren't even out of short trousers en VELUX made its debut in rs - No.1 for 60 years. Visit No. chairman Andrew Schofield MAJOR PROJECT 2 Alder Hey in the Park wile the fst NAS park for children, and wil featur enhanced lnicareas, education and research fates, new operating theatres and anew ABE HEALTH & SAFETY 6 How can we minimse the skin construction — fale toate even simple problemscan cause problems down the lne Group Managing Director Mike Tulloch Editor Line Hammons ltbedschofiepublsting cok Editorial Design Jon Hoo Advertsing Design Fier Devils Stat writers NEWS, B19 Mat eh Updates an infomation fom the corstrucon Je Cooper Sy z ad il engineering market Steve Nach Se : z HOUSE BUYING To ial Has the Government's Helo to Buy Scheme stimulated the a ; house -tuling seo? Te debate abut HB rubles on EQUIPMENT 12, Alrge plastic modular tankhas been installed as part cof a€21 millon sever treatment facity ungrade INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 14 How coud computing is tansforming the constuction sector itreates af of bene to users CASE STUDY 16 Thestation redevelopment of King's Coss hasutlised 530 modeling teeinology to meld Grade architecture and state-of-the-art design ‘SOCIAL HOUSING 20 Some of the tunding and investment decisions requted forthe deivery of affordable housing Head of Research Priip Monument Research Manager 2 Welling Keith Hope: Ter) Kawt-D Siva Tony Weight Michael Coleman Sales Director David Gamer Sales David King Marke Cavcton vemorremen aa “COMPAR FROFLES > ‘Tracy Chynoweth us i HTC PLANT 22 Schofield Publishing BRIGGS & FORESTER 26 Sere ronaoEuoCoL 50 Norwich, NRA 6AU,UK. 7 KIERBECK THAMES 34 Tel: #44 (071605 274150 BIRTLEY GROUP 36 Fax: +44 (O)1603 274131 posta 39 HELENS ROR 44 NORMET 48 WILLOWBROOK PLANT SERVICES 51 ©205 Publishing Ltd MILBANK CONCRETE PRODUCTS 55 LONDON BASEMENT 60 Construction & CivilEngineering | esa en eal Parkiic Due to open in 2015, the new Alder Hey in the Park children’s hospital is not just a first for the UK but also for Europe ‘exceptional Feity, but at 99 years fold it doesnt have room te expand. This aw start allows the NH to use alts research ane ex Je.and their es geing to be world-class fact interior design, Once inspired by chicken, the new Alder Hey opens. a Chickens Board wil take an active rol it hostel end male 2 Construction & Civil Engineering Construction & Civil Engineering = eae encinearing fir Laing 01 ‘nour ofthe occasion, cpesking at the event, Anna Stewar sing O'Rourke's CEO said: “Today ve reach the hallway pont ofthis impressive buleing, Wo'va bean onto 1dhave ono years or ave toso which w pe fastest hospital we've ever delivered Chair of Alder Hey Sir David sve aicec “Th ic cur nee hospital inthe pavk Todays event marks the offical topping out of tha new hospital but co the beairning of a 2-montt fs we hed hopad fer ancis testament od re herd work of el those ir Ws have e lot othard yer tod zz we properaiomevecral use the fpmcriunity the new ising wl ive car chidren and young, people in the future. The excitement can nowy star ta bull 26 ie pres ro open our doors to our new hospital next your David Powel Project Baractor 0} ‘Aldor Hoy in the Park sae "Today is 4 Construction & Civil Engineering ed a creat moment for ste at Alder u ley com unique and extremely challereing and taday we can sea how they have managed! to turn our dream nto realty Research and Education Alongside the new hose sy which willbe name to around 1 CZ Poias: Pree ers ane eee eae creamer cad education research and cinicel staf The new intemational lender in the ity will place Alder feqpocl asa nasional Udovelopenent of safer ane! mors effective medicines for chleren ancl foung people. Funding for tha new fzclity has boon gonerously provided! by Alder Hoy Chickeris Heseital, pean Regions! Development Fund, Matalan, Liverpool Gity Coun and Alder Hey Ciara's Chant In September 2014 young Construction is risky business. Infact, according to statistics, itis the second most dangerous land- based work sector in Europe. So how can we minimise the hazards? Here we speak to experts in the field of construction to find out more 6 Construction & civil Engineering setved forcing workers ta down toole. A spckesveman ferthe Health ard Safety Bxecuth “Where inspectors encountered poor practic taftan went hand n hand ‘witha nek oF undarstanc ‘are afew areas you should lock ‘hen reviewing the health and safety cf your workplace 1L Site organisation = cluding lust management, protect public on sita.proventing aco by uneuthorised people: the GG ic conditions have improved ten-fold from TB years ago. But there i ismore tobe done in terms of education about minimising the storage, sensible waste igpoeal ‘anc genera welfare (edequace tlle facilities. drinking water rest areas ‘chant 2.Slips, trips and falls = he sinole biggest cause of workplace Inury Assess. aliminate and control the risk. Look For une telling cables, siapery suriaces and ‘charges in level %. Work at height ~ ook st 3 aspects cof your bling st fram groural level up to the use of towers, seafoes, platforms and iesers. Camry out training, prove safety harnesses ond ‘equipment. 4. Structural stability ~ assoss tho rsks ‘end prevent unintentional structural collapse during alterations, damoiiton tend smentline ‘5.Cranes all i'tng oparctr Involving iftins eouipment must be properly planned by person; appeoprs ‘cored out ina safe manner 6. Electricity - work safaly with power supplies and electrical equipment, imap overhead power nes and underground cablos to prevent ‘sccidental contact with mechinor 17. Fire = deni the risks: contro! combustible msterals and iition sources: end make (¢cleor exactly het to de if firedoes brask out ‘8. Mobile plant and vehicles ~ assess the noks, ertablsn competence to ‘operate and control access. 9. Hazardous material = sstesio= isthe single bie lsease risk room anc lockers). surfaces, obstacles, -eunational jon workers environment. Asbestos training must langers Daetatsot apes be cerried aut 10. Demolition - all demotion, dsmanting and! structural alteration should be carefully planned and carried cut by competent practic Know the rules Dayle Baviss, who runs Dayle Bayliss Associctes, an ewer! winning construction consultency wring lon projects across the UK, said that, although construction is ene of the ‘worst ndusbies in Eurose in terme of safety there are varcus grours working towerds Improving safety. ‘Construction conditions have Improved ten-fold from 1 yoors age’ sha sai, "But there is more to be dono n terms of education about minirising tho dene “Rght now there is some work being caried out to streaming laws and legsiason which il make ite alot enserforcantractors. atthe momenta two- where domestic the same regulations as commercial projects: The co-orcination, corn onand planning for Health end Safety de same emphasis na domestic project “nescence the work is looking ‘at iemproving co-ercination and communication and placing more ‘erroheai on the fact that sefaty i ‘everyone's