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For the ethics course I chose to reflect upon an assignment that compared the NASW

code of ethics to the code of ethics of another profession. We were assigned to compare and
contrast both codes of ethics. Finally we were to reflect upon the different codes and how each
were useful in their profession.
The core competency that this assignment met was 2.1.2- Apply social work
ethical principles to guide professional practice. This assignment met this criteria by making
students look at the NASW code of ethics and compare it with other professions. By comparing
the code of ethics I was provided with a more broad understanding of the codes and how to use
them in practice.
From this assignment I learned more about the code of ethics. I was able to compare it
with other professions and gain an understanding of why certain similarities and differences are
there. By using the social work code of ethics I have been able to reflect on why social workers
adhere so closely with their codes. Without the use of these codes practice would likely be biased
and unethical. Referring to the codes also is helpful when deciding what to do when there is a
problem. This assignment was helpful, but the course over all is what brought the practice of
ethics into scope. Most assignments were discussions on blackboard and could no longer be

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