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2015 Tuscola Junior High Girls Track and Field Contract

- Inappropriate language will not be tolerated. Extra conditioning will

be added.
- No jewelry will be allowed at practice or at meets.
- Be respectful towards coaches, teammates, managers, and officials.
- Track athletes will be expected to RUN.
- Dress for the weather. On cold days sweats will be required.
- Any horseplay or failure to work will result in being sent home from
practice or meets and will result in a minimum of one unexcused
Excused Absences
- You or a parent must notify the coach prior to practice that you will
not be there. If you are sick I will check the office attendance.
3 Strikes: Detention/Behavior/Unexcused Absences:
- The third time a track member receives any of these things above or
any combination of the offenses the member could be dismissed from
the team.
1st offense: Extra conditioning, possible loss of meet participation, or
relay spot.
2nd offense: Extra conditioning, suspension from one meet and/or loss
of relay spot.
3rd offense: Extra Conditioning, meet suspension, & possible removal
from the team.
An athlete must have a passing grade in all classes to be able to
participate in meets. Eligibility will be checked on a weekly basis. The
extra- curricular code in the handbook will be followed.
- Relay teams must match exactly. Proper care should be given to all
school issued items.
- You are responsible for your uniform and will run a mile for each lost
- If you have damaged or lost any item you will have to purchase it.
Rain Days:
- When it rains we cannot practice outside. The boys and girls will take
turns using the school to practice. On these days practice will end at
- You are responsible for picking up all trash in your camp area.
- You are expected to stay for the entire meet.
- You are expected to help at meets at field events, placing hurdles,
- If you must leave a home meet ask the coach first.
- If you must leave an away meet a parent must sign you out.
- Know the order of events, start getting warmed up at least three
events prior.
- Know your time or distance and report to the coach/manager at away

- Not all athletes will be able to participate at all meets due to limits on
entries. This will be based on time/distance and practice attitude.
-Hair will be kept out of your eyes and neat. If your hair is long enough
that it poses a problem you will need to keep it pulled back in a
ponytail, braids, etc. Anyone not keeping their hair back will be
instructed to do so. If refusal to comply, the athlete will be removed
from their events or excused from practice for the day.
- The contract is subject to change as the coaches see fit if any
violation seems blatantly severe or any problem arises that is not
specifically addressed in the contract.
Please sign the final page only by Friday, March 15.
Order of Events Basic Format:
All Hurdles (Girls and Boys)
Boys Field Events
Girls Track Events
100 M Dash
1600 M Run
4x200 M Relay
4x100 M Relay
400 M Dash
200 M Dash
800 M Dash
4x400 M Relay
Girls Field Events
Boys Track Events
100 M Dash
1600 M Run
4x200 M Relay
4x100 M Relay
400 M Dash
200 M Dash
800 M Dash
4x400 M Relay

I have read and understand the girls track contract. If you have any
questions feel free to ask me.
Coach Pugh
Student Signature: _____________________________

Parent Signature: _______________________________

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