responsiity” howe the ‘The law in a nutshell: “The following legislation and guidelines should be taken into ration when urdortaling arise sarent one construction ste (Under Europoan Union Law tore ‘are Europeen Union Directives in niece topretect workers, notably Directive 29/301 (the Framework Directive) and Directive 92/57 the Temporary and -sDiectva). Thelegatation requirements on arrloyers (and others) to assess and protect workers heaith ond safety @ The Approved Cade of Practice Pha specie ual statis and ives practical edvico for ell rose lod in construction work, © The ACOP willbe replaced by & Construction & CivilEngincering 7 HEALTH & SAFET shorter skanposting version at the end of 20M. This will getriclof the curent role oF the COM eo-orsmator = 2 key project adviser for co-ordinating the srrangementsforhesith and safety ding the planning phase of lrger and more comelex projects This wal be replaced by another roo 10 domestic construction work 9s well as (© The COM regulations ere to be armenced in 2015 to bring therm in line with Eurocean guidelines. Ther am 's to imorove heolth and safety nthe Industry ensure better management ofthe risks on site and to provide focus on effective planning ‘Stay on top of safety Robert Norman, who runs Robert Norman Construction, ced havi the "ight eaufomont was vitally moortant during eny bia build project. “With any project you should be carrying outa thorounh risk assessment prior to starting werk he ssid. "This wil hele you werk out what proactive equipment isneeded on hate and strat tos boots: the mest common personal protective csqulpment worn along wth gloves, 092k or high-visiblity clothing, We tise ensure people werkina machinery have been instructed on the dan of excess noise anc vibrtion end that thay tobe the necessary precautions ‘8 Construction & Civil Engineering tare ee Peer Ws Sounds bad [Noles con have a devastating impact fon health. In fact, the number cf people suffering from noise Induced hearing damage is onthe rise But noise ispart and parcel of the construction ate envremrent. So what canbe dona about it? Under the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 (Noize Regulations 2005) employers have a duty of care to protect the heelth ard safety of staff fram ell noise were This includes proving hearing [protectors ane taining, identying hearing protection zones or arses wera the use of hearing protaction Is compulsory. and carrying out regular health chacks for hearing damage, Bust there Is one more thine construction site menagers could related nsks at n acoustic barrier Block it out Noise reduction experts Echo frre which designs and rranufactures the Echo Bata Hi senes of nice reduction barriers for use on construction sites have sean a huge Increase n business inthe ast couple oF yeors, Technical dractor Peter ison seid tn the past couple of dears weve seen armerted shit by site managers towards the problems lof excessive noise ane! how ta reduce it Noise is being taken more sercualy ‘That said shocking statistics were revealed by the Health and Safety Executive in November 204, which show that 40 per Inspacted throughout ther month long spot-check initiative filed duo toe lack of protection ageinst issues such as noise, vibration and dust. At ent of ses reoty ha ofthe 1748 sts vetes by inspecters, one nfve were 50 poor formal enforcement action recurs PPoter sat “The harmful effects of ole and! vibration an employees Is becoming higher proty when icormas to health and safety on @ constructions “But we are working hard to ceducets the sector about the dangers of exposure to excessive nose and vibrations and constantly stive to Improve cur prectuct offering so that there are effective sckutions out there forthe industry to usa" O For more information’ NEWS Looking for shelter Key for Anew range of modular canony systems construction In 2015 hes been unchsl by trast furure Richard Three KEMG's Head manufacturer, Townscape Products Limite. of Infrastructure, Building The Max Modular Canopy sytem san ‘and Construction, highlights innovative Rat packed shelter solution for thet in 2015 the construction schools real, wenspert hospitals nd Industry wil edt acitrase commerce premises equi all year the widening skis gp and take ‘esther protection The shatter cen be further steps to improve the ingtaled onal types of ground! sucfaces onc Image ofthe Industry, He sac previies righ quality ong lasting cover “Wo estimate that by 2076 the vith cuick and cost effective instalation ‘country wl ibe investing £450 The aystem comes as on aay tabla fst pockes!aysternin aenge paced a eater Cf colours. The rooting selection cludes a clear translucent eotion ipa cevenn meres eoririel en perfect for lcting In naturallight Instead of having to purchase a mace sspeNo fei Chon a itoh to measure outdoor shelter the Matrbe Modular Caron. Solution, EN16on of spend over nearly vihichsfledble and can be bul to the soecticcimensions you reaure. 2000 projects Sut that aces Jonathan Goss, managing doctor of Townscape Proce sai not mean the industry ean “hiss the quickest end sosist installation lore halter weve brousht cia tomarket, meking extremely cost effective. The cenapy provides 2 "As early as Apri 2018, the lurbie shelter for ory rea needing protection rom the weather The Taare es OR SRO or reefing provides an rea for soe shading wth 96 per cant UV protection pipeline wl ita constraint and alzo gues Goad insulation and shelter nthe winter 20 = perfec ll Tesi pat a ack af tical vyeor round! vill or funding but for lack of ‘sufficiently large and trained ‘workforce, We estimate that by thet 150,000 more workers ‘willbe needed on site to liver major projects n London and the South East The industry Is falling to hire sufficiency fast, and I falling ta trainin sufficient volume. “The construction industry continugs to strunslle to ‘2ttract both the calibre and the diversity of individuals it reads Careers advice, from Designer appointed Network Rall has anointed Arup to take Forward the desish of@ visitor centre and bridge well for one of Scollend's most recognisable lerdlmarks, The Forth Bras ‘The sbefigure contract, which wall valor etaled designs fora North Queensferry based stor centre ang ft anc Seuth Queensferry 1 failty for beige walkers il ready designs delivered by the midale of 2008 blor ta a submission being made to local ‘authortties for planning consideration ‘Arup willbe supported by two local firms WT architacture, 2 South Queensferry based fen which daveloned early desian concent, ‘and wihich vill erovide architectural advice end ba bul schools, parents and peers is too often 2 cocktail of prejudice ‘and ignorance. Gut the industry bbaars much of the blame for Falling to proactively sell itself ‘and project @ modern, exciting. fulting image of what life in ‘construction invalves. Why ‘does this matter? Very simoby ‘our country cennot afford to Failte bring more talent into our construction and engineering industries. In 2016, the industry reads to work herd to change: this image: