Dynamics CH17 HW

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aE | “17-4, A semielipsoid is formed by rotating the shaded area about the x axis, Determine the moment of inertia ‘of this solid with respect to the x axis and express the ‘result in terms of the mass m of the solid. The material has a constant density = so ome by eon he shaded wn Appin ‘of gyration ky. +380 Ib/ft’. 15, stound the y axis Determine the radius “The specific weight of the material is ‘Revementtiert of he sold Te mas of ei heme dns pmta=jomhay + fpato= spypny 1 re 4 =1d= gape =p [ESB - 136%. A7AS,_ The wheel consists of a thin ring having a mass B10 ke and four spokes made from slender rods and Sach having a mass of 2 kg. Delermine the whee’s ‘noment of inertia about an axis perpendicular tothe poe find passing through point A. -[] Gener} +00. 3] 1803? s16Tig wt Ans 17-16. ‘The pendulum consists of the 3-ke slender rod and the S-kg thin plate Determine the locaton ¥ ofthe center of mass G of the pendulum: then calculate the moment of inertia of the pendulum about an ais perpendicular to the page and passing through G. iepeet enue Slat! aren m= 1P yo? esas 454g ane AAT. Each ofthe three rods has a mass m. Determine the moment of inertia of the assembly about an axis which is perpendicular te the page and passes through the center 1748, The slender rods have a weight of 3 tbh Determine the moment of inertia ofthe assembly about | wnaxisperpemdcule othe page and pasing tough he | reat TT 1x3) 1 3) ] 4 HED + heer + rar | ‘ a+ i 1 } Se maish—hoisa ad 17-19. "The pendulum consists ofa plate having & weight of 12 Bb and a slender rod having a weight of 4b. + Determine the rads of gyration ofthe pendulum about the sn ais perpendicular (0 the page And passing trough L point 0. bin batend Galt, ce M28, ‘The pendulum consists of two slender rods AB F 48d OC which have a mass of 5 ka/m. The thin plate has 8 mass of 12 kg/m, Determine the location of the enter of mass G of the penduum, then calculate the Gi oment of inertia of the pendulum about an axis BE), Perpendicular to the page and passing through G. Fo PEAKS + mUSPODELD — warner X08 + 505) + ROOM SORNTE = 56m hae = Pannen? + fo0sH05%+ Shumssye9y + eNOS? - raem0N/ HO - rameN'ca 2 nage? f= + (9o16,08075" eset 4+ Aetonnon?« xenonen? « 4 + tms0o7y31-o8r9 = enero one S19" «sateen! + hone 098 fw? 17-26. The 2-1 bottle rests on the check-out conveyor al a grocery store. I the coeflccat of static fiction is i, = 02, determine the largest acceleration the conveyor fan have without causing the bottle to slip oF tip. The center of gravity is at G. Sage mens Baye aap emtei my -3 = Crm «26: ae alo Mam, =a = 04m fun, x= 160 Se ae wl pb bg. etm aes 6tenh Ane = ons < 04m (oxy . ae eR ¢ a 1727. ‘The assembly has a mass of 8 Mg and is hoisted using the boom and pulley system. If the winch at B draws inthe cable with an acceleration of 2 m/s", determine the compressive force in the hydraulic eylinder needed to support the boom-The boom has a mass of? Mg znd arass Jeonter at G, re ssaiw fa a) se Tagemag: 27-80 (941) = AP KH, 17-38, The sportscar has a mass of 15 Mg anda center ‘of mass at G. Determine the shortest time it takes for it to reach a speed of 80 krn/h, starting from rest, ifthe engine only drives the rear wheels whereas the front wheels are free rolling. The couticient of static tition between the wheels and the road is, ~ 02. Neglect the mass of the wheels forthe cakulation. If diving power could be suppied to af four wheets, what would be the shortest time for the ear to reach a speed of 80 km/h? EER =mlachs 02M #0.28 = 150009 1) ATER mies): Sy eM 150098020 @) (Meee: -mU25.H078-02% F02mDOIeO KR tow Se be sen ne .28, =O na (0 0) SoS z 2 RS Soa ys Fats Opry 235m <5 18150 (0K: M=RSTAN: Go LoTR Sect ye nh 222m en ane Sine + oh 2222 ml, en a for we dive saemvicr 2206 96H ‘ Mc =S00KN 50 (OK): STURN: ag = 1.962 myst 13s Ant 3y 1799, The sport cat has 4 weit of 4500 band center of gravity at Gf starts from rest cates the rear swhees to sip