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Valerie Guerrero

ELED 3221
Science Reflection
During my integrated methods block I was not able to observe a
science lesson in the grade that I was assigned to but I was able to observe a
lesson in a fifth grade science class. The class I observed was using
microscopes to see protozoa that could be in water from creeks brought in by
I observed the students being very interested in Science; they were
very engaged and eager to learn. The students were in partner, the partners
were chosen by their clock buddies. The teacher had the students make
clocks in the beginning of the year and put a name on each hour and when
she says a time they have to work with the partner under that time. The
teacher prepared the slides so the students would not mess up the different
types of waters or drop the slides. While the teacher prepared the slides she
allowed them to play with the microscopes and get used to moving the
lenses adjust the focus pieces.
I was glad to be able to observe a hands-on science lesson where the
students helped each other and they were able to explore and learn from
working by their selves and using their peers as sources. The students would
say, Look here! I have a thing moving, I think it is paramecium they were
all going around to other students microscopes and comparing what they
were all seeing. I was able to walk around and help the students adjust their
lenses and the adjustment of their focus knobs. It was very exciting to see

Valerie Guerrero
ELED 3221
them so excited and involved in science because as a student I do not
remember being so excited about science until I took Forensic Science in
high school and we were able to do much more hands-on activities.
Observing this class allowed me to see that as a science teacher I always
want my students to explore in order to find answers. Science is a class
where students do not just learn by the textbook definition only, they have to
be physically involved and do things in order to see what it is that they are
reading about in the text.

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