local nowledue, ancl the The Paul Hosarth ‘Company, landscaping firm also based in South Queensferry, which wil help Geuslop the hard and soft landscaping plans fer bath locations. The contract wil ncluce designs for Noh Queensferry where proposals cervisage vistors arriving va a landscapes shove-si centre bulking created under the northern Fife Tower. The South Gueersterry {design bef envisages 3 visitor reception centre from which guided bridge walks for groups of up to 1S poopie begin. Tho walking route valipass along the south eporosch viaduct on e pre-existing welway undarnosth the track, fallowed by a climb to the top of the southern Queensferry Tower using a ‘welkovay within the tom cantilever alto a unique visitor Construction & Civil Engineering 9 Almost 55,000 people have now bought homes Via Help-to-Buy. But as Wes Simmons asks - is the controversial programme stimulating the house-building sector? scole of their existing stock ovals, vihich theydl bean unable to shift unng recession. Ite a fermmore aficiant way to promote house-buling than government spending. 35 Ie overages private money, the Chancellor’ aides told the media. ‘This messoae chimedt well wth his target audience during the times cof austerity, By mid-2014 fears of a bubble ‘ere being downplayed and, more Importantly, the PLC heusetullders ‘began to report that HTB had become a major driving force in thelr long-awaited recovery. in July for example, Bovis Hornes said the sschome had underpinned the bost first-half ints 129-yeer history, with sales up @ whopping 54 per cent vyeer-on-yecr, The average sale price ‘yas algo up By an impressive Il per cent, which, afer saveral years of “stagnation, reassured all concerned that margins ware starting £9 recover and that RO! would ‘surely folon: idly, rasaarch by removals specialist Bishop's Move did ‘suggest huge regional variations: in eworeness of HTB. In the North: East, 25 per cent knew nothing of it Mary in the South-West (28 per cont) and Yorkshire (26 per cent) hac heord of it, but slant know ‘hat it was. The geographical differences were puzzing, but no- ‘ene Focused on them too much because it seemed news of HTB'S prceived benefits would surely roach all perts of the county, a time passed, “There wes en unsattine week for the Chanceller and his supporters ‘whan Parliament's spending ‘watchdog, the Public Accounts ‘Committee (PAC), published damning report saying HTB flouted! Treasury guielines, as optional ‘ways of using the funds hadnt ben ‘considered. “The government has committed to spending up to £10 billion on supporting this schome, without establishing if it represents the most affective wey ‘of using taxpayers’ money! said PAC Chat, wargaret Hodge The PAC Itself was also clearly concerned about likely negative impacts ‘of HTB.on the wider economy: describing the schoma as a hoavy ‘administrative burdey which has increased texoayers’ exposure torsk, Housebuilders faced two major theoretical questions - howto c|ffectively actor in regional Yariotions to their business medal and how to swiftly readjust ifs Hodge's Labour party came to over in 2016, abelishing HT? Those concems weren't everplayed by the major bulldors or the wider ‘construction industry - the reaction to the PAC comments soon ebbed, ‘The share price rises of Sows Homes, Taylor Wimpey, Persimmon ‘anc Barratt Homes ware lea on a sufficiently large scale to impress analysts. Reports of widespread shortages of noth bricks and skiled labour confirmed the view that house-bulaing was on the way back ‘even though this meant challenges, in the short-term, tothe construction Inaustry and its supply chains ‘Ar the start of November, the latest updlete trom Housing Minister Brandon Lewis was also couched in reassuringly positive terms. He reveled that mare than 59.000 rewbult properties had been ought thraugh the Equity Loan and NewBuy options. Another 15.000 homes had been acquired through the Mortgage Guarantoe, Impressive, the rogionel variations In HTB ewarenass aopeerod to have reduced, as 20 local authorities hed ‘schievacl more than 300 selae. The ‘country’s second highest number lof eauity lean sales had come from Leeds (550), rather than the more affluent Home Counties The debate about HTB impact well most certainly rub on, although ts crtics are for the most Dart now stenced, Some observers might carp that house building would have recovered without government stimulus, as GDP began G6: suggested that the stimulus might create a housing bubble, but that was outweighed by the majority who welcomed HIB Wd to tick up and confidence among both potential Nouso-buyers and mortgage lenders did Whewise However thebiagost chalonos fecing the construction industry in the coming months will now be political rather than stratesic. TWacitianally, the PLE housebulcers have been very close: to the Conservative Party anc ‘Osborne is already committed to taking HTB through the Ife of the ‘ext parliament, Should Labour return to power though, its going to tako a major lobbying effort by the Big Four end their supporters in the construction sector to persuade Ms Hod and her allies thet the ‘scheme should be retained, despite les muttebilion cost, © Construction & Civil Engineering 1) EQUIPMENT DF an _ : | Alarge Weholite modular tank [ le | [has been built as part of Cambridge 4 __} sewage treatment upgrades 2 Construction & Civil Engineering Quick work BAM Construction eamplatecl 2 10 millon Middlesex schoo! bulding project within a calendar yaar after (Changing attitudes sSxtyelght per cent of ‘construction professionals thirk ot enough s beng done to reduco carbon in tha industry says a now report from the Construction Industry Council This finding comes aso surprise to David Bel, founder ‘ard cheirmen of David Ball teamwork and innenative thinking heloed shave six woeks off the project. BAM handod! over Heathrow UTC on 26th of Novernber, some sic waks before its contracted completion date of 13 January 2015, Even with me allowed for post: in early Oacemzer the contractor eerier than expected, with mary) David comments: “The recent was off ste bafere chnstmas — works able to overlap as the EU climate change package having stated inthe fist week of team found ways to shorten the ‘90765 us 15 years to right the 2014, BAM also built a ternporary programms, using the carrpany’s wrongs of decades of damage schoo! nearby with the same si snihasis on ean constructor ‘and destruction and cut our tain during that period techniques ‘groerhouse gas omissions Thies an incredible achievement ‘local feo to the project also bby 40 por cent by 2030. Tho and comes asaresultefherdwork | helped, eccordina te Kell, with ‘construction industry has rom our great team of youngsite | 30 per cent of stelf coming from ‘akeedy taken steps to achieve rmenagers lnod by Lew Mecdonald | the boroush along with two maior this, with areen innavetions and Ancrew Sherwin ssid projact | subcontractors, Teurean Mangan developing throughout the manager ttn Kelly “There has land Rochford “We benefits