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B Y: C A R M E L E L L I S

Education is only thing in life you

can receive and not have it taken
away from you. The purpose of
education is to be able to guide
and give a student the necessary
tools and skills to reach their
fullest potential in life.
My role as an educator is to
motivate and guide each student
every step of the way while they
are in my class. I want to teach
where I am needed, that way I can
stress the importance of being a
helping hand to my students. I
would like my students to always
feel comfortable in my classroom
and understand that my
classroom is a welcoming
nonjudgmental classroom.

With our society having so many

different cultures, I know Im
going to teach a lot of children
that are biracial and come from
all walks of life. In addition to
being a special education
teacher, I know I am going to
have a lot of students that will
have a lot of special needs. So
as an educator, I need to make
sure that my students needs
are incorporated into whatever
we do. I will also try to
incorporate everyones culture
into our lessons or spend a day
each week learning about
everyones heritage. I want to
be an inspiration to my
students, coworkers and

I believe a child should

learn on their own, such as
more hands on experiences,
visuals, or just be able to
make an actual connection
with whatever they are
learning. I will also
incorporate what my
students want to learn with
what they need to learn to
pass their TEKS test to keep
class interesting. Positivity
and praise go along a way
as well, so I will make sure
every student is receiving
some sort of praise
throughout the day.

I will incorporate
technology in a lot of my
teaching because that
helps a student stay
connected to the world. I
want my students to
always share new things
that they have found
through technology and
allow us all to research and
learn about it together.
Technology will also play a
huge part in keeping the
parents, administration
and community involved.

The location of where I teach will

play a key role in my classroom. I
will bring global awareness into
the classroom by including the
community in majority of our
lessons. I would love for my
students to learn to love giving
back to others, as it is a key point
in education. By giving back to
the community, I believe it will
help shape students and also help
them chose what they want to be
in life. I will create a friendly
environment inside and outside
the classroom with the
community, that way my students
can learn to use their resources.
My goal within my community is
to continuously create it takes a
village to raise a child.


Standard III. All teachers use task-appropriate tools to synthesize knowledge, create and modify
solutions, and evaluate results in a way that supports the work of individuals and groups in problemsolving situations.
The beginning teacher is able to:
3.1s plan, create, and edit word processing documents using readable fonts, alignment, page setup,
tabs, and ruler settings;
3.2s plan, create, and edit spreadsheet documents using all data types, formulas and functions, and
chart information;
3.3s plan, create, and edit databases by defining fields, entering data, and designing layouts appropriate
for reporting;
3.4s demonstrate proficiency in the use of multimedia authoring programs by creating linear or nonlinear
projects incorporating text, audio, video, and graphics;
3.5s plan, create, and edit a document using desktop publishing techniques including, but not limited to,
the creation of multicolumn or multi-section documents with a variety of text-wrapped frame formats;
3.6s differentiate between and demonstrate the appropriate use of a variety of graphic tools found in
draw and paint applications;
3.7s integrate two or more productivity tools, including, but not limited to, tables, charts and graphs,
graphics from paint or draw programs, and mail merge, into a document;
3.8s use interactive virtual environments, appropriate to grade level, such as virtual reality or
3.9s use technical writing strategies to create products such as a technical instruction guide;

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