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- For University Use Only Commercial Use Prohibited

PTC Global Services

Fundamentals of
Mold Design
Release 2000i2

For University Use Only - Commercial Use Prohibited

For University Use Only - Commercial Use Prohibited

Fundamentals of Mold Design
This Fundamentals of Mold Design Training Guide may not be copied, reproduced, disclosed,
transferred, or reduced to any form, including electronic medium or machine-readable form, or
transmitted or publicly performed by any means, electronic or otherwise, unless Parametric Technology
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Use of the software has been provided under a Software License Agreement.
Information described in this manual is furnished for information only, is subject to change without
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for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this manual.
The software contains valuable trade secrets and proprietary information and is protected by United
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Pro/ENGINEER and Pro/MECHANICA are registered trademarks, and all product names in the PTC
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Parametric Technology Corporation, 128 Technology Drive, Waltham, MA 02453
2000 Parametric Technology Corporation. Unpublished all rights reserved under the copyright laws
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Document No. Date


Initial Printing of Fundamentals of Mold Design for Release 2000i2

Order Number DT-009-310-EN

Printed in U.S.A

For University Use Only - Commercial Use Prohibited

Training Agenda
Fundamentals of Mold Design
Day 1

Introductions and Logistics


Mold Desi gn Course Over view


Getting Started With Mold Desi gn & Demo

10:00-10:15 Break
10:30-12:00 Exercise



Exercise (continued)


Creating Mold Assembl y Features




Parting Surface Creation



Day 2

Exercise (continued)


Silhouette Cur ves & Skirt Surfaces



10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-11:15 Splitting the Mold
11:15-12:00 Exercise



Exercise (continued)


Creating Mold Volumes Directly






Feature List Management



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Day 3

Exercise (continued)


Mold Layout








Desi gn for Moldability




Regeneration Failures in the Mold



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For University Use Only - Commercial Use Prohibited

For University Use Only - Commercial Use Prohibited

Table of Contents
Fundamentals of Mold Design


INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................1-2
MOLD PROCESS ..............................................................................................................1-2
MODULE SUMMARY......................................................................................................1-5



GETTING STARTED ........................................................................................................2-2

Design and Reference Models ........................................................................................... 2-2
Workpiece.......................................................................................................................... 2-6

PRO/MOLDESIGN FILES ................................................................................................2-8

File Types........................................................................................................................... 2-8
Mold Model ....................................................................................................................... 2-8
Mold Assembly.................................................................................................................. 2-9
Saving Files........................................................................................................................ 2-9
File Management ............................................................................................................... 2-9

SHRINKAGE .....................................................................................................................2-9
Shrinkage Feature ............................................................................................................ 2-10
Shrinkage Formulas ......................................................................................................... 2-11
Shrinkage by Dimension.................................................................................................. 2-11
Shrinkage by Scaling ....................................................................................................... 2-12
Shrinkage Info.................................................................................................................. 2-13

LABORATORY PRACTICAL ........................................................................................2-15

EXERCISE 1: Reference Part Layout and Shrinkage...................................................... 2-15
EXERCISE 2: Automatic Workpiece Creation................................................................ 2-19
EXERCISE 3: Reference Part Layout.............................................................................. 2-23

MODULE SUMMARY....................................................................................................2-29



ASSEMBLY FEATURES..................................................................................................3-2
The Waterline Feature........................................................................................................ 3-2
The Runner Feature............................................................................................................ 3-2

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Ejector Pin Clearance Holes ...............................................................................................3-3

USER-DEFINED FEATURES .......................................................................................... 3-4

Creating a UDF ..................................................................................................................3-4
Creating UDFs....................................................................................................................3-5
Placing a UDF ....................................................................................................................3-7

LABORATORY PRACTICAL ....................................................................................... 3-11

EXERCISE 1: Creating Runners and Waterlines .............................................................3-11
EXERCISE 2: Creating UDFs..........................................................................................3-20
EXERCISE 3: Placing UDFs ...........................................................................................3-23

MODULE SUMMARY ................................................................................................... 3-27



SURFACE FEATURES..................................................................................................... 4-2

Creating Surface Features...................................................................................................4-3
Merging Surface Patches....................................................................................................4-5
Trimming Surface Patches .................................................................................................4-5
Extending Surfaces.............................................................................................................4-7
Modifying and Redefining Parting Surfaces ......................................................................4-8

LABORATORY PRACTICAL ......................................................................................... 4-9

EXERCISE 1: Creating a Planar Parting Surface...............................................................4-9
EXERCISE 2: Creating a Compound Parting Surface .....................................................4-12
EXERCISE 3: Creating Parting Surfaces Using Extend ..................................................4-23

MODULE SUMMARY ................................................................................................... 4-31



SILHOUETTE CURVES................................................................................................... 5-2

Interpretation of Slides .......................................................................................................5-3
Gap Closure........................................................................................................................5-3
Loop Selection....................................................................................................................5-4

SKIRT PARTING SURFACE ........................................................................................... 5-4

Extension Control...............................................................................................................5-5

LABORATORY PRACTICAL ......................................................................................... 5-7

EXERCISE 1: Silhouette Curve and Skirt Surface ............................................................5-7
EXERCISE 2: Skirt Surface Extension Control ...............................................................5-11

MODULE SUMMARY ................................................................................................... 5-19



SPLITTING THE MOLD .................................................................................................. 6-2

One Volume Split ...............................................................................................................6-2

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Two Volume Split.............................................................................................................. 6-3

Split Classification ............................................................................................................. 6-3

ADVANTAGES OF SPLITTING WITH A PARTING SURFACE .................................6-4

EXTRACTING MOLD VOLUMES..................................................................................6-4
MOLD OPENING ..............................................................................................................6-6
LABORATORY PRACTICAL ..........................................................................................6-9
EXERCISE 1: Splitting the Rod Mold............................................................................... 6-9
EXERCISE 2: Splitting the Surface Mold ....................................................................... 6-14
EXERCISE 3: Splitting the Pen Cap Mold...................................................................... 6-18
EXERCISE 4: Classifying Mold Volumes ...................................................................... 6-20

MODULE SUMMARY....................................................................................................6-21



CREATING VOLUMES....................................................................................................7-2
Gather Feature.................................................................................................................... 7-2
Sketching Volumes ............................................................................................................ 7-5
Reference Part Cutout ........................................................................................................ 7-6
Offset ................................................................................................................................. 7-6
Draft and Rounds ............................................................................................................... 7-7
Attach................................................................................................................................. 7-8

MODIFYING MOLD VOLUMES ....................................................................................7-8

LABORATORY PRACTICAL ..........................................................................................7-9
EXERCISE 1: Creating Mold Volumes Directly............................................................... 7-9
EXERCISE 2: Creating a Remote Mold .......................................................................... 7-14
EXERCISE 3: Creating Mold Volumes Directly............................................................. 7-24

MODULE SUMMARY....................................................................................................7-31



MOLD FEATURE LIST ....................................................................................................8-2

Feature List Management and Local Groups ..................................................................... 8-5

MOLD OPERATIONS TO WORK WITH THE MOLD ..................................................8-6

MODEL REGENERATION ..............................................................................................8-7
MOLD INFORMATION....................................................................................................8-8
LABORATORY PRACTICAL ..........................................................................................8-9
EXERCISE 1: Organizing Mold Features ......................................................................... 8-9
EXERCISE 2: Modifying the Remote Mold.................................................................... 8-13

MODULE SUMMARY....................................................................................................8-17

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MOLD LAYOUT............................................................................................................... 9-2

Cavity Population ...............................................................................................................9-2
Mold Base Selector ............................................................................................................9-4
Injection Molding Machine Selector ..................................................................................9-5
Mold Catalog Items ............................................................................................................9-5
Mold Feature Creation........................................................................................................9-7
Layout Information Display ...............................................................................................9-7

LABORATORY PRACTICAL ......................................................................................... 9-9

EXERCISE 1: Assembling a Moldbase to the Latch Mold................................................9-9
EXERCISE 2: Ejector Pin Catalog...................................................................................9-17

MODULE SUMMARY ................................................................................................... 9-21



DRAFT............................................................................................................................. 10-2
Terminology .....................................................................................................................10-2
Types of Drafts.................................................................................................................10-3
Tips and Techniques for Draft..........................................................................................10-7

ROUNDS ......................................................................................................................... 10-7

Round Types.....................................................................................................................10-7
Tips on Performance.......................................................................................................10-13
Troubleshooting Rounds ................................................................................................10-13

MOLD CHECK ............................................................................................................. 10-13

Draft Check ....................................................................................................................10-13
Thickness Check.............................................................................................................10-14
3-D Waterline Clearance Check .....................................................................................10-16

LABORATORY PRACTICAL ..................................................................................... 10-17

EXERCISE 1: Creating Draft.........................................................................................10-17
EXERCISE 2: Draft Checks...........................................................................................10-22
EXERCISE 3: Thickness Check.....................................................................................10-25

MODULE SUMMARY ................................................................................................. 10-29



RESOLVE ENVIRONMENT OVERVIEW ................................................................... 11-2

Causes of Regeneration Failures ......................................................................................11-2
The Resolve Environment ................................................................................................11-3

ADDRESSING THE PROBLEM.................................................................................... 11-3

The Backup Model ...........................................................................................................11-3
Diagnosing the Cause of Failure ......................................................................................11-4
Fixing the Model ..............................................................................................................11-5

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MOLD ACCURACY .......................................................................................................11-6

Relative Accuracy ............................................................................................................ 11-6
Absolute Accuracy........................................................................................................... 11-7

LABORATORY PRACTICAL ........................................................................................11-9

EXERCISE 1: Fixing Regeneration Failures ................................................................... 11-9

MODULE SUMMARY..................................................................................................11-19



PTC HELP OVERVIEW...................................................................................................A-2

PTC HELP FEATURES....................................................................................................A-2
USING THE PRO/ENGINEER HELP SYSTEM .............................................................A-2
Getting Help While Performing a Task............................................................................. A-2

GETTING HELP THROUGH THE PTC HELP SIDEBAR.............................................A-3

PTC HELP MODULE LIST..............................................................................................A-4



FINDING THE TECHNICAL SUPPORT PAGE.............................................................B-2

OPENING A TECHNICAL SUPPORT CALL ................................................................B-2
Opening a call via email: .................................................................................................. B-2
Opening a Call via Telephone:.......................................................................................... B-3
Opening calls on the PTC Web Site:................................................................................. B-3
Sending Data to Technical Support................................................................................... B-3

CALL / SPR FLOW CHART AND PRIORITIES............................................................B-4

REGISTERING FOR ON-LINE SUPPORT.....................................................................B-5
ONLINE SERVICES.........................................................................................................B-6
FINDING SOLUTIONS IN THE KNOWLEDGE BASE ................................................B-6
GETTING UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION ....................................................................B-8
CONTACT INFORMATION............................................................................................B-8
Internet .............................................................................................................................. B-8
Telephone.......................................................................................................................... B-9

ELECTRONIC SERVICES.............................................................................................B-13

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For University Use Only - Commercial Use Prohibited


Mold Design Overview

Mold design enables you to create a mold model based on the
geometry of Pro/ENGINEER models. This module introduces the
general process that you perform during a typical Pro/MOLDESIGN

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Understand the process of creating a mold model

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Pro/MOLDESIGN is an optional module in Pro/ENGINEER that provides
you with tools to simulate the mold design process within Pro/ENGINEER.
You can design a mold around an existing solid Pro/ENGINEER part,
eliminating the need to re-create the original geometry in the mold. Also,
the parametric nature of the system enables you to quickly update the
mold after the design model is changed.

The Pro/MOLDESIGN process consists of the following steps. These steps
will be discussed in detail in this training course.
1. Create a mold model by assembling or creating reference models
and workpieces. The reference model represents the model that is
being molded and the workpiece represents the A and B plates that
are used in the mold model.
2. Create shrinkage on your mold model. Applying shrinkage values
to the reference model increases the models dimensions in
proportion to the amount of shrinkage that occurs during the
molding process.
3. Add gates, runners, and waterlines as mold features. They will be
considered when creating the molded part, as well as for
interference checking during the mold opening process.
4. Define the parting surfaces to split the workpiece into separate
mold volumes.
5. Split the mold volumes based on the parting surfaces. This
produces two mold volumes (core and cavity). A mold volume is a
three-dimensional, enclosed surface quilt with no mass.
6. Extract the mold volumes to produce mold components. Once
extracted, the mold components are fully functional
Pro/ENGINEER parts, which you can bring up in Part mode, use in
Drawings, or machine with Pro/NC.
7. Create the molding that represents the filled mold cavity. The
system creates the molding automatically by determining the
volume remaining in the workpiece after subtracting the extracts.

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Fundament als of Mo ld Des i gn

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8. Define steps for mold opening. Check interference with static parts
for each step. Modify mold components if necessary.
9. Assemble mold base components, if needed. The mold base
components are the standard moldbase library parts that are
obtained from suppliers such as Hasco and DME.

M o ld Des ig n Ove r vie w

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For University Use Only - Commercial Use Prohibited


In this module, you learned that:

M o ld Des ig n Ove r vie w

Creating a mold model involves following a series of steps from

creating the mold model all the way through to creating the mold
components and defining the opening.

During the molding process, changes to the design model may occur.
When these changes are made to the design model, they will propagate
throughout all aspects of the design because the model is parametric
and changes are reflected throughout all the intermediate process steps.

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For University Use Only - Commercial Use Prohibited


Getting Started with the Mold Design

This module introduces you to the various components used in a
Pro/ENGINEER mold model. As mold is a manufacturing model,
there are several new types of components that are introduced. Since
these components are critical to the mold design, it is important to
understand the purpose of each type of component and the
interrelations before discussing mold creation.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Create a new mold model by assembling the reference model and


Recognize the different files that are created in Mold mode

Apply shrinkage to the mold model

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To begin a new Pro/MOLDESIGN session, click Manufacturing > Mold
in the NEW dialog box, as shown in Figure 1. You have the option of
using a default template for the mold model. This consists of default
datum planes and a coordinate system, saved views, and predefined layers.

Figure 1: NEW Dialog Box

Design and Reference Models

The design part geometry is a source for the mold reference part geometry.
The relationship between the design part and reference part depends on the
method used to create the reference part.
When assembling a reference part, you can copy (merge by reference)
design part geometry into the reference part. In this case, you can apply
shrinkage to the reference part and create drafts, rounds, and other
features; these changes will not affect the design model. However, any
changes in the design model are automatically reflected in the reference

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Fundament als of Mo ld Des i gn

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As an alternative, you can designate a design part to be a mold reference

part. In this case, they will be the same models.
In both cases, using the geometry of a reference model while working in
Pro/MOLDESIGN sets up a parametric relationship between the design
model and the mold components. Because of this relationship, when the
design model is changed, any associated mold components are updated to
reflect the change.
When creating multi-cavity molds, you can either pattern the reference
model using the reference part layout functionality or assemble several
reference models that are all created from the same original design model.
If you use the second approach you must be aware that if a feature is
added to one of the reference models, it will only appear on that one
reference model. However, if changes to the original design model are
made, those changes will appear in all of the reference models.

Design Model

Mold Model

Reference Model

Figure 2: Reference Models in a Multi-Cavity Mold

Gettin g St a rt ed w ith th e Mo ld De sign

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The following steps are used to create a reference part layout:

1. Click Mold Model > RefPart Layout > Create . The LAYOUT
dialog box appears as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: LAYOUT Dialog Box

2. Click
and select the design part from the OPEN dialog box.
The CREATE REFERENCE MODEL dialog box opens, as shown in
Figure 4. Click Merge By Ref or Same Model to use the design
part as the reference part. Click Ok .

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Fundament als of Mo ld Des i gn

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3. Click
to designate the reference model origin and orientation.
The GET CSYS TYPE menu appears. A second Pro/ENGINEER
window opens with the reference model in it.
4. Click Dynamic or Standard . If you choose Dynamic , the REF
MODEL ORIENTATION dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 5,
and enables you to orient the reference part. If you click Standard ,
select the coordinate system in the second Pro/ENGINEER window.
Click OK when complete.

Figure 5: Dynamic Reference Model Orientation

5. To designate the layout origin, click

box and select a coordinate system.

in the LAYOUT dialog

6. Select the layout configuration (Single , Rectangular , Circular , or

Variable ) and the orientation, if applicable.

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7. Depending on the layout configuration, you can then specify

configuration parameters (for example, the number of cavities and
the increments in the X and Y directions for a rectangular

The workpiece represents the overall volume of the mold components that
directly participate in shaping the molten material (for example, the top
and bottom inserts together). The workpiece can be an assembly of A & B
plates with inserts or simply an insert that is split into multiple
components. The workpiece can have standard overall dimensions to fit in
the standard base, or it can be custom-made to accommodate the geometry
of the design model.


Figure 6: Workpiece

Automatic workpiece creation functionality gives you the ability to create

a workpiece based on the reference model's size and position. Using the
AUTOMATIC WORKPIECE dialog box, as shown in Figure 7, you can do
the following:

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Orient the workpiece in relation to the mold base parting plane and
pull direction

Create a custom size workpiece or select from standard sizes

Fundament als of Mo ld Des i gn

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Save offsets used during the automatic workpiece creation to a file for
future use


If the workpiece is a pre-existing part, you can assemble it in the mold

assembly, or you can create the workpiece directly in the mold assembly.
If you choose to create a workpiece, you have the options of Automatic
and Manual .

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For manual workpiece creation, the COMPONENT CREATE dialog box

appears, as shown in Figure 8. The workpiece is then created using the
same process as if creating a component in an assembly.

Figure 8: COMPONENT CREATE Dialog Box

File Types
When working in Pro/MOLDESIGN, several different files will be
created. The following list shows these files:


Mold assembly MOLDNAME.ASM


Reference part MOLDNAME_REF.PRT (default name)

Design model FILENAME.PRT

Mold Model
The mold model is the top-level manufacturing model. This model is
retrieved into Mold mode and contains all of the information necessary to
regenerate the entire mold. The mold model contains the assembly of all
of the reference parts, workpieces, and mold process information.

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Whenever you assemble a new model into the mold, you will
need to classify it as a reference model, workpiece, mold base
comp, or general assembly. If general assembly is used, you
will need to classify all of the parts as one of the other three.

Mold Assembly
The mold assembly is the top-level assembly in the mold model. It
contains all reference models, workpieces, and mold base components as
well as all assembly level mold features. The mold assembly is a true
assembly file and is created automatically when the mold manufacturing
model is created. The mold assembly can be retrieved in Assembly mode
as long as the mold model is first in session.

Saving Files
When a mold model is stored, the new versions of the .mfg and .asm
files are written to disk whether or not changes were made to the mold
model. All other components are only stored if they have been changed.

File Management
Like an assembly, it is important to keep all of the files within the mold in
the same directory as the mold file itself. Also, it is important to keep all
common files in a library somewhere (usually write-protected), to keep
them from being inadvertently changed.

Shrinkage is the contraction of the molding as it solidifies and cools.
Applying shrinkage values to the reference model increases the
dimensions of the reference model in proportion to the amount of
shrinkage that occurs during the molding process.
Before starting the molding process, you should set up for shrinkage.
There are two methods of applying shrinkage, by dimension and by

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When you click Shrinkage in the MOLD menu, the SHRINKAGE menu
appears with the following commands:

Formula Choose

By Dimension Set

By Scaling Shrink

Shrink Info Display the

a formula to define the shrinkage factor. The

default formula is that in which shrinkage is based on the original
geometry of the part.

up one coefficient for all model dimensions and

specify shrink coefficients for individual dimensions. The system
applies this shrinkage to the design model and, therefore, to the
reference part.
the part geometry by scaling with respect to a
coordinate system. You can specify different shrink factors for each
coordinate. This shrinkage only affects the reference model when set
in Mold or Cast modes.

Information window, with shrinkage

information for the current model.