from Industry. oth the cement and been a great spirt of cli having loca) sinff wha could ok concrete industries ae at the lon this project, wath everyone pulling | er get the bus to werle and who forsfrantof this drive to 3 more together to find ways of getting the | ought into the project as it was sustainable legacy from the built jo dane quicker happening in thar neighbaurhaad) lerviranment All subcontractors have finished | sald Brian *Matanals are not often ‘sddrossed as a potential aos toreduce greenhouse gates, Breaking ground fas there sen assumption send emer developer Lam Group, have revealed that thre are no alternatives. bulloina desiers for thetr first project together in Naw York However that s simply rot true Through many years of intensive research andi development we hove ivantecta zene carton ‘concrete - Cemfree which provides up to 8 95 per cent reduction in Co, compared with the industry standard Camas isthe embocimant of the determination of the global ‘cement and conerate industry to reckice ts environmental impact. ‘Ulisine wallkrvn b= Products of ther industries, this derive new raduct can reduce the Lk’s operational CO, ‘emissions by ever 2100000 tonnes every year, just from ‘eating raw material pact ‘lone, without any forwara investment or expansion of City. Locatedl on the scutheast comer of Soth Street ant cay in the NloMad neighborhosd, Virgin Hotels Nee York is expected to open in 2017 vo Architecture hae fen enilsted as the archtect and Interior designer to oversee the develooment af the new structure with the Virgin Hotels design team, which includes Cine business in order to achieve ‘expansion over the coming years DDunng 2018 for example, the company Invested Into new regions with offices opening in Barningham. Liverpool and Warrington by Briggs Forester hich isthe largest eivison within the group. This proved to be a well ngineoring Servicos, secured a number of important contracts for the erganisation totaling mere than £45 milion from clents including NEC Resort ‘World, Liverpool Exhibition Centre and Hotel Bath Sp student Accommodation and the Sospwaris development at Salford Quays ‘Another otestisious project elvered by Briggs & Forrester Enaineering Services durina 2014 ‘wes for Jaguar Land Rover in [Castle Bromwich The company ‘was appointed by Interserve to sign, install and commission the mechanical, electrical and public health services infrastructure For a new Body in White production fecily: The scheme wes fora period ‘of seven months and had @ value of £10 milion, ith the company looking to Tiriy continue its investment in cergenic growth ever the coming \yeers business val uncoubtedly remain strong for Briggs & ‘expand in Yorkshire s key with a number of schemes at varying stages ofthe tender process. Its dedication to working Closely with its customers ensures complete setisfection throushaut sts activities anc eninge repent business from many clients, while the tracition andl hentage thot lies Dchind the Briggs a Forrester name al se renin is market landing position forthe foresea: future. O BRIGGS & FORRESTER ww briggsandforester.couuk Services: Bulding services| Construction & Civil Engineering 29 PROFILE: Seal eal Forbo Eurocol, based in the Netherlands, is a leading manufacturer and supplier of technical products for renovation and new construction projects 30 Construction & civil Engineering with more belng int ing all kinds of product jo0ring, not only for the a los the installation of awice variety | memor collapse of the iny\, eubber, carpe In thought, but maint postive mentality the 2, eneuring thet is vervice this comb hold on the industry” he acd For eranting zound nei even foors, Forbo offers a complete Construction & civil Engineering 31 PROFILE: we are able to maintain an advantage in tha market ‘ith new products to be launched in 2015, further expansion of the copab to push new bouncianes ‘construction projects. One prostuct cof concrete bs Is applied and the result sa that has grown significantly cramatically ch Efficient & fast Present construction is at which i comoleted, “The ul choractericod by efficient end fast id professionals h very quick that meke a diference to the within the industry are freauent! pected to Installers” insite Rob, confronted with moi < butlcing materials in bathrooms. an adequat tion ofall types of sub floors can prevent damage rd product, an ertficially Cur business todevalop solutions | bulling systen of tie work and deterioration by moisture penetration. Furthermore, Houweling «Packaging= Logistics the quality and tho preparation of the high quality rest nti the ight choico of . packs g =, Transport our strategy. Alongside that we will be pushing cur bulcing d into the UK, with a greater range TOTAL SITE SERVICE baat La ave] Zea} = 32 Construction & Civil Engineering, ff products suitable for bathroom type environments. At the moment ‘that area of our business Is only within Belgum and Helland, but the UK market offers opportunities for expansion. Innovation has boon the biggost fa to date and holds the key for ‘opportunities ahead, Addressing the environmental situation with combinations that benetis the installer ene our chen is tone rmathos te ensure we remain in front of our competitors conclides Rob. O aNd ‘Sustainable cement for sustalnable construction adhesive Sevier Menutiieralibadiog ” Forbo Eurocol manudactures construction adhesives using sustainable ENC blast furnace cement, Services Manufacture of tle and foor CAM /ASD5NS dre aa avsonbehnt sana RE Nese as covering adhesives gous en eeling otis ad que ces shaft cl tit Mae vit uae corgound iotean seonee ani aku abasindes parson desist rele imeatone rer Ss Got products or projects with specific requirements? ENC! is your ideal partner! ast fumace cement can be used for a vide range of applications. ts dea fer products and procs in which sustainability and stability are esetal elements Forbo Eurocol reduces construction adhesives using bast furnace cement from ENC, spectcally CEM I / 852.5 ISR. And Fort Eure! ean tel you all about this partnership NCI makes the perfect partner for working with you to create products and projects that have very spec requirements Our experience, your guarantee The HeidelberaCemont Group, of which ENC spar the biggest producer worldwide lo bt furnace cement. Ths means we have a huge amount of experience proving cur customers with adhe - which alo your benef witeewatnicauranaceye CENCE Contact us va wwmveemitint HEIDELBERGCEMENTGIeup Construction & CivilEngineering 33 As one of the top three suppliers to the piling industry, Kiereck Thames Ltd has a history that dates back to 1977 54 Construction & €tvl Engineering sections of inlury to hands and fingers, access postion provides @ completaly safe | end the method ie much faster tho on project at B RAD desert workeng to proc be couclng systen prototype, the 1 , Current projects uch os the contracts time and again. Holding on to that postin in the rnarkes at only an indication of th c ls, but further f the