Cep Leadership Report - Edits To Khorasan

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General comments:
Remove the Place[s] of Operations section entirely.
Replace Type[s] of Ideologies: with Ideologies and Affiliations:
Please make these changes on past and future reports, including all reports below.
Sanafi al-Nasr
Please remove the brackets around Sunni
Executive Summary
o Remove on in the sentence: Nasr has an extensive presence on online
o In the last sentence of Exec Summary, capitalize the following (and add periods
to the U.N.): According to the U.N.s Al-Qaeda Sanctions Committee
History Timeline
o Entry for December 2013: Remove quote marks on Jabhat al-Nusra and replace
it with the Nusra Front (without any quotations marks.)
Mohammed Islambouli
Please remove the brackets around Sunni
Extremist Entity:
o Change Islambouli Brigade to Islambouli Brigades
o 1985: change fled to flees and moved to moves
o 1990: Date should be 1990s, not 1990.
o November 19, 1995: Insert a between becomes formal and change
Islambouli Brigade to Islambouli Brigades
o 2004: Lowercase Finance Minister and change The Islambouli Brigade to
The Islambouli Brigades
o 2011: change was to is
Muhsin al-Fadhli
Please remove the brackets around Sunni
Executive summary
o Second sentence: Add Al- before Fadhli to read Al-Fadhli is a longtime alQaeda operative. Please carry this throughout the report. (Only capitalize Al-
when it starts a sentence. When it appears in the middle of a sentence, please
write al-Fadhli)
Umit Yasar Toprak
Please remove the brackets around Sunni

Abdelrahman Mouhamad Zafir al Dabidi al Jahani

Please remove the brackets around Sunni
o December 2013: Insert a comma after Khorasan, and a comma after Nasr,
o August 22, 2014: Insert a before person
o United States Designation line: Insert the before U.S. to become all
property in the U.S.
David Drugeon (Amanda)
Please remove the brackets around Sunni
o April 17, 2010: Leaves France and relocates to Cairo. and 2010-2013: Drugeon
trains for jihad in Miranshah, Pakistan. He becomes an alleged expert in bombmaking and acquires the nom de guerre, Souleiman are out of order. April
17th should come before 2010-2013.

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