Lesson Plan: O Grade Level O Subject

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Lesson Plan

By: Lynsey Einzinger

O Grade level
o Second Grade
O Subject
o Standard 1
The Processes of Science,
Communication of Science, and the Nature of Science.
Students will be able to apply scientific processes,
communicate scientific ideas effectively, and understand
the nature of science.
o Objective 1
Drawing conclusions: Analyzing data,
making conclusions connected to the data or the evidence
gathered, identifying limitations or conclusions, identifying
future questions to investigate.
O Fit with the curriculum:
o This lesson serves as a building block for students to
understand how the scientific method works. It will help the
students understand that when they are conducting scientific
experiments that they must stick to the facts, and what is in
front of them instead of what they think they see. This lesson is
the first lesson we will introduce. The next lesson we will prepare
is an explanation of the scientific method and how experiments
will be based on facts.
O Lesson Preparation

Performance Objectives

Content objectives:
o Students will be able to
describe and compare the difference between facts and
inferences in pairs.
o Students will be able to
evaluate multiple pictures and identify facts and formulate
inferences in groups of three.

Language objectives:
o Students will be able to
identify the difference between inferences and facts by
completing a graphic organizer in groups of three.
o Students will be able to
understand and compose sentences using the appropriate
language for inferences and facts.

How I will display and review the


o The objectives will be

displayed on the board and will be verbally stated,
individually and chorally, at the beginning of the lesson.

Content Concepts:
The content concepts are appropriate for
a second grade classroom because they deal with the
basics of the scientific method. Students must
understand that the scientific method is not just a
process and has multiple components, which students
must meet.

Supplementary materials:
1. Graphic organizer
2. 4 pictures
The graphic organizer will be useful for the students
because it provides a way for students to practice the concepts
and internalize the information presented to them.
The pictures are a useful tool because they provide
the students with a way to have choice on the subject they want
to participate in and the level of difficulty.

Adaptation of content:

We are choosing not to use an adapted

text in our lesson because our lesson can be used without
a text

Meaningful activities :

Student will engage in multiple

meaningful activities. Such as, think-pair-share, a class
brainstorm, and class collaboration.
Building Background

Concepts explicitly linked to students

background knowledge:

The content of this lesson will be linked

to students background at the beginning and end of the
lesson. At the beginning of the lesson, students will have
time to do a quick review over the previous steps of the
scientific process (generating evidence, framing questions,
designing investigations, conducting investigations, and
collecting data). When the lesson is over, students will
incorporate the information they have learned into the
previous lesson through a classroom discussion.

Concepts explicitly linked to prior


The concepts learned in this lesson will

be linked to material covered in class through our
brainstorming activity. We will have students answer the
question Why is it important for scientist to know the

difference between facts and inferences? so that students

begin to think about what we have discussed about the
scientific method and how our new lesson could be tied into

Key Vocabulary:

Vocabulary will be introduced at the

beginning of the lesson through a class discussion. The
words will be reviewed periodically through direct
questioning, the teachers constant use of the word
throughout the lesson, and through coral responses.

Academic Vocabulary:
o Process-n. a series of
actions or steps to get to an end result
o Data-n. facts used for
o Analyze-v. the act of
examining something in detail
o Result-n. the outcome of
o Evidence-n. facts that tell
you whether something is true or false
o Investigation-n. the act of
studying something
o Inference-n. a result
reached using reasoning
o Facts- n. a piece of
information used as evidence

Learning strategies:

We will provide students with numerous

opportunities to use learning strategies during our
activities. We will ensure that students are using learning
strategies by presenting them with open questions so that
they have time to discuss multiple ideas with peers. Along
with discussion we will have students do Think-Pair-Shares
to engage students on an individual level helping students
to organize background knowledge.

Scaffolding techniques:

The scaffolding techniques we have

included are verbal and written prompts, simple language,
and explicit instruction. These forms of scaffolding will help
our ELLs by giving the necessary tools to engage in the
activity and understand how they are supposed to look at
the lesson.