steps the 10 ensure thatthe jo to flow wt bre reinfore of raditional ler hit of verde | slreecly secured for 2015, the market | As the change in shit patterns ee ler sere) elie ater matures ints its second quar the ongoing emergence frorn the ff operation increasing in the months ane ormplernent. "7 hours day ar! tha capcty onion. emend resuie. Such srowtneon be] Kirheck Thames td vanrsereranin tvouhwnch | weed om Services: Pe-faricaor and supp of ‘ortng steel tothe UK pling industry very mul rei RONLY DMC ese eey eed Peete et a eaten ty Pe ee the UK ane Ielane See eee ta) ee eee eer Construction & CivilEngineering Launched in October 2014, the Birtley Group has brought together two of the UK construction industry's most trusted names: Birtley and Expamet the elements he nev Group structure Birtley Building Products was Plasterers accessories and is one of bbnngs widespread festablsheddin 1958, hosed at the | the kay brands within the Group, business efficiencies current sit in County Durhars In aninterview published on that enhance the CGnginally a steel fabricator for the | the company’s website Graame every of even higher ‘1@35 mining and power generation | Miler, roup managing director, levels of customer service and Industries. the compary madeits | dsscusees the strategy behind rmarkot-laading value for money. ly {ist stool Iintls in 7967, Bought ‘tho establishment ofthe group short the Group aims to promete its bby Hil & Smith in 1981 Birtley hes | ard what it means forthe future stronath through quality. ‘grown from raliabe local supplier | ofthe company and its brands. Binley Group is 2 whelly owned toe Uk-wide forcein construction | “Itwes.e natural first step of our subsidiory of Hill Smith ple, which, design technology and product strateay to deliver ambitious growth vith revenuas of more then evelopment Its recently ecauired | plans. itley Group allows us to £409 milion and 9 workforce sister compary, Exemet Building | formalise the ongoing relationship cof S600 paople provides an Drosucts, as ret established in | etween our existing Businesses exceptionally sold foundation ‘eH9 as the British Metal Expansion | itley Supergaly brand Lintels, {or future growth. From inspired Company in Hartlepool. tthad sola | Gitley Residential Doors, airtiey ew product thinking and trusted European rights for the menufacture | Galvanizing and our most recent technical advice ta ight-on-time ‘of expanded metal mesh mainly | acquisition Expamet. ll our group product delivery, the company is {or use as oinforcement anc'ieth | product ranges will now go forward riven to put customers’ nx Inthe repidly expending sector together under tha iconic Birtley and together creating growth a (of conerate construction. Lator Expamol brand banners Industry sign of the Birtley Group changing its name to Expamet, “The obvious benefit thet ‘commitment itis today the markt leader for customers wil 88 vary ouiclly is the 56 Construction & civil Engineering Construction & civil Engineering 5 PROFILE: BIRTLEY GROUP. Geveloping ts tear, brining in new ‘wellbe coleborating closely with boring were supplier compar loss tachnologis to practical nate, cur day f ralotionstips and terms af business ‘wont change, so our suppliers can look forward to complete continuity he ad. ‘The growth st Biniay Group is based on shaking swith mere innovation, more edded value and high ay underpinning up the market raver levels of customer sunpart - both in sales end co), All these thr take mere the reel world = thay tong foundation, sistency The Hill & board believes fiery ith everything EBtley Group stands or, and that backing ensures that the group hes the ellimoortent stability and ‘rive truly artious| ‘growth plans. Commenting on the yore abe Grasme concluses: ‘We have such great people and fgreat products across the Sley GGrour t's Impossible not to fee! forthe future. The sibs sent right now Personally mn looking forward to remembering Cctobor 2014 as the pivetel point whan 2 nen, serme chenaing bean for our business - with everyone involved Inside and outside Birtley Group enjoying more success than ever before” Services: Manufacturer oF Superaly lines resent GRPDoo®, BAT structural fixings, jist hanger, restraint stops complete range of plasterers ‘acessories nd galvanizing service SX TATA STEEL TATA THE EXPANDED MeTAL GomMPANY cman comaty Proud suppliers to Birtley Building Products The Expanded Metal Company manufacture and supply high quality expanded metal mesh, produced ‘onsite, at our factories in the UK and Germany. feet 50 Construction & Civil Enginesring CONNECTING CUSTOMERS WITH STEEL Speer panueereenn PROFILE: BOSTIK Bostik Bostik [ts In September 2014 it was announced that Bostik’s owner Total, had received an offer from specialty chemicals organisation, Arkema, to acquire the business. With the transition seemingly entering its final stages, Bostik’s products look set to grip the attention of contractors industry wide ce Innovation at the heart of smart adhesives innavat akey il Construction & civil Engineering 32 12, opened in France inthe fina ver 100 highly qualified scientists ‘ad chernists ore empiovedt at te ‘contre bringing its worldwide RED focused on de products and The loco! innovation capebilties ena ford "y which ermaloys ‘also received significant invester 1 cbjective of developing new produc focused on the local market we 1 draw uo forthe UK market additional bal RAD network ‘ye aro ivan to develop smar required” seve Ciara idkrenowined reputetion ‘ained in adhesives enc (=) Smurfit Kappa Composites Proto be the chsen supp of paperinand caridgsto Bost Limited 40 Construction & civil Engineering technologies af Elastic Banding, Hot Melt Pres ve Adhesi (HMPSA) ene Binders w i spec hes contributed to @ host product leunc! pokicte Fa Horn tiling, ane 3 rotor transit applications. “Wwe went to ‘continuously innovate by bringing ew products with adcltional features that benefit the end user 1 tenor with this, we edont © systems-basod approach with the fim of removing the tsk fr instalors cand end users whist complying wit allrelevant lenel and environmental requirements. All chemicals which re eyaluntec closely ensuring they are not in any way rous for either cur employses clang New product development for the construction market The Mutts of Bostik’ innovation Ibesed strateay ae in evidence ‘among ite mest recent product rmerketin the UK One such erocluct closigned nine with cantractor= fee! i the Screed LOW sal leveling compaunss The launch greatly exceeded our stor oxpectatons, Its desi wt the over increasing damands of flooring contractors, and, as the ‘low cheracterstes. When poured itrequires minimal efor rom the contimctor to spread it, and! the rmarket has welcomed the savings In terms of simplecty and tne. Wat ve are trying 10 dois aive time back to tho contractor” explains Ciaran ‘Tha flaoring range extends to include products such as Screecmaster SPEED, Scrsedmester ULTIMATE end Screedimester F lunch in February 2015. asa fibre 2, which is sehedluled