3 Phase Separator Article

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URC aml ~ Successfully Specify Three-Phase fog Separators GAL: PC. ens ! procedure for viitand | designing infact! Tiguid/liquid/vapor separators. Here is a stepwise ulation means , or you. P simu Hopc rs can neans nover relied Llosa, ations tation 8223) W find Dt. Wayne D. Monnery and Wi ¥.Sweek, Universi of Calgary row! Lis offen necessary to separate two immiscible liq he andl heavy phases, and a vapor. A typi- ‘eal example in petroleunt cei is the separation of water, and a hydro carbon Tiguid and vapor. Little has been published on three-phase (liq: uid/liquidivapor) separation, with, most information available only in corporate design files, This article auempts «0 alleviate this situation by covering the baxies of three-phase sep ator design, The authors provide a Step-by-Step procedure and worked ‘out examples. Further. the examples offer guidance on making assumptions for the calculations, Selecting three-phase separators ‘As with two-phase designs, three phase units ean be either vertical or hor ‘zontal, although they typically are hort- zontal (see Figures | and 2). The verti cat orientation, Figure 1. is only used if there is a large amount of vapor to be separated from a small amount of the light and heavy liquid (< 10-20% by Weight). Unfortunately. there are_n0 simple ruies for separator selection Sometimes, hoth configurations should be evaluated to decide which is more economical. Further, the available plot space (footprint) may be a factor The design of three-phase separators is similar to their two-phase counter puts, except that the liquid section dit- fers, For the vertical type. a baffle com> monly keeps the liquid separation section calm to promate the separation There are different vauiations of hors izental three-phase vapor-liquid separa (ors. The liquid) separstion section is tuscally a variation of a desiee to provide interface level control. which may include & bot ora weir. A boot typical= ly ts specified when the voh liquid is not substantial (< 15-20% of total Tiguid by weigh. while @ wei is used when the volume is substantia ‘These horizoatal separators ae illustrat ‘ed in Figure 2. The bucketand-weir type design is used when interface level control may’ be difficult. sueh as with heavy oils oF when large amounts of an emulsion or a paraffin are present (1 neat heavy Stokes’ law applies ‘Separating a vapor from a light liquid {4ovo-phase separation) has been covered ina previous article 2) and will not be dixcussed here, However, all necessary information for performing this part of the calculation is provided here. The fol- lowing discussion covers the separation of light and heavy liquids The Row of rising lighs droplets in the heawy liquid phase oF settling heavy | CUEEEEEEEET dys Norte a, types . = | ‘onal WW Figure 2. Basie designs of horizontal three phase separators opi: hb ight 5. Similarly, calculate the rising a Vertical design procedure oy sees of the lg aid out ofthe _ Reter to Figure I for dimensions ineavy guid phase using Stokes" law vol- igi iB ore. 1. Calculate the vertical terminal vapor velocity @ Calculate the K value, using i of the meted in Tale 2 an et 0750, fora conservative design 2. Calculate the vapor volumetric fw cate 6) 3. Caleulate the vessel internal diameter, Dye: If there is a mist eliminator, add 3-6 in. 10 Dyp 10 accommodate a support Fing and round up to the next 6-in increment to obtain D: if there is no mist eliminator, D = Dy 4, Calculate the