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OOO Cen Microwave & Radio Frequency Applications Bridging Science, Technology and Lee Le Applications OTe Le eS cL te eer ue Ia Denes SPONSOR PAGE ‘The Organising Committee for the 3" World Congress on Microwave & Radio Frequency Applications acknowledge with gratitude the support they have reccived from the following supporters: HOS => The Institution of Engineers, Australia SPONSORED BY GAE GERLING APPLIED RACL ENDORSED BY The Organising Committee would like to extend its appreciation to the following endorsers for their suppor: American Ceramic Society UK Microwave Technologies Association National Institute of Ceramic Engineers Virginia Polytechnic Institute Microwave Processing Research Facility Pennsylvania State University Microwave Pracessing and Engineering Loughborough University Microwave Processing Group RACI Industrial Chemistry Division Institute Electromagnetic Wave Application-Japan Institution of Engineers Australia Food Science Australia, A joint venture of CSIRO and AFISC Materials Research Society AMPERE Association : TABLE OF CONTENTS Sponsors 2 Welcome Mes: 3 Organising Committee 4 Congress Information Registeation Information Social Program T ‘Tours Information g Accommodation 10 Exhibition Information i General Information 3 Program at a Glance 45 Detailed Program 16 Abstracts 32 877040 126 WELCOME MESSAGE ‘On behalf of the Organ ing Committee we wish you a very warm welcome to the 3” World Congress on Microwave and Radio Frequency Applications. This is the first time the Congress has been held outside North America and we hope that all participants will enjoy the hospitality for which Sydney is well known and will remember the event as 2 valuable expericace The Microwave Working Group has brought together an excellent technical program focused on the Congress theme: “Bridging Science, Technology and Applications” and we trust that all delegates will value the opportunity to share this wealth of knowledge The Congress has brought delegates from 20 nations te Sydney and we hope that all will enjoy the ‘opportunity to relax and socialise with friends and colleagues in one of the most exciting cities in the world Our speakers also represent a wide range of interests and geographic Jocations, both from within Australia and abroad, We are very grateful to thers that they have tken the time and effort to prepare for and attend the Congress. ‘We expect to gain much fram their presence, and we hope that they will also find the experience a very worthwhile use of their time. We are offen asked why we have such a “funny” name as the Microwave Working Group. ‘The reason is, that’s.exactly what we arc, We are not a society, but we are a group of professionals from different societies and different disciplines who work very hard together to help bridge science. technology and applications for microwave and radio frequency applications. Our principal means of accomplishing this is by organising and planning top-notch world congresses that bring together our colleagues who considered the best in the field. Last week. we participated in the Symposium on Microwave Chemistry in Cheng, Bu, China and today we are very happy to welcome you to the ‘Third World ‘Congress on Microwave and. Radio Frequency Applications. The program is very full and the venue is outstanding. The venue matters so very much since our belief is that one excellent path to expand our technology is to encourage participants to build personal relationships which facilitate technology transfer. Sydney is the perfect environment to de that and we are very pleased that you are here We would like to thank the members of the Organising Commitiec, whose names are mentioned in this Program Book. and all those who helped to develop the Congress and, especially, Tour Hosts Pry Limited, our Conference Managers, who have played a key role in bringing it all together. We are looking forward to sharing the Congress experience with you over these few days, Please make the most of this unique opportunity as yoo listen to the speakers, and as you share your own technical nformation during the sessions. Bemie Krieger Lake Nadj Peter May President Chairman. Institution of Microwave