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For my social work diversity course I chose the study of a family ethnicity and their

diversity. For this paper we had to interview a person or family of a diverse group. From the
interview we supposed to determine things about the group such as strengths, cohesion, stressors,
and generational problems. By interviewing and researching a particular ethnic group, I was able
to learn many facets of what it may be like to work with this population in my future career.
A course competency that this assignment met was 2.1.4 Engage diversity and difference
in practice. This assignment helped to meet this competency by helping me to learn more than
what was just in a book about a particular ethic group. By leaning more about MexicanAmericans and their values, I was able to compare those values with my own. When I reflected
on this information I was able to see the importance of differences that cultures have and how
they impact different life experiences.
Firstly, this assignment really helped me to learn a lot about Mexican-Americans, their
culture, beliefs, and traditions. I was able to practice my interview skills with potential clients.
This was awkward at first but helped me start to become comfortable with the skill. This paper
helped me look at a diverse group in a logical way by first considering their history and then how
it might impact their work with a social worker or systems. Another thing I learned from this
assignment was how to look at things from a strengths perspective. Finally, this assignment
helped me to become comfortable with reviewing social work literature. I had use article
databases in other non social work classes, but this assignment helped me to become
knowledgable with social work data sources and how to reflect upon what I was reading.

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