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Quarter 3 Reading Goals: Fluency, Stamina & Variety

Weekly Pages Goal: 165

Quarterly Pages Goal: 1,485

Quarter 1-3 Reading Data



books did you read? 18

books did you abandon? 0
different authors did you read? 13
different genres did you read? 4
total pages did you read? 5,791

Quarter 3 Reflection
What are you noticing about your weekly pages, book list, and reading data? Did you meet your
quarterly goal? Why or why not? Im doing better about reading over my limit each week, and not
having as many not reaching weeks. My genres havent changed at all, I like to read the same genres,
but I should expand my horizon. Overall, though, I did read a good amount of books. Yes, I met my
quarterly goal and I went way over it.
How are you doing on your challenge goals? What are you proud of accomplishing? What are you
hoping to improve? Im not doing so well on the reading challenge for good reads, Im way behind, but I
could pull through maybe. For my other goal, its to read a set of books Ive been needing to read and
Im almost done reading all of them!

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