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Angelita Pierce

Wayne State University

Personal Learning
Within these past two years at Wayne States School of Social Work, I have learned more
than I thought I could regarding social work. The first competency which states that one should
identify as a social worker and conduct self accordingly, I lived by while working at my field
placement, although I am not a social worker while working in the field with the licensed social
worker I very often has to portray myself as a social worker. Another competency that I related
to was competency number 3 which states Apply critical thinking to inform and communicate
professional judgment. There were times at my field placement where I had to demonstrate
effective oral and written communication with working with my client(s). The NASW Code of
Ethics and my value are pretty much the same which makes it easy for me to provide me clients
with the proper assistance that they may need. I thankfully have not came into contact with any
clients whose values or belief differ from mine but hearing stories from my classmates I know
that I am sure to come in contact with someone in the near future, however when the time comes
I believe that with the training I have had and the training that I will receive that I will handle the
dilemma in a professional manner.
Future Goals
Within the next five years I hope to have obtained my MSW degree in the area of Child
Welfare, hopefully from Wayne State University. After receiving my degree I plan on becoming
a LMSW and practicing in somewhere in Michigan at least for a few years and then venturing
out into another state of which currently I am undecided. I also plan on being the best mother

Angelita Pierce
Wayne State University
and provider to my brilliant handsome 2 year old son. Ultimately I plan on getting my PHD and
possibly becoming a professor teaching Social Work courses at a University.

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