setting velocity of the heavy Tiquid out ofthe light liquid using Stokes’ law (the maximum is 10 in Jminy kPu~ Po) m= where k, is obtained from Table I or is, cateulated (see Eq. 3). o ks(Pa — Pu) Uy = 6. Calculate the light and heavy liquid volumetric low rates, Q,, and ne! (3) Wy (9) Ou= Bop Ou a0) 7, Assume H, = 1 (minimus) and calculate the settling time for the CHEMOALENGHERNG PRoanEss + sePrensen ou + 31 MULTIPHASE FLOW Se Cee York Demistor ISPS1S kK =0.1821+ 000297 + 0460 nf) WSis not + height (16) height PAO MCS UU Cr UC Lg OCR Ls Les abort este ge eit 2° 1Oehee ate foe ht HID toa, vay s=H1D 1755930 x 105 924091 174875 n= =1.801705 i= -01su8 Ay to HID* $= HuD rea, pI87108 299201 "Or equnslent expression, sc as Hl way pH + Hy + Hy + Hy + Hy an Wa mist eliminator pad is used. ‘ulditional height is added as shown Figure | Example 1 Sizea vertical separator with a bat fe plate and wine-mesh mist elimina vixture given Table 4. The operating pressure is 165 psia, and 1 is necessary to have a hydrocarbon liquid holdhip time of 25 min and a su 1, Calculate the vertical wemina selocity. Using Table 2, calculate K using the York Demister equations, yee Eq. Et in the box. and Uy = 0.75 x 2.74 = lor to sep time of only 3 min, 05 ts. Galowable downtiow, gh? BW Figure 3G is found Joom the downcomer allowable flo the time forthe Pec) Tighn liquid. to hey Rg rteaton Gs phe Hydrocarbon Uquid | [ Hiéree yy = 12 LO [Water 11.74 =69 min 9 Caleulate 2. Caleulate the vapor volumetric flow rate, see Eq. E2 in the bos 3, Caleulate the vessel inner diam= eter. sce Ey. E3 in the box Din. Hy + Hy= 24 Use D = 105 It in. Using Figure 3. G = 9.800 gphit 4. Calculate the settling velocity of the heavy liquid out of the light liquid + 0.35)(1y9.800 gph = 0.2 phase. Using Table 1. ky = 0.163. * Assume WW = 4 in, Then: W,/D = 4M 12 x 10.5) = 0.0317 Uyq, = 0.16862.11 ~ $3.95)10.630 2.1 insmnin oon 5, Calculate the settling velocity of 0.6973 = 53.25 the light liquid out of the heavy liquid ‘ac2(-f00\" phase v2 | yo, Unjy = 0.163062. — $2.95 )10.764 = 74 indmin Pu Peds pelt 2) 6. Calculate the light and heavy : Ed and E5 in the box 7. Assume H, = 1 ftand calculate Oy A Oy 8 the time for the heavy liquid to setle Ou out of the light ligaid phase: Bag Uns yy, = 12) (1.0) 2AL = $.7 min 4 SUAssume Hy = | fland calculate CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROGRESS © SEPTEMBER 1894 + 33 MULTIPHASE FLow — SS Eee SSS SEES Sete ee ee cree ice Holdep ie, nin—— Surgetine, min (wut) (mit — Hl) A.Unit feed dum 0 5 8 Seperaias {Feeds column 5 a 2. Feed to aha dum or tankage 2. With pump or rough exchanger 5 2 witot pmp 2 i ‘Feed ated hector 0 3 ©. ReSux or product accumulator Reflux ony 3 2 2. Refi and product EN & {Paced on (3 in] pus appropriate hop tne of overhead Product (as per B 1-2) 8. Colum botoms 1. eed another column 5 2 2.Foedto other drum ortankage 3) With pump or traugh exchenger 5 2 }Withou pump 2 1 3. Faed to fied reboier 2 58 tn regi par xareseed as ast min pls appropiate bldup ‘ime forthe boom produetas per D1, 2) E-Compressersuctioninterstage scrubber jSima betueon HLL high tiquid alarm and high level shutdown '0min from borom tangent line to high iquid ance F Fuel ges knock-out drum 2 sig int ncaiog fel ano bewoen NL aadigh evel shtoun 6 Flare Knockout drum 2t030 mina HL Muti by the ftlowing factors (optional Personnel Factor Instrumentation Factor Experienced Well Instumentea 10 Taine a Standard instrumented 1.2 Imerperionees 15 Poot Insrumeniod is a 34 + sepreneen tos4 © ‘CHEMICAL ENG! ‘96 9 