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Nguyen Khanh Linh

Kevin Cordeiro
2nd March 2015

Letter to Jane
Dear Jane,
I am writing to inform you that Jing had just gone through a terrible accident
yesterday. God bless him! I just can believe my eye on that day.
He is fine now but he told me that he needed to see meet you because since you
are his best friend. God bless him! I just can believe my eye on that day.
We were coming back from Sarahs birthday party. Everything was fine until Jing
and Jang started to dispute about the color of a circle. Jing said it was black and blue
but Jang saw it as white and gold. They had a really big huge fight in middle of the
street. We were standing right at the opposite corner of the street when Jang left and
let Jing standood alone on the street. Suddenly, a truck ran across where Jing was
standing with at a tremendous speed and beat Jing thrown out of the street. We all
saw it and did not believe it ourselves.
On the way back to hospital, he was moribund and his last words before he fainted
was Tell Jane to give the ring the Jang. I think that he really needs you now. But
you do not have to worry because Jing is recovering due to the doctors help.
Come back soon, Jane. We really need you to heal him. Call me as soon as you
receive this mail.
Best wishes,

217 words

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