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Benton 1

Hannah Benton
Mrs. Debock
English 4
20 February 2015
Question: Should body cameras be a part of a police officers uniform?
Working Thesis: Body cameras should be a part of police officers uniform.
Refined Thesis: Body cameras should be a part of a police officers uniform because they can
help improve actions among both parties concerned, and provide evidence for court cases, even
if the videotaping could violate the Fourth Amendment.
Annotated Bibliography
Danielson, Richard. Eyes on Tampa Police Force as Body Cameras Get Go-ahead; Sixty
Cameras Begin Recording Next Month as a USF Criminologist Monitors the Results
Tampa Bay Times [St. Petersburg, FL] 9 Jan. 2015. 1B. Opposing Viewpoints in Context.
Web. 5 Feb. 2015
In the context of this article, the author talks about how the cameras are expected to be
given out to Tampas police force in February 2015. It is thought to believe that these cameras
will not only improve the behavior of the citizens but the police as well. In Tampa there is a USF,
or the University of South Florida, criminologist Wesley Jennings, reviewing these actions and
behaviors to see if they change. The study will take a yearlong process. To benefit Jennings, the
officers will not be able to modify or delete these videos. This is not the only study dealing with
body cameras Jennings has experimented with. The company is trying to find a way to have the

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camera come on when the lights on the car are turned on. This article is valid to the question due
to the reasoning that it could help improve actions of citizens.
Hansford, Justin. Body Cameras Wont Stop Police Brutality. Eric Garner is Only One of
Several Reasons Why. Washington Post 5 Dec. 2014. Opposing Viewpoints in Context.
Web. 6 Feb. 2015.
Eric Garner, the guy who was killed by the illegal choke hold held by one of New Yorks
police officers. Yes, there have been other incidents dealing with cops and citizens in which body
cameras would have been helpful. This incident was captured on a cell phone and yet the police
suffered no criminal consequences. Yet, are body cameras really helpful towards the citizens?
Justin Hansford believes that the cameras can do more harm. The body cameras are pinned to the
officers chests, pointing away from the police, only capturing a side of the scene. Yet, this side
of the scene could be reacting back to what is not being able to be seen by the camera. According
to the article, using body cameras could be actually be considered a violation to the fourth
amendment, since videotaping could be considered invasion of privacy. The evidence in this
article will benefit the question.

NOLA Police Hope Body Cameras Provide Important Evidence. Weekend Edition Saturday 6
Dec. 2014. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 6 Feb. 2015
In the article, the broadcast host Simon is talking with the city of New Orleans
independent police monitor, Susan Hutson. Agreeing with the context, police body cameras
would bring evidence into the court. Officers are required to record all encounters in which
police action is used, and cannot turn off the camera until all action as stopped. Officers who are

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not wearing cameras or do not have the cameras on are in clear violation. The video would be
one of the best ways to show what had happened during the situation. The jury and the judge
would be able to sit and listen and even watch the video. Having this video allows the offender a
chance and the jury just not siding with the police officer. This article will provide support
towards the essential question.

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