Thurgood Marshall

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Bridgewater College Teacher Education Program Lesson Plan

Date: 3/19/15

Title of Lesson: Thurgood Marshall

Subject Area(s):

Grade Level(s): Third


VA SOL: 3.11 The student will explain the importance of the basic principles that form the foundation of a
republican form of government by
b) Identifying the contributions of Thurgood Marshall
Content Objective(s): The student will be able to recognize the importance of Thurgood Marshall in the
foundations of our country.
IEP Goal/Objective:
Assessment (based on objectives): The students will debate the ideas of
Thurgood Marshalls court case, Brown V. Board of Education.


History notebooks

Thurgood Marshall inserts

Document Camera

Smart board


Integration of technology: The smart board will be used to display the master
copy of the history notebook so that students can follow along and highlight the
important information.
Alternative Plan: If technology fails the students can follow along with their own
Anticipatory Set (Hook & Agenda): Have a call and response period with the
students and review previously taught knowledge about the civil rights
movement and the contributions made by Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King
JR, and Rosa Parks.


Access/Review Prior Knowledge: Review previously taught concepts about

Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King JR, Rosa Parks and the civil rights

Teaching Process & Modeling (Content is presented, accessed, or built): Have a

student helper pass out highlighters and glue sticks as the teacher passes out the
inserts that go into the notebooks. Model on the document camera where the
inserts should be glued. Once all students have their inserts glued in have a
student read aloud the top paragraph as well as the bullet points on the sheet.
There are word options that the students can choose from. Once this is a
completed review topic about Thurgood Marshall.

Guided Practice & Checking for Understanding: As questions to quickly review

with the students what the important information about Thurgood Marshall is.
Then explain how a court case looks and works. Then move the students around
the room to form a court room. Explain the components of a courtroom and
also continue to ask questions about Thurgood Marshall to check for

Independent Practice: Then divide the classroom into two sides within the court
room and give them a side to debate about the Brown v. Board of education
case. Explain to them that this is just an activity and that do not need to have the
exact feelings for the side in which they are debating. Then allow the students to
talk in their small group and debate the court case. The teacher should serve as
the judge.

Closure: Let students rebuttal back and forth and then explain that this is how a
debate or court case would have looked like when Thurgood Marshall served as
the supreme court justice.

Declarative Statement Summary: Today we learned about the contributions

made by Thurgood Marshall who was the first African American supreme court

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