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Underground Railroad

Harriet Tubman
Helped hundreds of
run away slaves
escape to freedom
Never lost any

The Underground
Railroad was a network
of secret routes used by
enslaved people of
African Americans in the
United States in efforts
to escape & free South
and with the help of
abolitionists who helped
them not get caught.

Risk & Dangers

Escaping slaves were at risk of
getting caught
Weather was dangerous for
Most got tired during journey &
wanted to return
They could face death

Christian songs created by
African slaves
Songs were emphasizing
Christian values while
describing hardships from
Genre of music is rarely
listened to now days

and Issues
There was a lot of struggles of being
a slave as well as getting to freedom.
Being a slave ment that you were
property of another, if you did
something wrong you were punished
harshly. Than on the way to freedom
there was even more struggles they
had to worry about being caught and
if they were caught the punishment
was even worse.

Escape Routes
The slaves would wear
camouflage to escape
Some slaves would
pretend to do errands
or send messages or
goods to people

Life As A Slave
Life as a slave meant working till
sun up to sun down. There
treatment was very harsh, if they
did something wrong they were
punished badly. Most slaves tried
to run away but if they were
caught they were punished

The punishment
could be severe.
They would be
beaten and would
have much work to
They would be
returned to their
master and to do

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