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a new shopping centre

Last week I was in Rivne in order to do shopping.

I had visited some shopping centres and bought
some modern clothes when I saw many people
near the high buiding. As they said, the new
shopping centre was being opened. The event was
o r g a n i z e d i n a v e r y e x c i t i n g w a y.
It started with a speech by the director of the
centre,wno told about goods which people could
buy there, Tne opening began in a huge light hall
where there were many colorful balloons,
d i ff e r e n t s u r p r i s e s . A s t h e c e n t r e w a s s o b i g . t h e r e
were signs and store directories in case anyone
get lost. We visited all departments of the
shopping centre while romantic music played in
the background to get us in the good mood.
Because of the number of departments we got too
tired and took a break at the fast food
restaurant.After that we continued our excursion.
What I found really amazing was the price for
goods. They werent expensive and had a good
q u a l i t y. S o w e c o u l d b u y n i c e c l o t h e s f o r
reasonable prices.
To c o n c l u d e I w o u l d s a y t h a t t h e o p e n i n g o f t h i s
shopping centre was an exciting event. I liked the
atmosphere of the place and I think the
organization was excellent.

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