Shrinkage Feature
When working with a shrinkage feature in a part, remember the following

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Entering a negative shrink reduces the dimension value; a positive

shrink increases the dimensional value.

When a part has shrinkage information associated with it, the nominal
dimensions are displayed in magenta and the shrink value is displayed
in parentheses, expressed as a percentage (by default), as shown in
Figure 9. The shrink value can only be modified using the

In order to work with shrinkage, all the Dim Bounds must be cleared.

When you apply suppressed shrinkage in Part mode, the dimensions in

the mold return to their nominal values and appear yellow.

Fundament als of Mo ld Des i gn

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Figure 9: Part with Shrinkage Applied

Shrinkage Formulas
There are two formulas for calculating the shrinkage. The system prompts
you for the S value.



The shrinkage factor is based on the models original geometry,

and is the default choice.
The shrinkage is based on the models resulting geometry.

Shrinkage by Dimension
When applying shrinkage by dimension in Mold mode, Pro/ENGINEER
places a shrinkage feature in the design model. You will be able to select
the formula you want to use for calculating the shrink and the dimensions
you want to apply the shrink to.
When specifying shrinkage by dimension, keep the following in mind:

Shrink values are not cumulative.

Shrinkage By Dimension does not shrink external references or

imported geometry.

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When shrink is applied to a specific reference model in a multi-cavity

mold, all reference models based on the same design model will have
the same shrink applied to them. In family molds, the shrink will only
apply to reference models of a specific design model; the shrink does
not affect reference models based on different design models.

Shrinkage By Dimension only affects those features created or

reordered before the shrinkage feature.

Updating the Design Model

When shrink is applied By Dimension, a feature is added to the design
model. The design model dimensions will reflect the altered values. To
use the design model without the shrink, the shrinkage feature can be
suppressed without affecting the reference part geometry in the mold. To
do this from mold model, you update the design model either with shrink
or without shrink.

Shrinkage by Scaling
Shrinkage by Scaling creates a new assembly feature called shrinkage
when applied in Pro/MOLDESIGN. Because it creates a feature in
Pro/MOLDESIGN, it will not affect the design model geometry. If there are
multiple reference models within a mold model, the system will prompt
the user to select which models should be shrunk. To create the shrinkage,
select a coordinate system feature and specify shrink values in the X, Y,
and Z directions. The reference model geometry will then be scaled about
the selected coordinate system. All assembly offset values used in locating
the reference models in the mold will also be shrunk.
Shrinkage by scaling is primarily used for anisotropic shrink as well as for
models that contain imported geometry because this geometry will be
shrunk with a Shrinkage by Scaling feature.

If Shrinkage By Scaling is applied to the design model in Part
mode, then the shrinkage feature belongs to the design model,
not to the references parts. Shrinkage will be accurately
reflected by the reference part geometry, but it can not be
updated in Pro/MOLDESIGN.

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Shrinkage Info
Clicking Shrink Info in the SHRINKAGE menu brings up an information
window with the following information:

The name of the design model

The status of the design model (that is, whether it is shrunk or not

The name of the coordinate system for Shrinkage By Scaling

All shrinkage values set for the model

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For University Use Only - Commercial Use Prohibited


The goal of these exercises is to learn how to create a mold model by
assembling the reference model and the workpiece using various
techniques. You will also learn to apply shrinkage to your models.

In the first exercise, you will create a four-cavity mold for a rod part
(Figure 10). You will assemble the reference parts using the LAYOUT
dialog box. You will assemble the workpiece and apply shrinkage before
continuing with the molding process.
In the second exercise, you will create a single cavity mold and you will
create a custom workpiece from within Mold mode (Figure 13). You will
complete the exercise by adding shrinkage to the model.
In the third exercise, you will further investigate the options in the
reference part layout to create multiple cavities in the mold.

EXERCISE 1: Reference Part Layout and Shrinkage

Figure 10: Four-Cavity Rod Mold

Task 1. Create a new mold model for ROD.PRT that consists of a 2 x 2

reference part layout and a workpiece.
1. Click File > New .
2. Click Manufacturing as the type of model and Mold as the subtype. Make sure that the Use default template option is selected.

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3. Name the mold [rod] and click OK .

4. Click Mold Model > RefPart Layout > Create . The LAYOUT
dialog box appears.
5. Click

in the dialog box and select ROD.PRT. Click Open . The

CREATE REFERENCE MODEL dialog box appears.

6. Click Ok to accept the defaults. A new reference part will be

created called ROD_REF.PRT.
7. In the LAYOUT dialog box, the system automatically selects
PRT_CSYS_DEF and MOLD_DEF_CSYS as the reference model
origin and the layout origin, respectively. Click Preview . The
reference part needs to be rotated 90 about the X-axis to get it into
the preferred orientation.
8. Click

in the Ref. Model Origin and Orient section and click

in the GET CSYS TYPE menu. The reference model
appears in a sub-window and the REF MODEL ORIENTATION
dialog box opens.

9. Accept the default of Rotate and X axis .

10. Type [90] in the Value field and click OK .
11. Click Preview . The reference model has been rotated and a new
coordinate system, REF_ORIGIN, is created in the reference part.
12. Click Rectangular in the Layout section of the dialog box.
13. Click Constant in the Orientation section of the dialog box.
14. By Default, there should be two cavities in the X and Y directions.
Type [240] for the X increment and [90] for the Y increment.
15. Click Preview . The reference model layout should appear as
shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11: Reference Part Layout

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16. Click Ok > Done/Return > Done/Return . Notice that a pattern of

the ROD_REF.PRT component has been added to the Model Tree.
Task 2.

Blank the reference parts and assemble the workpiece into the

1. Click
in the toolbar. The BLANK UNBLANK dialog box
2. Click
to select all of the visible components (that is, the four
reference parts) and click Blank .
3. Click Close .
4. Click Mold Model > Assemble > Workpiece .
5. Select ROD_WP.PRT.
6. Assemble the workpiece by aligning the yellow sides of the
FRONT and MOLD_FRONT datum planes, the yellow sides of the
RIGHT and MOLD_RIGHT datum planes, and the yellow sides of
the TOP and MAIN_PARTING_PLN datum planes.
7. Click OK in the COMPONENT PLACEMENT dialog box.
8. Click

in the toolbar.

9. Click the Unblank tab and click

to select all of the blanked
components (that is, the four reference parts) and click Unblank .
10. Click Close . The mold model should appear as shown in Figure
12. You may need to set the model to Hidden display and remove
datum features from the display.

Figure 12: Reference Parts and Workpiece

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The workpiece appears in green to identify the workpiece and
distinguish it from the other components. If your workpiece
does not appear green, repaint your screen. If it still does not
appear green, you probably assembled it as a reference part
and it will have to be deleted and re-assembled as a workpiece.

Task 3. Add 0.25% overall shrink to the reference parts with the By
Dimension type of shrinkage, and add 0.45% shrink to the rod length and
0.15% shrink to the rod diameter.
1. Click Shrinkage in the MOLD menu.
2. Pick one of the reference models.
3. Click By Dimension > Set /Reset > All Dims .
4. Type [.0025] as the overall shrinkage.
5. Click By Dim and pick the center of the rod to highlight the base
protrusion of the model.
6. Pick the rod length dimension (200.00) and type [0.0045] as the
shrink value.
7. Pick the diameter dimension (10.00) and type [0.0015] as the
shrink value.
8. Click Done in the SHRINK SET menu. Notice in the Message
Window that the reference model automatically gets regenerated.
Task 4.

Update the design model to show the nominal dimension

1. Click Update > No Shrink > Done from the SHRINK BY DIM
menu. Notice in the Message Window that the rod part has been
regenerated with one suppressed feature, the shrinkage feature.
2. Click Shrink Info . The defined shrinkage should be documented
here. Click Close .
3. Click Done/Return from the SHRINKAGE menu.
4. Save the model and erase it from memory.

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EXERCISE 2: Automatic Workpiece Creation

Figure 13: Casing Mold

Task 1.

Create a new mold and assemble the casing part as a reference

1. Create a new mold model called [casing] using the default

2. Click Mold Model > Assemble > Ref Model .
3. Select CASING.PRT from the OPEN dialog box.
4. Assemble the reference part by aligning the yellow sides of the
FRONT and MOLD_FRONT datum planes, the yellow sides of the
RIGHT and MOLD_RIGHT datum planes, and the yellow sides of
the TOP and MAIN_PARTING_PLN datum planes.
5. Accept the Merge By Ref option and [casing_ref] as the name
of the reference model. The reference part should appear in the
mold as shown in Figure 13.

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Figure 14: Casing Reference Model

Task 2.

Create an automatic workpiece.

1. Click Create > Workpiece > Automatic in the MOLD MODEL

menu. The AUTOMATIC WORKPIECE dialog box appears.
2. Select the MOLD_DEF_CSYS coordinate system from the casing
assembly as the Mold Origin.
3. Select BLOCK_CHAMF from the Shape drop-down list.
4. Accept the default units of INCH .
5. In the Overall Dimensions section of the dialog box, enter the
values shown in Figure 15 (the Offsets section updates

Figure 15: Overall Dimensions

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6. Click OK .
7. Accept [casing_wrk] as the workpiece name. The workpiece
should appear as shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16: Automatic Workpiece

Task 3.

Modify the parameter controlling the chamfer dimension.

1. The 45xd chamfer on the workpiece is controlled by a parameter in

the part. Click Set Up > Parameters > Part and pick the
2. Click Modify > Chamfer .
3. Type [0.50] as the new value.
4. Click Regenerate > Automatic in the MOLD menu.
Task 4.

Add an overall shrinkage of 0.004 to the reference model.

1. Click Shrinkage , By Dimension , Set/Reset from the MOLD

2. Click All Dims and type [0.004] as the shrink value.

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3. Click Done .
4. Click Update > No Shrink > Done to update the design model to
its unshrunk state.
5. Save the model and erase it from memory.

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EXERCISE 3: Reference Part Layout

Task 1.

Create a new mold model and assemble the workpiece.

1. Create a new mold model called [multi-cavity] using the

default template.
2. Assemble the workpiece called MULTI_CAVITY_WP.PRT using
the Default option on the Constraint Type pull-down menu in the
The Default assembly constraint aligns the default systemcreated coordinate system of the component to the default
system-created coordinate system of the assembly.

Task 2.

Assemble the reference part using the reference part layout tool.

1. Click Mold Model > RefPart Layout > Create .

in the dialog box and select GAME_PIECE.PRT. The
CREATE REFERENCE MODEL dialog box appears.

2. Click

3. Click Ok to accept the defaults. A new reference part will be

created called MULTI_CAVITY_REF.PRT.
4. Click

in the Ref. Model Origin and Orient section and click

from the GET CSYS TYPE menu. The reference model
appears in a sub-window and the REF MODEL ORIENTATION
dialog box opens.

5. Accept the default of Rotate and X axis.

6. Type [90] in the Value field and click OK .
7. Accept the default Layout Origin.
8. Click Preview . The model appears as shown in Figure 17.

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Figure 17: Single Reference Part

9. Click Rectangular > Constant in the Layout and Orientation

sections of the dialog box.
10. Type [4] as the number of cavities and [2] as the increment in
both the X and Y directions.
11. Click Preview . The model appears as shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18: 4 x 4 Rectangular Layout

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Task 3. Change the orientation of the layout so that half the game pieces
are facing one side of the mold and the other half are facing the other side.
1. Click X-Symmetric in the Orientation section of the dialog box.
2. Click Preview . The model appears as shown in Figure 19.

Figure 19: X-Symmetric Layout

Task 4.

Change the orientation to circular.

1. Click Circular in the Layout section of the dialog box.

2. Type [9] for the number of cavities, [3.25] for the radius, and
[40] for the angular increment.
3. Click Preview . The model appears as shown in Figure 20.

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Figure 20: Circular Layout

Task 5. Change the orientation of the game pieces so that they are
facing outside the circular pattern.
1. Click

in the Ref. Model Origin and Orient section and click

Dynamic from the GET CSYS TYPE menu.

2. Accept the default of Rotate but click Z axis.

3. Type [90] in the Value field and click OK .
4. Click Radial in the Orientation section of the LAYOUT dialog box.
5. Click Preview . The model appears as shown in Figure 21.

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Figure 21: Circular Radial Pattern

6. Save the model and erase it from memory.

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In this module, you learned that:

The reference model is assembled in the mold model using the

LAYOUT dialog box. This enables you to define the reference model,
its origin, and the layout origin for creating multiple layouts of the
reference model.

The workpiece represents the A and B plates in the mold. It can be a

standard base or it can be custom made to accommodate the geometry.

Shrinkage should be added to the model before starting the molding

process. Shrinkage can be applied by formula or by dimension.

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Mold Assembly Features

This module discusses the various mold assembly features that can
be created in mold design and how these features are created. In
Mold mode, there are standard assembly features such as cuts, slots,
and holes. There is also a special class of features available
specifically for molds. Additionally, user-defined features (UDFs)
are discussed. UDFs are very useful for designing runner systems
that are very similar from one mold to the next.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Create water line features

Create runner features

Create and place a User Defined Feature (UDF) in a mold model

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In Mold mode, assembly level features are used to create the mold runner
system, waterline circuit, and ejector pin clearance holes. These can be
created using conventional holes, cuts, and slots. There are several
features available in Mold mode, however, that can speed up this process.

The Waterline Feature

The waterline feature enables you to quickly create a waterline circuit by
specifying the circuit diameter, sketching the circuit path, and specifying
the end condition. The following four end conditions are available:




Thru w/ Cbore

- The hole terminates at the end of the circuit leg.

- The hole continues a blind distance beyond the end of the

circuit leg. The hole received a drill point end.
- The hole continues through to the surface of the model.

- The hole continues through to the surface of the

model and is counterbored.

Figure 1: Waterline Feature

The Runner Feature

The runner feature enables you to quickly create standard runner
geometry. To create a runner feature, pick one of the standard runner cross
sections, as shown in Figure 2, type the cross section size, and sketch the
runner path. The runner is then created by sweeping the chosen cross
section along the sketched path. The feature also creates rounded ends on
the runner to match standard runner geometry.

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Figure 2: Runner Shapes

Ejector Pin Clearance Holes

The ejector pin clearance hole feature is a specialized hole feature
available only in Mold mode. It is similar to a standard hole feature except
that when you specify the diameter of the hole, you specify a different
diameter through each plate that the hole intersects. Also, the hole is
automatically counterbored with a diameter and depth that you specify.
The ejector pin clearance hole has the same placement option as a standard
hole (linear, radial, coaxial, and on point). If the ejector pins are already
assembled into the mold, coaxial placement makes the hole placement
very quick. Also, if there are several datum points in the model where the
holes should be placed, you can simultaneously place holes on each point
within the same hole feature.

Figure 3: Ejector Pin Clearance Hole

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A user-defined feature (UDF) is a collection of features and their
respective dimensions and references that are captured into a group and
saved as a file. Typically, UDF files are saved in a specific directory or
UDF library that can be accessed anytime and be placed onto a model by
specifying new references and dimensions of the features included in the
UDF. It is an effective way to place common features that are used
repeatedly on multiple models.
UDFs are frequently used in Mold mode for runner systems, as these tend
to be very similar from one mold to the next. When creating UDFs to be
used in Mold mode, it is important to only use assembly level features
because the runner system is created at the assembly level.

Creating a UDF
An example of a UDF is the screw boss geometry shown in Figure 4. Once
this geometry is created, we can save it as a UDF and very quickly reuse it
on other models.

Figure 4: Screw Boss Geometry

UDFs can be created in Part mode or Assembly mode and can
consist of part or assembly level features. If you are creating a
UDF to be placed in a mold model, you need to ensure that all
of the features in the UDF are assembly level features.

Before creating a UDF, you must model the geometry that you want to
save. It is important to be aware of the parent-child relationships that you

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are creating. Try to minimize the number of references used to create the
geometry by reusing references. For example, use the same plane as the
sketching plane of one feature and as an alignment reference of another.

Creating UDFs
Once you have defined the geometry that you wish to save, the following
general steps are used in creating the UDF:
1. Specify an option for the dependency of the UDF to the original
2. Store a reference model.
3. Provide a name for the UDF.
4. Select the features to be included in the UDF.
5. Provide prompts for the external references.
6. Define any variable dimensions or feature elements.
7. Establish family tables or use Pro/PROGRAM for the UDF.

Specifying Dependency Option

When creating a UDF you will have the following two options for how it
is stored and its dependency to the original model:



All of the information needed to create the features will

be stored in the UDF file. Any changes to the original model will not
affect the UDF.

The features within the UDF will get some of their

information from the current model. Any changes to the original
model will be reflected in the UDF.
For a subordinate UDF, if the current model is not present
when the UDF is accessed later, the system cannot retrieve the

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Storing a Reference Model

When creating a standalone UDF, you will have the option to store a
reference model. The reference model is used as a visual aid in placing the
UDF on a future model. The reference model will be a copy of the current
model with the name UDFNAME_GP.PRT (or .ASM). If you are creating
a subordinate UDF, the current model will be used as the reference model.

Naming the UDF

Assign a unique and descriptive name to a UDF that is independent of the
model in which it was created. The system gives the file a .GPH extension.

Selecting Features
The features that you select to be included in the UDF do not have to be
parents and children of each other, although this is often the case. Features
included in an assembly-level UDF must be assembly-level features.

Specifying Prompts for External References

After selecting the features, you will need to provide prompts for all of the
references to features outside the UDF. The prompts appear in the
Message window during UDF placement and assist in placing the UDF.
They should describe what the reference is used for.
If an external reference is used by more than one feature in the UDF, you
have the option to provide a single prompt for the reference or multiple
prompts for each time the reference is used.

Placement Plane

Side Plane

Front Plane

Figure 5: Prompts for UDF External References

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Defining Variable Dimensions and Elements

When defining a UDF, you have the option to specify variable dimensions
and feature elements. Specifically, you can do the following:

Make some, or all, of the feature dimensions variable. You must

provide a prompt for any dimension that you specify as variable. For
any dimensions that are not selected, the system automatically uses the
same values that were assigned to the dimensions when it was stored.

Make any element of any feature in the UDF variable. An example of

an element is the depth element of a hole feature. You can make this
depth element variable, thus providing the ability to change the hole
from blind to thru all when the UDF is placed.

Using Family Tables and Pro/PROGRAM with UDFs

Using Pro/PROGRAM, you can define prompts for information and use
logic statements to customize the UDF based on this information. For
example, in the screw boss UDF, you could prompt for the number of ribs
needed and then modify this number based on the response. With family
tables, you can establish predefined variations on the UDF. If there are
several standard sizes of screw bosses that are frequently used, you can
create these as instances in the family table.

Placing a UDF
The following general steps are used in placing a UDF:
1. Select a dependency option for the new geometry.
2. Specify the units of the new geometry.
3. Specify the status on invariable dimensions in the UDF.
4. Select new references and values for variable dimensions when
5. Define any optional elements.
After completing these steps, the system will create a group within the
new model containing the features. The group will have the same name as
the UDF.

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Specifying the Dependency of the New Geometry

When placing a UDF, you can specify whether the new geometry will be
independent or driven by the UDF file.


UDF Driven

The new group is completely independent of the UDF

The new group is associated with the UDF file. If the
UDF file changes, you can update the group in the new model to
reflect the changes.

Specifying the UDF Units

When placing the UDF, you have an option for the units of the UDF.
These options enable you to place a UDF defined in one unit system on a
model using another unit. The options are:

Same Size

Same Dims

User Scale

The new geometry will have the same physical size as

the original geometry. As a result, the dimension values are scaled if a
different unit system is being used (that is, 1 25.4mm).
The new geometry will retain the same dimension
values. As a result, the geometry will be scaled if a different unit
system is being used (that is, 1 1mm).
You will be able to specify your own custom scale for
the dimensional values.

