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Geographical Research

Research and present back on 1 of 6 topics,

Tectonic Activity.
Cold environments- landscapes and change.
Life on the margins- the food supply system.
World of culture diversity.
Pollution and human health at risk.
Consuming the rural landscape leisure and tourism.

They are 70 mark questions. In the exams you will have a pre-released focus in the topic. Then
when you get to the exam you use the research on the focus to answer the question. It needs to
be a balanced answer with a range of case studies and key processes discussed.
a) How far do human response to tectonic hazards reflect the frequency and magnitude of
b) The short-term consequences of major tectonic activity are inevitable; the longer-term are
entirely avoidable Discuss.
c) With reference to examples, explain how tectonic activity can lead to distinctive landforms.
d) Explain why international initiatives are increasingly needed to manage the Polar regions.
e) Assess the view that Britains landscape owe a great deal to the presence of ice during the
Quaternary period.
f) Do glacial and periglacial processes produce distinctive landforms?
g) Outline the ways in which the environment influences levels of food security at regional,
national and international levels.

h) Assess the view that globalisation is forcing new supply lines in the food industry.
i) Evaluate the following statement The battle between free and fair traders misses the pointit is feeding people at a price they can afford that matters.
j) How might cultural values influence the way in which people see and use the natural
k) Assess the view that globalisation is creating one uniform global culture.
l) Discuss the role of modern communications systems in the loss of cultural diversity.
Explain why international initiatives are increasingly needed to cope with the risks of
disease and pollution.
n) Assess the view that the social costs of pollution are usually greater than the economic costs.
o) How far can pressure groups influence the management of pollution issues that affect
peoples health?
p) To what extent do the impacts of tourism increase as the pleasure periphery expands?
q) How far is it possible to predict and then manage the demands placed on rural landscapes by
leisure and tourism.
r) Can the needs of the leisure and tourism industry ever have neutral impacts on the natural

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