Assignment 3

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MAEG3030 Spring 2014-2015

Assignment 3
Due 5pm, Friday April 3rd, 2015
1. Water at 10C (=999.7kg/m3 and = 1.307x10-3kg/ms) is flowing steadily in a 15m
long and 0.2cm diameter horizontal pipe at a rate of 1.2m/s. Determine (a) the pressure
drop; (b) the head loss; (c) the pumping power requirement to overcome this pressure
drop. (d) Repeat the calculations in parts (a), (b), and (c) but for a pipe that is 10mm long,
10m diameter, and water flows at 100m/s in the pipe.
2. What pump power (85% efficient) is needed for a flow rate of 0.01 m3/s in the pipe
shown below? What is the greatest distance from the left reservoir that the pump can be

Stainless steel tubing

3. A highly viscous liquid discharges from a large container through a small-diameter tube
in laminar flow. Disregarding entrance effects and velocity heads, obtain a relation for
variation of fluid depth in the tank with time.

4. The landing speed of an airplane such as the Space Shuttle is dependent on the air density.
By what percent must the landing speed be increased on a day when the temperature is
45C, compared to a day when it is 10C? Assume that the atmospheric pressure remains
5. Consider laminar flow of a fluid over a flat plate. Now the free-stream velocity of the
fluid is tripled. Determine the change in the drag force on the plate. Assume the flow to
remain laminar.

6. A commercial airplane has a total mass of 70,000 kg and a wing planform area of 170 m2. The
plane has a cruising speed of 900 km/h and a cruising altitude of 11,500 m where the air density is
0.333 kg/m3. The plane has double-slotted flaps for use during takeoff and landing, but it
cruises with all flaps retracted. Assuming the lift and drag characteristics of the wings can
be approximated by NACA 23012, determine (a) the minimum safe speed for takeoff and
landing with and without extending the flaps, (b) the angle of attack to cruise steadily at
the cruising altitude, and (c) the power that needs to be supplied to provide enough thrust
to overcome drag. Take the air density on the ground to be 1.2 kg/m3.

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