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Jessica Parker

LBS 400
Science Reflection
A great amount of knowledge needs to be present in order to teach science in an
elementary classroom. Science is not an easy subject and requires a lot of time and energy to be
able to understand. There are three different core ideas when it comes to science. These three
ideas include: scientific and engineering practices, cross-cutting concepts and disciplinary core
ideas. To be successful at teaching scientific and engineering practices you need to know how to
construct, explain and engage in arguments from different pieces of evidence. To be successful at
teaching cross-cutting concepts you have to know different kinds of patters, structures and
functions. Finally, to be successful at teaching disciplinary core ideas you need to know what the
structure and properties of matter are. Knowing these three core ideas is essential to becoming an
effective elementary science teacher.
My science classes here at Cal State Dominguez Hills have most definitely prepared me
for my future career in teaching. For instance, SMT 416 and PHY 300 have done more than
prepare me for my future as an elementary science teacher. PHY 300 and the PHY 300 Lab have
prepared me using everyday life situations for examples from the lectures. The labs from PHY
300 also have prepared me for the future as well with applying what I learned in lecture to the
lab. It is much easier to retain the information when the teacher relates the lecture to everyday
activities. In addition, SMT 416 has prepared me for my future as an elementary school teacher
as well. In SMT 416, we conducted several effective labs about the different types of
sedimentary and igneous rocks around the earth. We also did a lot of in class activities regarding

plate tectonics the different plates around the world. Overall, all of my science classes here at
Dominguez Hills have done more than prepare me for my future.
Science has always been a tricky subject for me. It has always been my hardest subject.
However, one area of science did click with me, and that was Physics. I feel more prepared in
Physics than in any other area of science. I know, its a little odd that finally in my senior year of
college science finally clicks with me. My past years with science have been such a struggle that
I wouldnt even try to understand. I would always just do the homework and get by with a C and
when it came to the tests I would fail. I am well aware that I need to sit down and commit to
studying all of the areas of science to become a successful elementary science teacher. I am also
aware that it will not be easy and I will have to really motivate myself.
As for my portfolio, I plan on sharing two different work samples. From PHY 300 I plan
on sharing one of my labs and from my SMT 416 class I plan on sharing my Plate Tectonic
Poster. The poster from SMT 416 is very colorful and shows tons of valuable information while
my lab work is straight to the point but interesting because we experience these things every day
without even knowing. These work samples demonstrate my knowledge of science because I
took the information that I learned in lecture and applied it to my labs. Without learning the
material in lecture it would be impossible to complete the labs. This goes for PHY 300 and SMT

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