seriemaen toe = “Chem + Using Table 3. A/a = 0.00% A= (RIAXIOS f= 86.59 fe (0.0095) (86.59 10) = 0 + Use Ay = 0.82 tt Ay = 86.59 ~ 0.82 = 85.77 pe 10, Calculate the residence tn each phase (0) (85.77 rey, 16.38 min (LO MD (86.59 ayn 2474 min fan IL. Calculate the height of the liquid above the outlet, hased holdup: Hg= (5.10 fon) 25 minyss fe St Hy = (5.10 + 0.35\ Emin) miny86.59 42 = 0.31 fr Use Hy = 05 tt 12, Cateulate dy accoring Tab A= ONO, + Oy = 15.10 0.353.10 +035 + 165.32 «6, 0.0006 Use Eq. £6 (see bos) to ealeuts Pe : : Bur = Pot pull ~ dy = (S45 (9.00061 +°10.6973) (1= 0.0006) 0.730 Oy) = 165.32 + (5.10.4 0.3560 165.41 1%: Use Ea. E7 (see box) to caleulate dy 2 20 ins use dy = 24 Calculate Hy, Hy =05 (105) Hp = 244 42 (minima Use Hy = 5.5 ft. From Figure 1, #, = I feand s=05 f Calculate H, Hgy = (20 Ry +2 f= 3 fh Set H, = 05 ft. Final HOS Hy = 1.0 ft, H, Hy= 15 NH, = 05 ft, Hye = 30 tt and f= 5.5 fu Add 1.5 ft forthe mist eliminator. Hy= 14.0 HYD = 140/105 Add 2 ft 10 Hy (Hy = 2.0 fi, Hy = 70 {0 so that Hy/D' = 1.32 Gi/D should be in the range of 1.5 t0 6.6), 5 fi or 36 in. = 3.01 Horizontal design procedure: no boot or weir 1. Cateulate the vapor volumetric flow rate, Oy using Eq. 5, = 0.009 959 Fe 2) 082 Fe 7 rice time ot ir | 7 Fey5.10 » feyo.3s 2 the light based “on niny85.7 Yimin) «5 ding 10 (5.10 x 60) = calculate (54.55) 0006) = 559/60 = late dy 24 in, = 308 eh, sions: vetrie 2. Covculate the ls liquial volumetric low jy eine Bus. 9 and 10. 5. Cal the verti velovity: Ch. using Ey. 4, (select re trem Table 2) and sot Uy = Up 4. Select holdup and surge times from Table 6 and calcutate the holdup andl surge volumes, V,,and Vy. (unless surge is otherwise specified, Su slug volume) and heavy Qy,, and «sy ay 5. Obtain an L/D thom Table 7 and inivially caleulate the diameter according i+ 4) (20) 0.5n|4/p) Caleutate the total cross-sectional = 2D 7 6 Set the sapor space height. Hy to the larger of 02D oF 2 Re Lil there imo mist eliminator. Us Hin Tale dobuin Ay, anda cle Ay 7. Se the heights ofthe heavy and light lguids Hy and, 8. Find (yg A, Ay using Uy, + Hy MD in Tbe 3, ane caelace Ae Ay, 9° Cateuate the minim length to accom the guid holpaurge Vy +V5 (Au + Au, L= i y 10. Calculate the liquid dropout HU Ad 11, Calculate the actual vapor

Lyyye the design is ceptable for vapor/liquid separa tion, IL >> Lypy (liquid holdup con trols), Lean only be reduced aml Ly, increased if Ay is reduced. 1, may only be reduced if ts greater tha the inimum specitied in Step 6, (With reduced My. recalculate Ay and repeat the provedure from Step 9.) Note: For this. and other caleulations, “much greater than” (>>) and “mn than” (<<) mean a variance o 20% 14, Calculate the seting velocities fof the heavy liquid out of the light fig uid phase and the light guid out of the heavy liquid phase, Uy, and Uj, using Eqs, 7 and 8 (find k, from Table 1) 15, Calculate the setiling times of the heavy liquid out ofthe fight phase and the Tight liquid out of the heavy phase: i= 12D Hy Myo, (26) hy Hyd, on 16, Calculate the residence times of the light and heavy liquids: Ge = Anta 28) ITH Oy < thy oF By, < ty then increase the vessel length (liquiel sep- aration contrs) > = may fen [Ar A i) EEE EEEEE EH 1) 18, Calvulate L/D. IP L/D << 5, decrease D (unless itis already at its minimum). and if L/D >> 60 then inevease D: repeat from Ste 19, Calculate the thiekness of the shell » Table 8 20. Calculate surfice shell and heads accord Cateulate th sel weight acconding to Table 8. Increase or decrease the vessel wter by in. increments and repeat the ca yas until the L/D ratio ranges from 136.0, 3. Using the optimum vessel size minimum weights. calculate the nor mal and higt tiguid levels li Hyg, =D Hy an Anu = Aru + dud + VJ i Obtain Hy, wsing Table 3 with the value oF Ay. Horizontal design procedure: heavy liquid boot I. Calculate the vapor volumetric flow rate. Qy. using Eq, 5. 