Working Group Congress Organising Committee Australia ‘ORGANISING COMMITTEE Organising Committee: Congress Chair: Luke Nadj, Advanced Manufacturing ‘Technologies Congress Vice Chair: Bob Schiffimann, RF Schiffmann Associates, Ine Technical Program Chair John Booske, University of Wisconsin-Madison Industrial Program Chair> Jobn F. Gerling, Gerling Applied Engineering Ine Committee: Jon Bininer, Loughborough University John Booske, University of Wisconsin-Madison David Clark, Virginia Polytechnic Institute Diane Foks, Virginia Polytechnic Institte Bernie Krieger, Cober Electronics, Ine David Lewis, SOLA R&D Peter May, Institution of Engineers, Australia David McLean, University of Wollongong Bob Steele, CSIRO Nguyen Tran, Industrial Research Institute oF ‘Swinburne Microwave Working Group: Jon Binner* John Booske * Ralph Bruce David Clark* Diane Fokz* John F. Gerling Bernard Krieger* David Lewis* Bob Schiffmann* D. Lynn Johnson Joe! Katz Harold Kimey Serge Lefenvre Ricky Metaxas Chokichiro Shibata Richard Silbarglitt Willard Sutton Wayne Tinga “leadership for the ‘Third World Congress Technical Program Committee Chair John Booske, University of Wiscensin-Madison Vice Chair: Diane Folz, Virginia Polytechnic Institute Comminee: Duangduen Atong, Technology Centre (MTEC) Jon Binner, Loughborough University Gary Bond, University of Central Lancashire Rod Boswell, Australian National University Leonelli Cristina, Universita’ deghi Studi di Modena e Regeio Emilia (Camelia Gabriel, Microwave Consultants Ltd John F. Gerling, Gerling Applied Engineering Ine Susan Hagness, University of Wisconsin-Madisoa Milan Hajek, Academy af Sciences of the Czech Republic Ruth Kiminami, Universidada Federal de Sao Carlos David Lewis, SOLA R&D Anion Mavretic, Advanced Energy Industries Inc Kirill Rybakov, Russian Academy of Sciences Bob Schiffman, RF Schiffmann Associates, [ne Rebecea Schulz, Coming, Inc Miyake Shoji, Osaka University Maria Stuchly, Univeristy of Victoria Ngvyen Tran, Industrial Research Institute of ‘Swinburne Ian Turner, Queensland University of Technology Monika Willert-Porada, University of Bayreuth THE NEMETH ENGINEERING GROUP Dielectric Heating Specialists INDUSTRIAL MICROWAVE and RF SYSTEMS + New equipment Applications Lab with full size systems + Service and support for all brands APPLICATIONS. + Baking Bonding Cooking Curing Drying Heating Pasteurizing Sealing Sintering Tempering Vulcanizing Welding Many more THE NEMETH ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. PHONE: (502) 241-1502 MICROORY FAX: (502) 241-8807 5901 West Highway 22 email: sales@nemeth-enganeenng com Crestwood, KY 40014 USA EXHIBITION INFORMATION ‘Trade Exhibition The Trade Exhibition will be located in Harbourside Room on level 2 of the Centre. ‘Company ‘Advanced Manufscturing Technologies Contact Person David McLean Address University of Wollonger Australia, Email @vou.eduau Tel +61 24221 5463 Fax +61 2.4231 3328 Company ne. A Litzler Company Contact Person som Address 21761 Tungsten Road Cleveland, Ohio SA, 44117 info@pscrtheatcom 216531 3375 216 531 6751 PSC has been a world leader in RF drying and process 1969, Our systems range from 10 to GOOKW with many new and unique applications. «As part of the C.A. Litzler Company, we have the unique ability to design systems combining RE, infrared, and convention technologies pany Contact Person Address 151 Woodward Norwalk. Connecticut USA, 06854 Email Tel + 203.852 0343 Fax + 203852 0214 CoberMuegee LLC manufactures microwave genersiors and waveguide components for the 915MHz and 2450MHz bands. Standard generators are available from 300W to 30KW at 2450MHz and SKW to 100KW at GISMEIz. We also offer plasma systems. Magnetrons, tuners, isolators, couplers and impedance analyzers arc examples of our waveguide offerings. WE MANUFACTURE WHAT WE SELL Company Fino Technologies ‘Contact Person Address 500 Avenue Saint Jean-Baptiste Quebec Canada, G2ESRO Email Sales @ Tel +418 688 8065 Fax +418 688 8067 FASO Technologies Inc. is a leading developer. manufacturer and marketer of high quality fiberoptic sensors and transducers. We are commited to provide customers with innovative and reliable solutions for measuring parameters such as temperature, pressure, strain, displacement