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Classroom Rules and Procedures

The following discipline procedures

will be used in class!

Classroom Rules
1. Students are to bring all required materials and
supplies to class each day.
2. Students are to be in their seats, quiet, and
ready to work when the tardy bell rings.
3. Students are to follow directions the first time
they are given.
4. Students are to raise their hand to be
recognized before speaking.
5. Students are to remain in their seats unless
given permission to get up.
6. Students should not eat, drink, or chew gum in
the classroom.

Disciplinary Procedures
1st offenceWarning
2nd offence- Parent
3rd offenceDetention
4th offence- Referral
to the office
This procedure
may be altered
according to the
severity of the

1. Praise
2. Parent contact
3. Nomination for
student of the
month award
4. Homework

Entering and Exiting Class

Entering Class Exiting Class




After entering the room,

students may not leave
without permission.
Students may not leave
books and materials
outside the classroom for
any reason
Upon entering, students
should go to their
assigned seats and
prepare for class.
Begin working on
sentence corrections and




The teacher will dismiss

the class Not The Bell.
Do not pack books to
exit class until instructed
to do so by the teacher.
Students will be
dismissed by rows.
Students are responsible
for cleaning the area
around their desks before
leaving the room.

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