for reinforced salt-evaling compound. this new intracuction wll provide solution for covering afficult floor surfaces sich ae timber anc mezzanine Moors. adition, Bost also recently introduced a renge of special feoring adhesives for bonding all tyaes of floor coverings Including carpet, vinyl LYT and wood From horizontal to vers coverings, Bostik continues to deliver complete solutions to the market, 3s Cleran continues: “We have alee launched a systems for the external wal insulation market which is 2 growing seament in the UK. as efforts ao mado to reduce ‘energy loss from buildings” With the entire range fully approved! by the British Boerd of Aarement, Bathgate Sica Sand td athe ica Sr tsben lalate es EDyeasandisa lotng pede anc ot ah ‘usa oer ahisaland ae Specalsedayg aos twp ete contest suse ec reesei of nvise an rane nds exec ering Detnhet vel poo ay a cusume sce. ad Pave een ng wtih frmy ease ais pads ofsandotersies. Bostic is anticipating significant success in 2015, Focused brand strategy Bo ies brands have also received rificant focus with @ naw brand incormorating its ‘smat edhosives pos in November est veer; much attention hes bbeen spent harmonising the product offering and converting, products to the new branding, Tnostik hes evolved through the amalgamation of a number of diffrent companies that have their own brands, so thas been ificlt to overage the streneth of any single brand, Refocusing our ng inthis way has opened opportunity, nerrowing the focus of cursianiicent spending and rasketing in one area ancl Distributing the highest quality bagge and loose silica sand Bathgate Silica Sand Ld hos been eslobished fr over 60 years ands leaing producer anc! pli of rol zone op dressing mixes and righ quabtystca sands foro brood range of customers roughout he UK, incuding fourties, spots and leisure, ond Industiol marks, The companys extensve quaryhg peat slot in Cheshie, in the north wes of England ond combines its substoril sand reserves. weath of rowladge and exersie industry experience ensuring he highest eels of product quolty and cuslorer service Batata Sica Sond Ld eid Qvory Conlon oa, Sondboch, Cres, CW 4S ‘Tek 01270 752623 Fax 01270 759047 male scls@oatngoteslicaco uk Pussies Rtg Weis SICA SAND Construction & civil Engineering 41 PROFILE: BOS’ providing a uniform offering that ‘wu be oF oraetar interest to the supports being made with the Meeting customer needs ‘customer in mind. We recognise that through operational customer intimacy and effectively servicing customer needs is critical Bostik has spent tens of milkons on 12 our future success and we aim to copital expenciture and equipment build stronger reletionshivs across el end levels with our customers Investment in people efficie active way. not been limited to is nnevation Caran says, “Operational excellence | and operational capabilte (arcano Antoni S.A. wullbe driven ferward ty continued | considerable reso alo tho 00 eas oft Crane ti investment i state-of thea been allocated to education and SA tna eadngcorpay nthe ‘equipment and processes. Althoush | training iniativas for bot staff brocutionfauiium fl rate significant upgrades havo bea and contractors. As part ofthe appa, made to ourplents and feciites | Contract Flooring Association ancl Ths ase re of uty pros, years, e further 1 Thermal insulation : Sas ey ae ea ae be invested ation, the busi Lerche at eratds ‘automation and system very seriously, perry pout supers nits entruosgonthendsuces, = > » i theltoretront — = of iii foil pro __ Gareano is an industry leader in the production.of aluminium foil with a pr is fully integrated from the foundry to the finishéd product. It is a reliable partner for different market sectors including construction system and! | we solutions with a wide range of products available Yor these kinds of applications. y These include plain aluminium foil, embossed foil with heat-sealing coatings for the insulation panels, and foil (coloured or not} laminated to plastic films for bitumen membranes. The company’s insulation products (soundproofing and Ingle materials, etc.) are increasingly being used in modern life. For this reason Carcano has acPNely worked for years 10 series of products suitable to meet the widest range 6f requirements in thi id 42 Construction & civil Engineering Inckiding the Flooring Industry Training Association as wall as wuction and external ‘wall insulation bot ‘www Products: Global adhesive specials abroad. Exnorting to orovt W @rpc_group Construction & civil Engineering 22 Heléns? warehouse handles more that 100,000 tonnes of tubing every year for clients within the construction, engineering and processing industries 44 Construction & civil Engineering Most customers of Corgorange AB have higher demands and consider See eae ca cuca ncn emer ee es DRC Scie ccm unee Rune mcm eer customers can gain a competitive advantage. Cargorange AB place high demands on all our subcontractors as well as ourselves and this is reer Reel ON Co RM Rell to ein eu Coan) CC nea ie ecient ere Ee tire Ree era ie ie) Belo) Var Ne) cee 0 OY Ve EL ea eet ee ye “Transports worldwide, in first class” PROFILE: HELENS ROR previa a tha billig strengthening forecast. This 2s beon driven by planne fond imeortant investments ‘consumption over the last 12 month 0 i effectively represented Howavor, we are also working very {round the world, worlane with 5 : f Volwo Constructo ° cctivoly manufacturing bia whee ine achieved an all time high i Mining and Thule place further Bewo Cutting Systems BV. femphasis on tha nats isthe mix deve panes atte otourmeey tieatisheswidae | DQ you need customised of products that we have oldng voted et eiili-Terats SOlUtIoNS for tube cutting? esha tenes hanger tines. gig vera cole Be cuting Into another bai of bes toca aes on couple mints ia ist af tons Ben cating ines ae lsoesoned to hance bes ins rand ieee ral no lnath cvaton deomatin othe att Nevethess erat automa sacle sual chek wit soning ebb ating poss Industria customers » Invelligent solutions for tube cutting 46 Construction & Civil Engineering stead Timeto a Normet strives to provide cornplete underaround, construction and miriing tecfinical solutions that create maximurnwalue Aulcou| TOK ecu the processevde' timein a 6S Safety, and reduces iicaytainty, 40 Construction & Civil Engineering a6 Juda points out. "Tho main Construction & Civil Engineering 29 NORMET ‘Services: Advanced process solutions for underground mining and tunneling a ae normet FOR TOUGH JOB UNDERGROUND - Aa 7 a as 50 Construction & Civil Engineering PROFILE: hea In the middle of 2008, whilst vy many companies were experiencing hardship, a small group of engineers saw an opportunity to offer their service expertise in the world of construction equipment, establishing Willowbrook Plant Services Construction & civil Engineering 51 PROFILE: Jecause the proc Hyun contract in 201| took us ‘onto yet another level, becaus 52 Construction & Civil Engineering MATEFRA Coupler Safety Redefined THE UK’S NO. 1 TEFRA was designed to protect our