2, Calculate the, jigbt and heavy liquid volumetric ABW rates. Q,, ad Qn per Eas. 9 and 10. ‘3. Calculate the vertical terminal velocity. Uy using Eq. 4 (the K value comes from Table 2) and set Uy. = 0.75 Ur, 4, Select holdup and surge times from Table 6 and calculate the holdup and surge volumes, Vy and Vs, from Eqs, 18 and 19 (unless surge is other CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROGRESS * SEPTEMBER 1994 © 35 — ESOS STEN MULTIPHASE FLOW wise specified. such as slug volume, Obtain L/D trom Table 7 and sel the diameter according to: 33) Then calculate the total eross-see- Hea. 4, using Eq. 21 6, Set the apor space height. Hy. (0 the Luger of 0.20 or 2 fh (1 fit thete is no mist liu HAD in Table 3. obtain A/a, and cal- culate, 7.Set the light liquid heights in the vessel and boot. Hy,y-and Hey, 8. Calculate the cross-sectional area of the light liquid above the bot- tom of the vessel, Ajj using Hyy/D in Table 3 9. Caleuate the minimum length to aveommodate the liquid holdupysurge: GH) 10. Caleulate the liquid dropout time. 6. using Eq, 23, HI. Calculate the actual vapor velocity. Us. using Bg, 24 12, Calediate the mininuun length required for liquid/vapor separation, Ly using Eg, > 13. IE L < Layyy, then set L = Lay (aporrliquid separation contcols) This simply results in some extra holdup and residence time. It L < Layo the design is acceptable for vaporliquid separation. If L >> Lays, liquid holdup controls, L ean unly be redured and Lyyy increased if Hy is reduced. H, may only be reduced if it is greater than the minimum specitied in Step 6, With reduced Hy, recalculate A and repeat from Step 9, 14. Calculate the seting velocity ‘of the heavy liquid out of the light liq uid phase, Uj, using Eq. 7 (obtain k, from Table 1), 18, Calculate the setting time of 36 + sepremger 194 + CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROGRESS PD SE =12p He shot xo 2D ae bap tHe 21 pica Heads 258-03 1090 Dy, Hemispheres Heads ‘SE -0ap “He tsi O85 4, ished Heads SE-O.1P He oem Aoprosinate Voss! Weigh = (490bY V4 w-[BPbIoeana) ‘Notes: The design pressure, Fi typical. itor the operating possure» 10%, whichever for 100% X-rayed ots, The corosion allowance, thr the operating pressure with 150 39 psi adese to sreater. For the allowable srs, 8. see Reteronce (The ant eticeney ranges fom 08t0 I; use 045 for spot examined ont, ‘ ypealy ranges fam oon The thickness, «is me largor oft and, up tthe nasrest Sin the heavy phase: id out of the ight liquid ty = 12 Hye + D = HU (35) 16. Calculate the residence time of the light liquid: (Ay Ay). Qu Note: This volume of light liquid ignores the light liquid volume in the boot 17. Uf Oy. < ty, then increase the vessel length (ligitid sepatation con- trols): 36) Ou on 18. Caleulate.1/D. If LD << 1.5 then decrease D (uniess its already at & minimum) and if L/D >> 6.0 then increase 12 repeat from Step 5 19. Caiculate the thickness 6° the shell and heads according to Tab’ 8. 