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Josh Petty

Grant Proposal Assignment

ETT 570
Dr. Rebecca Butler
1 July 2014

Project Overview

Project Choice: I am requesting a grant to help fund the purchase of forty-eight (48) Samsung
model 2 Chromebooks, as well as two (2) charging storage carts. This will aid in the efficiency of
standardized testing and will give more students the opportunity to complete homework
assignments at school, without taking time from other classes. This should improve both
individual grades and standardized test scores.

Grant Amount Requested: $10,000 There are no guidelines listed regarding the amount of
the grant. This is the amount that I will be requesting.

School Choice:
Montmorency CCSD 145
Montmorency Grade School
9415 Hoover Road
Rock Falls, IL 61071
*This is the district/school that I mostly substitute within. I am writing this grant proposal as if I
am the technology director of this school.
District/School* Report Card:
*This is a one school district
Grant Institution: The Kroger Co. Foundation

Grant Guidelines:

9145 Hoover Road

Rock Falls, IL 61071
April 28, 2014
Central Division
5960 Castleway West Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46250
To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Joshua Petty and I am writing you on behalf of Montmorency Community
Consolidated School District 145 and Montmorency Grade School, where I am currently
employed as technology director and computer teacher. We are a one school district, located in
Rock Falls, Illinois, which is within ten miles of your central division store located in Sterling,
Illinois. We currently have an enrollment of approximately 350 students, between the grades of
kindergarten and eighth grade. Our school features two classes at each grade level (18 total
classes), with an average class size of 17.6 students. I am writing to the Kroger Co. Foundation
today asking for a $10,000 grant to aid in the purchase of forty-eight (48) Samsung Chromebook
computers and two (2) charging security/storage carts to hold those Chromebooks. This
purchase would greatly help out our district/school in multiple areas.
Within our school, we currently feature two computer labs, each containing twenty-four (24)
computers. One lab is run by myself and is used daily for seven, forty minute classes. The other
lab is unstaffed, and is typically used during testing, or appointment only. At least three times
per school year, we partake in some form of standardize testing. During both the fall and spring
each school year, we test students using the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA)
Common Core Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment exam. During the spring, we
also test students using the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers
(PARCC) exam. All of these exams are now done online. With 350 students to test, over 18
classes, and only 48 available computers, it can take as long as two weeks at a time to complete
this testing. During periods of testing, both computer labs are used strictly for testing, and
regular computer classes cannot take place.
As part of the common core curriculum switch, which we are currently undertaking, a majority
of our middle school (grades 6-8) assignments are now being done online. These can be
completed while at school or at home. Under our school calendar, the last class period of the
day is left open for a study hall. During this time period, there are approximately 100 students
wanting to get into a computer lab with 24 computers, to work on their math homework, or
other homework. Since the other computer lab is unstaffed, it is typically not used during this
time. On the two weekly days that I have computer class with the middle school students, I
need to give them class time to work on their math, to compensate for our lack of lab space.
While Im happy that they are able to complete their homework, it greatly impedes my lesson
planning and limits what Im able to accomplish with them in class.

The purchase of forty-eight Chromebooks and two carts would greatly help us solve both
problems. During periods of standardized testing, we would now be able to test four classes at
one time, instead of the two we are able to do now. That would allow us to complete our
testing within a week, rather than the two weeks it currently takes us. That alone would save us
3-4 weeks over the course of the school year. During periods of non-testing, these could be
used during regular class periods and study hall to help middle school students complete their
math homework. This should lead to more assignments being turned in, which should result in
higher grades and improved test scores. The carts themselves would also help us in achieving
this because they would make the Chromebooks extremely portable. They could be moved to
any classroom within the school quickly and safely at any time.
The outcomes of this purchase would be very easy to assess. First, we could compare the
number of assignments that were handed in late, or not at all, both before and after this
purchase. With more computers available, this number should greatly improve. Second, we
could compare grades from year to year to gauge the amount of improvement. Lastly, we can
look at our standardized testing results. With more work being completed, both grades and test
scores are expected to improve.
During the first week of school, I would be personally training both the students and staff on
the correct way to use this new technology. That would include not only the proper way to use
the new computers, but also the correct way to store them within the new carts. This should
prolong their lives and allow us to use these for several years. The students could be taught
how to use these during our first few computer class meetings of the new school year. One cart
of Chromebooks would start in the computer lab for teaching, and the other would be in the
math room for classroom use. The 29 staff members, not including myself, could be trained on
the use and storage of these during an institute day, prior to the start of the school year. The
training of both students and staff could be worked into our regular schedules very easily and
would not require any extra funding to do so.
In total, this project would cost our district/school $19,969.50. We are wanting two Model DSGR-CB-S24-C, Chromebook charging security carts and forty-eight (48) Samsung model 2
Chromebooks. Each cart costs $1,408.75, and shipping for both carts is $200.00. Our total for
the cart purchase would be $3,217.50. As for the Samsung Chromebooks themselves, each one
cost $349.00. We have been in contact with a representative from Google and since these will
be used for education, and because of the volume we are purchasing at once, they are
generously waiving the tax and shipping and handling costs. Therefore, our total for this
purchase would be $16,752.00. Again, that brings our grand total to $19,969.50. I have
enclosed a spreadsheet which breaks down our totals.
As I mentioned in my introduction, we are asking for a grant of $10,000, which would help us
greatly in achieving this vision, however any donation would be greatly appreciated. We
currently have a deal with our Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO), which will match any
donation for this project, up to $7,500. I have included a letter from our PTO president, Howard
Stein, confirming this fact. We are also sponsoring a 5k race in September, with the proceeds

benefitting our technology department and this purchase. Hopefully the remaining balance, if
any, will be within our annual $5,000 technology budget.
To show our appreciation for any donation that you would be willing to provide us, we would
be willing to display Kroger advertisement banners at all events within and hosted by our school
for the next two years. I have also included a letter from David Reid, our superintendent and
principal, confirming this. With our proximity to your Sterling, Illinois store, we hope that this
temporary partnership would be to the benefit of both parties.
As requested, I have also included a copy of a letter confirming our tax exempt status.
Thank your very much for your time and consideration on this matter. We at Montmorency
School look forward to your reply and to further discussing this matter with you again in the
very near future. Thank you again for this wonderful opportunity.

Joshua Petty
Computer Teacher/Technology Coordinator
Montmorency Grade School
9415 Hoover Road
Rock Falls, IL 61071
(815)625-6616 Ext. 217

Attachments (4)

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