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There has been an ongoing debate as to who made a greater impact on

Canadian history, Terry Fox who was a champion in cancer research and awareness
and fundraising. While Dr. David Suzuki is mostly known for his Television series the
Nature of Things,
This report will show that Dr. David Suzuki has made a great environmental
impact on Canadian history. Terry Fox was revolutionary in brining Cancer
awareness to the forefront of media attention. Few have been able to achieve the
fundraising that Terry Fox has for Cancer research.
In 1977 Terry fox was first diagnosed with bone cancer. By February 1979
Terry started training for his Marathon of Hope and had run over 5000 kilometers.
Terrys goal was to run was to run a marathon a day About 42 km. Terry also had a
goal in mind of raising 1$ for every Canadian. And on February 1 st 1981 that goal is
realized with over $24 million being raised through the Terry Fox Marathon of Hope.
Still raising money to this day.
Terry Fox has won numerous awards including the Companion, Order of
Canada, Lou Marshall trophy in 1980, Recipient of the Dogwood (Order of British
Columbia), Canadian news maker of the year (1980-81), and the Canadian sports
hall of fame. There are also 14 schools and 15 roads named after Terry in Canada.
In conclusion Terry Fox was the greater Canadian. The Awareness he has
achieved towards cancer awareness is second to none. Even to this day there are
Millions of people in close to 25 countries that participate in the Terry Fox run. The
Terry fox foundation has raised over $650 million in cancer research funds. In March
2007 there was even a Terry Fox Research opened, combining clinical knowledge of
cancer physicians with advanced laboratory expertise of scientific researchers.

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