Specifying the Status of Invariable Dimensions

When creating the UDF, you specifically identify which dimensions will
be variable. All other dimensions are considered invariable. When you
place the UDF, you have a choice of how invariable dimensions appear in
the model.


Read Only


The invariable dimensions will be treated as any other

driving dimension. They will appear in the model and can be modified.
The dimension will appear in the model but cannot be

The dimension will not appear in the model, and thus, cannot
be modified.

Specifying References and Variable Dimensions

So that the system can create the group in the new model, pick appropriate
references that correspond to the prompts, as shown in Figure 6. You can

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retrieve a reference model in a sub-window in order to assist in this. The

original references will highlight on the reference model, making it easier
to make a selection on the new model.


Front Plane

Figure 6: References and Variable Dimensions for UDF Placement

You are prompted for values for any dimensions that were chosen to be
variable. It is important to note the positive direction for these dimensions
when entering a value in order to place the UDF in the correct location.

Type 1.00 to place the

UDF on this side of the
datum plane

Figure 7: Positive Dimension Direction for UDF Placement

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The goal of these exercises is to learn how to create mold features
including runners, waterlines, and user-defined features.

In the first exercise, you will add runners and waterlines to the four-cavity
rod mold created in the last exercise.
In the second exercise, you will create a UDF of the features that make up
the opening for a hot nozzle. You will create the UDF with two assembly
features that make up the opening. You will also create a family table
within the UDF to create two common sizes.
In the final exercise, you will place the hot nozzle UDF on the

EXERCISE 1: Creating Runners and Waterlines

Figure 8: Runner and Waterline Systems

Task 1. Open MOLD_FEATURE_ROD.MFG and create a layer on the

workpiece to aid in simplifying the number of datum references seen.
2. Click View > Layers. The LAYERS dialog box appears.
3. Click Part in the Active Object drop-down menu. When prompted
to select a part, pick the workpiece.

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4. Click
to create a new layer and type the name [def_dtms].
Click OK .
5. Pick the DEF_DTMS layer and click

to add an item to the

6. Click Datum Plane and pick each workpiece default datum plane
(not the Assembly Datum Planes).
7. Click Done Sel > Done/Return.
8. Pick the DEF_DTMS layer and click

. Click

to see the

9. Close the dialog box to finish.

Task 2.

Build the sprue using a revolved cut.

1. Click Feature > Mold Assem > Solid .

2. Click Cut > Revolve > Solid > Done .
3. Click One Side > Done .
4. Pick the MOLD_FRONT datum plane as the sketching plane and
accept the default direction of feature creation. Orient the
MAIN_PARTING_PLN datum plane to the Top of the screen.
5. Pick the MOLD_RIGHT datum plane, the MAIN_PARTING_PLN
datum plane, and the top edge of the workpiece as references.
6. Sketch a centerline on top of the MOLD_RIGHT datum plane as the
axis of revolution
7. Sketch the section as shown in Figure 9.

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Figure 9: Sketched for Sprue Revolved Cut

8. Remove the appropriate side of the material and revolve the cut
360 degrees.
9. Click Auto Sel > Confirm > Done for the component intersection.
10. Click OK .
Task 3. Create a standard H shaped runner system using runner mold
assembly features.
1. Click Mold on the FEAT OPER menu.
2. Select Runner as the type of feature to create.
3. Accept the default name of [runner_1].

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Click Round for the runners shape and type a diameter of [6].


Pick the MAIN_PARTING_PLN datum plane as the sketching plane

and accept the default direction of feature creation. Orient the
model using Bottom and the MOLD_FRONT datum plane.

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Pick the FRONT datum plane from one of the top reference models
and the FRONT datum plane from one of the bottom reference
models as references.

7. Sketch a straight line as shown in Figure 10.

Runner geometry is shown temporarily in Centerline font in

Figure 10: Sketch for Primary Runner

8. Exit from Sketcher and click Auto Sel > Confirm > Done .
9. Finish the runner by clicking OK in the dialog box.
Task 4.

Create a secondary runner.

1. Click Mold > Runner and accept the default name.

2. Click Round for the runner shape and type [3.25] as the
3. Click Use Prev in the SETUP SK PLN menu to use the previous
sketching and reference planes. Accept the direction for viewing
the sketching plane.

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4. Pick the MOLD_RIGHT datum plane and the FRONT datum plane
from one of the top model reference parts as references.
5. Sketch a centerline on top of the MOLD_RIGHT datum plan to
assume symmetry. Sketch a single straight line as shown in Figure

Figure 11: Sketch for Secondary Runner

6. Exit from Sketcher and click Auto Sel > Confirm > Done .
7. Finish the runner by clicking OK in the dialog box.
Task 5. Create the gates at both ends of the last runner segment using a
trapezoidal shaped runner feature.
1. Click Mold > Runner and accept the default name.
2. Click Trapezoid for the shape and type a width of [1], a depth of
[.5], a side angle of [20], and a corner radius of [.1].
3. Click Use Prev and accept the default direction for viewing the
sketching plane.
4. Pick the FRONT datum plane from one of the top model reference
parts and the edges of the reference parts as shown in Figure 12 as

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5. Sketch the section shown in Figure 12 and align the endpoints of

the sketched line to the edges of the reference parts.
Pick these edges as references

Figure 12: Sketch for Gate Runner Feature

6. Exit from Sketcher and click Auto Sel > Confirm > Done .
7. Finish the runner by clicking OK in the dialog box.
Task 6.

Mirror the two runner features to the other side of the mold.

1. Click Feature Oper > Copy > Mirror > Dependent > Done .
2. Pick the last two runner features created.
3. Click Done .
4. Pick the MOLD_FRONT datum plane as the plane to mirror about.
The runners should appear as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13: Runner System

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Task 7. Create a set of waterlines on one side of the mold using the
waterline feature.
1. Click Done in the FEATURE OPER menu and click Mold to access
mold features.
2. Click Water Line and accept the default name.
3. Type [2.5] as the waterline diameter.
4. Click Make Datum when prompted for the sketching plane.
5. Offset the plane in the downward direction from the
MAIN_PARTING_PLN datum plane by a distance of [15]. Click
Done .
6. Use the MOLD_FRONT datum plane as the Bottom reference.
7. Pick the bottom and left-hand edges of the workpiece as
8. Sketch the three lines shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14: Sketch for Waterline in Rod Mold

9. Exit from Sketcher and click Auto Sel > Confirm > Done .
10. Double click the End Condition element in the dialog box.

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11. Pick the two open endpoints of the waterline circuit (defined as
Thru w/Cbore in Figure 15) and click Done Sel .
12. Click Thru w/Cbore > Done/Return as the end type.
13. Type [5.0] as the counterbore diameter and depth for both ends.
14. Pick the endpoint facing the side of the workpiece (defined as Thru
in Figure 15) and click Done Sel .
15. Click Thru > Done/Return .
16. Pick the three remaining ends (defined as Blind in Figure 15) and
click Done Sel .
17. Click Blind > Done/Return .
18. Type [10.0] as the blind extension for all three ends.
19. Click Done/Return > OK to create the feature. The waterline
circuit should appear as shown in Figure 15.


Thru w/Cbore

Figure 15: Waterline End Conditions

Task 8.

Mirror the waterline feature to the other side of the mold.

1. Click Feature Oper > Copy > Mirror > Dependent > Done .
2. Pick the waterline feature.
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3. Pick the MOLD_RIGHT datum plane to mirror about. The model

should appear as shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16: Finished Waterlines

4. Save the mold and close the window.

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EXERCISE 2: Creating UDFs

Task 1. Open the assembly called UDF_BLOCK.ASM and notice the two
assembly level features that make up the nozzle opening.
2. If features are not visible in the Model Tree, click View > Model
Tree Setup > Item Display . Click Features > OK in the MODEL
TREE ITEMS dialog box.
3. Notice that the model is made up of a single component
(UDF_BLOCK.PRT) and two assembly-level features that make up
the nozzle geometry (cut and hole).
4. Click Info > Parent/Child .
5. Pick the cut feature. The REFERENCES INFORMATION window
appears. The parents are identified as the FRONT and RIGHT
datum planes and the protrusion.
in the Current Feature section of the dialog box and
6. Click
pick the hole feature. Identify the parents for this feature.
7. Close the window.

Cut reference
plane and hole
placement plane

Cut sketching plane

Hole axis

Hole depth plane


Figure 17: References for Nozzle Features

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Task 2.

Create a UDF containing these two features.

1. Click Feature > UDF Library > Create and type the name [hotnozzle].
2. Click Subordinate > Done for the dependency option.
3. Pick the cut and hole as the features to be included in the UDF.
4. Click Done > Done/Return .
5. Type [nozzle sketching plane] at the prompt for the
FRONT datum plane.
6. Both features reference the top of the block. Click Single >
Done/Return to use a single prompt for both features.
7. Type [nozzle placement plane] at the prompt for the
highlighted surface.
8. Type [nozzle mid plane] at the prompt for the RIGHT datum
9. Type [gating surface] at the prompt for the bottom of the
10. You now have the opportunity to review the prompts. Click Next >
Previous to change any incorrect prompts.
11. When all of the prompts are correct, click Done/Return .
12. Click Var Dims in the dialog box by double clicking on it.
13. Pick the .06 hole diameter as the only variable dimension.
14. Click Done Sel > Done/Return > Done/Return .
15. Type [gate diameter] at the prompt for this dimension.
16. Click OK to create the UDF.
17. Return to the ASSEMBLY menu.
Task 3. Change the symbolic names of some of the dimensions to make
it easier to identify them.
1. Click Modify > Dim Cosmetics > Symbol .

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2. Pick the cut and the hole to display their dimensions.

3. Pick the 2.00 and 3.00 diameter dimensions and name them
[DIA1] and [DIA2], respectively.
4. Pick the 2.375 and 2.625 diameter dimensions and name them
[DEPTH1] and [DEPTH2], respectively.
Task 4.

Modify the UDF to create a family table with two common

1. Click Feature > UDF Library > Modify.

2. Select the HOT-ZOZZLE.GPH in the OPEN dialog box.
3. Double click on the Family Table element in the dialog box.
4. Click Add Item > Dimension .
5. Pick the 3.00 and the 2.00 diameters and the 2.375 and the 2.625
depths in this order.
6. Click Done Sel > Done/Return .
7. Click Edit in the FAMILY TABLE menu to display the Pro/TABLE
editor. Fill in the family table as shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18: Family Table for Nozzle UDF

8. Click File > Exit to save and close the table editor.
9. Click Done/Return > OK .
10. Save the model and close the window.

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EXERCISE 3: Placing UDFs

Figure 19: Hot Nozzle Created Using a UDF

Task 1. Open the mold called UDF_CASING.MFG and place the hotnozzle UDF in the mold.
2. Click Feature > Mold Assem > User Defined and select the HOTNOZZLE.GPH UDF created in the previous exercise.
3. Select the By Parameter tab in the SELECT INSTANCE dialog box
4. Pick the dia2 dimension (d5) and pick the value of 2.00. The
nozzle with this value is now displayed in the Name list.
5. Click Open .
6. Click Independent > Done to make the new group independent of
the UDF.
7. Click Same Dims > Done .
8. Type [.05] as the gate diameter.

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9. Click Normal > Done to define how the invariable dimensions will
be displayed in the mold.
10. For the nozzle sketching plane, pick the MOLD_FRONT datum
11. For the nozzle placement plane, pick the top of the workpiece.
12. For the nozzle mid plane, pick the MOLD_RIGHT datum plane.
13. For the gating surface, pick the flat top of the reference model, as
shown in Figure 20.
Make sure you pick the top of the reference part for the up to
surface for the gate, not the bottom of the workpiece.

Gating surface

Figure 20: Gating Surface

14. Click Auto Sel > Confirm > Done for the feature intersection.
15. Accept the default direction for viewing the sketching plane.
16. Click Done to finish the UDF. The model should appear as shown
in Figure 21.
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Figure 21: Finished Hot Nozzle UDF

17. Save the model and erase it from memory.

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In this module, you have learned that:

The Waterline feature enables you to create a waterline circuit in your

mold model. When creating the waterline you can specify one of four
end conditions: None, Blind, Thru, and Thru w/Cbore.

The Runner feature enables you to create standard runner geometry in

your mold model.

The Ejector pin clearance hole feature is a hole feature only in Mold
mode. It enables you to specify different diameters through each plate
that the hole intersects and it also automatically includes a

The User Defined Feature is a feature that you can create from a
collection of features (including dimensions and references). A UDF
enables you to reuse this group of features in other models to help you
increase your productivity.

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Parting Surface Creation

In this module, you will learn some of the different methods of
creating a parting surface. A parting surface is a surface feature,
created by the set of techniques that can be used to split either a
workpiece or an existing volume, including surfaces of the reference

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Explain what a surface feature is in Pro/ENGINEER and how they

are used to build parting surfaces

Create parting surfaces

Manipulate surface features using Merge , Trim , and Extend

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Surface features are non-solid features that are extremely thin and have
defined boundaries, as shown in Figure 1. They are listed in the Model
Tree with the
symbol and can be used for creating solid models,
manipulating existing solid geometry and for creating parting surfaces in

Figure 1: Surface Feature

The external edges of surface features are yellow and the internal edges
are magenta. When multiple surfaces are combined or merged, it is
referred to as a surface quilt, as shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2: Surface Quilt

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A parting surface is a surface quilt that is used to divide the workpiece into
separate parts, as shown in Figure 3. In Pro/MOLDESIGN, assembly-level
surface features are used to comprise a parting surface.

Figure 3: Parting Surface

Parting surfaces, despite their name, are actually several features. They are
made up of individual surface features, surface merges, surface trims, and
other surface manipulation features.
When creating a parting surface, there are two essential rules that must be
followed for the parting surface to be created successfully:

A parting surface must intersect the workpiece or the mold volume

completely to be able to perform a split, as shown in Figure 4.

A parting surface may not intersect itself, as shown in Figure 4.



Figure 4: Invalid Parting Surfaces

Creating Surface Features

Surface features share many creation options with solid features and have
some that are unique. The surface creation options include the following:

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- Create the surface by extruding the sketched section to a

specified depth in the direction normal to the sketching plane.
- Create the surface by rotating the sketched section at a
specific angle around the first sketched centerline.

- Create the surface as a result of sweeping a sketched section

along a specific trajectory.
- Create a straight or smooth blended surface connecting several
sketched sections.
- Create a planar datum surface by sketching its boundaries.
- Create a datum surface by offsetting a surface of the reference



- Create a datum surface by copying surfaces of the reference


Copy by Trim





- Create a copy of the trimmed surface.

- Create a quilt by creating a fillet surface.

- Create a parting surface and component geometry using a

light projection technique.

- Create a "Swiss cheese" style parting surface by picking datum

curves created using a silhouette curve and identifying the pull
direction. This technique is discussed further in the next module.
- Create a complex surface (for example, use datum curves,
multiple trajectories, and so on).


Figure 5: Surface Features

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Merging Surface Patches

Individual surface features must be merged to create a single surface quilt.
The edges where the surfaces have been merged appear in magenta,
indicating that the edge is shared by two surfaces. Because a parting
surface can be a combination of several surface features, merges are
necessary to connect the surfaces into one quilt. There are two methods for
merging surfaces:



Use this option when two surfaces share a common edge. The
system does not have to calculate the surface intersection, making the
process faster.
Use this option when two surfaces intersect or cross each
other. Pro/ENGINEER creates the intersection boundary and asks you
which parts of each surface you want to keep.



Figure 6: Merging Surfaces

Trimming Surface Patches

The surface trim feature enables you to remove a portion of a surface. The
surface trim options include the following:

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Trim a surface by extruding a defined shape through the surface.

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Use Quilt

Use Curve

Vertex Round


Trim a surface by revolving a defined shape through the surface.

Trim a surface by sweeping a defined shape along a defined

Trim a surface by transitioning among several defined cross
Trim a surface using another quilt or a datum plane.
Trim a surface using a datum curve.
Round off the corner vertex of a surface.

Trim a surface, keeping only what is visible from a specified


Vertex Round Trim

Use Curve Trim

Silhouette Trim
Figure 7: Sample Surface Trims

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The silhouette trim is useful in mold design because it enables you to

detect where the parting line should be on irregularly shaped parts. To do
this, copy all solid surfaces of the reference, create a silhouette trim, and
pick a datum plane perpendicular to the pull direction.

Extending Surfaces
The Extend option enables you to extend all or specific edges of the
parting surface by a specified distance or up to a selected reference. The
extend is a mold assembly surface feature and can be further redefined.
The surface extend options include the following:

Same Srf

Approx Srf

Along Dir

Tangent Srf

The extend feature is of the same type as the surface being

extended. The original will be continued past its selected original
boundaries by a specific distance.
A surface is created as a boundary blend.

The surface edge is extended in a direction normal to a

specific terminating plane. This option is valid only when combined
with the Up To Plane .

The extend feature is a ruled surface that is tangent to

the original surface.

Original Surface

Tangent Surface

Same Surface

Along Direction

Figure 8: Surface Extends

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Modifying and Redefining Parting Surfaces

Most changes to parting surfaces can be accomplished using options in the
PARTING SURF menu. You can add new features (surfaces, merges, trims,
and extends) to the parting surface. You can redefine the existing features
in a parting surface, modify their dimensions, or delete the entire parting
surface and all of its associated features.
These same commands can also be found under the FEAT OPER menu.
When you work in the PARTING SURF menu, you are telling
Pro/ENGINEER that you want to work on a specific parting surface;
therefore, any new features you create are automatically associated with
that parting surface. Also, you will only be able to select features
belonging to that particular parting surface when using editing commands
such as Redefine .

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The goal of these exercises is to learn how to create parting surfaces.

In the first exercise, you will create a simple planar parting surface on the
rod mold using the Flat option.
In the second exercise, you will create complex parting surfaces for a fourcavity pen cap mold. This mold requires that three parting surfaces divide
the workpiece into the necessary mold components. To create these
parting surfaces, you must create multiple surface features and merge
them together. The surfaces are created using the Revolve , Extrude , and
Copy surface options.
In the final exercise, you will create a parting surface for an irregularly
shaped part. You will first copy surfaces from the reference part and then
extend them to the sides of the workpiece to ensure that the parting surface
entirely intersects the workpiece.

EXERCISE 1: Creating a Planar Parting Surface

Figure 9: Planar Parting Surface

Task 1. Open the PART_SURF_ROD.MFG mold model and create a flat

parting surface that divides the top and bottom halves of the mold.
2. Click Parting Surf > Create and type the name [middle].

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Click Add > Flat > Done .

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4. Pick the MAIN_PARTING_PLN datum plane for the sketching

plane and accept the default direction for viewing. Pick the
MOLD_FRONT datum plane to face the Bottom of the screen.
5. Click
Use .

in the Intent Manager toolbar or click Sketch > Edge >

6. Click Loop in the TYPE dialog box and pick in the middle of the
workpiece, as shown in Figure 10.
Pick inside the workpiece

Figure 10: Parting Surface Sketch

7. Close the dialog box.

8. The four edges of the workpiece should be projected onto the
sketching plane. Click

. Click OK .

9. Click Done/Return in the SURF DEFINE and PARTING SURF

10. Click

in the toolbar. The BLANK UNBLANK dialog box

11. Select ROD_WP in the Visible Components list and click Blank >
Close . This blanks the workpiece. The part surface and reference
parts should appear as shown in Figure 11.


Figure 11: Parting Surface

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12. Click

in the toolbar.

13. Click the Unblank tab and select ROD_WP in the Blanked
Components list.
14. Click Unblank > Close . This unblanks the workpiece.
15. Save the model and erase it from memory.