and forvedioad in challenging environaeat. ‘Company ‘Communications & Power Industries, Inc Contact Person Peter Kirkwood Address AB / 43A Florence Street Hornsby NSW, 2077, Australia Email ‘kirkwood Tel +61 2 987 0666 Fax +61 29987 0606 EM Software & Systems (SA) PTY LTD Madelein O'Brien 32 Techno Avenue Technopark ‘Stellenbosch South Africa, 7600 Email madelein@emss.coza Tel + 27 21 880 1880 Fax + 27 21 880 1936 EMSS develops and sells a compotational cleciromagnetics code FEKO (www feky,info). FEKO is ‘MoM ‘hased and hybndized with high-frequency techniques. The code can be used for the design and analysis of a wide range of antenna types. It is esperially powerful for the analysis of antennas in complex environments. EMSS also offers consultation services in these fields. ‘Company ‘Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation (ANSTO) ‘Comitact Person Samantha van de Geest Address PMB I Menai, NSW 2234 ‘Austradia Email commercial ‘Tel +61 29717 3517 Fax. 4612 9717 9272 Db noTssag yong 334f0) Taquey ze Oh mor ae Aaa hk = Loe} [| 4 DETAILED TECHNICAL PROGRAM 0830-0845 Welcome, Opening Remarks MIA: INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS 1 0900 — 1100 Room: Pyrmont 1 Chairperson: B. Krieger 0900-0930 Invited: Innovative Microwave Technology for the Timber Industry Grigori Tovgovnikey, P. Viden, University Of Melhourne, AUSTRALIA 0930-1000 Invi Novel Microwave Oven for Commercial and Industrial Use Rohert €. Schiffman, R.F-Schiffinann Associates, linc., USA 1000-1020 A Comparison of Microwave Furnaces for Sintering Ceramics Holly Shulman, Ceratink inc., USA; W. J. Walker Jr, Alfred University, USA 1020-1040 The Commercial Development of Controlled Atmosphere High Temperature Continuous Microwave Sintering Systems Paul Bridgereck Inc.; Dinesh Agrawal, Jéping Cheng, Rustam Ray, The Pennsylvania State University, USA 1040-1100 From Lab Scale to Pilot Scale - a Concept to Develop Microwave Assisted Reactions Maithias Nuchter, B. Ondruschka, R. Bierbaum, A. Tied, A. Wehrmann, Friedrich: Schiller University Of Jena, GERMANY MIB: CHEM! RY & ORGANIC MATERIALS L 0900— 1100 Room: Skyline 3 Chairperson: 8. Bradshaw 0900-0920 Microwave Curing of Matrimid 52924 Bismalimide Resin Richard Day, University of Manchester & UMIST, UNITED KINGDOM; L.Zainol, Advanced Materials Research Centre, MALAYSIA 0920-0940 Reactions of Tosythydrazones Under Microwave Irradiation in Solvent-Free Environment Cristina Leonelli, Universita di Modena, ITALY 0940-1000 Using Microwave Process for Extraction of Ginkgo Flavene Glycosides Zhengtao Liu, Hong Ni, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, CHINA 16 1000-1020 Fatty Acid Methyl Esters Synthesis From Tri Catalysts in Presence of Microwaves € Mazcocchia, A, Kadduuri, G. Modica, Politecnico Di Milano, R. Nannicini, ENEA, ycerides over Heterogeneous 1020-1040 Novel Chemical Reactions Induced by Microwave Irradiation Shozo Yanagida, Osaka University, JAPAN 1040-1100 Titanium (IV) Oxide: From Microwave Flash Synthesis to Thin Film Deposition Elodie Michel, D. Chaumont, D. Stuerga, Laboratoire De Recherches Sur La Reactivite Des Solides, FRANCE MIC: MICROWAVE & RF PLASMAS, 0900 — 1100 Room: Skyline 2 Chairperson: , Charles 0900-0930 ited: Using High Density Low Pressure rf Plasmas for the Fabrication of Optical Waveguides Christi charles, The Austration National University, AUSTRALIA 9930-1000 (ed: Recent Development of Planar Microwave Plasmas for Materials Pracessing Hideo Sugai, Nagoya University, JAPAN 1000-1020 jon of Mirror-Confinement-Type BCR Plasma Sputtering and Microwave Radiation to the Low I Material Thin Films Shoji Miyake, T. Matsumoto, A. Niinou, Osaka University/Joining and Welding Research Instituse, JAPAN; K, Numata, M. Saito, Kanagawa High-Tecknalogy Foundation, JAPAN nperature Synthesis of Crystallized High-k 1020-1040 Microwave-plasma Assisted Processing of Nanoscaled Catalysts: Hendrick Kosslick, A, Dittmar, D.L Hoang, Institute of Applied Chemistry Berlin Adlershaf eV. pported Metal Oxide T0073) Coffee Breaks MIA: SYSTEMS & DIAGNOSTICS 1130 — 1230 Room: Pyrmont 1 Chairperson: J. Gerling 1130-1150 HEPHAISTOS — Development of a Novel Automated Microwave Processing ‘System for Carbon Reinforced Fibre Plastics (CHIRP) Lambert Feher, M. Thumm, Forschungszentrum Karisruhe, GERMANY 1150-1210 Thermography for Optimizing High Frequency and Microwave Installations Walter Van Loock, Ghent University Belgium, BELGIUM 7 1210-1230 Temperature Measurements During Microwave Processing: & Comparative Surdy Bata Vaidlryanathan, K. Aniapooraai, J.G.P Binner, Loughborough University, UNIFED KINGDOM M2B: INORGANIC MATERIALS I 1130 - 1230 Room: Skyline 3. Chairperson: ¥. Carmel 1130-1150 Millimeter-wave Sintering Characteristics of Submicron Size Alumina Powders Fukio Makino, S. Miyake, Osika University, JAPAN; S. Sano, AIST, JAPAN: B Kyoh, Kinki Universicy, JAPAN 1150-1210 Rapid Fabrication of Aluminium Nitride with High Thermal Conduct Milfimeter-wave Heating Method T Yoshioka, ¥. Makino, S, Mivake, Osaka University, JAPAN by M2C: SEMICONDUCTORS & ELECTRONICS 1130 - 1230 Roo Chairperson: M. Willert-Porada kyline 2 1130-1150 Electromagnetic Induction Heating for Ultra Shallow Junction Formation Keith Thompson, J. H Booske, Ru F. Cooper, University of Wisconsin, USA; ¥.B Gianchandani, University af Michigan, USA Edge Effect in the Microwave Heating of Conductive Plates Sergey Egorov, A.G, Eremecv, 1.V. Plotnikoy, V.E. Semenov, A.A. Sorokin, N.A. harova, Instisute Of Appliaal Physics, Russion Academy Of Sciences, RUSSIA 1210-1230 Microwave Processing of Nanocrystalline 20 Varistors Bala Vaidlyanathan, K. Annapoorani, J.G.P Binner, Loughborough University, UNITED KINGDOM Laneh BRAK M3A: WASTE REMEDIATION 1400 - 1530 Room: Pyrmont 1 Chairperson: D. Folz 1400-1430 Invited: Microwave Waste Remediation: An Update on Current Research and Practices Rebecea Schulz, Coming Inc, USA 18 1430-1450, Microwave Irradiation of Asbestos Containing Materials G Marucci, M. Annibali, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, ITALY; G. Ragazzo, ITR ITALY: G.C Pellacani, C. Siligardi, P. Veronesi, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, FALY Room: Skyline 3 1450-1510 Microwave Heated Fluidised Red Calcination of Waste Containing Ceramic Powders 4 E, Sicgek, G. D. Sizgek, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, V. BX Vegh, LW. Turner, Queensland University af Techology, AUSTRALIA 1510-1530 Microwave Assisted Regeneration of Soot Filters Ye Zhang, A. Blick University Of Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS M3B: CHEMISTRY & ORGANIC MATERIALS IT 1400 - 1530 Chairperson: R. Sehiffmuenn 1400-1430 Invited; Microwave Catalysis for the Production of Fine Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Gary Bond, University Of Central Lancashire, UNITED KINGDOM 1430-1430 Efficient Synthesis of Lumineseent Metal Complexes by Microwave Irradiation Takeks Matsumura-inoue, Y. Yamamoto, N. Yoshikawa, Nara University Of Education, JAPAN 1450-1510 Anatase or Rutile: Microwave Kinetic Effect? Elodie Michel, D. Chaumons, D, Suerga, Laboratoire De Recherches Sur La Reaciivite Des Solides, FRANCE 1510-1530 Microwave-Assisted Preparation of TiO2 Nanoerystals in 1,4-Butanediol or 15- Pentanediot Tetsushi Yamamoto, Y. Wade, H. Yin, S. Yanagida, T: Sakata, Hiroaro Mori, Osaka University, JAPAN M3C: DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES 1400 - 1530 Room: Skyline 2 Chairperson: K. Rybakoy 1400-1430 1430-1450 1450-1510 Invited: Multiscale Dielectric and Thermal Properties of Composites: Modeling and Experiments Yuval Carmet, A. Birnboim, T. Oloranyolemi. Maryland, USA ~ Loyd, O.Wilson Jr., University OF Dielectric Characterization of Composite Ceramic Materials Nguyen Tran, Swinburne University, AUSTRALIA ‘Volume Fraction- and Particle Size Distribution-Determination of Dispersed Systems by Dielectric Spectroscopy and Principal Component Analysis Mare Regier. H. Schubert, University Of Karlsruhe, GERMANY 9 1510-1530 Universal Microwave Moisture Sensor Samir Trabels. 