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Pre-Assessment Evaluation

Daniel Oliveira
San Diego State University


1. What does it mean to be a postsecondary educator or student affairs professional?

A student affairs professional has a commitment to the guiding principles of the
profession. A student affairs professional is committed to the holistic development of
students in higher education. A student affairs professional assists and supports students
as they navigate their journey through their academic and personal development. Our
focus may be in any number of areas including recruitment of students to the university,
guidance through the admissions process, acquirement of financial aid, academic
advising, residential education, persistence programs, retention programs, student
involvement, student government, leadership development, career advising and services,
and many other aspects of student affairs. A professional also keeps abreast of
developments and research in higher education through a membership in a professional
association such as NASPA, ACPA, and focus area based associations such as the
Association of Fraternity Advisors, of which I was a member as a professional staff
member at San Diego State University as an Assistant Coordinator of Fraternity and
Sorority Life.

2. What do you expect postsecondary educators or student affairs professionals to know and
be able to do?

Student affairs professionals should have a basic knowledge of the theoretical

foundations of student affairs, especially student development theory, holistic education,
social justice, diversity and multicultural competence. A professional should be able to
apply this knowledge and research to the work that they do.

3. What do you hope to learn from engaging in the PSE or SA program?

I expect to learn about the history, philosophy, ethics, culture, and research in
higher education and student affairs. I hope to gain a basic knowledge of the profession,
student characteristics and effects of college on students, individual and group
interventions, organization and administration of student affairs, assessment, evaluation,
and research. I hope to learn and apply student development theory and leadership


4. What are four personal goals you have for yourself while in the PSE or SA program?
I was previously among one of the first cohorts of this masters program in 2002
2004, so as this is my second chance in this program, I have some personal goals that
begin with the completion of the program in its entirety and graduating with the Masters
degree. One of the key goals I have is to complete every class, as I had grades of
Incomplete in some of the courses. A basic personal goal is to develop a daily routine so
that I can develop personal and professional balance. This was an especially challenging
issue in my previous career in student affairs. At times, I felt I was nearing burnout
which led to some dissatisfaction with my career. Im now in a committed relationship
and cannot allow a lack of balance in my life to affect my health and others in my life.
Third, I want to establish solid working relationships with my classmates in order to
ensure my success in the program while contributing to our collective intellectual growth.
Fourth, I want to be committed and fully engaged in my education and personal growth.
I feel that I was not committed to the level necessary for success in this program which
led to my lack of persistence and attainment of my educational goals.
5. What are four professional goals you hope to achieve upon your completion of the PSE
or SA program?
A professional goal is to expand my professional network with my classmates in
this cohort as well as other professionals that I interact with. Second, I hope to attend as
many professional development opportunities as possible, including NASPA conventions
and other professional associations to further expand my knowledge base and
professional network. Third, I would like to gain experience in other areas of student
affairs outside of fraternity and sorority life. Although this has been my niche and source
of my success in the field, I feel that it may not be the best area for me at this stage of my
life. Fourth, I want to further develop my skills and strengths in order to become a highly
competitive candidate for any professional position that I apply for. I cannot rest on the
years of experience that Ive attained; my skills need to match my experience. I hope to
remain in San Diego and acquire a position at San Diego State or one of the other major
universities in the county. I realize that this significantly narrows my job search and
potential opportunities; therefore I must become the most marketable candidate that I can
6. What steps do you feel you need to take to accomplish both your personal and
professional goals?
In order to attain these goals, one of the first things that I need to accomplish is
my daily routine. I plan to be fully engaged in my job as a graduate assistant for the
hours that Im in the office. As soon as I leave the office, I need to stick to a regular
routine of study hours and reading for my classes. I need to set aside one hour per day
for exercise. I need to spend quality time each evening with my girlfriend in order to
maintain our healthy relationship as well as maintain my personal balance. I need to get


to bed at a reasonable time each night in order to get adequate rest. I will need to spend
time on weekends to complete all of my assignments in a timely manner. This will
require that I make my studies a priority over other things that I might otherwise spend
my weekend hours on.
Another step is to fully engage in participation of class discussions. I dont often
volunteer to speak in class so this is an area that will help me to be more fully engaged in
my learning. I have a tendency towards introversion so I need to actively try to overcome
this. Part of participating in class discussion is being fully prepared for discussion by
completing all of the necessary reading and taking time to reflect before class.
In order to expand my network, I need to be intentional about interacting with my
colleagues in class as well as in the departments in which I work as a graduate assistant.
I tend to keep to myself at times, so Ill need to be proactive.
7. How can you best facilitate your learning in the PSE or SA program?
In order to succeed in my classes and ensure that I complete each course and
avoid any grades of incomplete, I must overcome my challenges with writing. Writing
research papers was not a component of my undergraduate studies so this was an
especially challenging aspect that led to my struggles in the program previously. I realize
that much of the challenge is a mental block that I need to overcome. Once I begin
writing, I feel that I am adequately skilled to achieve passing grades on any assigned
writing. The challenge seems to be getting started in the first place. Procrastination has
always been a personal challenge for me. I was able to get by in spite of this tendency as
an undergraduate; I know that it will continue to be a detriment to my success in graduate
school if I do not address it directly.
8. How can the faculty help facilitate your learning in the PSE or SA program?
My adjustment to graduate study after many years in the workforce has been a
challenge thus far. It has taken some time in order for me to feel comfortable as a student
and fully engaged in my studies. Beginning my graduate assistantship with Career
Services has helped in this transition as has the completion of some class projects. My
professors have shown some patience with me in accepting my first assignments after the
due dates, I do not intend for this pattern to continue. But this patience and support has
been appreciated. Some assistance or support in academic writing would benefit me
greatly as well.

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