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EXERCISE 2: Creating a Compound Parting


Figure 12: Pen Cap Mold

Task 1. Open the mold called PEN-CAP-MOLD.MFG and create the first
parting surfaces, which are 360 revolved surfaces used to define the
shape of the side action slides.
2. Click Parting Surf > Create and type the name [side1].
3. Click Add > Revolve > Done .
4. Click One Side > Open Ends > Done .
5. Pick the FRONT datum plane as the sketching plane and accept the
default direction of feature creation. Pick the TOP datum plane as
the Top reference plane.
6. This revolved surface will be for the top, right-hand side pen cap.
Pick the DTM2 datum plane on the reference part and the top edge
of the workpiece as references.

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7. Sketch the shape shown in Figure 13. Sketch a centerline on top of

DTM2. Click
and pick the hidden inside arc from the pen cap.
Sketch a straight line from the bottom of the arc to the centerline.
Complete the section with a line from the top of the arc to the top
edge of the workpiece.

and pick
this inside arc

Figure 13: Sketch for Revolved Surface

8. Close the SKETCHER menu and click 360 > Done > OK .
9. Repeat steps 3-8 for the other pen cap on the top. The two revolved
surfaces are shown in Figure 14.

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Figure 14: Second Revolved Surface

Task 2. Add an extruded surface to the parting surface, which will

connect the two revolved surfaces.
1. Click Add > Extrude > Done .
2. Click One Side > Open Ends > Done .
3. Pick the right-hand side of the workpiece as the sketching plane
and accept the default direction of feature creation. Pick the TOP
datum plane to face the Top .
4. For references, pick the FRONT datum plane and the top edge of
the workpiece.
5. Sketch a centerline on top of the FRONT datum plane. Sketch and
dimension as shown in Figure 15.

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Figure 15: Sketch for Extruded Surface

6. Exit Sketcher and click UpTo Surface for the depth option. Pick
the opposite side of the workpiece from the sketching plane. The
resulting surface is shown in Figure 16.

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Figure 16: Extruded Surface

Task 3.

Merge the three surfaces into one parting quilt.

1. Click Merge > Intersect and pick the extruded surface to intersect
with the first revolved surface.
2. In the Primary Quilt Side and Additional Quilt Side sections of the
SURFACE MERGE dialog box, make the appropriate side
selections so that the preview appears as shown in Figure 17. This
is done to determine which portion of the merged surfaces will be

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Figure 17: Merge Preview

3. Click

4. Click Merge > Intersect and pick the revolved surface on the lefthand side.
5. Make the appropriate side selections so that the preview appears as
shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18: Second Merge Preview

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6. Click

7. Click Done/Return in the SURF DEFINE menu.

Task 4. Start the creation of the other slide action component using the
seed surface and boundary method to create copied surfaces inside the
bottom pen caps.
1. Click Create on the PARTING SURF menu and type the new
surface name [side2].
2. Click Add > Copy > Done .
3. Click Surf & Bnd as the copy option.
4. Pick the inside wall of the pen cap on the right-hand side for the
seed surface, as indicated in Figure 19.
5. Pick the bottom flat surface of the pen cap as the boundary surface,
as indicated in Figure 19.

Pick inside the

pen cap for the
seed surface
Pick the bottom of
the pen cap for the
boundary surface

Figure 19: Copied Surface References

6. Click Done Sel > Done > Done > OK . The inside of the pen cap
was copied using the seed surface and boundary method to create
the copied surface.

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It is important to click Done twice to create the surface

7. Repeat steps 2-6 for the inside of the other pen cap.
Task 5. Add two 360 revolved surfaces and an extruded surface and
merge the resulting surfaces.
1. Click Add > Revolve > Done > One Side > Open Ends > Done .
2. Pick the FRONT datum plane as the sketching plane and accept the
default direction of feature creation. Pick the TOP datum plane to
face the top of the screen.
3. This revolved surface will be for the bottom, right-hand side pen
cap. Specify the bottom edge of the workpiece, axis A_1, and the
silhouette edge of the copied surface as references.
4. Sketch a centerline along axis A_1. Sketch a single straight line
from the corner of the pen cap to the bottom of the workpiece, as
shown in Figure 20.

Figure 20: Section for Revolved Surface

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5. Repeat steps 1-4 for the other pen cap.

6. Add an extruded surface as you did for the side1 parting surface.
Sketch the section shown in Figure 21.

Figure 21: Extruded Surface Sketch

Task 6. Join the insides of the pen cap surfaces with the revolved
surfaces and intersect the revolved surfaces with the extruded surface
using merge features.
1. Click Merge > Join and pick the right-hand revolved surface to
join it to the right-hand copied surface.
2. Click

3. Click Merge > Intersect and pick the extruded surface. Use the
side options in the Primary Quilt Side and Additional Quilt Side
sections to specify which portions of the surfaces to keep.
4. Continue to merge the remaining two surfaces to the base quilt.
5. When you are finished merging the surfaces together, all the
interior edges should appear magenta. Click Done/Return in the
SURF DEFINE menu. The two parting surfaces are shown in Figure

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Figure 22: Side1 and Side2 Parting Surfaces

Task 7. Create a flat, extruded surface as the last parting surface

necessary to split apart the A and B sides.
1. Click Create and type the new surface name [main].
2. Click Add > Extrude > Done > One Side > Open Ends > Done .
3. Pick the right-hand side of the workpiece as the sketching plane
and accept the default direction of feature creation. Pick the
FRONT datum plane to face the Top .
4. Pick the FRONT datum plane and the vertical edges of the Side 1
and Side 2 parting surfaces as references.
5. Sketch a straight line along the FRONT datum plane from Side1 to
Side2, as shown in Figure 23.

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Figure 23: Sketch for Main Parting Surface

6. Click UpTo Surface for the depth and pick the left side of the
workpiece. Complete the parting surface.
7. Click Done /Return in the SURF DEFINE menu. The three parting
surfaces are shown in Figure 24.

Figure 24: Side1, Side2, and Main Parting Surfaces

8. Save the model and erase it from memory.

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EXERCISE 3: Creating Parting Surfaces Using


Figure 25: Two Parting Surfaces

Task 1.

Create the first of two parting surfaces using the Copy and
Extend options.
2. Create a parting surface called [main].
3. Click Add > Copy > Done .
4. Click Indiv Surfs and pick the three top surfaces of the reference
part as shown in Figure 26.

Pick these three


Figure 26: Copying Reference Model Surfaces

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5. Click Done Sel > Done > OK .

6. Click Extend > Along Dir > Done > One By One and pick the
first chain as shown in Figure 27.
Use Query Sel to make sure you are picking the edge of the
surface, NOT the merge feature; if you pick the merge, the
extend will not work.

Extend to this
side of the

Pick this
surface edge
to extend

Figure 27: Extending Parting Surface

7. Click Done Sel > Done and pick the right-hand side of the
workpiece to extend the surface up to, as shown in Figure 27.
8. Click Done Extend .
9. Repeat steps 6-8 for the other side of the surface. When you are
finished, the surface should appear as shown in Figure 28.
10. Click Extend > Along Dir > Done > One By One to pick all three
edges that belong to the front chain of edges, as shown in Figure
11. Pick the front side of the workpiece to extend up to.
12. Repeat steps 10-11 for the backside of the parting surface. When
you are finished, the surface should appear as shown in Figure 29.

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Pick these three surface

edges to extend

Figure 28: Final Extend References

Figure 29: Main Parting Surface

Task 2. Create another parting surface that defines the insert for the
underside of the part.
1. Click Blank in the PARTING SURF menu and select the MAIN
parting surface in the NAMES dialog box. Click OK > Done Sel .
2. Create a second parting surface called [insert].
3. Click Add > Copy > Done .

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4. Click Indiv Surfs and pick the three surfaces on the underside of
the reference part, as shown in Figure 30.

Pick these three

reference part

Figure 30: Copying Bottom Surfaces

5. Click Done Sel > Done > OK .

6. Click Extend > Along Dir > Done > Tangent Chain . Pick an edge
of the copied surface to select the entire edge. Extend the surface
to the bottom of the workpiece as shown in Figure 31.

Figure 31: Extending to Bottom of Workpiece

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7. Add an extruded surface across the bottom of the workpiece. Click

One Side > Open Ends > Done .
8. Pick the right side of the workpiece as the sketching plane and
accept the default direction of feature creation. Pick the top of the
workpiece to face the Top of the screen.
9. Pick the left, right, and bottom edges of the workpiece as
references. Sketch the section as shown in Figure 32.

Figure 32: Extruded Surface

10. For the depth option, click UpTo Surface and pick the left-hand
side of the workpiece.
Task 3. Add another extruded surface sketched on the bottom and
extruded up to the flat extruded surface you just created.
1. Click Add > Extrude > Done > One Side > Open Ends > Done .
2. Pick the bottom of the workpiece for the sketching plane and
accept the default direction of feature creation. Pick the right-hand
side of the workpiece to face the Bottom .
3. Pick the FRONT and RIGHT datum planes as references.
4. Sketch centerlines on top of both datum planes. Sketch a rectangle
centered on both as shown in Figure 33.

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Figure 33: Second Extruded Surface

5. For the depth, select UpTo Surface and pick the other extruded
Task 4.

Merge the three surfaces together.

1. Click Merge > Intersect .

2. Pick the flat, extruded surface. Keep the upper portion of the dome
shaped area and keep the outer area of the flat, extruded surface.
Complete the merge.
3. Click Merge > Join .
4. Pick the rectangular, extruded surface. The merged surface appears
as shown in Figure 34.

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Figure 34: Insert Parting Surface

5. Click Done/Return in the SURF DEFINE menu.

6. Click Unblank and click MAIN parting surface in the NAMES
dialog box.
7. Save the model and erase it from memory.

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In this module, you learned that:

Surface features are used to create the parting surfaces in your mold

When creating a parting surface it must be created so that it is not selfintersecting and so that it completely intersects the workpiece in order
to perform a split on the mold.

Multiple surfaces can be merged with one another to create a parting

surface that will split the model.

Trimming enables you to remove portions of the surface that are not
needed to create the parting surface.

The Extend option enables you to extend selected edges of a surface.

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Silhouette Curves and Skirt Surfaces

When splitting a mold, you may want to create a parting surface
along the silhouette edge of a design model. A silhouette edge is the
contour of a model in a specific viewing orientation. The silhouette
edge is a good edge to split a mold along because there is no
overhang along this edge in the specified viewing orientation.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Create a Silhouette curve

Create a Skirt parting surface using a Silhouette curve

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A silhouette curve is a datum feature that represents the parting line edge.
Its main use is to aid in the creation of parting surfaces. The curve
includes all outer and inner reference part edges seen when looking from a
pull direction. The feature is useful in creating skirt parting surfaces.
To create a silhouette curve, click Feature > Mold Assem > Silhouette
(or click

> Silhouette > Done ) and type the name of the curve. The

CURVE dialog box appears as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: CURVE Dialog Box

Figure 2 shows a silhouette curve created using the pull direction


Figure 2: Silhouette Curve

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Interpretation of Slides
The optional Slides element automatically compensates for undercuts
during silhouette curve creation. It interprets volumes and components
used as slides and creates correct parting lines. It also automatically
excludes unnecessary edges from the parting line.

Gap Closure
Tangency conditions on a design model may cause instantaneous jumps or
gaps to occur in a silhouette curve parting line. Although the silhouette is
correct, the resulting parting surface is sometimes undesirable. For these
cases, silhouette curve functionality now contains an automatic check that
informs you when gaps are found. You can then smooth out the gap by
closing the curve in three ways:

Lower connection

Upper connection

Middle connection

Gap detected

Gap closed to
upper point

Figure 3: Gap Closure

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Loop Selection
If the reference part has vertical surfaces to the pull direction, the system
forms curve chains (open or closed) at both upper and lower edges of that
surface. Both curves cannot be used; therefore, you must use the one
needed. For chains with only one solution, no other options are available.
In addition, you have the option to exclude entire loops.


The skirt feature enables you to automatically create a parting surface
based on a pull direction and a predefined curve that represents the parting
line. The curve must be created first and the entire curve must lie on the
reference model. The skirt surface feature automatically creates the parting
surface extending from the reference model to the workpiece and
automatically fills any inner loops.
Unlike a shadow surface, which creates a draping style parting surface,
(that is, copies surfaces of the reference model to create a complete
surface), the skirt surface feature creates a Swiss cheese style parting
surface (that is, does not create surfaces over the reference model). Figure
4 shows a skirt parting surface created using a silhouette curve as the
parting line.

Figure 4: Skirt Surface

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Extension Control
You can easily control the direction in which the skirt parting surface
extends. You can accept the default found by the system or interactively
determine the new extension direction. Extension direction arrows
automatically display at vertices and selected points. You define the
direction in which surface patches will be extended by picking edges,
planes, and coordinate systems.

Figure 5: Extension Direction Control

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The goal of these exercises is to learn how to create and manipulate a Skirt
surface using a Silhouette curve.

In the first exercise you will create a Silhouette curve as a mold assembly
feature. This curve is used later in the exercise to create the parting surface
using the Skirt option. You will also manipulate the edges used in the
Silhouette curve.
In the second exercise, you will also create a Silhouette curve to create the
Skirt parting surface. You must then modify the extension direction for
some of the boundary points so that the surface can be successfully

EXERCISE 1: Silhouette Curve and Skirt Surface

Task 1.

Open BEZEL.MFG and create a silhouette curve.

1. Open BEZEL.MFG.
2. Click Feature > Mold Assem > Silhouette .
3. Type [sil_curve] as the name of the silhouette curve.
4. Pick the top surface of the workpiece to define the plane that the
direction will be perpendicular to.
5. Click Okay in the DIRECTION menu.
6. Click OK in the dialog box.
7. Blank the workpiece and the reference part. The silhouette curve
appears as shown in Figure 6.

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Figure 6: Silhouette Curve

8. Unblank the workpiece and the reference part.

9. Click Done/Return in the FEAT OPER menu.
Task 2.

Create a skirt parting surface using the silhouette curve.

1. Click Parting Surf > Create .

2. Type [ps1] as the name for the surface.
3. Click Add > Skirt > Done .
4. Pick the top surface of the workpiece to define the direction for the
operation to create the skirt curve.
5. Click Okay on the DIRECTION menu.
6. Pick the silhouette curve.
7. Click Done Sel > Done .
8. Click OK in the dialog box.
9. Blank the workpiece and the reference part. The skirt surface
should appear as shown in Figure 7. Notice that all of the inner
loops of the silhouette curve are filled (for example, Swiss cheese
style surface).

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Figure 7: Skirt Surface

10. Unblank the workpiece and the reference part.

11. Click Done/Return in the SURF DEFINE menu and Done/ Return
in the PARTING SURF menu.
Task 3.

Redefine the Loop Selection element of the silhouette curve.

1. Click View > Model Tree Setup > Item Display . Click Features
> OK in the MODEL TREE ITEMS dialog box.
2. Right-click on SIL_CURVE in the Model Tree and click Redefine
in the pop-up menu.
3. Click Suspend All in the CHILD OPTS menu.
4. Zoom in on the six holes in the center of the part. The inside
surfaces of these holes are not drafted (that is, they are vertical
with respect to the parting surface). This means that there are two
edges that could have been used to define the silhouette curve.

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Figure 8: Undrafted Holes

5. Double-click on the optional Loop Selection element in the dialog

box. The LOOP SELECTION dialog box appears. Select the Chains
tab. Any surface that is drafted will have Single specified as the
status. Non-drafted surfaces will have Lower or Upper as the
status. This indicates that either the lower or the upper edge of the
non-drafted surface has been selected for inclusion in the silhouette
6. Press and hold the <CTRL> key and select 7-1 and 12-1.
7. Click Lower . The upper edges for these two holes will now be
used to define the silhouette curves.
8. Click OK > OK . The parting surface should now appear as shown
in Figure 9 in the vicinity of the holes.

Figure 9: Redefined Loop Selection

9. Save the model and erase it from memory.

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EXERCISE 2: Skirt Surface Extension Control

Task 1.

Open 0_LEFT.MFG and create a silhouette curve.

1. Open 0_LEFT.MFG.
2. Click

to create a datum curve.

3. Click Silhouette > Done and type the name [0_left_sil_cv].

4. Pick the workpiece surface indicated in Figure 10 to define the
plane that the direction will be perpendicular to. Click Okay .
Surface to
define direction
for silhouette

Figure 10: Direction for Silhouette Curve

5. Click OK in the CURVE dialog box. The silhouette curve should

appear as shown in Figure 11, with the reference and workpiece
parts blanked.

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Figure 11: Silhouette Curve

Task 2. Create a skirt parting surface with an extension direction

1. Click Parting Surf > Create in the MOLD menu and type
2. Click Add > Skirt > Done .
3. Pick the top surface of the workpiece (the same surface referenced
for the silhouette curve) to define the direction for the operation.
Click Okay.
4. Click Query Sel and pick the silhouette curve. Click Done Sel >
Done .
5. Click Preview to see a possible solution for the parting surface.
The surface has failed due to overlapping geometry.
6. Double-click the Extension element in the SKIRT SURFACE dialog
7. Click Ext Direction to specify the extension direction for points
along the boundary curves. The model should appear as shown in
Figure 12. All of the arrows on the right-hand side of the model are
going to be redirected to point toward the right-hand side of the

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Figure 12: Extension Direction

8. Click Pick Many and draw a bounding box around the arrows on
the right-hand side as shown in Figure 13. This selects all of the
boundary curve points enclosed within the box.

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Click Pick Many to

select the arrows in
this selection box

Use this side of the

workpiece to define the
extension direction

Figure 13: Selection of Points on Boundary Curve

9. Click Done Sel > Done .

10. Pick the right-hand side of the workpiece to define the extension
direction for the selected points. Click Okay . The model should
now appear as shown in Figure 14.

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Figure 14: New Extension Direction

11. Click Add Pnt Set . You are now going to perform a similar
operation on the left-hand side of the model.
12. Click Pick Many and carefully draw a bounding box around the
arrows on the left-hand side as shown in Figure 15.

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Figure 15: Selection of Points on Left-hand Side

13. Click Done Sel > Done .

14. Pick the left-hand side of the workpiece to define the extension
direction for these points. Click Okay. The model should appear as
shown in Figure 16, with the workpiece blanked.

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Figure 16: Redefined Extension Directions

15. Click Done/Return > Done/Return . A preview of the skirt surface

appears as shown in Figure 17. Click OK .

Figure 17: Skirt Surface

16. Save the model and erase it from memory.

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In this module, you learned that:

A Silhouette curve is a datum feature that is created to define the

parting line edge as viewed perpendicular to a specified plane. All
outer and inner edges are included.

In cases where vertical edges are included in the Silhouette curve you
can use the LOOP SELECTION dialog box to define which edge is to
be used.

Skirt parting surfaces enable you to easily create a parting surface

based on a predefined Silhouette curve. The resulting parting surface
may be made up of multiple unattached sections.

Si lhouett e Cu rve s an d Ski rt Su rf ac es

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Splitting the Mold

In this module you will learn what a split feature is and how it is
used to create mold volumes. The module discusses how the split
operation calculates the geometry of mold volumes and how you can
create no more than two volumes for any split. You will also learn
how a parting surface or an existing mold volume can be used for

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Split the mold using either the One Volume or Two Volume Split

Classify (as core or cavity) the portions of the mold that can be
split into more then two volumes

Extract mold volumes

Simulate the filling of a mold cavity by creating a molding

Simulate the mold opening

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A workpiece or an existing mold volume can be broken up by a parting
surface. When you specify a parting surface to be used for splitting, the
system calculates the total volume of the material and trims all the
reference part geometry from it with any mold assembly features used to
create gates, runners, and sprues. Then the system calculates the amount of
workpiece volume to one side of the parting surface and turns it into a
mold volume. The system repeats this process for the remaining volume
on the other side of the parting surface. As a result, you are left with two
new mold volumes at the end of this split operation. Each mold volume is
given a name immediately following its creation.
A mold volume is a three-dimensional, enclosed surface quilt with no
mass. Because they are closed surface quilts, they appear magenta since
all edges are two sided edges.
When you create a split feature, you have three options:

All workpieces

Selected workpieces

All workpieces in the model will be split.