20, Calculate the surface area ot the shell and heads according to Table 8 21. Calculate the approximate Weight of the shell and heads accond ing to Table 8, 22, Increase or decrease the Vessel diameter by G-in. increments and repeat the calculuions until L/D anges from 1.56.0, 23, With the optimum vessel size (minimum weight), ealeulate the nor- mal and high liquid levels Hye = D-H, 138) Ayu = Ayer + Vif 39) Determine /fy., using Table 3 from As/Ay 24. Design the heavy liquid boot: Set the height of the heavy liquid, Hyg: calculate the rising velocity of the light liquid out of the heavy liquid phase, Uy, using Ea, 8 (Find ky from br dhe I: set {= 0.95 Uz cater 4 we huany liquid boot diameter FX120 nU, 40) ccaleulate the settling time of the fight liguid out of the heavy liquid phase’ hn Ain ab Caleulate the residence time of the wy lg: 1D:Hn 7 ®n="T9." “ If By) < tie then increase the boot Siaddedt — dicamcter meat! Horizontal design procedure: Caleulate the vapor volumetric flow rate. Q,. using Eq. 5 eee Caleulawe the light and heavy te Yiguid volumetric flow rates. Qyz and crib 8 Gi a8 por Egs. 9 and 10. area of 3. Cateulate the vertical terminal ne 3. Caleulate the vertical terminal vapor velocity. U, using Eq. 4 (tind K from Table 2) and set Uy = 0.75U;, roximate “4. Select huldup and. surge times from Table 6, and caleulate the holdup he vemer at Sttze volumes, Vy and Vy fom Ne Nese gs, 18 and 19 (anles surge is other ans and wise specified. sich as nshig volume). 5. Obiain L/D trom Table 7 ancl sel sice ‘itially calculate the diameter Wet size according to an saa) sy 0.6n(E G39) / | ; Then calculate the total eross-section- eS from al area, Ap using Eq, 21 ; 6. Set the vapor space height, Hy. ah to the larger of 0.20 or 2 ft fit { iid, theres. mist eliminaton. Using y | A/D in Table 3, obtain A,/A; and cal- Haid culate Ay. 7. Calculate the low liquid level in RUIN ee “asso diay” "Vorteal LL, Hovicontal UL a 300 pa st c e 9 6 5 8 10 8 5 6 " 10 6 6 2 2 5 6 3 16 6 6 5 the light Liquid compariment using Eq. 44 or read it from Table 9, hin = Hy Uy 139) Hy, = 05047 ah where Dis in feet andl Hyp, in incl es (round up to nearest in.) IPD 4.0 fh then Aya, = 9 in, Using Hy/P Table 3. Calculate Aj, 8, Calculate the weir eight Hy=D~N, (45) Ty <2 ft ineroase D. and repeat the calculations from Step 6. 9, Calculate the sinicwum length of the light liquid compartment 10 awccommodateholdup/surge, La, in Figure 2 Wy +V, 6) 7A Round to the nearest Y ft. The swim for Ls = dy + 12 in, 410, Set the interface atthe height Hy/2, obtaining the heights of the heavy and light liquids. Hy, and Hy. 11. For the liquid setting com- partment. calculate the cross-section al area of the heavy liqtid. using Hyd in Table 3 and calculate the cross-sectional area of the light liquid from: Ly Aue Ar Ay Ane ay 12, Calculate the settling velocity of the heavy liquid out of the light lig- uid phase, Uy, and the light liquid out of the heavy’ liquid phase, Uy. using Eqs 7 and 8 (find As from Table 1). 13. Calculate the settling times of the heavy liquid out of the light liquid phase and the tight liquid out of the heavy liquid phase: 12H 8) 14, Calculate minimum £, 10 ae inate liquid-liguid separiuion as the tui ti Q max | Round fo the aeatest Yt 15, Find L Lakes 16. Caleulate the liquid dropout time. @. using Eq. 23 17. Calculate the actual vapor velocity, Uy,. using Eq. 24. 18, Calculate the minimum le required for saporiliquid separation. Lyay- using Eq. 2. TOTP L € Lays then set L= Ly (vapor/liquid Separation controts) This simply results in some extra holdup and residence time. If L << Lyx. then increase Hy, recalculate Ay and repeat the calculations from Step 6.1FL > Ly the design is acceptable for vaporiiquid separation, IF L >> Lays {liquid separation and holdup control), £ can only be reduced and Lyyy increased if Hy is reduced. Hy may only be reduced if it is greater than the minimam specified in Step 9. With reduced Hy, recalculate Ay and repeat from Step 9. 