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Underground Railroad

By: Cedric Greer

Most famous conductor was Harriet Tubman
Led slaves along the route
Provided safe places for slaves to stay along the


Legal and political action to end slavery

Emphasized slavery as a sin
Tried to convince that slavery was wrong
Used political weapons such as speeches, petitions,
or conferences

Risk and Dangers

Underground Railroad was illegal
If caught branded, flogged, sent to jail, sold back
into slavery, or killed
Animals, helping slaves was stealing property

Spiritual songs were used to pass codes to one
Sometimes changed the lyric chariot to Harriet
Described routes and safe homes

Codes woven into quilts so people could reach the
next station
Quilts with the color black were used to show a safe
Colors were important

Struggles and Issues

Struggle Against Slavery
Abolitionist Movement

Escape Routes

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