Questioning to promote HOTS:

We will ask students what they learned
about inferences and facts, if they would be able to define
both terms and identify them in the scientific method. We
will promote higher learning by asking questions to help
students think outside of the box and how they would apply
their knowledge of the scientific method.

Opportunities for interaction and


The students will have numerous

opportunities to interact with each other during the lesson.
For instance, the students will do two think-pair-shares and
work in groups of three to do the photo activity.

Grouping configurations:

I grouped students based on what

needed to get accomplished. If I wanted the students to
discuss a few questions I paired them up. If they were to
participate in an activity I grouped them by threes.

Wait time:

In order to monitor wait time we will

count 20 seconds in our head. Additionally, we will have the
student indicate if he or she does not know the answer to a
question by verbally stating that they do not understand.

Clarify key concepts in L1:

Our L1 students will have access to

visuals, videos, and books.

Practice & Application

Hands-on materials and/or manipulative:

We will be providing our students with

visuals and graphic organizers. We will be providing visuals
during our lesson so that the students can visually see what
is going on in the pictures. Furthermore, we will be
providing graphic organizers so that the students can
practice writing down what they see and gain practical
application of language that is used for inferences and


Students are applying what they learned

during our photo activity. This is where students look at a
picture and identify the facts and inferences on the photo
based on the verbal prompts provided to them on the
graphic organizer. Students will combine everything they
have learned about the scientific method and conduct their
own scientific experiment.

Integration of the 4 skills in practice:

In our lesson we focus on writing,

listening, and speaking. Students will practice writing when
they fill out the graphic organizer. They will practice
listening when I am instructing them on the differences
between inferences and facts and when their peers explain
their views during discussion time. They will practice
speaking when we have group work and think-pair-share.

Lesson Delivery

Content objectives align with instruction:

The instructional materials allow students

to achieve and it aligns with my stated content objects. This
is seen as the graphic organizers and the visuals provided
all refer back to inferences and facts and learning the
difference between the two. Additionally, all the activities
executed focus specifically on inferences and facts while
still incorporating the scientific method.

Language objectives align with


The instructional materials allow students

to achieve and it aligns with my stated language objectives.
This is seen when the students fill out the graphic
organizers. They are prompted to use the language taught
to them when they study the photo provided and are
reinforced in the language when they verbal present their

Review & Assessment

Formative assessments:

Our formative assessment will be based

on how the students filled out their graphic organizers and
what they talked about during their discussions.

Review key vocabulary:

We will review key vocabulary at the end

of our lesson during our review session. Students will share
what they learned and chorally repeat the definitions of
facts and inferences.

Review and assessment of student


Students will revisit content and

language objectives during the review session. Students will
verbally state whether they felt that they objectives where
met and what they think they need more help on. We will
assess students learning from our review session and from
the graphic organizers completed.


Feedback will be provided individually,

when the students are in groups or pairs or they will be
addressed during the review session. Feedback sounds like
Thank you guys for being engaged in todays lesson. I did
see a few issues that need to be addressed.
Differentiating Instruction & Student Choice:

In our lesson we attempted to make our

instruction as differentiated as possible to begin with, however,
there is a point in our lesson that could make all the difference for
our ELLs. This is during our photo activity. During the activity
students have to fill out a graphic organizer, depending on the level
of difficulty the student feels more comfortable with, the organizer
could include prompts to help students gain a better idea of what
they should be looking for in the activity.

Students will have choice during the photo

activity. There will be four photos available to them and they will
have the choice to choose which photo intrigues them more.

Students with different levels will be

accommodated through the varying prompts provided in the graphic
organizer and will be specifically placed in certain discussion

Part 3. Lesson Sequence & Materials

O The sequence:
1. Vocabulary- 7min
2. The Science process- 15min
3. Activity (Graphic Organizer)- 15mins
4. Review- 10mins


Why do you

What caused?

I think that

What probably

My guess is


What do you see?

Can you confirm?

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