20, Calculate L/D. If UD << 1.5. then decrease D (unless itis alteady at a minimum) and repeat from Step 6. If L/D >> 6.0, then inerease D and repeat from Step 5, 21. Calculate the thickness of the shell and heads according to Table 8. 22, Calculate the surface area ofthe shell and heads according to Table 8. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROGRESS © SEPTEMBER 154 + 37 een MULTIPHASE FLow ———— 23, Calcutute the approximate ves sel weight according to Table 8 24. Increase of decrease the diam: ter by 6-in. increments andl repeat the calewlations until L/D ranges. tron 15-60. 25. With the optimum vessel size (minimum weight), and high liquiel levels: Hu = D-H, Ava = Aue + Vill (3) Obwain #/,, using Table 3 with Avuly Horizontal design procedure: bucket and weir 1. Caleulate the vapor volumetric flow rate. Q,. using Eat 2. Calculate the fight and heasy liquid olumetec How rates: Q,y and Qn, Per Eqs. 9 and 10, 3. Caleulite the vertical terminal vapor velocity. U;, using Eq.4 (find K from Table 2) and set Uy = 0.73 U, 4. Select residence times tor li and hewy liquids, 8,, and Oy_. For sour water stipper feed drums. By) = ___ 235,000 bv Equation 88 Qj, = 45.000 lly “60 minh x 40.5 tovte® | mE quavion £9 7,500 l/h, on = nth x 62.0 Ib/te Equation E10 Ter = 343.57 t's 3,600 vh x 0.190 tive Literature Cited LAmold, K., and M. Stewart, “Surface Production Operations” Chapter 5, Gulf Publishing Co,, Houston, pp. 123-149 (1986), 2.Syreek, W. ¥., and W. D. Monnery, “Design Two-Phase Separitos. With the Right Limits” Chem, Eng. Progress, 89(i0) pp. 53-60 (Oc1.1993), American Society of Mechanteal Engineers, “ASME Pressure Vessel Code.” See. Vit, Div 1, Table UCS-23, ‘ASME, New York. pp, 270271 (1986), 60 min tor refinery servive, or 10-15 ‘min for chemical-plant service. For fuming regenerator feed drums, By, = 10-15 min, §. Obtain L/D trom Table 7 and initially set the diameter according (2.8 +081) oy 0.70n{e p) caleufate the toral erass-section- area. Ay usi 6. Set the vapor space height, Hy ‘o the larger of 0.20 oF 2 te 1 th ip BW Fquation E11 ( 4x27; 8.52 ft/min Equation ED = 2.02 ft/min L, equation B13 2.0 minx 2.02ft'/min 8.93 10 Equation E14 Equation E16 0 \06nx 17x ih 27780 95.03= 71.08 =4.g5 = 14.54 : there is no mist eliminator. ty AA in Table 3, obtain AVA. and culate ly 7. Caleutate £, (21:81, + Qn.80) 7 fer era 8. Calculate the liquid trop time. 6. using Ey, 23, 9. Calculate the aetwal vapor veh ity, Usy using Ey. 24 10. Calculate the minimum teng Fequired for vaporfiquid sep Lays. Using Ey, 25 NIL, Lys. the design is accept able for vapordliquid separation 12. Calewlate the light Fiquia aye thickness based on the heavy. ge Uy =0.175y/ 405 au = 2.55 fs } SILAS fuse HLOf | 45 fi 38 © sepremoen 196 » CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROGRESS ‘.MONNERY ie PHO candidat atthe ones 1 Cage, Clary, Abra, Canad Fe i 50 Fax AA 06) He is reaching th precaon of hysteal rope: (Se predoul,Neworkad a a proces ng “aorfo Co Eien Coop, Lavi sia 85e ard MSc degrees in chmieat vise yt Calgary fiminawn. Us vin AA, and GS] sacenies pretessorinthe department ct scl and peti ei oer of ob (07-3), Ha piu worked as 8 oir sens engine inh con syste {pour af Manso Co. Une ong ‘toneat, he jane he Unversity of Weta ‘rr, a ols 8Se ard PAD dares in eal eeginesng