Diseases of The Digestive System

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Diseases of the Digestive system

Periodontal Disease
S: Bad breath, bleeding of gums, loosening of tooth
C: Bacterial species (Porphyromonas gingivalis), Release of
enzymes which cause
weakening of gingival tissue.
T: Surgery such as: Flap surgery, bone grafts, soft tissue grafts
A: Brush your teeth twice a day, dental floss at least once a day
Trench Mouth
S: Receding of teeth (Pyorrhea), crater-like ulcers in mouth, fever
C: Caused by a large number of spirochetes of the Treponema
and Fusobacterium species
T: Antibiotics, professional cleaning from a dentist
A: Dont smoke, eat a healthy diet
S: Peptic or duodenal ulcers or both
C: Caused by Helicobacter pylori (It is acidophilic and urease
T: Taking antacids and other drugs (such as proton pump
inhibitors or H-2 blockers)
A: Dont smoke, develop good eating habits, Avoiding hot and
spicy foods
Cold sores (Fever blisters)
S: Whitlows a deep and extremely painful, localized finger
C: Herpes simplex virus Type I (HSV-1) - DNA virus
T: Medicines that contain numbing agents such as phenol and
menthol to reduce cracking and soften scabs
A: Avoiding spicy or acidic foods

S: Fever, headache, sore throat

C: Infection of the parotid glands (Parotitis)
T: You do not usually need any treatment if your symptoms are
mild. Paracetamol or ibuprofen can ease fever and pain. Give
children lots to drink, particularly if they have a high temperature
(fever). Fruit juice may stimulate the parotid gland to make more
saliva, and cause more pain. Water is best if this occurs.
A: Stay away from school, college or work until five days after
you first developed symptoms, Wash your hands regularly,
Always use a tissue

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