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For social work policy II, I chose to look at the policy analysis paper.

By looking at the
policy evaluation framework that was discussed in class and in the text, students were to look at
a current policy of interest. Students were to describe the problem and the policies around it,
what laws were in place, what is and is not working, who supports and opposes the policy, and to
interview a legislator regarding their view on the current policy.
A course competency that this paper addressed was 2.1.3- Apply critical thinking to
inform and communicate professional judgements. This competency was met because students
were able to use multiple sources of information to analyze a policy. This included research,
interviews, and assessment of previous knowledge. By using multiple sources of knowledge for
analysis, students were able to assess the policy without bias, with intent to change and make a
difference for at risk populations.
I learned a great deal when doing this paper. I started by reflecting on my past policy
paper and how I was supposed to keep my opinion and bias out of my writing. By using this as a
starting point I think that I was able to have a more well rounded paper that was based more on
fact than on feelings. I learned about how to further research policy and how difficult it is to read
through the bills/laws, and all that has gone into them. I also learned how difficult it can be to
contact a legislator. I am still waiting to hear back from Joe Biden, but I am not holding my
breath. However, I sent many legislators in depth and specific questions and got back vague and
non-descriptive answers from most. This taught me that it is important to be realistic when
dealing in politics, and if I am ever involved involved how I would want to treat my constituents.

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