You can select which workpieces will be


Mold volume

You can split an existing mold volume into smaller

You also have the option of creating one volume or two.

One Volume Split

A One-Volume split is used when you only want to create a single mold
volume. Since the split actually results in at least two distinct volumes,
you are asked to include or omit the resulting volumes.

Figure 1: One-Volume Split

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Two Volume Split

A Two-Volume split is used to create two separate mold volumes.

Figure 2: Two-Volume Split

Split Classification
When a parting surface splits a mold into more than two volumes, each
volume is classified as either core or cavity. The ISLAND LIST menu,
shown in Figure 3, is used for selecting and unselecting volume islands.
As the cursor is dragged over the island options, the corresponding volume
is highlighted on the model. Selected islands are included in the first
volume; unselected islands are included in the second volume.

Figure 3: ISLAND LIST Menu

Sp l itting the Mold

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One of the biggest advantages to splitting the workpiece or an existing
mold volume with a parting surface is that the workpiece or mold volume
boundary surfaces are copied. As a result, design changes to them do not
affect the split itself. If you decide later that a workpiece needs to be
bigger or smaller, there will be no problem with the split as long as the
parting surface intersects the boundaries of the workpiece completely.
The resulting calculations will just give a new shape to the mold volumes,
which means that all your mold components will update in shape also.
One way to guarantee that the parting surface edges always intersect the
workpiece boundary is to have the parting surface edges reference the
boundaries in some way, such as with an extend or with Sketcher
Another advantage of splitting the workpiece with a parting surface is that
all the components within the workpiece(s) will add up to 100% of the
original volume of the workpiece(s). The system automatically keeps track
of this for you. There is never a chance that a small volume within the
cavity will be forgotten, making the mold volumes inaccurate.


Once all the mold volumes have been defined, you can extract them from
the workpiece to produce mold components. Mold components are
produced by filling previously defined mold volumes with solid material.
This process of filling the mold volumes is done by performing an extract.
When you create a mold extract, the CREATE MOLD COMPONENT dialog
box appears, as shown in Figure 4.

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The current mold volumes are listed at the top of the dialog box. These
can be selected individually or simultaneously to create the associated
mold components. The selected mold volumes appear in the Advanced
section of the dialog box. Here you can specify a name for the extracted
mold components and select a start part.
After a mold volume has been extracted, the mold component is a fully
functional Pro/ENGINEER part.

Extracted mold volumes are only stored in the In Session
memory until the mold file has been saved to the disk. It is
important to remember this so you do not lose any of your
work when exiting a session of Pro/ENGINEER.

Sp l itting the Mold

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Pro/MOLDESIGN enables you to create a molding by simulating the
filling of the mold cavity through the sprue, runners, and gates. It can only
be created after the extract components have been created. The molding
component is created by determining the volume remaining in the
workpiece after subtracting the extracts. This process creates a
Pro/ENGINEER part for which you can calculate mass properties, check
for suitable draft, generate a mesh for flow analysis, and so on.


Figure 5: Molding

Simulation of a mold opening process enables you to check the suitability
of your design. You can specify moves for any member of the assembly,
except the reference model, the workpiece, or die block. Actually, it is
convenient to blank the reference model and the workpiece before opening
the mold or die.

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Step 2: Move Core up

Step 3: Move Molding up

Step 1: Move
Core Pin down

Figure 6: Mold Opening

The mold opening process is a series of steps, each containing one or more
moves. A move is an instruction to move one or more members, offsetting
them in a specified direction by a specified value.

Sp l itting the Mold

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The goal of these exercises is to learn how to split a mold model based on
its parting surfaces.

In the first exercise, you will split the rod mold into two volumes using the
flat parting surface created earlier. You will then extract the resulting mold
volumes to create solid parts. You will also create a molding of the
assembly features as well as create the mold opening.
In the second exercise, you will initially split the mold into two volumes
using the MAIN parting surface. You will then split the lower volume into
two volumes using the INSERT parting surface. To complete the exercise
you will extract the mold volumes.
In the third exercise, you will split the pen cap mold. To do this you will
first create the two volumes for the slides using the two parting surfaces,
SIDE_1 and SIDE_2. This is done so that when you perform the main
cavity-core split, the slides will not be divided into two pieces. You will
use the MAIN parting surface for the final split and then you will extract
the volumes.
In the final exercise you will split the casing mold into the core and cavity
volumes based on the MAIN parting surface. When the split is performed,
the workpiece will be divided into three volumes. Since a split can only
create two volumes, you will classify each volume as belonging to the first
or second volume. To complete the exercise you will extract the two

EXERCISE 1: Splitting the Rod Mold

Task 1. Open SPLIT_ROD.MFG and split the mold using the MIDDLE
parting surface.
2. Click Mold Volume > Split > Two Volumes > All Wrkpcs >
Done .

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3. Pick the MIDDLE parting surface, as shown in Figure 7.

Pick the

Figure 7: Selecting the Parting Surface for the Rod Mold


parting surface

4. Click Done Sel > OK .

5. Type the name [ROD_A] for the first highlighted volume.
6. Type the name [ROD_B] for the second highlighted volume.
7. Click Done /Return in the MOLD VOLUME menu.
8. Blank the workpiece and the reference parts.
9. Click Parting Surface in the Filter section of the BLANK
UNBLANK dialog box to blank the MIDDLE parting surface.
Task 2.

Extract the mold components.

1. Click Mold Comp > Extract . The CREATE MOLD COMPONENT

dialog box appears.
2. Click

to select both mold components.

3. Click the arrow in the Advanced title bar to expand that section of
the dialog box.
4. Select ROD_A in the advanced section.
5. Click
in the Advanced section and select START_PART.PRT.
The features and the setup (for example, saved views and layers) of
this part will be added to the extracted component for ROD_A.
6. Click Ok in the CREATE MOLD COMPONENT dialog box.

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7. Click Done/Return . Notice that ROD_A.PRT and ROD_B.PRT

have been added to the Model Tree as components of the mold
Task 3.

Create the molding and perform a mold opening process.

1. Click Molding > Create .

2. Type [rod_molding] as the name of the molding part. Notice
that ROD_MOLDING.PRT has been added to the Model Tree as a
component of the mold assembly.
3. Click Mold Opening > Define Step > Define Move .
4. Pick the top plate and click Done Sel .

Pick this plate to


Pick this edge to define

the move direction

Figure 8: Component for First Move

5. Pick the edge shown in Figure 8 to define the direction of the

6. Type [350] for the distance for the move.
7. Click Done . The model should appear as shown in Figure 9.

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Pick the molding

component for the
second step move

Figure 9: First Step of Mold Opening

8. Click Define Step > Define Move .

9. Pick the rod molding component and click Done Sel .
10. Pick the edge shown in Figure 9 to define the direction of the
11. Type [175] for the distance for the move.
12. Click Done . The model should appear as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 10: Second Step of Mold Opening

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Pick this edge

to define the

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13. Click Done/Return in the MOLD OPEN menu. The model returns
to the unexploded state. You can return to the defined mold
opening at any time.
14. Save the model and erase it from memory. The ROD_A.PRT,
ROD_B.PRT, and ROD_MOLDING.PRT components are
automatically saved.
15. Open ROD_A.PRT and ROD_B.PRT. Notice that ROD_A.PRT
contains default datum planes and a coordinate system, whereas
ROD_B.PRT does not. This is because of the start part you copied
from while creating ROD_A.PRT.
16. Erase the parts from memory.

Sp l itting the Mold

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EXERCISE 2: Splitting the Surface Mold

Task 1. Open SPLIT_SURFACE.MFG and split the core and cavity sides
apart using the main parting surface.
2. Click Mold Volume > Split > Two Volumes > All Wrkpcs >
Done .
3. Pick the MAIN parting surface, as shown in Figure 11, and click
Done Sel > OK .
Use the MAIN
parting surface
for the first split

Figure 11: Reference for the First Split

4. Type [surf_cavity] for the upper volume name and

[surf_core_tmp] for the lower volume name.
5. Click Shade in the MOLD VOLUME menu. You can shade the two
volumes individually.

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Figure 12: SURF_CAVITY and SURF_CORE_TMP Mold Volumes

Task 2.

Split the SURF_CORE_TMP volume into two more volumes.

1. Click Split > Two Volumes > Mold Volume > Done .
2. Select the SURF_CORE_TMP volume in the NAMES dialog box.
3. Pick the INSERT parting surface, as shown in Figure 13, and click
Done Sel > OK .

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Figure 13: Reference for the SECOND Split

4. Name the first volume [surf_core_insert] and the second

volume [surf_core_outer].
5. Click Done /Return in the MOLD VOLUME menu.
Task 3.

Extract the three required volumes.

1. Click Mold Comp > Extract .

2. Extract the SURF_CAVITY, SURF_CORE_OUTER, and
SURF_CORE_INSERT volumes. The three extracted components
are shown in Figure 14.

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Figure 14: Extracted Mold Components

3. Blank the workpiece, reference part, and parting surfaces to see the
extracted components clearly.
4. Save the model and erase it from memory.

Sp l itting the Mold

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EXERCISE 3: Splitting the Pen Cap Mold

Task 1. Create the first of a series of splits that will define the slide
action tooling for the SPLIT_PEN_CAP_MOLD.
2. Click Mold Volume > Split > Two Volume > All Wrkpcs > Done .
3. For the parting surface, pick the SIDE_1 surface, as shown in
Figure 15, and click Done Sel .
4. Name the first volume [temp_a] and the second volume

5. Click Done/Return on the MOLD VOLUME menu.

Pick this surface
for the first split

Pick this surface

for the second

Figure 15: References for the Slide Splits

Task 2. Create the other slide action mold volume by doing a twovolume split of the TEMP_A volume.
1. Blank the workpiece.

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2. Click Mold Volume > Split > Two Volumes > Mold Volume >
Done .
3. Select TEMP_A in the selection box.
4. Select SIDE_2 as the parting surface. Click Done Sel > OK .
5. Name the first volume [slide_2] and the second volume
Task 3. Create last split to divide the A and the B sides apart using the
MAIN parting surface.
1. Click Split > Two Volume > Mold Volume > Done .

Select the TEMP_B volume to split.

3. Select MAIN as the parting surface. Click Done Sel > OK .

4. Name the two volumes [a_side] and [b_side].
5. Extract all the volumes just created and note that all the temporary
volumes have been consumed in the splitting operations.
6. Click Done/Return to bring you back to the MOLD menu.
7. OPTIONAL: Create a molding and do a mold opening on the
model, as shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16: Extracted Mold Components

Sp l itting the Mold

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EXERCISE 4: Classifying Mold Volumes

Task 1.

Open SPLIT_CASING.MFG and split the mold.

1. Open the SPLIT_CASING.MFG mold.

2. Click Mold Volume > Split > Two Volumes > All Wrkpcs >
Done .
3. Pick the MAIN parting surface and click Done Sel . The ISLAND
LIST menu appears because this selection of a parting surface
results in more than two volumes.
4. Run the mouse over the options to identify them on the model.
5. Click Island1 > Done Sel > OK . ISLAND 2 and ISLAND 3 will be
combined to create a mold volume.
6. Name the volumes [casing_core] and [casing_cavity].
7. Extract both volumes.
(Island 1)

(Isalnd 2 and
Island 3)

Figure 17: Classifying Mold Volumes

8. Save the model and erase it from memory.

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In this module, you learned that:

Sp l itting the Mold

A mold can be split into its volumes using the parting surfaces that
have been created in the mold model. The system calculates the
amount of workpiece volume to one side of the parting surface and
turns it into a mold volume. The same is done on the other side of the
parting surface.

Molds can be split using One Volume or Two Volumes and in

situations where the parting surfaces splits into more then one volume
you can classify whether it belongs to the core or cavity.

Once the mold is split you can extract the mold volumes to create
mold components that are stored in the current working directory.

Creating a molding and a mold opening enables you to simulate the

actual molding process by viewing the resulting material exploded
from the molding components.

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Mold Volumes Created Directly

In the previous module, you learned to create mold volumes based on
the parting surfaces that were created. In this module, you will
create volumes directly from the model geometry rather than as a
result of a splitting operation.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Create a mold volume by gathering selected surfaces directly from

the model geometry

Sketch a mold volume

Manipulate mold volumes by cutting out the reference material

from the volume or combining multiple volumes into one

Add drafts and rounds to a mold volume

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Gather Feature
The gather feature enables you to quickly define the shape of a mold
volume by collecting surfaces of the reference model and then capping
these surfaces to define the enclosed volume, as shown in Figure 1. If the
reference model changes, the gather also updates on regeneration,
eliminating the need to update the volume manually.
A gather feature can be created using the following steps:
1. Select the surface.
2. Modify the selected quilt (optional).
3. Close the volume.

Reference Model

Gathered Volume

Figure 1: Gather Feature

Selecting Surfaces
The first step in creating a gather is selecting the surfaces off the reference
model to define the basic shape of the desired mold volume. There are two
methods of picking surfaces:

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Surface and Boundary

Pick the surfaces one at a time off the reference model.

Pick a seed surface off the reference model

and several bounding surfaces. Starting at the seed surface,
Pro/ENGINEER selects all adjacent surfaces until it reaches a
bounding surface.

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Figure 2: Selecting Surfaces Using Surface and Boundary

Only one selection method can be used in a single gather
Modifying the Base Quilt

Once you have selected the surfaces in the reference model, there are two
tools for modifying the resulting quilt:



Pick a surface to exclude from the selection. This can only

be used when Surfaces is used for the selection method.

Pick a surface to disregard its interior contours, as shown in

Figure 3.

Figure 3: Filling a Surface

The Fill option can be used with the surface and boundary selection
method to keep the selection from growing too large when there are holes

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in one of the selected surfaces. This can keep you from having to select
many boundary surfaces, as shown in Figure 4.

Pick the top,

inside surface to
fill, eliminating
the need to pick
the side surfaces
of the four cuts
as boundaries

Figure 4: Using Fill with Surface and Boundary Selection

Tips and Techniques:

Fill will not work on a loop that bridges two surfaces because
it does not create any internal contours on either surface. To
fill a loop that bridges two surfaces, use Insert mode in the
design model and copy the original uncut surfaces to use as
copied surfaces for the gather.

Closing the Volume

Once all of the surfaces are selected and any modifications have been
made, the last step is to close the volume. Since a mold volume is defined
as a three-dimensional enclosed surface quilt, any open boundaries of the
selection need to be closed. To close an open boundary loop, you must
select a plane to cap the loop. The edges of the loop will then be extended
to the closing plane in a direction normal to the plane. A new flat surface
that is coplanar with this plane will also be created to close the boundary.

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Close this loop to

the bottom of the

Figure 5: Closing a Volume

Sketching Volumes
The shape of a mold volume can also be defined by sketching, as shown in
Figure 6. When you click Sketch as the option for modifying a mold
volume, you are given the option of adding volume or removing volume.
If you choose to add volume, you will create an assembly level protrusion
and if you choose to remove it you will create an assembly level cut.

Extrude this
rectangle across
the workpiece

Figure 6: Creating an Extruded Sketched Volume

When you choose to create a sketched feature within a mold volume, you
have the same options as for all sketched features (for example, extrude,
revolve, sweep, and so on). These options work the same as for any other
sketched feature. The only difference when creating a mold volume
sketched feature is that you must sketch a closed section.
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Reference Part Cutout

A reference part cutout feature will trim away any overlapping reference
model geometry from the mold volume, as shown in Figure 7. This is a
very useful feature because the mold volume will then match the reference
model geometry. It also eliminates the need to recreate the reference
model geometry in the mold volume. Instead, create a mold volume that
completely encompasses the desired area of the reference model and then
create a reference part cutout feature.

Figure 7: Performing a Reference Part Cutout to a Mold Volume

Surfaces in an existing volume can be offset to enlarge certain areas of the
volume. When creating an offset feature, you can choose the surfaces to be
offset and how they will be offset. There are two methods of offsetting the

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Offsets the edges of the volume in a direction normal to

the selected surface.
Offsets the edges of the volume in a direction tangential
to the selected surface.

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Tangential Offset
Original Volume

Horizontal Offset

Figure 8: Offsetting Volumes

Draft and Rounds

It is possible to add draft and round features to a mold volume. This
enables you to customize the volume before extracting it to a solid part, as
shown in Figure 9. Draft and round features are created on the volumes
just as drafts and rounds are created in Part mode.

Figure 9: Drafting and Rounding a Volume

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Sometimes, when creating a mold, you end up with more mold volumes
than are needed. If the design intent changes, you may require one mold
volume where you previously required many. You can combine two mold
volumes using an attach feature.
When creating an attach feature, you are prompted to select a base volume
and a volume to attach to it. The second volume will be completely
consumed. The resulting volume will have the name of the base volume
and the shape of the two volumes combined.


A mold volume is made up of several different assembly features (for
example, gather, cut, round, and so on). Because of this, the operations
found under the MOLD ASSEMBLY FEATURE menu will work on all of
these features (for example, reroute, suppress, delete, and so on).
However, to create new features within a mold volume, use the Modify
Volume functionality in the MOLD COMP menu, which enables new
features to be automatically intersected and associated with the volume.

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The goal of these exercises is to learn how to create mold volumes directly
from the model using sketching and gathering techniques.

In the first exercise, you will create the mold volume representing the core
of a mold using gather and sketch methods. You will use this mold volume
to split the workpiece and extract the cavity volume.
In the second exercise, you will create a mold for a remote housing. You
will create the core volume using gather and sketch options. You will then
create a second volume representing the slide for the antenna housing. To
complete the exercise you will use these volumes to split the workpiece
into extractable volumes.
In the final exercise, you will again use mold volumes created directly to
split the workpiece into extractable components.

EXERCISE 1: Creating Mold Volumes Directly

Task 1. Open the VOLUME_MOUNT mold and begin the definition of
the core mold volume by using a gather feature.
2. Click Mold Volume > Create .
3. Type [mount_core] as the name of the volume.
4. Click Gather as the choice of methods to create the volume.
5. Make sure Select , Fill , and Close are selected as options for the
gather steps to perform and click Done .

Click Surf & Bnd > Done as the method of selection.


Pick any inside surface on the reference model as the seed surface,
as indicated in Figure 10.

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8. Pick the bottom surface of the reference model as a boundary

surface, as indicated in Figure 10.
9. Click Done Sel > Done Refs > Done/Return to finish the
selection, as this is the only boundary surface required.
10. Pick the inside top surface of the reference model as the surface to
exclude inner contours, as indicated in Figure 10.
11. Click Done Sel > Done Refs > Done/Return .
12. Click Cap Plane > All Loops > Done .
13. Pick the bottom of the workpiece as the capping plane, as indicated
in Figure 10.

Fill Surface

Seed Surface

Cap Plane

Boundary Surface

Figure 10: References for Gather

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14. Click Done > Done/Return > Done to create the volume. The
volume should appear as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11: MOUNT_CORE Volume

Task 2. Add to the existing volume that you just created by extruding
another volume from the bottom of the workpiece to create a base for the
1. Click Sketch > Add > Extrude > Solid > Done .
2. Click One Side > Done and pick the bottom of the workpiece as
the sketching plane.
3. Make the direction of feature creation point towards the top of the
4. Click Top and pick the FRONT datum plane on the workpiece.

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5. Click

> Loop

and pick the bottom surface of the workpiece.

6. When finished with the sketch, use an UpTo Surface depth option
and pick the bottom of the reference model as the depth surface.
7. Click OK to create the feature.
8. Click Done/Return . The volume should appear as shown in Figure

Figure 12: Gathered and Sketched Volume

Task 3.

Perform a One Volume split on the workpiece.

1. Click Split > One Volume > All Wkpcs > Done .
2. Pick the MOUNT_CORE volume as the surface to split the
workpiece and click Done Sel .
3. Click Island1 to include the upper half of the volume and click
Done Sel > OK.