5. O. Nelson, Richard B, Russell Agricultural Research Center, Ui 1530-1600) (Comee BEAK ipa SoS) M4A: INORGANIC MATERIALS; MODELING & DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES; FOOD, AGRICULTURE & FOREST PRODUCTS 1530-1730 Room: Harhourside, Level Chairperson: R Schulz INORGANIC MATERIALS Study on Feasibility of Applying Microwave Heating to Smelting Reduction din Chen, Professor Lite Liu and Jiaging Zeng, Centrat Iron And Steel Research Institute, CHINA Microwave Siniering of Integrated Devices K. Annapoorani, 8, Vaidhyanathan, J, G. P.Binner, Louthborowgit University UNITED KINGDOM: R. Ramesh Littlefiese fretand Limited Daundatk, IRELAND Enhancement of Cutting Performance by Microwave Treatment Sivenandam Aravindan, Indian Institue of Tecknology, INDIA Use of npregnation Techniques for the Fabrication of by Microwave Enhanced Chemical Vapour Infiltration David Jagtin, D. Grant, University of Nottingham, UNITED KINGDOM; B. Vaidhayanathan, J. Binner, University af Loughborough, UNITED KINGDOM. ©. Prentice, B. Shatwell, Qineti, UNITED KINGDOM 2 Composites Use of Microwave Power in Slip Casting, Drying of Green Clay Wares and Plaster-of-Paris Moulds David Jaglin, J-Binner, University of Loughborough, UNITED KINGDOM; J. Vieira, HM de Costa Paiva, University of Aveira, PORTUGAL Effect of Microwaves on Plaster-of-Paris Moulds in a Slip Casting Process of Clay David Jagtin, I. Binner, Univers ty af Loughborough, UNITED KINGDOM; J. Vieira, H.M da Costa Paiva, UNITED KINGDOM Experimental Study of the Possibility of Microstructure Control in the Microwave Sintering of Nanostructured Alumina K. Rybakov, 8. V Egorov, A. G. Erenieev, A.A Sorokin, Institute Of Applied Physics, Russian Academy Of Sciences, RUSSIA: A. |. Rachkovskii, Russian Nuclear Center, RUSSIA 20 Direct ‘Temperature Distribution Measurement for Inside of Oxide Ceramics Badies During Microwave Heating Saburo Sano, A, Toucuki, A, Gotow, National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science ‘And Technology, JAPAN; T. Yoshioka, Y. Makino, S. Miyake, Osaka University, JAPAN Investigations of Dielectric Behavior of Materials in the Glitz Range During Microwave Processing Dinesh Dube. Indian Institute Of Technology, New Dethi, INDIA MT Lanagan, Hu Peng, PK. Sharma, Dinesh Agrawal, Pennsylvania State University, USA Absorbed Microwave Energy and Loss Heat Flax of Thermal Insulator for Microwave Sintering at 245 GHz Sadestugu Takayema, M. Mizuno, T. Hirai, N. Katou, T. Shimada, Gif Prefectural Instinae, JAPAN; M. Sato, T- Mutoh, T. Shimotuma, K. Ida, T. Inoue, K. Esaki, 0. Motojime, M. Fujiwara, National Institute for Fusion Science, JAPAN G& DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES: Multithread FDTD Modelling of Segmented Microwave Heating Systems Malgorsata Celuck-Marcysiak, J. Rudnicki, M. Sypniewski, Warsaw University OF Technology, POLAND Analytical Modeling of Temperature Dependent Properties of Dielectrie Materials in the Microwave Range Vyacheslav V, Kemaray, Saratov State Technical University, RUSSIA About Trapping of Modes JL. Mousoon, Elodie Michel, C. Lohr, P-Pribetich, D. Stuerga, Laboratoire De Recherches Sur La Reactivite Des Solides, FRANCE Dielectric Characterization of Composite Ceramic Materials Nguyen Tran, RMIT, AUSTRALIA Efficient Optimization of S-Parameters of Systems and Components in Microwave Heating V. A. Mechenova, Vadim Yakuviev, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA One Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Microwave Enhanced Chemical ‘Vapour Infiltration Chandradeo Bothoree, Loughborough University Microwawe Processing Group, UNITED KINGDOM Food, AGRICULTURE AND FOREST PRODUCTS: Relieving Growth Stress in Plantation Timber Using Microwaves in Laboratory Experiments John T Gillies, Peter Hutchings, Timberfio Pry Ltd, AUSTRALIA; Professor Nguyen Tran, Swinburne University of Technology, AUSTRALIA BT Effect of Microwave Treatment on Radiata Pine Microstructure Nasko Terziev, G. Daniel, Swedish University Of Agriculteral Sciences, SWEDEN; G. Targovnikov, P. Vinder, The University of Melbourne. AUSTRALIA Hybrid (Radio Frequency + Hot Air) Drying System for Finish Drying of Vegetables Rajesh Harsh, SAMEER, IIT Campus, INDIA MSA: FEATURE SESSION 1730-1500 Room: Pyrmont I Chairperson: J. Gerling Advancements in Mw & RF Power Applications in China i Tian-Ren, University of Electronic Science & Technology, CHINA BT Chairperson: R. Schiffimann 0830-9930 Plenary: Applications of Microwaves in Medicine Room: Pyrmont 1 Siuchly, University of Vietoria, CANADA 093021000) Corre Break’ TIA: CH 1000 - 1200 Chairperson: C. Leonelli ISTRY & ORGANIC MATERIALS IT Room: Pyrmont 1 1000-1020 