as i acclerates Determine how Tong takes for itio reach a sped of 10(1/< Also what ae the pocmal cations at ech ofthe four wheels on the oa? : the coefficients of static and Kinet riton athe road 3 are p= 05 andy = 03. respectively Neglect the mass otihe wheels Le stags a9 «60H «Bey Fm = mag: 030m) « Ba, aH Brey mee ae ees Poi Thomas: My 2% “Fafa Moonm a (ve neat 4 20= De 20 reams 17-48. The van has a weight of 4500 1b and center of ravity at G,. It cartes a fied 800-b load which has a center of gravity at G;, Ifthe van is traveling at 40 ft/s, determine the distance it skids before stopping. The brakes cause all the wheels to lock or skid. The coefficient ‘of kinetic friction between the wheels and the pavement 03. Compare this distance with that of the van being empty. Neglect the mass of the wheels HT eng: om = man Sem, = $001 ne (1) (2) Mom = 50 Co Fede rete 0 = cay? + 2-4644-0) er eapy ran W, = On Bp 1) ad (2) Mom = 400 T, fem ae and reson the 7-46. The cate asa mass of 50 bg 2nd rss on rotavngan nine suac Determine fe caw area evclave ote cat when te ete tote ama eeleaton secs to ase : sesinxereatte motos Wha the apie of Bastion? the eee of tte tin ewetn he cne andthe et y= OS asw Eqetion of Motion: Assume ue ese sips, en F =, om Mins SHIRT ISU -S09 81a 1%108) stnes S(O) +0018) N-S0(981)coe $s S0min 1S 2) +3, $0(981)sn 15°05 = Soa 15° 131 Solving Ha Pan 3) PAIN 32029m Smieee03 m Gener willotip, Ts, the erat sips, AME ay, «am,» M mS: sogenH 1749, The arched pipe has a mass of 8 kg and ress on the surface of the platform. As iis hosted from one level 1 the next, a= 025 ad/s and w = OS rad/s at the instant @ = 30°. IFit dogs not slip, determine the normal seactions of the arch on the platform at this instant a ¢ My ~ B41)» Donn — 20080" Ty = mta,: (A = BMG: MCD = HYOEINOS = roes(OD) + 20806.) a egcotr(0s) + 208n6(02) 3 isn teaser co 2, BF 17.50. The arched pipe has a mass of 80 ke and rests on the surface of the platform for which the coefficient of sate friction is, ~ 03, Determine the greatest angular acceleration a of the platform, starting Trom rest when 4 = 45, without causing the pipe to slip on the platform. = a, = OL Dh = angi Ha) =AOADVAS) = WKLENGNES(O) + HLLALEREEOS an tages 03M, © 3Ny = HOCLEp ands ATE emgdys Ha + Be AIBN) = HL o64ST pated gotied, 17S), The erate C bas 2 weight of 150 Ib and rests on the truck elevator for which the coficient of static friction s yz, = 04, Determine the targes initial angular Acceleration ay, starting from rest, which the parle links ‘AB and DE can have without cousing the crate to slip. No tipping oveurs Bryon 0st = igen stay amy: 0e gana 117-86. The drum has a weight of 80 Ib and a radiys of gyration ko = 0.4 ft. If the cable, which is wrapped around the drum, is subjected to a vertical force P= 15lb, determine the time needed to increase the rum’s angular velocity from w= Srad/s to 5 rad/s. Neglect the mass ofthe cable (menue 0 = Beate oy 17-57. ‘The spools supported on small rollers at A and B. Determine to the cable inorder to unwind 8 m of eable ind s starting from rest. Also calculate the normal forces at A and B uring this time. The spool has a mass of 60 ig and a radius of gyration ko 065 m. For the caleulation neglect the mass of the cable and the mass ofthe rollers at A and B P08) = 600657.28) P= 396N sin! ~ nya" = 0 con" + AyconlS* = 2963886 = 0 17-61. The 20-kg rol of paper has a radius of gyration 4 = 90mm about an axis passing through point A. It is, Pin-supported at both ends by Iwo brackets AB. If the roll rests against a wall fr which the coefficient of kinetic friction is yy = 02 and a vertical force F = 30N is applied 10 the end of the paper, determine the angular acceleration ofthe rol a the paper unrolls 1 | | 200 mm i F i Mina?38*- 2N, - 24981) ~ 39 = 9 ~0aN(125 + 0129) « 2000) a, ‘St red. Cable vv from 4 spol supported on srr A and by exering a foc of T= 3008 sega tn ne diction shown: Compute the time ont S mot able rm the spool the spool {Sia etal mas of 6D Ke aa ene a pion of ky = 2 mF the clean, ‘eile themassofthe cable Being unwound and the mass cesta and The rls tun ih no fiction. Equation of Motion + Te mace memento nen fe spel ates pot Os recy fo mtd = 00( 12") = Bog Aplin 1716, we have = 90,08) = Rese G2 240 027% ets Iematie: Here, agai dplacmens =! = S. =6.25 ,Aping eton 6-6 cut Lr weave 9 62500004 (02778 Go0t98i)a E) 2 Jones fi = Me v4 17563. The d ill el 6, The dor wil ose automata xing torsion Snes mounted onthe hinges Eachspring cine ad so thatthe foguc oneach hae PAC5 Gay Nin, share oimewuredn sone Wins FEO fed tom ren hen hb opon at eminent veloly athe ingen = Py J:Re caleutaion, treat the d wun joor as a thin plate having a 449 nnd = (70) 129°+7008)" = 99.8%4-8 21s09--ke) a 29760 avenade on27 as a A7-73, ‘The disk has a mass of 20 kg and is originally spinning atthe end of the stut wth an angular velocity of «= 60 rad/s IF tis then placed against the wall for Which the coefficient of kinetic friction is ay = 03, determine the time required forthe motion to stop. What isthe force in steut BC during this time? VER =migch: Feysinr-M% <0 +TEF =miac),; Fegcors"-209,81)+0.3% «0 F2M ho: oan. e= 1930? Gorm tar o-600(-193 | 1774. The disk has a mass M and a radius R.If.a block of mas mis attached to the coed, determine the angulag ‘eceleration ofthe disk when the block is released from "est Also, what isthe velocity of the block after i falls 2 stance 2R starting trom test? CII = 20465 ime = face) oman) on hoe Rotem Peds 2ee-n P95 The wo chs A and B havea mass my and mp Bspsivey whee rg the paley san betel Sho ma determin the aceon obs fst mas ofthe cord ad ary sipping oath ply. Comm = 26) sy Mat = BM 0 Ma 17-89, The semicircular disk having a mass of 10g is rotating at w= 4 rad/s at the instant @ = 60°. Ifthe Coefficient of static fiction at As jy™ 0.5, determine if the disk slips at this instant yuton of Moon: Te msn wera ei un (02) =o) -0sttee = ee oe emer fats pve see sine ‘Aso, wapiaw of cine, 288. = SO 9.28.01, apie Ey 17-16, we MMe Se” Oa ee (e2m =2ug),: 101.810.1698 Or = 051180 104,05 25.01%(03477) $10(4, 50280100387 1 a), = 10100, ra +18 =m), 10,981) =-1004), 13 imemaies: Assume at te semicecl dish does ntalp 3A, en 2), New. tg = [-0347si 25.015 + 034770625.) ma (014003151) w Apnving By 6-8, weve soea tate O toa 1p) fae], = 60} eet -0.NTOA FO ISI) = #(-0.47020.3151) (a), Fe) 4 =(23823 -0518ta) 1.3881 =, 47009} using a) componens, we hae (60), *03181a~23828, (ao), = 0.14700 13581 ti Song E410. 20 (9 (1 8) hs 2 13S? Sie f= (Fg = aN =05(9132) 4566 N, ten the seme disk ype 0, Zar 17297, The spool has a mass of 100 kg and a radius of yration ke = 0.3m. the coefficients of static and kinetic Getion at A are, =02 and jy ~ 015, respectively, determine the angular acceleration of the spool if P= 600. SER emiaahs O06 F = 10ae 10019.81)=0 STE, =mlsoh: Me Frm=4 40039-F. 04 a[1003F}e sonnei; a Coe Be eam (Sra ne . ace62Mmit MSOHN A =20N Sie Fil = 02081)= 1962 >240N Of 37.98, The upper body of the rash dummy has a mass q (of 75 ba center of gravity at G,and a radius of gration a bout G of ke = 0.7 (© By means ofthe seat belt this | body segment i assumed 10 be pin-connerted to the seat 4 ofthe carat A. If crash causes the car to decelerate at 4 50 ft/s, determine the angular velocity of the body when ithhas rotated to 8 = 30". (omy = 2G: 150.98 wy te 8 + Claude + ads a, = ~S06088 + 0+ (2H) easeto © 1.16136 = 2273008 + BabA Koa! lepazume + 23.1708) ap tates ~ contr + 23.170030"~ sr) on Satna Ane 17-107. The 16:15 bowling ball is east horizontally onto ‘lane such that intially =O and is mass center has a velocity v= 8 f/5 If the coefficient of kinetic frition between the lane and the balls ay = 0.12, determine the distance the bal travels before it rolls without sipping For the calculation, neglect the finger holes in the ball and assume the ball has a uniform density (2 =ba: Net6ih, ac 386R e028 76? Whe ea ale mica ping = A039), (Gy erase 25 76 4=0¢8(0.592)-}se40.5) pe406R Ane

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