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4. Name the resulting volume [mount_cavity].

5. Shade both volumes to view the result. Notice that the material to
create the hole is on the cavity side.
6. Save the model and erase it from memory.

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EXERCISE 2: Creating a Remote Mold

Task 1. Open REMOTE_MOLD.MFG and create a mold volume for the
core insert.
2. Click Mold Volume > Create and name the volume
3. Click Gather and accept Select and Close as the gather options.
Click Done .
4. Click Surf&Bnd > Done as the selection method.
5. Pick any inside surface on the remote as the seed surface.
6. Pick all of the bottom surfaces on the remote as well as the top
surface around the button openings and display opening as the
boundary surfaces, as shown in Figure 13.
Pick all of the
bottom surfaces
as references
Pick these top
surfaces as

Figure 13: References for Gather

7. Once you have finished selecting these surfaces, click Done Sel >
Done Refs > Done/Return to finish the surface and boundary

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Task 2. Cap all of the open loops at the top of each key opening, the
display opening, and the bottom of the remote.
1. Select Cap Plane and Sel Loops as the first cap options and click
Done .
2. Pick the top face of the remote around the button openings as
shown in Figure 15.
3. Pick an edge off of each button opening as the loops to cap to the
selected plane. Click Done Sel .
You only need to pick one edge of each loop to select the loop.

Pick this surface

to cap the loops
resulting from
the button holes

Pick one edge

from each button
hole loop

Figure 14: Cap Plane for Button Holes

4. For the next cap, accept the defaults of Cap Plane and Sel Loops
and click Done .

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5. Pick the top face of the remote around the display opening as the
cap plane.
6. Pick any one of the edges of the display opening as the loop to cap.
Click Done Sel .
7. For the last cap, accept the defaults of Cap Plane and Sel Loops
and click Done .
8. Pick the bottom of the workpiece as the plane to cap the volume.
9. Pick any one of the inside edges on the bottom of the remote as the
loop to cap to the plane. Click Done Sel .
10. Now that all of the open loops have been capped, click
Done/Return > Done to create the feature. The gathered volume
should appear as shown in Figure 15.

Figure 15: Gathered Volume

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Task 3. Create an extruded volume for the core side to be added onto
the gathered volume. This will act as a base for the core volume.
1. Click Sketch > Add > Extrude > Solid > Done .
2. Click One Side > Done and pick the right-hand side of the
workpiece as the sketching plane.
3. Make sure that the arrow points towards the opposite side of the
workpiece and click Okay.
4. Use the top of the workpiece as the Top reference plane.
5. Sketch the section shown in Figure 16. Make sure you sketch a
closed section.

Figure 16: Sketched Volume Section

6. After finishing the sketch, use an UpTo Surface depth option and
pick the far side of the workpiece as the depth plane.
7. Click OK to finish the feature.

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Figure 17: Remote Core Mold Volume

8. Click Done/Return > Done/Return .

Task 4. Create a datum axis on the reference model to aid in the
creation of a new mold volume.
1. Click Modify > Mod Ref in the MOLD menu to work on the
reference model.
2. Click

and click Thru Cyl .

3. Pick the inside of the hole in the antenna post as the axis reference.

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Pick the inside of
this hole to create
the axis

Figure 18: Thru Cylinder Datum Axis

4. Click Done/Sel > Done > Done > Done/Return to return to the
MOLD menu.
Task 5. Create a new volume called slide, which will help create the
geometry for the post at the top of the remote model.
1. Click Mold Volume > Create and type the name [slide].
2. Click Sketch > Extrude > Solid > Done .
3. Click One Side > Done .
4. Pick the top of the workpiece as the sketching plane, making sure
the feature creation points into the workpiece. Pick the front of the
workpiece as the top reference plane, as shown in Figure 19.

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Sketching Plane

Reference Plane

Figure 19: Sketching Plane References for Slide Volume

5. Sketch the section shown in Figure 20.

Figure 20: Sketched Volume for Antenna Slide

6. After you have finished the sketch, use the UpTo Surface depth
option and pick the top surface of the reference part as the depth
plane. Click OK > Done /Return .
7. Shade the slide volume. Notice that it does not yet reflect the
geometry of the antenna housing.
8. Click Modify and select the name Slide .
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9. Click RefPart Cutout > Done/Return . Shade the volume again

and notice that it now matches the antenna housing geometry, as
shown in Figure 21.

Figure 21: Slide Mold Volume

Task 6. The last change to be made to the slide volume will be to round
the top two edges of it. Modify the volume and create a simple edge chain
round on these edges.
1. Click Modify and select the name Slide .
2. Click Round > Simple > Done > Constant > Edge Chain >

3. Pick the top two edges of the slide volume to round, as indicated in
Figure 22.

Create a round
on these two

Figure 22: Round References for Slide Volume

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4. Type a radius of [0.2] and click OK to create the feature and

Done/Return to finish the volume.
Task 7. Create a one volume, all workpieces split to obtain the cavity
volume and then split this volume with a one volume, mold volume split
to remove the slide from the cavity volume.
1. Click Split > One Volume > All Wkpcs > Done .
2. Pick the REMOTE_CORE volume as the surface to split the
workpiece. Click Done Sel .
3. Pick the island that includes the cavity portion of the workpiece
and omit the portion that duplicates the existing core.
4. Click Done Sel > OK .
5. Name the volume [temp_cavity].
6. Click Split > One Volume > Mold Volume > Done .
7. Pick the TEMP_CAVITY volume as the volume to split.
8. Pick the SLIDE volume as the surface to split with. Click Done
Sel .
9. Pick the island that includes the main part of the volume and omit
the portion that duplicates the existing slide volume.
10. Name the resulting volume [remote_cavity].

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Figure 23: Finished Remote Mold

11. OPTIONAL: Extract the volumes, create a molding, and define

steps for the mold opening.
12. Save the model and erase it from memory.

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EXERCISE 3: Creating Mold Volumes Directly

Task 1. Open the mold file called VOLUME_HOUSING.MFG and create
a volume to represent the core side of the mold.
2. Click Mold Volume > Create and name the volume
3. Click Gather and accept Select, Fill and Close as the gather
options. Click Done .
4. Click Surf&Bnd > Done as the selection method.
5. Pick any inside surface on the housing as the seed surface.
6. Pick the narrow end surface of the reference model as the only
boundary surface.
7. Click Done Sel > Done Refs > Done/Return .
8. Pick the flat top of the boss as the only fill surface, as indicated in
Figure 24.
9. Click Done Sel > Done Refs > Done/Return .

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Cap Plane

Fill Surface


Figure 24: References for Gather

10. For the close, click Cap Plane > All Loops > Done .
11. Pick the top of the workpiece as the capping plane, as indicated in
Figure 24.
12. Click Done/Return > Done to finish the volume.
Task 2. Add to the HOUSING_CORE volume by sketching an extruded
volume that goes across the workpiece.
1. Click Sketch > Add > Extrude > Solid > Done .
2. Click One Side > Done .
3. Pick the right-hand side of the workpiece as the sketching plane.
4. Make sure the direction is into the workpiece and pick the top of
the workpiece as the Top reference plane.
5. Sketch the section shown in Figure 25.

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Figure 25: First Sketched Volume

6. Use an UpTo Surface depth and pick the opposite side of the
workpiece as the depth plane.
7. Click OK > Done/Return to finish the volume shown in Figure 26.

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Figure 26: Finished Core Volume

Task 3. Create a new mold volume that represents the shape of the core
pin, to be used in hollowing out the center boss.
1. Click Create and type the name [center_pin].
2. Click Sketch > Revolve > Solid > Done .
3. Click One Side > Done .
4. Pick the FRONT datum plane as the sketching plane and the TOP
datum plane as the Top reference plane.
5. Sketch the section shown in Figure 27.

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Figure 27: Revolved Section for Pin Volume

6. When finished with the section, click 360 > Done .

7. Click OK > Done/Return to finish the volume.
Task 4. Split the workpiece using the existing volumes to create the
cavity volume.
1. Click Split > One Volume > All Wkpcs > Done .
2. Select the HOUSING_CORE volume as the surface to use for the
split. Click Done Sel . Include the island representing the cavity
and neglect the volume that duplicates the core.
3. Name the volume [housing_cav_temp].
4. Click Split > One Volume > Mold Volume > Done .
5. Select HOUSING_CAV_TEMP as the volume to split.
6. Select the CENTER_PIN volume as the surface to use for the split.
Click Done Sel .

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7. Include the island representing the bulk of the cavity and neglect
the volume that duplicates the pin.
8. Name the volume [housing_cavity].

Figure 28: Finished Volume Housing Mold

9. OPTIONAL: Extract the component, create a molding, and perform

a mold opening.
10. Save the model and erase it from memory.

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In this module, you learned that:

Mold Volumes can be created directly in the model by gathering or

sketching. Gathering enables you to pick surfaces directly on the
model to create the mold volume and sketching enables you to sketch
the mold volume directly on the model.

Additional features can be used to create the mold volume. These

include reference part cutout to remove the material that belongs to the
reference model from the mold volume (for example, a sketched
volume), rounds, drafts, and offsets. You can also combine multiple
mold volumes using the Attach option.

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Feature List Management

This module introduces several tools for organizing your mold
model. The module discusses the most effective feature list for a
mold model and the order in which mold features should be created.
It also discusses tools for making the feature list easier to work with,
such as naming features and local groups.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Recognize the different features that appear in the Model Tree

Apply names to the features in your mold model

Define groups of features in your mold model

Review mold information

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In Mold mode, most of the model creation is done using Assembly level
features, which can affect several parts of an assembly simultaneously.
Since they are created in the scope of an entire assembly, you can create
parent-child relationships among all components in the assembly.
The first step in feature management is understanding the order in which
features should be created. In a part model, it is good practice to save
rounds and drafts until as late in the model as possible. This helps to
simplify the model when creating other features and minimizes the
possibility of creating unwanted parent-child relationships. In mold
design, there is also a preferred order of feature creation with similar
advantages. Table 1 shows a standard feature list for a mold model.
Table 1: Standard Feature List for a Mold Model

Possible Features

Purpose in a Model

MOLD_RIGHT datum plane

MAIN_PARTING_PLN datum plane
MOLD_FRONT datum plane

Mold Foundation

MOLD_DEF_CSYS datum coordinate system

Reference Models

Runner/Waterline System


Parting Surfaces


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Created Mold Volumes

Reference Part Cutouts

Volumes Created from Splits

Extracted Components

Final Components/Details

Moldbase Components
Ej Pin Holes

Table 2 shows the feature list for a mold model. In column A, an

additional cut is created for the runner system. Since Insert mode was not
used, the cut is added as the last feature. In column B, one of the extracted
components is deleted. In column C, the component is re-extracted. Notice
that the cut now comes after the splits that created the mold volumes, but
before the extracted solid parts. Therefore, the cut will never show up in
the solid mold volume or the final solid extracted part.
If Insert mode had been used, the cut would have been created with the
rest of the features making up the runner system. This way, when the mold
regenerates, the split features will automatically account for the additional
removal of material and the cut will show up in all extracted components.

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Table 2: Creating Features Out of Order

A. Create New Runner

B. Delete Extracted

C. Re-Extract Component










Reference Models

Reference Models

Reference Models





































Reference Part Cutouts

Reference Part Cutouts

Reference Part Cutouts







Extracted Components

Extracted Components




Moldbase Components
Ej Pin Holes

Moldbase Components
Ej Pin Holes

Moldbase Components
Ej Pin Holes




Extracted Component

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Feature List Management and Local Groups

When working in Mold mode, it is sometimes difficult to identify critical
features and components in the Model Tree. One way to simplify this is to
rename the features. Several features in Mold mode are named by default,
(for example, runners and waterlines). You can, however, rename any
feature in the model. If you rename a feature, its new name will appear in
the Model Tree. For example, you could rename the first feature in a
parting surface main parting surface.
The feature list can be difficult to manage because there are actually
several features that make up a parting surface or mold volume, yet we
think of these as single entities. You can make the Model Tree easier to
manage by creating local groups, which enable you to associate many
features so they behave like one. The benefits of local groups include:

You can perform operations on many features at the same time (copy,
delete, pattern, and so on).

You can organize your model. Local groups appear as a single line in
the Model Tree.

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Figure 1: Model Tree Before and After Creating Local Groups


When working in Mold mode, the following four menus are used for most
model creation and modification:

MOLD MODEL Controls all components within the mold such as

reference models, workpieces, and moldbase components. It contains

options such as assembling, patterning, blanking, and unblanking these

PARTING SURF Enables you to create and modify parting surfaces.

By creating parting surfaces within this menu, all features that

comprise the parting surface are automatically associated together as

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part of the parting surface. This menu also contains options for
blanking and unblanking these surfaces.

MOLD COMP Contains the tools for creating and extracting mold

volumes. It contains the tools for creating mold volumes directly as

well as creating them by using a split feature. This menu also contains
tools for redefining the features within a mold volume, deleting,
blanking, and shading the volume.

FEATURE OPER Contains operations that are available for all mold
assembly features and so is more general than the PARTING SURF and
MOLD COMP menus. While you should use the PARTING SURF and
MOLD COMP menus whenever possible, the FEATURE OPER menu

contains many tools that are not available in these other menus
(Reroute, Suppress, and so on).

When you regenerate a mold model, you can regenerate specific
components or all components, or you can create custom regenerations.
Most mold assembly features affect many different components, so it is
usually necessary to regenerate the entire mold and not just selected
When a change is made to a design model, the change may not
immediately appear in the mold if it uses a reference model instead of the
design model, as shown in Figure 2. In this case, you must regenerate the
reference model so that it updates to the latest design model changes. This
is useful in Mold mode because it gives you a chance to make necessary
changes to the mold before implementing design model changes.

Figure 2: Updating Mold Model

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Clicking Info > Mold brings up the MOLD INF dialog box, which enables
you to get information on the bill of materials, components, cavity layouts,
split volumes, created volumes, parting surfaces, and mold construction.

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The goal of these exercises is to learn how to organize the mold model so
that you can better understand the information in the Model Tree. You will
also learn how to use Insert mode to add features earlier in the design.

In the first exercise, you will apply names and group features that have
been created for you in the mold.
In the second exercise, you will use Insert mode to add a runner feature to
the mold before the mold volumes are created. This enables you to include
the runner in the mold volumes.

EXERCISE 1: Organizing Mold Features

Task 1. Open the FEAT_LIST_PEN_CAP_MOLD.MFG mold and name
the sprue, primary runner, and main parting surface features.
2. If features are not visible in the Model Tree, click View > Model
Tree Setup > Item Display . Click Features > OK in the MODEL
TREE ITEMS dialog box.
3. Click View > Model Tree Setup > Expand > All.
4. Click Set Up > Name > Feature , and pick the first cut (ID 25) in
the Model Tree.
5. Type the name [sprue].
6. Pick the second cut feature (ID 99) and type the name
7. Pick the last surface feature (ID 992) and type the name
8. Click Done in the ASSEM SETUP menu.

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Figure 3: Named Features in the Pen Cap Mold

Task 2. Create local groups for the secondary runners, gates, and side
parting surfaces.
1. Click Feature > Mold Assem > Feature Oper > Group .

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2. Click Create > Local Group and type the name

[secondary_runners] for the group.
3. Pick the two cuts and datum plane that comprise the group (IDs
145, 196, and ADTM5).
4. Click Done Sel > Done .
5. Click Create > Local Group and type the name [gates] for the
6. Pick the two holes that comprise the gates (IDs 239 and 262).
7. Click Done Sel > Done .
8. Click Create > Local Group and type the name [side_1_ps] for
the group.
9. Pick the features that comprise the parting surface (ID 657 through
ID 790).
10. Click Done Sel > Done .
11. Click Create > Local Group and type the name [side_2_ps] for
the group.
12. Pick the features that comprise the parting surface (ID 795 through
ID 985).
13. Pick the SECONDARY_RUNNERS group in the Model Tree.
14. Click View > Model Tree Setup > Collapse > Branch.
15. Collapse the remaining three groups.

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Figure 4: Completed Pen Cap Feature List

16. Save the model and erase it from memory.

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EXERCISE 2: Modifying the Remote Mold

Task 1.

Open the FEAT_REMOTE.MFG mold and activate Insert mode.

2. Unblank the workpiece and reference models.
3. Click Feature > Mold Assem > Feature Oper > Insert Mode >
Activate .
4. Pick FEAT_REMOTE_WP.PRT as the feature to insert after.
It may be easiest to pick the workpiece using the Model Tree.

Task 2.

Create a simple runner feature on the remote mold.

1. Click Done to return to the FEAT OPER menu.

2. Click Mold > Runner , and accept the default name for the runner
3. Click Half Round for the shape and type a diameter of [0.25].
4. For the sketching plane, create a make datum through the bottom
surface of the reference model, as shown in Figure 5. Ensure the
arrow defining the direction of feature creation faces towards the

Featu re List Man agem ent

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Create a make datum
through the bottom surface
of the reference part

Figure 5: References for Runner Sketching Plane

5. Pick the front of the workpiece as the Bottom reference plane.

6. Sketch the section as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Runner Sketch

7. Click Auto Sel > Confirm for the feature intersection.

8. Click Done > OK .

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Task 3. Cancel Insert mode to resume all suppressed features and

regenerate the model to update all components.
1. Click Feature Oper > Insert Mode > Cancel and type [Yes] to
resume all suppressed features.
2. Blank the workpiece and reference part.
3. Click Regenerate > Automatic in the MOLD menu to see the
runner propagate through all of the components. Notice that the
runner now appears on the cavity part.

Figure 7: Finished Remote Mold

4. Save the model and erase it from memory.

Featu re List Man agem ent

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In this module, you learned that:

The order that features are created in your mold is important and will
help you minimize unwanted parent-child relationships.

Insert mode can be used to insert features anywhere in the feature list.

Renaming features can help you easily identify them in the Model

Grouping features enables you to group similar features or features

used to generate a child feature (for example, a parting surface).

Information on the mold model can be accessed by clicking Info >

Mold .

Featu re List Man agem ent

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Mold Layout
In this module you will learn about the Mold Layout application.
This application gives you the ability to design multi-cavity molds
directly in Assembly mode.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Use the Mold Layout application to populate multiple cavities,

apply a mold base, apply an injection molding machine, and add
mold features to your model

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Mold Layout is an assembly-level application that enables you to design
multi-cavity molds in Assembly mode. To access this application from
Assembly mode, click Applications > Mold Layout in the menubar. The
Mold Layout application in Assembly mode gives you the following

cavity population

new mold model creation

mold base creation

injection molding machine selection

mold catalogs

mold feature creation (for example, runner, waterline, ejector pin)

layout information display

Cavity Population
Using the Cavity Layout option in the MOLD LAYOUT menu, you can
access the LAYOUT dialog box. The LAYOUT dialog box, shown in
Figure 1, enables you to quickly populate the mold with multiple cavities.

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Figure 1: LAYOUT Dialog Box

The LAYOUT dialog box in the Mold Layout application is similar to the
LAYOUT dialog box available when defining the reference part layout in
Mold mode. The only differences between these two dialog boxes are the
references that are required. You can generate cavity patterns in the same
way as in the reference part definition using the options in the Layout
section of the dialog box.
The first reference required is the Mold/Cast Model. You can select an
existing model or you can create a model on the fly. To create the model,

and the NEW MODEL dialog box.

You can also specify an existing mold model template using the Copy
From field or you can create a new model. The new model consists of
default datum planes and a coordinate system. When creating the model
you also have the ability to create a two dimensional curve that defines the
outer extents of the model. This datum curve can be used for
conceptualizing the design or for the creation of the actual geometry.

Mold L ayout

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Once a mold model (that is, a .MFG file) is specified as the cavity, it is
assembled using coordinate systems. One system is used as the mold
cavity origin and the other as the cavity layout origin.

