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March 25, 2015

To Whom It May Concern:

It is with pleasure that I recommend Michelle Forbush for a teaching position with
your district. I have known Michelle for the past two years as her English methods
course instructor. Ms. Forbush is a hard worker who is passionate about teaching
Michelle puts maximum effort into everything she does. When it comes to her
coursework, she is not afraid to e-mail me to ask questions to make sure she is
meeting my expectations. Ms. Forbush has successfully held outside employment
while teaching and being a student herself. This takes true dedication and a desire to
Ms. Forbush has a strong commitment to teaching English. She has spoken about her
love for reading on numerous occasions, and she is always reading the latest young
adult novels so that she is able to discuss and recommend them to her students.
Michelle recently completed an inquiry project in which she was looking for ways to
motivate her students to read their assigned texts. She was willing to try innovative
strategies, such as Socratic seminars and collaborative quizzes. Ms. Forbush also keeps
up on education policy in the news, and she brings these stories into her colleagues
with questions about how the latest mandates will impact students. All of this is
evidence that teaching English, and education, in general, is of the utmost importance
to Michelle.
College of
Department of
Teacher Education
Michigan State
Erickson Hall
620 Farm Lane, Room
East Lansing, MI 48824
Fax: 517-432-2795

MSU is an affirmative-action,
equal-opportunity employer.

I highly recommend Michelle Forbush for a position on your teaching staff. She brings
a range of prior experience in volunteering and work outside of education that has
already contributed to her skill as a teacher. Ms. Forbushs dedication to educating
students to the best of her ability would be a welcome contribution to the district. If I
may further Michelle Forbushs candidacy in any way, please do not hesitate to contact

Julie Bell
Doctoral Student
Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education
TE 802 / 804 Instructor
Cell Phone: (269) 921-6741

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