Rapid and Size-controlled Preparation of Highly Concentrated Silver Nanoparticle Colloids under Microwave Irradiation Hengbo Yin, ¥. Wada, T. Kitamura, T. Yamamoto, 5. Yanagida, Osaka University, JAPAN 1920-1040 A New Method of Chemical Synthesis of Laurydone® Assisted by Microwave Jean-Paul Bernard, Sairem, FRANCE 1040-1100 Microwave-Ass ‘Complete Dechlorination Yuji Wada, HL. Yin, T. Kitamura, S, Yanagida, Osaka University, JAPAN drogenation of Chlorinated Aromatics for 1100-1120 Using Dielectric Properties at 2450 and 915 MHz to Study Chemical Reaction Xiangjun Liao, G. S, V. Raghavan, VA. Yavlavan, Macdonald Campus Of McGitt University, CANADA 1120-1140 Microwaye-Assisted Ru)4-Catalysed Oxidation of 4-Chiorophenol C.J. Crawford, R.W. Kazino, P, Wormell. University of Western Sydney, AUSTRALIA TIB: (ORGANIC MATERIALS IL 1000 — 1200 Room: Skyline 3 Chairperson: J.Binner 1010-1940 Invited: Microwave Assisted Comminution of Ores at Economically Viable Energy Inputs Steven Bradshaw. K. Jackson, 5. Kingman, N. Rawson and 8, Greenwood. University of Stellenbosch, SOUTH AFRICA 1040-1100 Densification Mechanisms of SiCESiC Composites by Microwave Enhanced Chemical Vapour Infiltration David Jaglin, UNITED KINGDOM 1100-1120 Direct Microwave Coupling to Metals At Elevated Temperatures Edward Ripley, ¥-12 National Security Complex, USA 1120-1140 Experimental Investigation on Microwave Drying for Sodium-based Composite Bentonite Jin Chen, Liu Liu Fiaging, Cerural tron And Steel Research Institute, CHINA 1140-1200 In sity Diffraction Studies of Single Crystals and Powders During Microwave Irradiation Andrew Harrison, The University of Edinburgh, UNITED KINGDOM; Richard labersan, Graeme Robb, Gavin Whittaker, Cenire For Magnetic Resonance, AUSTRALIA, Chick Wilson, Douglas Youngson, UNITED KINGDOM TIC: BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS 1000-1200 Room: Skyline 2 Chairperson: M. Stuchly 1000-1030 Invited: Continuous and Pulsed Medical Microwave Devices Fred Sterzer, MMTC, Inc., USA 1030-1100 Invited: FDTD Methad for Modelling the Electromagnetic Field Effect on the Human Body in MRI Huawei Zhav, University Of Queensland, AUSTRALIA 1100-1130 Invited: Computational and Experimental Investigations of Microwave Breast Cancer Detection vin Space-Time Beamforming Xu Li, EJ. Bond, 8, Davies, M-Choi, P.Gustafson, S.C, Hagness, B.D. Van Veen, D. van der Weide, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin, USA 1136-1200 Invited; Image Formation Algorithms With Automatic Skin Detection For Confocal Microwave Imaging Elise C. Fear, M. Okoniewski, University of Caleary, CANADA ‘Lunch Break! OPEN FORUM. Room: Pyrmont 1 Chairperson: D, Clark 1330-1430 Are We Really Bridging Science, Technology and Applications? ‘T2A: INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS IL 1430 - 1600 Room: Pyrmont I Chairperson: N. Tran 1430-1500 Invited: An Overview of Industrial Applications for Microwave and Radio Frequency Energies Michael V. Vasilik, El rrotechnology Applications Center, USA 1500-1520 The Use of Microwave Energy for the Firing of Heavy Clay Products Garth Tayler, Acme Brick Company, USA 1540 Advances in Microwave Processing of Concrete Swee Mak, CSIRO Manufacturing & Infrastructure Technology, Nguyen Tran, Swinburne University of Technology, AUSTRALIA 1540-1600 M ve and RF Drying of Hardwood ‘Timber Joseph Lieberfreund, Byford Timber, AUSTRALIA 12B: INORGANIC MATERIALS IIT 1430 - 1600 Room: Skyline 3 Chairperson: G. Whittaker 1440-1500 The Effect of Reaction Parameters on Microwave-Induced Combustion Synthesis of AIO3-TiC Powders Duangduen Atong, National Metal And Materials Teclnology Center, THAILAND 1500-1520 Microwave Sintering of W-Ni-Cu Allays Jiping Cheng, Dinesh Agrawal and Rustum Roy. Pennsylvania State University, USA 1520-1540 Microwave Assisted Recovery of Platinum Thorsten Gerdes, University Of Bayreuth, GERMANY 1540-1600 Potential Application of Microwaves in Steelmak Xiaodi Huang, J.