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Timothy Fenu

Victoria Dershimer
Charlotte Barcia
ARE 4352
Classroom Management Plan

Classroom Learning Objectives:

1. Students will, over time develop their own artistic identity, creating their own unique styles.
2. Students will develop the skills to properly and respectfully criticize artwork, while also
learning to appreciate art in all forms through critical thinking strategies.
3. Students will learn the elements, principles and meaning of art. They will utilize what they
learn to create their own meaningful art pieces.

Classroom Rules:
1. Respect everyone and everything in the classroom. This includes yourself, your
artwork, other students, their artwork, and all the tools we use in class every day.
2. Be on time, and use your time wisely. We dont have long in this classroom each day,
so make sure to be here and using all the time you can on your work.
3. Do your best. Do the best you can, utilizing all possible avenues before finishing a
project. Put 100% into every work you make!
4. Clean up after working! We all have to use this room, so remember to clean up
afterwards as a form of respect to the next class.

School Rules:
Remember to follow the school rules along with my personal classroom rules. This includes
[Include specific school rules which apply to class here.]

Student Expectations:
1. Enter the room, ready to work and learn. If you have something you know you have to
do, you may start as soon as you enter the room.
2. Follow the directions for each lesson carefully.
3. Raise your hand if you have a question or concern.
4. Actively participate. When asked, contribute in your own way to help enrich the lesson.
Teacher Expectations: As the teacher, there are a few expectations I wish you all to have with
me as well.


I will be fair in my judgments regarding your work, attitudes, and behavior.

I will be patient with you.
I will give my best every day in teaching you.
I will listen to every question.
I will respect you all.

1. A friendly reminded will be first issued, reminding the student of classroom/school rules.
2. A warning will be given regarding the action, as well as a reminder of rules.
3. Self-reflection- Students will be asked to write a small self-reflection regarding which
rules/expectation they broke.
-Minimum 1 paragraph, due the following day.
-Student must address what they did to receive this punishment
-Why is a disruptive thing?
-Brainstorm ideas toward fixing the problem.
4. Parent/guardian letter home. This letter will address the problem which has arisen in
class, and request the parents participation in helping fix the problem. This may also
include a request for a teacher/parent conference, depending on the severity of the
5. Referral.
6. Administrative Action.

Certain Circumstances:
In the event that a violent, dangerous, or volatile situation were to occur, the security of the
school grounds will be contacted at the nearest time to help diffuse the situation.

Rewards are typically not given in my class. However, if a student shows exemplary good
behavior, and follows directions well, they will be given artistic freedom in what they do for
certain assignments. These will need to be Okd by the teacher.
If the entire class is good, showing positive behaviors, a free art day may also be instituted, in
which students may work on personal work for the entire class period.

Student Self-Reflection Paper


Instructions: You are to write a small self-reflection regarding which rules/expectation you have
broken. This reflection needs to be a minimum of three paragraphs. Some questions to ask
yourself as you write your reflection:

-Why are you receiving this punishment?

-Why is this a disruptive thing?

-What are some ideas for fixing the problem?

Classroom Layout

Desired classroom layout: Tables will be clustered with 4 to 5 students per table. Two projectors
would be ideal for presenting to all students. There is lots of storage space and shelves for project
and material storing.

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