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Damaris Padron

Senior Exhibition
Lesson 4
Career Interview
Mrs. Itzy
First-grade Teacher
Director of The Homework Club
Valley Elementary School
13000 Bowron Rd, Poway, CA 92064
Interview questions:
1) What was your motivation for pursing this career?
A) My love for children made her want to pursue to teaching.
2) What was your major in college?
A) The majors I studied were Teacher, Psychology, Degree in Sex Education, and
Master in Active Education.
3) How long does it take the average person to complete his or her requirements to go into this
A) It normally takes about four to six years, it depends the level and degrees you want to
receive. In totally it took me ten years because of all the other majors I studied.
4) What should one expect while training for this career?
A) The biggest thing you can expect from this career is seeing the accomplishment the
children make.
5) What do you do to keep your skills current?
A) Something I do to achieve my skills is I train, and train other people. I am open to the
idea of producing and being able to do a better job in what makes me happy.
6) What are the positive and negative aspects of your career?

A) My love for the children is the biggest positive aspect of this career. The negative
aspect is that the parents sometimes do not respect the authority we have as a teacher.
7) What do you enjoy most about your job?
A) What makes m job enjoyable is looking at the transformation made by the children
when they do not have structure and seeing how they change this.
8) What was your biggest surprise when you started your career?
A) One of the biggest surprises is seeing how little parents are involved with their
children when it comes to school. For example how some do not help them with their
homework or never being involved in school activities.
9) Is there much room for advancement in your career?
A) Yes, by taking different training so you can update your teaching methods and be able
to help the students. Also by taking different training you can have a higher opportunity
to advance in this career.
10) What advice would you give someone who is considering entering your field?
A) Loving children and not want to work in this field only for the money. I believe that
this career should be paid more because of everything they do. But sadly in my opinion
this is the career that is paid the least.

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