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Hypothetic Constructs The Subjunctive

General formula: SHOULD + infintitive (+that): They asked that I should stay.
Meaning: hypothetical, (im)possibility, desire, reproach, complaint, suggestion etc
Other forms: V II (informal use): They ask that I stayed.
Infinitive (v. formal): They ask that I stay.
Verbs that require the subjunctive: demand, insist, require, suggest etc.
NB. Subjunctive form of BE: were (instead of was)
Subjunctive constructs
1. WISH: Past tense present meaning: I wish you stayed longer.
Past perfect past meaning: I wish you had left earlier.
Could future desire: I wish I could come with you!
Would (not) complaint: I wish you wouldnt drive so fast!
Present tense true fact (no subjunctive): What if he knows your name? (real possibility).
He behaves as if he knows the place. (He really does know it.)
Past tense pretense, comparison: She smiles as if she were a queen. (She isnt one.)
Hypothesis: What if he called you? (But he will not call.)
Past tense and past perfect forms => same as wish structures: If only they knew the truth! If
only he had told me that. (regret)
They would rather I had left earlier. We had better go to the movies.
4. ITS TIME: Infinitive present meaning (no subjunctive): Its time for you to leave.
Past tense (+high) present hypothetical meaning: Its high time you left. (its already late)
Present tense real possibility/ no subjunctive: Suppose you come with us? Imagine it rains!
Past tense present meaning: Suppose you knew all the answers.
Past perfect past meaning: Suppose they had given him another chance.
6. If Clauses II and III: If they knew him, they wouldnt risk it (present meaning). If she had
understood the formula earlier, she would/might/could have solved the problem in time (past
meaning). Also with inversion: Had I arrived earlier, I wouldnt have missed the plane.
Translate using the subjunctive: 1. Se poarta de parca ar fi proprietarul localului. 2. A sugerat sa se
faca o plangere. 3. Arata de parca nu a mai mancat de secole. 4. Ce ar fi daca nu am mai merge la
petrecere? 5. E timpul sa luam masuri impotriva infractionalitatii. 6. Imi doresc sa fi stiut motivul
lor de a veni aici. 7. As prefera sa plecam imediat. 8. Ce n-as da sa te pot ajuta! 9. As vrea sa nu
mai faci atata zgomot. 10. Daca as fi stiut ca esti aici, te-as fi cautat. (+ inversion) 11. Daca as fi in
locul tau, m-as bucura de aceasta veste. 12. Imagineaza-ti ca esti presedinte. Ce ai face in legatura
cu traficul?
Further practice: Vince CAE pp.56-59

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