customers from SUMO | BET BS eB kl) By Uncool Syolbl@ ob il--Hicei8|) Vie Kola tp | PROFILE: th the growth of t business, a dapot down i ned, 3 another depot. But as we lack rg og’ ge sa ne atolehancter contract. with th peed Le tet andatiatetsond 20 a ipocuont sites | Services: Deslehin and sevice provider ais peste aot er dumper ogre for construction pla one with Boras or T la. Yh are pps al ay eae berm def can ‘DE, nck ect pan fuer ‘cope wi fateineasein demand Vistust Pantanal 4 eE¢ TOP QUALITY PRO! \e COUPLERS: Gag FRECISION UA Prorites “ics EXPERIENCED - copeo EXPERIENCED DESIGN ENGINEERS ; ee 5S aaitig curcre's & oe NertnaY peLironis SUCKETS KLANDU ae Ree} 54 Construction 8 civil Engineering Milbank Concrete Products isa family owned business Eye, Widely recognised as one of the UK's leading suppliers of high quality precast concrete products Construction & civil Engineering 5 GA A CRANES LTO the extre mile'end thisisavalue | withe staffof ever 160 people strengthens and its 2 market thot that we realy work hard ta schieve | anciwe are currently seeing an We are well placed to service. in ‘and promote at allievels wthin the | unprecedented demand for our addition infrastructure projects are business For example, as weve services, primary a5 a consequence gaining impetus, with us wering expanded our team in recent (of the current boom in the on projects for ral, omer and ‘months cur airy is to insti this dea | construction industry, but also lerwirormental cents, nd we are In our new staff members. We think | because of our hard won reputation ‘s0 seeing 2 growth in sporting ies really important to develop this | for quality end reliability facility projects such as terracing: idea as @-cultural notion so that we | In accordance with such @ for stedums preempt ourclnts' requirements | reputation, Milbank's products are The business provides @ broad Wherever possible and always ‘help | the fist cheice for 8 number of spectrum of prodtucts in its ‘our customers achieve success sectors. For example, while the portfolio, which is bolstered by says Andy Mayne, managing majonty of its cutput is destined the knowlacige and innovative irector of isan for the construction ineustry the spirit ofits design and technical ‘Today we are one | business has a diverse range of ream, OF course, while ofthe Ules leading manufacturers | cllents, and thus projects. “House esigned for a numer oF of high auality precast concrete builders form the bulk of eur cient ‘aplicatiens the products bring pproducts and from our soven acre | ave, and these range from the very wth ther some key advantages site in North Essox we design, lergest national bulders through thanks to thot precast nature, For manufacture and instal e wide to self-bulders building their ovr example, precest compononts range of precast and prestressed | homes or extensions. We're seeing = ere manufactured off-stein an ‘concrete solutions,"he continues, | resursence of commercial property enclosed, controled casting Were a family cwned business development as the economy exwironment thet ensures (dman Cranes Catan nes fal buses ona anette contact tg aru spces iting sos travoout st Ala Londo ane Suth ast. Ort a vast age of arin adit moured as arse spit rin canes and itn acess Catan anes eed to fairy ins chalerge, Soe sineatan n BD aman rane hasten sonymows wth uy espe peri pesone and hes standard of sec tithes shreds that sna elon sna pate wi tank Conte Pets sole Rely winter cri ses al ae one im thet corps he an nies an wheter bean ste peste xtc peso ors ranageen the to uly ndertanes tre cher proce cad equreents fray yas odan seen ling itanéssrutual onae'®en ore ote rs ast hope and conoexpoets and ts stongbund bebe oledng Js often nds se qa Mink oes inteai for ante yas toc Bp Construction & civil Engineering 57 MILBANK CONCRETE PRODUCTS consistent quality and avoids potential delays, precast floors andl stairs allow immediate ste access land finishing access following installation. the process is quicker than in-sku mould construction, and pouring and products can bo delivered to site when needed ‘eradicating the need for on- site storane, end ithas excellent longevity ene! sound recuction culties interme of products there ave ‘nyo main strands te cur grown strategy in 2016, the frst of which Ie our Warmeloor solution, which the same tine as dalivaring @ higher quality product. We've recently Invested in a numer of new stec moulds to replace cur older tmer moulds, meaning that we can offer a much higher standard of finish (Typo B) on our standard stairs” ‘As wall as stondard stair, Milbank has aided spiral steirases tots portfolio, es Andly exoleins. The ‘growth of cur curved andl spiral stair production cantinues andl t locks liely that we wil soon neest to Increase cur capactty witha rnewy mould to. complement our ‘current system. To our knowiedge isa thermally insulated floor \warmFloor delivers both lower ‘our existing Construx stair mould used to construct ground floors costs and higher levels of Insulation | is unioue in the UK and we have ‘Andy highlights. “i's 2 concept ‘0 wore soaing incroased uptake | gained considerable expertise over that is realy geining momentum fend geering for exnansion. We've | the lst two vears in the design end because builders are looking to felso increased capacity in our production of these complex units save construction costs and buyers precast ster production fecity end | “The main ettraction for our ‘re wanting lower heating costs four aim is toincrease volume at | customers s that our curved stairs offer eval of solity an quaity thot is unequalled by any other material ha continues. “The particulary importa tothe owners ‘of prestige properties, which often feature swept and curved stars in their desions that make use of ‘gonerous spaces offered in large houses. Conversely, the seme stair Southern Cement is leading importer and distributor of technology allows us t bull one both bulk and bagged cement products and has been once was Seman sie spaitecnceeensemmcsn | |S Sa industry in the UK since 2001 For example, we recently secured i i ia i Wii Ci. a contract to produce 20+ winder Print en cmiactsecennteiars || Savhonan Nee duo to be delivered in Spring this ‘econornical when cornpared to an in- situ solution, so they add significant value for money and sopeal to the moderately priced house als In rageral to investing in naw ‘moulds the company is axpecting delvery of a new adustable stea! soul from the continent wien, wien installed, wl greatly expand its Sry production capabilities (twill enable Antara SNe ee the business to offer some of ss more complox star designs, hil are currently manufactured using timber moulds ina steel mould. “The Upshot ofthis," says Any "is that Creer reas TORT Ete tty Pe uc neek ‘58 Construction & cIvil Engineering We wil be able to respond rove cuick'y to arsers ancl lass finish on also Incorporate customised \which s something that cur clients have been repeatedly Although Mienk manufactures its products the delivery and