Mold Base Selector

The Mold Layout application has a Mold Base option that enables you to
select and place a mold base assembly from the mold base library directly
in the mold assembly. The MOLD BASE SELECTION dialog box is shown
in Figure 2.

Figure 2: MOLD BASE SELECTION Dialog Box

The selection of the mold base is based on vendor, series, width, and
length, all of which are options on the left-hand side of the dialog box. By
selecting a pre-defined mold base its assigned parameters are displayed at
the bottom of the dialog box. You can customize the parameter values by
selecting the value and entering a new value. You can also control the
mold base orientation using the Z-Rotation field in the dialog box.

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Injection Molding Machine Selector

The Mold Layout application enables you to select and assemble an
injection molding machine in the mold assembly. To add the injection
machine, click Inj Machine > Add in the MOLD LAYOUT menu. The
INJECTION MOLD MACHINE SELECTION dialog box appears as shown
in Figure 3.


Once you have added the injection mold machine to the mold assembly
you can also Replace or Delete the defined machine. The selection of the
injection mold machine is based on the name of the machine, tie bar, and
pressure filters. The parameters defined for the mold machine are shown at
the bottom of the dialog box.

Mold Catalog Items

The catalog functionality enables rapid design of the rest of the mold
assembly by extending mold design automation beyond the creation of the
core and cavity geometry. Dedicated functionality is imbedded in the
Mold L ayout

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catalog components to permit the automation of repetitive tasks, such as

component selection, naming, sizing, assembly, trimming, and clearance
cut creation.
Combined with the tools already available for creating complex geometry,
drafts, rounds, automatic parting lines, automatic parting surfaces, splits,
runners, waterlines, gates, electrodes, drawings, and BOMs, as well as for
importing and repairing geometry, the new catalog functionality further
reduces mold design cycle time.

Ejector Pin Automation

A 9000+ catalog of ejector pins is provided. Based on mold industry
suppliers including DME, HASCO, Futaba, National, Progressive, and
DMS, the catalog functionality speeds up the design of the entire mold
assembly. A special catalog is provided for automatic blank creation.
This catalog enables easy selection, placement, and population of ejector
pins and the creation of ejector pin clearance holes. Clearance-cut
dimensions can be customized on the fly. In addition, you can define flats
on ejector pinheads. The pins can be trimmed to the reference model or
other geometry, such as parts, quilts, and planes.

Figure 4: Ejector Pin Dialog Boxes

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Custom Mold Components Automation

For mold components not provided in the catalog, you can customize
existing catalog components or create entirely new catalog components
and retain the automatic functionality for component selection, naming,
sizing, assembly, trimming, and clearance cut creation.
The functionality is based on Layout (.LAY) files. You create a universal
part and then build layouts to drive the component for different
configurations. You also supply GIF images of the components. The
Catalog functionality automatically creates the dialogs and creates the
selection panels. All you do is create the universal part, the layouts, and
the GIF images. For example, the 9000+ ejector pin library contains one
universal part, but can create over 9000 configurations.

Mold Feature Creation

It is possible to create waterlines, ejector pin holes, and runners directly in
the mold assembly using the Mold Layout application in Assembly mode.
To access these options click Waterline , Ej Pin Hole , or Runner in the

Layout Information Display

To access information on what you have defined for your mold layout you
can click Info > Mold Layout in the menu bar. You can access
information about the cavity layout, IMM, mold base, runners, waterlines,
and ejector pin holes.

Mold L ayout

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The goal of these exercises is to learn how to use the Mold Layout
application in Assembly mode.

In the first exercise, you will enable the Mold Layout application and
define the mold model using the LAYOUT dialog box. You will then
create a datum curve that is later used to create a runner in the mold
model. Next you will define a multi-cavity mold and select the moldbase
from a provided library. The selected moldbase must be modified to
increase the depth of the core plate. To complete the exercise you will add
an injection molding machine.
In the second exercise, you will add an ejector pin set to the assembly by
creating points at the center of edges in the reference model. Once the pins
are created you will trim the pins to the surface of the reference model and
create a clearance cut for each pin in the core.

EXERCISE 1: Assembling a Moldbase to the Latch

Task 1.

Open MOLD_TOP.ASM and use it to create a mold cavity

2. Click Applications > Mold Layout . The MOLD LAYOUT menu
3. Click Cavity Layout > Create . The LAYOUT dialog box appears.
4. Click

in the Mold/Cast Model section of the dialog box.

5. Select CAVITY_1.MFG from the OPEN dialog box. The coordinate

system called cavity_origin in the mold model is going to be
aligned to the mold_origin coordinate system in the top-level

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6. Click Preview . A single instance of the cavity appears in the

7. Click OK .
8. Click Done/Return in the CAV LAYOUT menu. The layout
consisting of a single cavity should appear as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Single Cavity Mold Layout

Task 2. Create a projected datum curve to use as a reference for a threedimensional runner.

1. Click

> Projected > Done > Sketch > Done .

2. Pick the MOLD_SPLIT_PLANE datum plane as the sketching plane.

3. Click Okay > Okay for the view and feature creation directions.
4. Click Top and pick datum plane X.
5. Sketch the section as shown in Figure 6.

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Figure 6: Sketch for Projected Datum Curve

6. Exit Sketcher and pick the surfaces shown in Figure 7 to project

the curve on.

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Project the datum

curve onto these
two surfaces

Figure 7: Surface References for Projected Datum Curve

7. Click Norm to Sket . The datum curve should appear as shown in

Figure 8.

Figure 8: Projected Datum Curve

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8. Click Runner on the MOLD LAYOUT menu.

9. Press <ENTER> to accept the default name for the runner feature.
10. Click Round .
11. Type [.05] as the diameter for the runner.
12. Click Select Path > Curve Chain and pick one of the segments of
the projected datum curve.
13. Click Select All in the CHAIN OPT menu.
14. Pick the second segment of the projected datum curve (normal to
the first).
15. Click Select All in the CHAIN OPT menu and click Done .
16. Pick the top surface of the cavity mold component to define the
direction for the operation.
17. Click Okay in the DIRECTION menu.
18. Click Auto Sel > Confirm > Done > OK . The runner should
appear as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Three-Dimensional Runner

Mold L ayout

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Task 3.

Redefine the cavity layout to create a 2x2 layout.

1. Click Cavity Layout > Redefine .

2. Click Rectangular in the Layout section of the dialog box. The
number of cavities in the X and Y directions defaults to 2.
3. Click X-Symmetric in the Orientation section of the dialog box.
4. Type [3] for both the X and Y increments.
5. Click Preview .
6. Click OK . The cavity layout should appear as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10: 2x2 Cavity Layout

Task 4.

Add a mold base to the assembly.

1. Click Mold Base > Add . The MOLD BASE SELECTION dialog
box appears.
2. Click HASCO in the Vendor drop-down menu.
3. Click A8x11 in the MOLD BASES menu.

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4. Click OK . The assembly should appear as shown in Figure 11. The

core plate is too small. The cavity extends beyond the bottom of
the core plate.

Core plate is
too small

Figure 11: Assembled Mold Base

5. Click Replace . The MOLD BASE SELECTION dialog box appears.

6. Click Core(K123) on the Parameter list.
7. Click 1-3/8 on the value drop-down menu.
8. Click OK . The thickness of the core plate is now sufficient to
accommodate the cavity.
9. Click Done/Return .
Task 5.

Add an injection mold machine to the assembly.

1. Click Inj Machine > Add . The INJECTION MOLD MACHINE

SELECTION dialog box appears.
2. Click Universal_toggle_125_480 .
Mold L ayout

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3. Click OK . The injection machine is assembled as shown in Figure


Figure 12: Injection Mold Machine

4. Save the model and erase it from memory.

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EXERCISE 2: Ejector Pin Catalog

Task 1.


1. Open 0_LEFT_ TOP.ASM.

2. In preparation for placing the ejector pins, blank the
000_A_PLATE, 000_B_PLATE, 000_Z_PARTS, 000_WORK_PC, and
CORE layers. The assembly should appear as shown in Figure 13
with just the reference part and ejector retainer plate displayed.

Figure 13: Reference Part and Ejector Retainer Plate

Task 2.

Add the ejector pins using the ejector pin catalog.

1. Click Applications > Mold Layout .

2. Click Catalog > Ejector Pin > Add Set . The DEFINE SET dialog
box appears.
3. Datum points must be created to define the location of the ejector
pins. Click

in the Point Feature section of the dialog box.

4. Click Create Point > At Center . Zoom in on the reference part on

the right-hand side and pick the bottom edge of the four bosses
shown in Figure 14. Pick the same for the reference part on the
left-hand side.

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Pick the bottom edge

of these four bosses
on each reference part

Figure 14: Ejector Pin Reference Point Locations

5. Click Done Sel > Done .

6. Click

to bring up the DEFINE PARAMETERS dialog box.

7. In the filter section, select INCH on the Units drop-down menu,

HASCO on the Vendor drop-down menu, 3_16 on the Diameter
drop-down menu, and 10 on the Length drop-down menu.
8. Click

. Notice how the component name updates. Click Ok .

9. Click
in the Base Plane section of the dialog box
and pick the bottom side of the ejector retainer plate.
in the Orient Plane section of the dialog box and pick
10. Click
the backside of the ejector retainer plate.
11. Click Preview . You should see eight ejector pins assembled as
shown in Figure 15. If all eight are not present, return to the Point
Feature section of the dialog box and add the appropriate points.

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Figure 15: Ejector Pins

12. Click Ok .
Task 3.

Trim the ejector pins to length.

1. Click Trim To Geom on the COMPONENT SET menu.

2. Pick any one of the ejector pins in the reference part on the righthand side. The TRIM COMPONENTS dialog box appears.
in the Reference section of the dialog box and pick the
3. Click
reference part on the right-hand side.
4. Click Ok . All eight ejector pins should be trimmed. The model
should appear as shown in Figure 16.

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Figure 16: Trimmed Ejector Pins

Task 4.

Make the clearance cut for each ejector pin.

1. Show the 000_A_PLATE, 000_B_PLATE, 000_Z_PARTS, CAVITY

and CORE layers.
2. Click Clearance Cut on the COMPONENT SET menu.
3. Pick one of the ejector pins in the reference part on the right-hand
side. The CLEARANCE CUT dialog box appears.
4. Click
to bring up the DEFINE PARAMETERS dialog box.
Notice that the clearance cut information is supplied for the pin.
Click Cancel .
5. Click Define in the Intersect Components section of the
CLEARANCE CUT dialog box.
6. Click Auto Sel > Confirm > Done .
7. Click Ok .
8. Save the model and erase it from memory.
9. Open 0_LEFT_CATALOG_CORE.PRT to see the clearance cuts.
Erase the model from memory.

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In this module, you learned that the Mold Layout Application enables you
to do the following directly in Assembly mode:

Mold L ayout

cavity population

new mold model creation

mold base creation

injection molding machine selection

mold catalogs

mold feature creation (for example, runner, waterline, ejector pin)

layout information display

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Design for Moldability

Before you create a mold model, you should test the design model so
that it meets all requirements for molding. This module discusses
draft and thickness checks, which are involved in the molding

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Create draft on your design model

Conduct a draft check on your model

Conduct a thickness check on your model

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The molding process requires that surfaces of the model have draft to
enable part removal from the mold. Draft is a feature that can be created in
Pro/ENGINEER. It is found under the TWEAK menu, which is where all
the surface deformation features are found.
Ideally, draft should be added to the design model before starting a mold.
If this is not possible, however, draft can be added to the reference model
in Mold mode without affecting the design model.

In the discussion of draft, several terms will be used:

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Draft surfaces

Neutral Plane

Neutral Curve

Reference Plane

Draft Angle

- These are the surfaces to which draft will be applied.

Draft can be applied to any ruled surface. A ruled surface is any
surface that has curvature in only one direction. These can be planar,
cylindrical, and certain splined surfaces.
A planar surface or datum plane that will remain a
constant size as draft is applied to the draft surfaces. The Neutral Plane
acts as a pivot for the draft surfaces. The neutral plane is generally
chosen at a critical design location. In the figure below, we chose the
bottom surface of the enclosure because we want it to remain a
constant size so it fits together with the bottom enclosure.
An edge or datum curve that will remain a constant
size as draft is applied to the draft surfaces. Like the Neutral Plane, a
neutral curve is chosen based on critical design parameters.
A planar surface or datum plane that establishes a
reference for angular measurement. The draft angle will be measured
from the normal vector of the reference plane. In other words, the
surface normal vector for the reference plane is 0. The reference plane
is generally a plane that is perpendicular to the pull direction of the

Determines the amount of draft applied to the draft

surfaces. This angle is measured from the normal of the reference
plane to the draft surfaces in their final state. This angle can range
anywhere from +30 to 30. When entering the draft angle,
Pro/ENGINEER will place a red arrow normal to the Neutral Plane
and a yellow arrow pointing along one of the draft surfaces. The
yellow arrow shows the direction of positive rotation using the righthand-rule.

F u n d a m e n t a l s o f M o l d Des i g n

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The draft angle is NOT measured from the original location of
the surfaces; it is measured from the normal vector of the
reference plane.

Neutral plane
remains constant size

Neutral/Reference Plane
Draft direction



Draft Surface

Figure 1: Draft Definitions

Types of Drafts
When creating drafts, you will be given several options. The first option is
whether the draft uses a neutral plane or a neutral curve. Neutral curve
drafts are used when the area you want to remain a constant size is not
planar. The second option is whether the draft angle will be constant or
will vary along the draft surface. Also, for neutral curve drafts that add
draft towards both the core and cavity at the same time, there is the option
to make the two draft angles dependent (the same value in opposite
directions) or independent (separate dimensions).

Neutral Plane Drafts

When creating a neutral plane draft, you have the option to split the
surface(s) at a plane, split at a sketch, or not at all. You would use one of
the split options when the parting line for the mold is somewhere in the
middle of the draft surface(s), as shown in Figure 2.

Des ign fo r Mold abil ity

No Split

The entire surface(s) will be drafted to the same angle.

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Figure 2: No Split, Neutral Plane Draft

The surface(s) are split at the intersection with the

neutral plane. Different draft angles can be applied to each side, as
shown in Figure 3.
Split at Plane


Figure 3: Split at Plane, Neutral Plane Draft

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The surface(s) can be split along any sketch that

completely divides the surface(s). Different draft angles can be applied
to each side of the sketch. This would be used when a surface needs
split to allow for an irregular parting line to prevent undercuts, as
shown in Figure 4.

Split at Sketch

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Figure 4: Split at Sketch, Neutral Curve Draft

Neutral Curve Drafts

When creating a neutral curve draft, you will have the option to split the
surface(s) at the neutral curve, at a surface, or not at all. Like neutral plane
drafts, you use the split options when the parting line for the mold is
somewhere in the middle of the draft surface(s).

The entire surface(s) will be drafted to the same angle, as

shown in Figure 5.

No Split

Neutral Curve
(mid-plane remains constant size)

Figure 5: No Split, Neutral Curve Draft

Des ign fo r Mold abil ity

The surface(s) are split at the intersection with the

neutral curve. Draft angles can be applied to one or both sides, either
independently or dependently. Split at curve would be used when the
neutral curve corresponds to the parting line for the mold, as shown in
Figure 6.

Split at Curve

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Neutral curve /
split curve
(mid-plane remains
constant size)

Figure 6: Split at Curve, Neutral Curve Draft

The draft surface(s) will be split at their intersection

with another surface. For split at surf drafts, two neutral curves need to
be selected, one on either side of the split surface. Draft angles can be
applied to one or both sides, either independently or dependently. Split
at surface is used when the design calls for critical size constraints in
two places with a parting line somewhere in the middle, as shown in
Figure 7.

Split at Surf

Splitting Surface

Neutral Curves
(top and bottom
remain constant

Figure 7: Split at Surface Draft

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Tips and Techniques for Draft

The following are some guidelines you should keep in mind when using
draft to finish your model:

Place draft features towards the end of the model. Draft is a finishing
feature, used to take a design and make it moldable and should,
therefore, come at the end of the feature list.

Place draft features on the model before rounds. Once an edge has
been rounded, the corresponding surface cannot be drafted, however,
draft can be added first, then the resulting edges rounded.

Draft can be added to shelled parts before the shell feature. The inside
and outside of a shell will both have draft and wall thickness will
remain constant.

If draft fails, try a very small draft angle (.5-1) then work up and
look at where failure occurs.

If draft fails, try creating a cut feature that removes entire model
except area to be drafted then modify the cut so it removes less and
less material and see where the failure occurs.

Round Types
There are two types of rounds, Simple and Advanced. Simple rounds are
made up of a single set of references, as shown in Figure 8. Advanced
rounds contain multiple sets of references as well as transitions where the
sets come together, as shown in Figure 8.

Simple Round

Advanced round
consisting of two
sound set and a

Figure 8: Simple vs. Advanced Rounds

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Simple Rounds
To define a simple round, you can use various methods. Regardless of the
method that you choose, you must define the elements to determine the
shape, radius, and robustness of the feature.
Specifying the Radius Value

You can use four different methods for specifying the radius of a round.
There are methods of specifying the radius with numeric input as well as
driving the radius from existing part geometry.



Full Round

Through Curve

- The radius will have a constant value along the selected

Different radius values can be given at known locations
(vertices, datum points) along the selected references.

- Replaces a whole surface with a rounded surface. The

round radius will be automatically calculated to replace the bounded
surface and be tangent to the adjacent surfaces.
Creates a round that passes through an existing part
edge or datum curve.


Figure 9: Radius Options

To specify the radius of the round for both constant and varying radius
rounds, you can use three methods:

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Pick On Surf

- Type a radius value (this is the default method).

Pick one of the edges being rounded then pick a point

on an adjacent surface. Pro/ENGINEER will determine the radius
needed to pass through the selected point and assign that value to the
round. This option is good when you visually have an idea of the
desired result but dont know what radius value will get that result.

F u n d a m e n t a l s o f M o l d Des i g n

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- Pick a datum point, vertex, curve or edge end

through which the round should pass. The selected entity must be on
an adjacent surface. This option will not assign a radius dimension to
the round. The radius is a direct result of the position of the other

Thru Pnt/Vertex

Specifying Round References

To create a round, you will need to specify references to tell

Pro/ENGINEER where to place the round. The references are very
important because if even one reference is missing, the entire round
feature must be resolved.

Round will be created along selected edges. They will

not completely remove the adjacent surfaces.

Edge Chain

 One By One - The references are selected one edge at a time.

 Tangent Chain - Pick a single edge and all edges that form a
continuous tangent chain with that edge will be automatically
 Surf Chain - Pick some or all of the edges that form a
boundary of the selected surface. If the surface has internal
boundaries, you can pick the outside perimeter of the surface or
the internal boundaries as the references to be rounded. You
can also select all or part of the selected surface chain.

One by One



Figure 10: Selecting Edge References

Des ign fo r Mold abil ity



Edge Pair

- Creates a smooth transition between two surfaces that do

not necessarily have a common edge, as shown in Figure 11.
- Creates a constant radius round between an edge and a
selected surface to which it is tangent, as shown in Figure 11.
- For Full Rounds only. The round is created by picking
two edges bounding a surface to be replaced.

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Figure 11: Edge-Surf and Surf-Surf Rounds

Round Extent

This is an optional element that enables you to define the extent of the
round, as shown in Figure 12.

Term Surfs

Auto Blend

- You specify surfaces where the round will terminate.

- The round geometry will be blended across nontangency conditions of the references.
Terminating Surfaces

Auto Blend

Auto Blend

Figure 12: Round Extent Options

Attach Type

This is another optional element that lets you determine whether the round
will be created as solid or surface geometry Figure 13.

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Make Solid

Make Surface

- Create a solid round feature.

