Indirect Science Lesson Plan Palo

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EdTPA Indirect Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Mini Lava Lamps

Central Focus/Big Idea: Two different things can be combined but may or may not interact with
one another.
Subject of this lesson: Science
Grade Level: 5th
NC Essential Standard(s):5.P.1.4 Predict the effect of a given force or a change in mass on the
motion of an object
Next Generation Science Standard(s): 5-PS1 Matter and Its Interactions,
21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, students plan and conduct
experiments to explore the properties of various natural and human-designed fabrics and record
their findings into shared class database.
Academic Language Demand

Language Function: Predict: the students will predict what is going to happen when the
alka seltzer goes into the mixture.












Scientific Vocabulary: Predict, molecule, gas, liquid, solid, and properties.

Instructional Objective: Students will be expected to learn about how a mixture of two different
liquids can separate. I will know the students have learned because they will be asked to explain
the experiment.
Prior Knowledge (student): Should be able to explain how magnets interact with all things made
of iron and with other magnets to produce motion without touching them. They should also be
able to explain the effects of earths gravity on the motion of any obhect on or near the earth.
Content Knowledge (teacher): Should be able to explain forces and motion with objects or
Accommodations for special needs (individual and/or small group): Struggling students will be
allowed to place the alka seltzer pill into the mixture instead of doing the other 3 steps.

Materials and Technology requirements: 18 Word search sheets, vegetable oil, water, food
coloring and alka seltzer plus for each student, and 6 cups because students will be placed in
groups of 3.
Total Estimated Time: 45 minutes

Source of lesson: Web site

Safety considerations: Students will not be allowed to taste any of the materials.

Content and Strategies (Procedure)

In your procedure, be sure to include all of the following 5 Es. Your procedure should be
detailed enough for a colleague to follow. If you will be relying on technology (e.g., a YouTube
video), describe your back up plan thoroughly. Imagine your most novice colleague needing to
teach from your plan. Dont just answer the questions. Additionally, I expect you to include
possible questions you could ask for each section. This needs to include higher-order questions.

Engage: I will introduce the experiment we will be exploring and how it relates to what they have
been learning in the past couples weeks.

Explore: The students have been going over this unit for a while with other projects to help show
what they mean.

How many of you have a lava lamp or have seen one?

Do you think it is difficult to make your own?

The students will then be given a worksheet that has the experiment on it and questions that
help them predict what will happen before we do the experiment.
Explanation: All things are made up of very small particels called molecules. Molecules are so
small that a single drop of water has around 10,000,000,000,000,000 (10 quadrillion) single water
molecules. Molecules can have different properties, which determine how different types of
molecules will or will not interact. Molecules that do interact may interact by mixing with each
other or by reacting with each other to create brand new molecules. In this lesson, we will test the
interaction between the molecules in water, oil, food coloring, and fizzy tablets. We will then use
our new knowledge about molecular interactions to build our very own lava lamps.
Elaborate: While we are doing the activity students can ask questions about their own ideas for
the activity and may possibly be able to try it out. Students will also be doing a word search with
vocabulary they have learned in the unit.
Evaluate: I will assess each students progress by asking them about the activity while we are
doing it and after. Also, the students will answer the conclusion question on the worksheet as well
as the essential lesson question. A informal assessment will be used for this.
To be complete after the lesson is taught as appropriate
Assessment Results of all objectives/skills:
Reflection on lesson:
CT signature/confirmation: _________________________________ Date: ________________

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