¥. Hwang, §. Shi, RC. Greenland, T. Xu, AM. Hein, Michigan Technological University, USA TIC: MODELING 1 1430 - 1600 Room: Skyline 2 Chatrperson: |. Turner 1430-1500 Invited: Mierowave Heating of Silicon Wafers in Cylindrical TM Cavities: A Mathematical Model Gregory Kriegsmann, New Jersey Inst, of Technology, USA 1500-1520 Modeling the Dielectric Properties of Fruit, Vegeiables and Meat Sheryl Barringer, O. Sipakiogl, The Ohio Stare University, USA 1520-1540 Integral Equations for Numerical Modeling of Electromagnetic Fields in Microwave Systems Including Linear Bianisotropic Materials Piergiorgie Uslenghi, University Of linais At Chicage, USA 1540-1600 FDTD Modeling of Electromagnetic Power Dis Pawel Kapyt, Malgorzata Celuch-Marcysiak, W.K Technolagy, POLAND: ipation in Rotated Objects varek, Warsaw Unive iris ay T3A; INDUSTRIAL APP! MICROWAVE & RF PL! ELECTRONICS 1600 - 1800 Room: Harbourside, Level 2 Chairperson: N. Tran ZATIONS; CHEMISTRY & ORGAN! SMAS; SYSTEMS & DIAGNOSTICS IATERIALS; MICONDUCTORS AND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS Method of Induction Curing Conductive Carbon Fiber Composites with Radio Frequency Energy Joseph Cresko, The Electrotechnology Applications Center, USA; P.Roberts, ETA Prime Co., USA (CHEMISTRY AND ORGANIC MATERIALS, Microwave-assisted Kabachnik-Fields Reaction in lonic Liquids Jac Kyun bec, g. Lee. Korea Institute Of Science And Technology, SOUTH KOREA; D.-C, Kim. The University of Seoul, KOREA MICROWAVE AND RE PLASMAS VOC Control: Current Technology and Potential Application of Non-Thermal Plasmas Eleanor Binnes, Carlos A. Destefani, Elias Siores, Industrial Research Institute of Swinburne, AUSTRALIA Synthesis of Composite Powders and Coating of Fibres by Combined CVD- PECVD in a Microwave Heated Fluidised Bed Reactor Roland Tap, M. Willert-Porada, University Of Bayreuth, GERMANY Novel Microwave Resonance Plasma Technology for Development of Nano- Structured Biomaterials Alex Taube, G.M Demyashev, E. Siores, Swinburne University Of Tecknotogy, AUSTRALIA SEMICONDUCTORS AND ELECTRONICS Microwave and RF Processing of Silicon Keith Thompson, J. H. Booske, R. F. Cooper, University of Wisconsin, USA: ¥. B. Gianchandani, University of Michigan, USA WEDNESDAY 25 SEPTEMBER Chairperson: J. Booske 0830-0930 Plenary: Review of Health Effects of RF and Microwave Room: Pyrmont 1 Camelia Gab licrowave Consuitants Lad, UNITED KINGDOM WIA: SOURCES OF EXPOSURE AND DOSIMETRY 945 - 1100 Room: Pyrmont I Chairperson: C. Gabriel 0945-1015 Radio Frequency Sources Across the Specteu Michael Bangay, ARPANSA, AUSTRALIA Natural and Man Made 1015-10: ‘Occupational Health and Safety and RF/MW Work Bruce Hocking, Specialist in Occupational Medicine, AUSTRALIA 1045-1100 The Numerical Evaluation of SAR Distribution and Temperature Change around Metallic Implants in RF Exposed Workers Robert Melntosh, . J. McKenzie, Telstra Research Labatories, AUSTRALI; ¥. Anderson, RMIT University, AUSTRALIA H001130/ Coffee Break W2A: RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES | 1130 - 1245 Room: Pyrmont I Chairperson: C. Gabriel 1130-1200 Epidemiological Studies of Exposure to Radiofrequencies and Human Cancer Mark Ehvood, National Cancer Control Initiative, AUSTRALIA 1200-1230 Recent Results with Animal Experiments Tammy Unteridge, Royal Adelaide Hospital, AUSTRALIA 1230-1245 Modified ‘TEM Cell Design Exposure System for In Vitro Exposure of Cultured Human Astrocytes to 990 MHz GSM Mobile Phone type Signals Ray McKenzie, R. L. Mclniash, 8. Iskra, A. Carratelli, Telstra Reseetrch Laboratories. AUSTRALIA 4245-1400, “Lunch Breaks Wa) RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES I 1490 - 1530 Room: Pyrmont I Chairperson: C. Gabriet 1400-1430 1430-1500 1500-1530 “ISH=1600, Human Volunteer Studie in Relation to RF Exposure Andrew Wood, Swinburne University Of Technology, AUSTRALIA Low Level Effects and Mechanisms of Interaction Vues Anderson, EME Australia Pty Ltd, AUSTRALIA Are Some People More Sensitive than Others to EME? How to Approach the ‘Question of Hypersensitivity? Ray McKenzie, Telstra Research Laboratories, AUSTRALIA Coffee Break Wa4A: CONSENSUS OF SCIENTIFIC OPINION AND STANDARDS Room: Pyrmont 1 Cheigperson: C. Gabriel 1600-1630 1630-1700 1700-1730 1730-1800 Exposure Standard and Implementation Alex Gosman, Ericsson Australia, AUSTRALIA ‘Community EME Exposure Assessments Using Telstra’s RF Map Mike Wood, Telstra Corporation, AUSTRALIA Application of the Precautionary Approach to Deployment of Radio ‘Communications Infrastructure