Kem the Users of ta Epon, Fguid drop vapor velo rinimum fenga uid separation NSCtL) = Lay 0 controls) 8 some exte ime. IF L, << recalculate 4, 0.001280,(AS,|De (56) “Hh. » Dp'is in microns. ars tiom step") ""Gateuate the eiference in ion is ucent jit ween the gh and Reavy liquidl weirs IUliquid layer" heavy tiquid (sn aH =H,|1- Fe) 1, Design the light liquid bucket: Set the top of light liquid weit = D— ——— we the bottom is at 0.1250; assume a holdup/surge (typically, Js 5-15 ming: assume FILL is 6 i below the weir height and LLL is 6 i above the bottom of the bucket. Using Table 3 with Hyj,/D and HylD. calewiste Ayy AMG Aggy Calculate Ly Loft 1, +7) aut T}Qu gy (4ui~ Au) | 1. Assume Lis the larger of DII2 1 ok 16. Des ign the heavy liguid com- pautinont: Set the top of the heavy liq uid weir = D = Hy ~ AH; assume a holdupisurge typically. $15 min) assume HCL is about 6 in. below the weir height and LLL is about 6 in, above the bottom of the vessel. Using ‘Table 3 with Hyy/D and Hy,,/D. cal culate Ay, and Ay. | Caleutate L, ie ——— Nomenclature vestial vessel cross-sectional area, fi? ‘Ay = downcomer cosssetional area Are = ea of light quid above vessel bot tom, ‘Ap = tial cross-sectional tea, Cy = diag coefficient, dimensionless dy, = nozzle da, in. Giletor outlet ‘aportiquid as specified) D = vessel diameter, for in Dy = dootdia. ft Dp = droplet dia. or microns Dy = vapor dsergagement dia. = welded joi ficiency, dimension less |& = gravitational const, 32.17 US? ‘afl igi load gph? height Tiguid evel above bale in. or liquid eit from above ba to feed nozzle, fe Hy. = disengagement height, f. Hy, = boldup height, Hi, = belght from ligui interfce to LL oz, Hay = HLL t inlet ooze centertin eight Hine = light igus height i boot, f ht layer thickoos, in Hay ~ Wight Tiga boight in vesel. Hye. ~ ist linac to top tan. eight, ft Hig baight from light quid nozzle to ba fe, Hz =suege height, @ 1H, = tox vertical separator height Hy, = vapor disengagement aca hei wei eight, fe bight difference beneen light and ‘avy liquid weirs, in lig = Stokes law terminal velocity con stant, (nsminyeP WW) K-=erminal velocity conta, fs easel length, f ‘aporfiquid separation minimum Fength yg = 88 defined in Figure 2 P= pressure, pag or psia (Tu + Ts}Qm © (Ana Au) 17. Calculate L= 1, +L +13 + by 18. Calculate L/D. If L/D << 15, (59) @ = volumetric How, £5 or ia $= vessel material sess vale. pi Se = specie gravity diference beeen JW and heavy louids fe = consign allowance, in ty = ead thickness, fu = seting Sie Cor heay lgal doplers ‘out of Light gui, nin fy = Hse time for Hit liquid droples 08 of heavy Tig, bg = bel thickness in Ty, = holdup time in T, = surge time, in Tt Ug. = allowable horizontal veloiy, 105 Uy = sein voosity of beay iid ropets out of ight ign nin Uy sisng velocity of light guid droplets ‘ut of envy liquid, in in Uy = minture velocity. fs Up = boot velocity, infin LU; = terminal velocity £48 ori iin Uy, = vapor velocity Us ‘Uc. = actual vapor velocity, Vg = holdup voloe. f° Vi = LLL volume, Vp = surge volume, AP vessel weight. Ib Adovwncomer chord within Greok levers © = liquid eesidence time, mie = six igi fraction » acon, cP P lensty, IN? = Fiquid dropout time, s ‘Subscripts HHL = bewy liquid HULL = igh iid level LLL = light tiquid LLL = low liquid level u mixture NLL = oema quid level v= vipor then decrease D and repeat from Step 5. If L/D >> 600, then increase D and repeat from Step 5. 