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Assignment 4
Due date: Wednesday 1st April 2015 by 6.00 pm

Weighting: 10%

Question 1

A PLC program performs the function of an alarm enunciator, where a discrete input signal
from an alarm switch (e.g. high temperature alarm) first causes a warning light to blink and a
siren to audibly pulse until a human operator presses an acknowledge pushbutton. If the
alarm switch signal is still activated, the light will remain on (steady) instead of blink and the
siren will go silent. The light turns off as soon as the alarm signal goes back to its safe state.
A timing diagram shows how this should work:

Write a PLC ladder logic program to perform the stated alarm enunciator function. Also
provide 1-3 line description for each rung in your program.

Alarm switch is connected to channel No 1
Acknowledge is connected to channel No. 2

Warning light is connected to channel No. 8
Warning siren is connected to channel No. 9

Question 2

FigureQ2 shows a system for batch processing. The system operations can be described as
follows: (1) A weighted quantity of dry material is added to liquid that has been filled the tank
to level L1, (2) The mixture is stirred, and heat is applied to maintain the temperature
between TL and TH for a period of 10 minutes (in your simulation you need not wait for 10
minutes, just make it some noticeable period of time, eg. 5 seconds). (3) With the stir and

heater off, the batch is emptied to level L2. The whole process then starts again. Write a PLC
ladder logic program to perform the stated task.

Figure Q2

Assume the following:

Valves open when energized.
All limit switches are normally open.
The inputs and outputs are connected as follows

Heater is connected to channel 12.

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