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of Texas at Dallas
Parking & Transportation Department

April 2015

AIM FM Work Order Reconciliation Process

By Caroline Personius
Figure 1

1. Copy WO # from Reconciliation Line Item in Gemini Financials

2. Login to Aim (
a. AiM (Reporting tool provided by Facilities Management must be granted access)
Figure 2

3. Click Work Management

University of Texas at Dallas

Parking & Transportation Department

April 2015

Figure 3

4. Click Customer WO Billing Rpt

Figure 4

5. In the BIRT Report Viewer Parameter Box that will pop up (in a new webpage tab) enter the following:
a. Under Work Order: Enter/Find WO # found in Reconciliation Line item
b. Phase: All
c. Status Parameter Group Leave as is
d. Billing Dates: Any
e. Funding Group: All
f. Billing Amount Options: All
6. Hit Enter

University of Texas at Dallas

Parking & Transportation Department

April 2015

Figure 5

7. Use the Bill Report that comes up to find the amounts billed under Contract, Material, Labor, or Billed and
match it with the amounts in Reconciliation to find the correct WO Phase.

Figure 6

8. Return to the Work Management page (Figure 1) in the first tab and click on Work Order.

University of Texas at Dallas

Parking & Transportation Department

April 2015

Figure 7

9. On the Work Order page that comes up, click on the magnifying glass in the upper right hand corner under
Figure 8

10. Copy & Paste the WO# from Reconciliation in Step 1 or from the BIRT Report in Step 6 into the Work
Order = blank. Do not fill in any of the other blanks.
11. Click on the magnifying glass in the upper right hand corner again.

University of Texas at Dallas

Parking & Transportation Department

April 2015

Figure 9

12. Click on the underlined Work Order #

Figure 10

13. Click the appropriate Phase Number that you found in Step 7, Figure 5 that matches the correct billed
Figure 11

14. Click the View dropdown menu and select Cost Analysis.

University of Texas at Dallas

Parking & Transportation Department

April 2015

Figure 12

15. Verify that the Total Cost matches the records in Gemini Financials
16. Screenshot the Phase page that comes up with the Cost Analysis
17. Copy the Screenshot to a Word Doc
18. Save the Word doc to the Shared drive under Billing ! FM Work Orders
19. Also save a copy to the Shared Drive under the Correct FY Year Acc Files: Billing ! FY Year Acc Files !
Period #X ! FM Work Orders

Figure 13

20. Once all the Gemini Financials Work Order line items have been accounted for and documented on the
shared drive, return to Gemini Financials and click Reviewed.

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