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Channel on the december, 3, 2012, with the help of Venus, every Light Being and the Divine

Source; avaible in every time, everywhere from this day.

With the intention that It become deeper, in unconditional Love everytime someone use it, and that
he glow from each person doing it.

I made the intention that when it is done, is done for your past, your present and
your future.

It heal you, in the Way, Venus may heal you, in the way Love may heal you.
It helps your heart to become more radiant, open, pushing each of your chakras to Higher states.
We can do it as many as you want, for meditate, for being more in your heart, to ground in your
You can send an orb with agreement.
You can heal to with it when you integrate well this gift from Venus and the Divine Source, and
when your heart is ready.
It shall start 5minutes after the reception, and may continue for 30min, and over...
Get relax and in a quiet room, when doing it.
"I ask my Soul, my Higherself, my Guardian Angle, my Spirit Guide,
the Soul Network, to receive perfectly, in every place, in every time,
the Venus orb of unconditional Love from Divine Source, Now!"

Free to share.
If you felt well this event, please at the end (when you think the event is done), create an Orb of
Unconditional Love between your hands with your heart and the intention of your higher self and
send it to the Main Orb.
Then it becomes more and more deeper.
Thank you to all of us >>
The Soul Network is a tool from Blake Paysse, avaible en youtube, and in other place of light.

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