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Harmony (Graves) Malone

Address: 555 Elm St. Ext. Ithaca, NY 14850

Phone: (607) 379-5187
To obtain a position as a Therapeutic Recreation intern in a setting that allows me to motivate and meet the
individual needs of my clients, specifically children and adolescents; and to express myself in a positive and
artistically challenging way.
EDUCATION: Ithaca College, Ithaca NY
Bachelor of Sciences in Therapeutic Recreation
Concentrations: Theatre and Dance
Deans list: Spring 2013

Graduation: Summer 2015

GPA: 3.00

Movement Specialist for Ithacas Community School of Music and Arts (CSMA) Arts All Around You
Summer program.
July 14 July
29 2014
o Taught themed dance classes three times a week for an hour to children ages 6-10 for with weekly
performances for the first two weeks of this summer program.
Performance Coordinator and co-director South-Side Community Centers Community Unity Music
Education Program (CUMEP) summer program.
2008 August 2014
o Advanced from Jr. counselor to Sr. counselor, continuing to assistant choreographer, head choreographer,
Administrative Assistant, Supervisor, to now holding the Performance Coordinator and Co-director
o Choreographed anywhere from 2-6 dances for each summer
o Learned how to create the annual performance layout in terms of donations for food, full step by step
program, assisting with creating and mailing out flyers to support event.
o Assist with getting funding and writing grants
o Supervisor of 6-10 counselors in training ages 13-16yo, 8-15 summer youth workers ages 18-20, 10-14
Adult employees ages 21-60yo.
o Teach hip-hop dance classes and conversations on youth empowerment/advocacy to anywhere between 50100 children ages 3months- 18yo.
Dance instructor for Beverly J. Martins A plus program
September 2010 March 2011
o Taught hip hop and contemporary dance to children ages 4-8yo for a hour on Mondays and Fridays
Executive Assistant for the Ithaca Youth Council (IYC) Program Coordinator. November December 2009
o Organized meeting plans/road maps
o Organized invoices
o Answered the phones, emailed different agencies concerning sponsoring/hosting events/fundraisers
Workshop Leader IPEI Grant Ithaca NY
October 2014- January 2015
o Received a grant to promote music for unity and social change for 4 and 5th grade students.
Ithaca College Center for Life Skills program at Longview Nursing Facility
September 2014 Present
Student Clinician
o Under supervision of a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS), conducted
evaluation, developed measurable goals and objectives, and implemented weekly TR
interventions for 7 individuals whove experienced a stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA).
o Wrote weekly progress notes.

Harmony (Graves) Malone

Address: 555 Elm St. Ext. Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: (607) 379-5187
Attended team meetings as well as family conferences with IC faculty and other student
Director of Hospitality for the Festival of Black Gospel planning committee.
August 2013 Present
o Supervised and facilitated roughly 30 student volunteers
o Was one of the main contact person(s) and attended to the needs of the band members and all artists
attending the festival.
Volunteer Dance instructor - South-Side Community Centers E.D.G.E dance group.
November 2010 February 2011
o Worked with both middle school and high school females ages 12- 17yo
o Choreographed dances for high school basketball games, fundraising events, dance competitions
Internship at the Greater Ithaca Activities Center (GIAC) working with the Navigators program,
collaborating with Ithaca College (Private agency) assisting with administrative work.
August 2013 December 2013


Worked with the GIAC Navigators program, a track and soccer program of twenty (10-soccer,
10-track) 6-9yo elementary school children
Supervised, coached (the track team), and tutored the students every MWF for three (3) hours
each week all of the fall 2013 semester.
Established a relationship between GIAC and Ithaca Colleges Athletic and Events Center the
children were provided with the opportunity to practice on a collegiate track twice a week for an
hour. This deal is still currently in place to date.
Established a relationship between the GIAC Navigators Head Coach and Ithaca Colleges
Womens Track and Field coach.


Certified Inclusivity Assessor, SUNY Cortland, Cortland, NY
November 1, 2014- Present
o Certified to assess facilities for individuals living with physical disabilities.
CPR and First Aid certified
May 2014 Present
Traveled to Africa to study dancing and drumming
August 2-14, 2014
Womens Track and Field Participant
September 2011 - Present
Paul Schreurs Memorial Program Tutor and Mentor
September 2009- June 2011
Ithaca Youth Council Member
October 2008- June 2011
Volunteer choreographer and performer

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