19, Calculate the thickness of the shell and heads according to Table 8 20, Calculate the surface arca of CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROGRESS © SEPTEMBER 1954 * 39 MULTIPHASE FLOW Table 10. Data for Example 2. Compore MassFlow, ltt p.Ib® 6 Condon Wola Heads Us 7 Det and P10 pag Dished with inkl reis = 008 Mydrocorton vapor W« 235000, =0190 De 16 eand P> 100 psig 21 Bical Hydrocarbon liquid Wi, = 45,009 P= 40.5 (D> 15 ft, regardless of pressure Hemispherical Water Wye =75I0 py 620 eegarlss ow “hell and heads according to Table 8. 24, Catculate the approximate ves: sel weight according 1 Table 8, 22, Increase or decrease the di ‘ster by 6-in. incremenis and repeat the caleuiations a 15-60. Example 2 Design a three-phase horizontal Separator with a weir to separate the ‘mixture in Table 10, The operating Pressure and temperatare are 25 psig ‘and 100, respectively. and it is neces: Sry to have a iguid holdup and surge time oF 15 min, 1, Sce Eq. EB. box. p. 38 2. See Eqs, E9 und E10, box. p. 38 3. K = 0.175 (the Gas Processors Suppliers’ Association value in Table 2 was divided by 2 since there is no. ‘mist eliminator See Eq. EN. box, p. 38 Uy = 0.75 «2.55 = 191 tus 4, Holdup + surge as specified = 15, Vat Vy = 277.80 Te Assume 10 nin holdup. 3 min 5. Assume L/D = 1,7 See Eq. E12, box, p. 38 15 min) (18.52 1%miny wate: P= design pressure and O = drum da about 82% ofthe loading. set Hy t0 be ‘much greater than the minim Assume Hy = 0.700 = (0.70N 11.0 fe = 7.70 fi. Using Table 3 A\Zay = 0.748, A, = 7.08 t¢ Foy, = OSWUO47 = 125 in use 13 in Mall = 1301.0 x 12) = 0.098 Using Table 3. Ayp/Ay = 0.051 Aug = (0.05 1195.03 £2) = 4.85 tt By = 11.0 -7.70= 3.30 f 9. See Eq. E13, box, p. 38. Use L = 150 ft 10. Hy, = Hy, = 3.30 = 165 fh A, Hy /b = 1.65111.0 = 0.150 From Table 3. Ayy/, = 0.094 Ain, = (0.094X95.03 fe) = 8.93 ft Aye =95.03~ 11 08-893 = 13.02 fe 12, From Table I. k, = 0.33% Ujy, = (0.333K62.0 40.500. 29.83 indmin Use 10 in.Join (maxims jay = (0.333)62.0 — 40,50.682 = 10.50 inJmin Use 10 inJmin (maxima) TR. ty, = (12 indt.65.y/l0 inJenin 1.98 min, use 2.0 mins Fay = tn, = 2.0 0 14, Sce Eqs, El4 and E15. box p38 Use Ly = 3.0 ft 15.L=3.0+ 15.02 180% Ay = Wd 10 1? = 95.03 fe 16.0= 7.70 WWi.91 fs 4.03 5 6. Since the mass rate of vapor is 17. See Eg. E16. box. p. 38 gE SE SEE EEE EEE EEE 1 55x 132 5g + 120.307 in, { 8 Fquation E17 2% 17,500 x 085-12 0.885 x 55 x 132 ee "" FRT7S00% 0.85 0.1 X35 += 0.495 in. Equation E18 40 + seprewen tso4 © cueraL ENGINEER 17,920 ib ING PROGRESS 1B. Lay = 483 fUSN403 sy = 19st 19. Since L< Lys set b= 19.5 fe 60 Lo = 35 i 20. L/D = 19.5110 = 178 21. Assume dished heals per Tablet ‘Agsuime E = 0.85 Use SA-516 70 carbon steel, design temperature = 650° 7.500 psi: trom Ref. (31 Corrosion allowance = in P= 25 + 30=55 psig See Eq. E17, bos on this Use t= 's in See Eq. E18. boy on this page. Use ty = 89 ine use r=! in. 22. Ay = ILO TH 98 fy = o73.87 fe Ay = 842) 11.0 Ny? = 104.88 te 23, See Eq. E19. box on this pase 24, In this example, caleuatios were performed for only one diame- ter, However. nearly: the sinimum L/D contesponded 10 a diameter of 11.0 tt therefore, the next diameter should be smaller. resulting ina larger L/D. Also, calculations should be performed using a diameter of nish 25, For the light liquid compartment Figs = U3in. Comment: Due to the small amount of heavy liquid and large amount of vapor, a better design would have used a boot. A vertical vessel should be compared. as well G To receive a roe copy ofthis article, ‘send in the Reader Inquiry card in this issue with the number 183 circled.

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