ietaliation phase own lenges For this reason the business has its own dedicated livary and travel to the site. “Safely instaling any precast concrete unit takes reat sul, which s why we have Tair are responsible for insteling Ou ‘employed toams experience of these inciviule cducts” Andy cornments. “The often rnakes the aiference to the success ofan instalation anel are often requires to think an their Feet to overcome unexpected lenges in a safe and professional ‘manner. They work alongside our installers end with our clients to and by reacting quickly to chaning circumstances they often save the costacies, We actually regulon receive positive feedback from clients wha have bean imorested by that resourceful tohelp. Nit = and ilingness iy. with the inherent 4 2018 of Installation health saleby for tibank. One of the main falls rom heights, anc az Andy explains, its @ danger that Milenk toker very seriously. "We erovide which s derloyes Installations. Wwe own and operate the system ourselves andi is part of the coma provide to cllonts. Essentially consists of sient air bags that a1@ infiated below the work area and is designed to prevent iniury 1 unlikely event fallin conjunction we also haves unique oor signed in-house andl tested externally for unioading are safe in all operations. ‘As tha construction industry stoadily recovers from yoars of 5 thore remains roason to bbe confident forthe coming years for Milsonic As Andy concludes, the business will continue to develo fend invest in order to maintain Ite leading nasition in the raves. The cutiaok for 20158 certainly encouraging, and were ssaing ‘an uplift in the level of mound 200 to make significant investment ies and the strang finish to The future for Mibank is very uch about us building steacy on ourcore strengths We are programming substantial ungrades to aur production facilities over the next year, which vl deliver greater capacity and efficiency rollout of anew company wide IT ‘operating system that willioin ue our depertments from sales to nvoke alona with delivering hishly detailed project costing. Lasty furhew website want ive at the beginning ofthis year offering more up-to-date content ant far haslbcen extremely postive” O Milbank Concrete Products ‘www. Products: Precast concrete products ‘Construction & civil Engineering 52 PROFILE: LONDON BASEMENT structing high quality vin 60 Construction 2 civilEngineering | PROFILE: LONDON BASEMENT Incorporate an initial survey end teasibilty, basemant aesgn en basement refurbishment. “Our specialist are structural shel say Stephen “Over the years we have led eiferent methods of creating the space. Ineluaing going under solid floors whilst undertaking the projoct the safest manner pastible, whic is why we have such en excell safety racers) 62 Construction & Civil Engineering tose steel beorns to leave o Hlaxble area for the cient to then dacies the enana of te rooms, Mast things are possible, Irsjuse a quattion af cast and of ‘course planning permission, which Is becoming more difficult for ‘multstorey basemants” Indeed, London Basement offers a compote range of basement construction iyi ler bet teams, waterpreoting cf struchun 2 up crews thet allow it to tacke any size or complexity of nstruction projec The company hi basement 5 core, aiming to constantly he bouncortes of nuction in order to mast the growing expectations of clients. This approach has seen the business develop new construction an {underpinning mothods in order tomaximise besernent space 1g basernents rsitent ec DELTA MEMBRANE SYSTEMS LTD PERFECT BASEMENTS YS Nae each Panag © Wall and floor drainage membranes © Sumps and pumps MZ © Cost Effective © Easy to Install 8 DELTA © Total basement package solution = a FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT DELTA MEMBRANE SYSTEMS LTD. Delta House, Merlin Way, North Weald, Epping, ESSEX CM16 GHR, ‘Tel: 01992 523523. Fax: 01902 623250 Website: Construction & CivllEngineeting 63 PROFILE: LONDON BASEMENT SUPPLYING SMART HOME AUTOMATION SYSTEMS LED LIGHTING, SWITCHES & SOCKETS AND MORE. 64 Construction & Civil Engineering ‘a monthly basis to ensure that we regulation ie net something that are complying with all therules and should concen London Basement regulations,” Stephen highlights. “The 2s Its reputation for auaity and whale taam knows the Inpertsncs Innovation goas from strengths to ‘ef health and safety and we reinforce strength in the inhstry, Over the this wth regular training. At the same corning yoars the noed for ving time wo have been going through sco in busy cities ike London will the process of ISO 9001 certification only grow, and considorina this, ‘ond we are also @ member of the the future for London Basement Considerate Constructors Scheme looks very briaht. “Over the coming ‘and try our best to reduce disruption vyeors ne want to steady grow to local reaicents the company whist ensuring that “In fost, basements often have four personal sgproach to our work ‘pbbod name due to the nevse enc Is maintained, n fact, that aspect valive and Highly towels. KONE wl be responsible affective manner. Its products are for providing around-the-clock iustry laading and co-efficient, maintenance service provicing best in-class solutions Gotwick’s modernisation customers ts escalators and sutowilks for exemple set the foreco-stticen OOS iti ee een bere ei rt ea ee? Peeters eee re Pecans Merron ee ree tet See Rage) Tee Ce ear Construction & Civil Engineering unity and reliabiity combined with ding hh 2 low total cost of owner lore for each ‘or KONE, nnowation key and rmipany as one ofthe Lt ofthe tp 100 ve companies inthe worl, features on Forbes Ist. Since its ncepion the company has been a 19 tech le Ws to aval heights up to one allomet srrent possi citance feedeisa ndeed, moving forward there ttle dovit of ining succes dedicated to innovative methods Of ensuring effective Pace! efficiently and through: clevelopment wl sve to mnie the aloyator or escalator ride as safe Kone ‘www Services: Lit and exalator manufacturer Automotive |] Aerospace OUR LUBRICANTS Bis s the w KEEP THE WORLD °° MOVING No Century Steet Hany, Stoke one, S°1 SH. Pre: 09782 Rail / Marine f/ Medical fi Paper {/ Offshore 1/ Mining ul iarket se , FUCHS is ful lubricar a company that offers /orldwide in p' ‘cation and industries. 1 wuancaws, Om recnmoroey FUCHE nou www.fuchslub FUCHS LUBRICANTS (UK) PLE 700. Email ontacuk@fucocem co oe sa Elasto Plastic Concrete ‘SVATHETIC FIBRE REINFORCEMENT > REPLACING STEEL IN CONCRETE BARCHIP, REPLACING STEEL IN B i Hl | p SUEUR Bey enn SYNTHETIC se We = TETRA aah Datta na Ce Nee es strength of cur people and onthe quality of Pee ee ra) ee en geen exper's worldwide PORN on Oe reece ren iy Be acca eory DU em ay underground support systems employing SER eee Beene meee teers Sere mn) PR re) Cer Leese Pe eM ced Veen re Na ere our Beaty, UAC E RYU THCEU agit “ #44 (0) 1603 274130 Schofield Publi Bre ele] cele Melee Occ ee Piialorel= Aacol-coetgial=| Coles Paucar

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