Brent Gerstle, Optus, AUSTRALIA Harmonisation of RF Standards: An Achievable Goal? Colin Roy, ARPANSA, AUSTRALIA THIA: MOD! 0830 = 1000 Room: Pyrmont 1 Chaixperson: W. Gwarek 0830-0900 Invited: Mathematical Modeling of Microwave Heating in Wav ‘Cavities: Semi-analytical Solutions Timothy Marchant, University of Wollongong, AUSTRALIA ides and 0900-9920 Computational Analysis of an Irregular Slotted Waveguide as Radiating Element V.V. Komarov, Saratow State Technical University, RUSSLA; Vadim Yakoviev. Worcester Polytechnic Instirute, USA 0920.40940 A Comparison of Three-dimensional Semi-analytical and Numerical Techniques for the Microwave Heating of a Lossy Material in a Waveguide Bin Liu, University Of Wollongong, AUSTRALIA; I. Tamer, V. Vegh, Queensland University of Technology. AUSTRALIA 0940-1000 Microwave Breakdown in Gas and Liquid Droplets at High Pressures Nguyen Tran, Elias Siares, Swinburne University of Technology, AUSTRALIA THIB: SYSTEMS & DIAGNOSTICS IL 0830 - 1000 Root Chairperson: 8, Miyake ; Skyline 3 0330-0900 Invited: Recent Development ef Microwave Kilns for Industries in Japan Motoyasu Sato, T. Mutoh, T. Shimotuma, K. tda, T. thawe, K. Esaki, O. Motajima, M. Fujiwara, National Institute for Fusion Science, JAPAN: S, Takayama, M. Mizuno, S. Obata, T. Shimada, K. Ito, Gifu Prefectural Institute for Ceramics Research and Technology, JAPAN 0900-0920 A Technical Review of Equipment and Methods for Waveguide Power Measurement John F Gerling, Gerling Applied Engineering. Inc., USA 0920-0940 Dilatometer System on Sintering of Cerami Guido Link, M. Thunun, Forschungszerdrum Karlsruhe GmbH, GERMANY ith Hybrid Heating Technique for Detailed Investigations 0940-1000 Determination of Realistic Microwave Absorptivity of Cavity Walls A.W, Fliflet, 5. H, Gold, Naval Research Laboratory, USA; K, Rybakov, N. A, Zharova, V. E, Semenov, Russian Academy of Sciences, RUSSIA 29 THIC: INORGANIC MATERIALS IV 0830 - 1000 Room: Skyline 2 Chairperson: D, Atong 0830-0900 Invited: Microwave Processing of Inorganic Materiuls-a Unified Approach Monikit Willert-Porada, Thorsten Gerdes, Jens Gorbe-BergUniversity Of Bayreuth, GERMANY 0900-0920 Microwave Intensity-Dependent Mass Transport Enhancement In Nanostructured Alumina Membranes S. V, Egorov, A. G. Eremeey, KL Rybakov, V. E, Semenov, A. A. Sorokin, Institute Of Applied Physics, Russian Academy Of Sciences, RUSSIA; S. A, Gusev, Institute of Physics of Microstructures, Russian Academy of Sciences, RUSSIA 0920-0940 Microwave Sintering of A Combustion Synthesized AIN Powder Cheng- Yu Hsieh, Chum-Nan Lin, Siryan Lung Chung, National Cheng Kung University, TAIWAN: Jiping Cheng. Dinesh Agrawal, Pennsylvania State University, USA 0940-1000 Microwave Sintering of Large-Sized NTC Thermistor Ceramics Aienin Chang. Jianwen Zhuang and Wen Yang, Xinfiang Institure Of Physics, P.R. CHINA TH2A: CHEMISTRY & ORGANIC MATERIALS TV 1030 - 1200 Room: Pyrmont 1 Chairperson: G. Bond 1040-1100 Synthesis of Nano sized Solid Catalysts assisted by Microwaves Irradiation Akin Kaddour’, C, Mazzocchia, G, Modica. POLITECNICO DI MILANO. ITALY 1100-1120 Effect of Microwave Processing upon the Chemical Keaction Path in Amine and Acid Cured Epoxy Resins RJ Day, A. Nesbitt, D.R Suckly, ¥. Katkura, UMIST, F. Heatley, University of Manchester, M. Wallace, D, Atwood, British Airspace Operations, UNITED KINGDOM 1120-1140 Microwave Assisted Synthesis of Hybrid Organie-Inerganic Membranes for Fuel Cell Applications Felix Bauer, M. Willert-Porada, University Of Bayreuth, GERMANY 1140-1200 Microwave Bonding of Thermoplastic Adherends A. Buchman, H. Birnholts, RAFAEL, ISRAEL ANOL HUPALOLSNV — WOLE-OEET Litoustg :mo0y SNISOTD SSTHDINOD — SIZT-0OZT VSR 2aMaQ Youmosoy Poanynouy "yyesony "g “Y VSN) SM “BanypaLedly Jo mummunendecy Sf) uosyeN tanary AINYMSUAY OF SuoHEDnddy sn0g AouaNnbasg-orpeEY PUR ATMO — OFLT-YZIL vsa ‘vase OTT @ ating “TWSA mpegay Jo Sysieaquy “pains “f o¥SA “Mastonue mesg prenassuny Koy y poumsy -G ‘asounnyy Ge Sumy “f sowooyy-y “Bemumeayy Lumpy SIUBUNIUS-) SSOIDY ASEYITTL Ted sisag Buls0g-pooay ION Jo uoNIMAySA(T 404 [oo AIQUN[TA CABIN AEMOIAY — YTLT-OOLL VITVALSAY “Sojoapse | Jo Sisuzaruyy ineenenngy und, wakntyy sossafoig

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