- Create a surface feature representing the geometry of

the round. The original solid geometry will remain unchanged.
Make Solid

Make Surface

Figure 13: Attachment Type

Advanced Rounds
An advanced round gives you more flexibility in creating geometry.
Advanced rounds are made up of multiple round sets. Each round set is
created using the same options and attributes of a simple round. The
greatest advantage of an advanced round is that you can specify transitions
between the various round sets. Also, you will be able to combine the
different round options such as surface-surface and edge chain or create
rounds that have multiple radii by combining round sets.
Round Shape and Cross Section

By default rounds have a circular cross section. With advanced rounds,

however, you have the option to specify what the shape of the round will
be. The options for specifying the shape of the round both describe the
shape of the cross section and the sections orientation.

Des ign fo r Mold abil ity

Rolling Ball

Norm To Spine



- Create a round that looks like you rolled a ball between

the two references.
- Create the round surface by sweeping an arc normal
to the selected spine.
- The shape of the round cross section is circular, as shown in
Figure 14.

- The shape of the round cross section is conic, as shown in

Figure 14.

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Figure 14: Round Shape


The Transition element enables you to specify how Pro/ENGINEER

should handle the intersection of round sets and model geometry.


Blend Surfs

Intersect Surfs


Corner Sphere

Corner Sweep


- The round will stop at a specified point or extend to an

intersecting solid surface.
Blend Surfs are created between selected round sets.

- The geometry of the round set intersects with the

next adjacent round set.
- The round set continues into the next adjacent round set.

- Results in a ball shaped corner where the radius of

the ball equals the largest round set, as shown in Figure 15. This value
can later be modified.
- Sweeps the smallest radius round set along the edge
of the largest radius round set, as shown in Figure 15.
- The geometry between three converging round sets is created
as a patch, as shown in Figure 15.

Corner Sphere

Corner Sweep

Corner Patch

Figure 15: Corner Transitions

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Tips on Performance
When creating rounds, keep the following tips in mind:

Rounds tend to take a lot of regeneration time so create rounds as late

in the design as possible.

Suppress round features to improve performance.

Rounds are generally poor parents for other features. Avoid

dimensioning off the edges created by rounds. Whenever possible, use
Insert mode to put new features before rounds.

Use the simplest round option that works. The simpler the round
feature, the quicker the regeneration and the easier it is to troubleshoot.
Remember that simple-edge chain rounds cover the majority of rounds
that most people create.

Troubleshooting Rounds
If you are having trouble creating a particular round feature, try some of
the following troubleshooting techniques:

Break it up into separate round features.

Change to an advanced round and add a transition.

Try a different radius.

Try a different round option (surf-surf, edge-surf, etc).

Create the round as a surface. Using surfacing techniques you can fix
the problem areas manually.

Create swept or extruded protrusions, cuts, etc.

Using the mold check functionality will enable you to analyze the part and
see if it has sufficient draft and the appropriate thickness. Under the mold
check option you can choose either to perform a Draft Check or Thickness
Check on the model.

Draft Check
To check the model for sufficient draft, you will need to specify the
minimum draft angle, a pull direction plane, and whether you want to
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check for draft on one side or both sides (core, cavity, or both). The pull
direction plane is a plane that is normal to the direction that the mold is
After specifying the pull direction plane and the draft check angle,
Pro/ENGINEER calculates the draft of every surface relative to the
specified direction. Any surface that is greater than the draft check angle
will appear in magenta, any surface that is less than the negative of the
angle will appear in blue. All surfaces that are in between will appear in a
spectrum of colors that represent the angle, as shown in Figure 16.

3 Draft

10 Draft

No Draft

Figure 16: Draft Check Results

Thickness Check
You can use the thickness check functionality to determine whether any
areas within the part are too thin or too thick in comparison to the users
specified minimum and maximum thickness. You can either check
thickness at parallel planes incrementally spaced through the part or at
specific planes that you select.

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Checking Thickness with Parallel Slices

To check thickness using parallel slices you will need to select a starting
point and ending point for the slices in your model. You will also need to
specify a plane that the slices will be parallel to. Finally, you will need to
specify the slice offset and the minimum and maximum thickness that you
will be checking for. Pro/ENGINEER then creates a series of cross
sections through the part and checks the thickness in these cross sections.

Figure 17: Thickness Check with Parallel Slices

Checking at Selected Planes

To check thickness at selected planes, simply pick the planes you wish to
check thickness for and enter a maximum and minimum thickness.
Pro/ENGINEER then creates a cross section through each plane that was
selected and checks the thickness in these sections.

Figure 18: Checking Thickness at Selected Planes

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Results of Thickness Check

After Pro/ENGINEER is finished checking the thickness at each cross
section, you will be able to step through each cross section one by one.
Any areas within a cross-section that are greater than the maximum wall
thickness will appear hatched in red. Any areas that are less than the
minimum thickness will appear in blue. Additionally, you can get
information on all of the cross sections and how many were over thick and
how many were under thick.

3-D Waterline Clearance Check

The waterline clearance check enables you to avoid interference and thin
wall conditions. You can pick all waterlines, individual circuits, or the
surface of any feature. Feedback is provided with a Go No Go (Green
Red) display.

Figure 19: Waterline Clearance Check

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The goal of these exercises is to learn how to check your design model for
moldability before creating your mold model.

In the first exercise, you will practice creating several types of draft
In the second exercise, you will perform draft checks on a design model
that has had draft already created for you. You will ensure that all surfaces
have the required 2 draft. If any surfaces are below this minimum, you
will modify the model and perform the draft check again.
In the third exercise, you will perform a thickness check on the model to
look for areas that are too thick or too thin. If any problem areas are found,
you will modify the model and verify the results.

EXERCISE 1: Creating Draft

Task 1. Open DRAFT_EXAMPLES.PRT and create neutral plane
constant draft of 5 on the hole.
2. Click Feature > Create > Tweak > Draft .
3. Click Neutral Pln > Done .
4. Click No Split > Constant > Done .
5. Pick the two inside surfaces on the hole feature as the surfaces to
be drafted.
6. Click Done Sel > Done .
7. Pick the top of the part next to the hole as the neutral plane, as
indicated in Figure 20.

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8. Since this plane will also work as the reference plane, click Use
Neut Pln when prompted to select the plane that the direction will
be perpendicular to.
Neutral Plane

Figure 20: Neutral Plane Draft

9. Type [5] as the draft angle.

10. Preview the feature and click OK .
Task 2.

Create draft on the rectangular protrusion on the top of part.

1. Click Create > Tweak > Draft .

2. Click Neutral Pln > Done .
3. Click No Split > Constant > Done .
4. To select the surfaces to be drafted, click Loop Surfs and pick the
top of the protrusion, as indicated in Figure 21.
5. Click Done .
6. For the neutral plane, pick the top of the part near the base of the
protrusion, as indicated in Figure 21.
Loop Surf

Neutral Plane

Figure 21: References for Draft

7. For the reference plane, pick the TOP datum plane.

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8. Type [-5] as the draft angle.

9. Preview the feature and click OK .
Task 3.

Create draft on the end of the part using the split at plane

1. Click Create > Tweak > Draft .

2. Click Neutral Pln > Done .
3. Click Split at Pln > Constant > Done .
4. Pick the end surface of the part as the draft surface, as indicated in
Figure 22.
5. Click Done .
6. Pick the underside of one of the two small protrusions on the side
of the part as the neutral plane.

Draft Surface

Neutral Plane

Figure 22: References for Split at Plane Draft

7. Click Use Neut Pln when prompted for a reference plane.

8. Type [7] as the draft angle.
9. Preview the feature and click OK .
Task 4.

Add draft to the other end of the model using the split at sketch

1. Click Create > Tweak > Draft .

2. Click Neutral Pln > Done .
3. Click Split at Skt > Done .

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4. Pick the opposite end of the part as the draft surface, as indicated
in Figure 23.
5. Click Done .
6. For the neutral plane, pick the top of one of the two small
protrusions on the sides of the part, as indicated in Figure 23.

Draft Surface

Neutral Plane

Figure 23: References for Split at Plane Draft

7. When prompted for a sketching plane, pick the draft surface.

8. For the reference plane, pick the TOP datum plane to face the top
of the screen.
9. Sketch the section shown in Figure 24 using the appropriate
vertices as references.

Figure 24: Sketch for Split at Sketch Graph

10. Type [7] and [-7] as the draft angles.

11. Preview the feature and click OK .
Task 5.

Create draft on the side of the part using a neutral curve draft.

1. Click Create > Tweak > Draft .

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2. Click Neutral Crv > Done .

3. Click Split at Crv > Both Sides > Dependent > Constant >
Done .
4. Pick the side of the part as the draft surface, as indicated in Figure
5. Click Done .
6. Using the Curve Chain option, pick the datum curve on the side of
the part, as indicated in Figure 25.
7. Click Select All > Done .

Draft Surface
Neutral Curve

Figure 25: References for Neutral Curve Draft

8. Pick the TOP datum plane as the reference plane.

9. Type [3] as the draft angle.
10. Preview the feature and click OK . The final part should appear as
shown in Figure 25.
11. Save the part and erase it from memory.

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EXERCISE 2: Draft Checks

Task 1.

Open the CASING.PRT and perform an initial draft check.

2. Click Analysis > Surface Analysis .
3. Click Draft Check in the Type drop-down list.
4. In the Surface section of the dialog box, click Part in the dropdown list.
5. When prompted to select a plane to define the pull direction, pick
the TOP datum plane.
6. Click Both Directions .
7. Type [10] as the Draft Angle. This value shows you the surfaces
that have less then a 10 draft on the surfaces of the model.
8. Click Compute to update the display for the new draft angle, as
shown in Figure 26.

Figure 26: Draft Check Results at 10

9. Change the Draft Angle to [2].

10. Click Compute to update the display. Notice that the surfaces of
the rib require more draft, as shown in Figure 27.

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Figure 27: Draft Check Results at 2

11. Click the Saved Analyses bar in the dialog box.

12. Type in [2_degree_draft_check] as the name of the analysis.
13. Save the analysis.
14. Click Close .
Task 2. Modify the draft on the two ribs and then recalculate the 2
draft check to ensure that the problem is corrected.
1. Click Modify and pick the draft features on the two ribs (feature
numbers 14 and 18).
2. Change the two draft angles from 1 to 2.
3. Regenerate the model.
4. Notice that all surfaces now show at least 2 draft (Figure 28).
5. Click View > Analysis Display > 2_Degree_Draft_Check.
6. Click

to hide the analysis.

7. Close the ANALYSIS DISPLAY dialog box.

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Figure 28: Model After Draft Has Been Corrected

8. Save the part and erase it from memory.

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EXERCISE 3: Thickness Check

Task 1. Open CASING.PRT and perform a thickness check by creating
slices through the model.
2. Click Analysis > Model Analysis .
3. Click Thickness in the Type drop-down list.
4. Click Slices in the Setup Thickness Check section to perform a
slices check.
5. For the Start Point , pick a vertex on the bottom edge of the front
face, as shown in Figure 29.
6. For the End Point , pick a vertex on the bottom edge of the back
face, as shown in Figure 29.
Pick a vertex from this edge
for the end point

Pick a vertex from this

edge as the start point

Figure 29: Slice Start Point and Endpoint

7. Pick the FRONT datum plane as the plane for the slices to be
parallel to.
8. Flip the arrow so it is pointing in the direction of the end point and
click Okay .
9. Type [1.0] as the slice offset.
10. Type [0.5] as the maximum allowable thickness and [0.05] as
the minimum allowable thickness.
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11. Click Compute to perform the analysis with the current values.
12. Using the up and down arrows in the Results section, step through
all of the cross sections. Notice that the screw bosses are showing
up as below the minimum thickness, as shown in Figure 30.

Figure 30: Thickness Check Results for Screw Bosses

Task 2. Check for thickness through the large protrusions on the bottom
of the part and the screw bosses using the Select Planes method.
1. Click Planes to use planes to conduct the thickness check.
2. Select RIGHT and FRONT as the reference datum planes.
3. Click Done Sel > Done Plane .
4. Using the up and down arrows in the Results section, notice that in
addition to the thin screw bosses, the rectangular protrusions on the
bottom of the part are too thick, as shown in Figure 31.

Figure 31: Thickness Check Result with Planes Method

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5. Under Saved Analyses, type [boss_thickness_check] as the

name and save the analysis for later retrieval.
Task 3. Modify the geometry of the part to correct problems and redo
the thickness check to verify the changes.
1. Modify the diameter of the screw boss protrusions (feature number
11) from 0.25 to [0.3].
2. Modify the base width of the rectangular protrusions (feature
number 14 or 17) from 0.75 to [0.5].
3. Regenerate the model.
4. Click View > Analysis Display > BOSS_THICKNESS_CHECK.

Figure 32: Modified Casing Model

5. Click

to hide the analysis.

6. Close the ANALYSIS DISPLAY dialog box.

7. Save the part and erase it from memory.

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In this module, you learned that:

Des ign fo r Mold abil ity

The molding process requires that draft be added to the design model
so that the model can be removed from the core and cavity. Rounds,
like draft features, can also be added to the design model.

Thickness and Draft checks should be conducted on your design model

before creating the mold model. These checks enable you to specify a
minimum or maximum value that the model is checked against.

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Regeneration Failures in the Mold

In this module, you will learn the fundamentals of dealing with
regeneration failures in a model. The module discusses some of the
main reasons for regeneration failures in a model and some general
approaches to fixing these types of failures.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Use Resolve mode tools to identify regeneration failures

Investigate the reason for failures

Correct failed features

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When you make changes to a model at any level in Pro/ENGINEER, the
change automatically propagates through the entire mold model. This can
sometimes lead to a conflict or a violated parent-child relationship. If this
occurs, and the system cannot construct a feature or place a component,
the resolve environment appears.
Pro/ENGINEER does not fail the entire model; it successfully regenerates
components or features sequenced before the failed one. The resolve
environment then appears at the position in the model where the failure
occurred. It is important to master the resolve tools and be able to fix the
problem in order to create a more robust model.

Causes of Regeneration Failures

Usually a regeneration failure occurs when the feature, or one that comes
before it, is changed, causing a conflict between the features. Below are
some of the reasons a feature might fail:

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You improperly define a feature, causing it to become unattached (for

example, an open section protrusion extends beyond the bounding

You resume a feature that conflicts with another (for example, an edge
round is resumed after a chamfer has been created on the same edge)

You have modified a dimension to an inappropriate value (for

example, the radius of a round is larger than a shell thickness).

A reference is missing due to a deleted or suppressed parent feature.

You redefined the feature improperly (for example, the thickness of a

shell feature is larger than the smallest round in the model).

The model no longer satisfies pattern restrictions (for example, you

modify an identical pattern and the instances overlap).

A component in an assembly is missing when retrieved.

A split cannot regenerate because a parting surface has been changed

and it no longer follows the rules for parting surfaces.

The accuracy of all the mold components is not compatible.

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The Resolve Environment

Pro/ENGINEER always checks model geometry as it regenerates features.
When a failure occurs, you must resolve the problem before continuing
with normal modeling. This will help maintain the design intent of the
model. When in the resolve environment the following will occur:

The File drop-down menu becomes unavailable and you cannot save
the model.

The failed feature and all subsequent features do not regenerate.

A message appears, indicating the problem.

The RESOLVE menu appears.

The DIAGNOSTICS window appears, indicating the problem.


The Backup Model
While in the resolve environment, you will be given the option of working
on the current (failed) model or a backup model, as shown in Figure 1.
The current model is the model that just failed. The current model will
contain all of the features that occurred before the failed feature. The
backup model will be the last saved version of the model.

If the environment option, Regen Backup , is turned on, the
system will store a backup model before any regeneration and
then remove the backup after the regeneration is completed.

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Backup model

Current model

Figure 1: Backup Model

Diagnosing the Cause of Failure

Often, the most challenging task in solving a regeneration failure is
determining why the failure occurred. Sometimes the information
available in the DIAGNOSTICS window is insufficient for determining the
cause. In this case, you can use the INVESTIGATE menu, which contains
several tools for diagnosing the problem. While in the INVESTIGATE
menu, you will have the option of working on the current model or backup
model. The options for investigating the problem are as follows.

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List Changes

Geom Check

Show Refs

Failed Geom

Roll To

Lists the changes that have been made to the model

(for example, modified dimensions, deleted features, and so on).
Provides information and recommendations on
problematic geometry, highlighting the areas on the screen.
Shows all of the references used by the failed feature.
This can be helpful for identifying missing references and comparing
them to the backup model.
Displays the failed geometry on the screen, helping
visualize the problem.
Rolls the model to a specific feature, as shown in Figure 2.

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Failed Feature

Before failed

Figure 2: Rolling the Backup Model

Fixing the Model

Undoing Changes
The first option for fixing the problem is to undo all changes that have
been made. This option is good when a simple mistake has been made
such as typing in the wrong value for a dimension. You do not, however,
want to rely on undoing changes for all failures. For example, you might
delete a cut from a model causing another feature to fail. If you undo the
changes, the deleted cut will return and the failure remains. A much better
approach would be to use the other resolve options to correct the failed
feature. This will further define the correct design intent and develop a
much more robust model.

Working on Any Feature in the Model

The Fix Model option enables you to work on any feature in the current
model or backup model. Using the FIX MODEL menu, you can resolve the
feature with any or all of the following methods:

Stop retrieving. This will abort the retrieval of an assembly or mold


Perform feature operations. You can redefine, reroute, create, delete,

etc. features in the model.

Perform component operations. You can modify components in the

assembly (for example, redefine, reroute, create, delete, and so on).

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Modify dimension values.

Restore values. You can restore dimension and parameter values to the
values before regeneration.

Change the model accuracy.

Working on the Failed Feature

The Quick Fix option enables a shortcut method for working on the failed
feature only. With the Quick Fix option, you can delete, suppress, clip
suppress, redefine, or reroute the failed feature.

Suppressing features and components is an easy way to exit
the resolve environment, however, you must correct the
problem in order to resume the feature. DO NOT leave
suppressed failed features in the model, as this will lead to
problems in the future.

In Mold mode, it is often necessary to change the accuracy of the model.
Some of the reasons for changing the model accuracy are:

Intersecting two models of very different size (that is, through the use
of the merge or cutout commands). For the two models to be
compatible, they should have the same absolute accuracy.

Creating very small features on large models (that is, vents).

Importing geometry via an IGES file or some other common format.

There are two methods for measuring the accuracy in Pro/ENGINEER:

relative and absolute.

Relative Accuracy
Relative accuracy is the default method of measuring the accuracy in
Pro/ENGINEER. The relative accuracy is calculated by dividing the
smallest edge allowed in the model by the overall size of the model. The
overall size of the model is defined as the diagonal length of the bounding
box of the model.

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Model Size

Figure 3: Size of a Model

The default relative accuracy for a model is 0.0012. This means that the
ratio of the smallest edge on the model to the size of the model cannot be
smaller than this value. For example, if a model has a size of 1000 mm,
the smallest edge on the model can be 1.2 mm (1.2mm/1000mm=0.0012).
If you are creating very small features, you can increase the accuracy to
0.0001 (0.000001 if the config option accuracy_lower_bound is used).

Increasing the accuracy results in longer regeneration times
and larger file sizes. You should only increase the accuracy
when you are unable to resolve the problem using other

Absolute Accuracy
In general, you should use the default relative accuracy whenever possible.
This enables the accuracy to adapt to changes in the size of the model.
Sometimes, however, you need to know the accuracy in absolute units. To
do this, use absolute accuracy. Absolute accuracy is set in the units of the

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model. For example, if you set the absolute accuracy to 0.001, then the
smallest edge allowed will be 0.001.
Absolute accuracy is primarily used when importing or exporting
information through an IGES file or some other common format. For
example, if you are transferring a file from another package, set the same
absolute accuracy for both systems. This will help minimize errors in the

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The goal of these exercises is to learn how to resolve feature failures after
making modifications to the model.

In this exercise, you will modify the design model for an existing mold.
You will add a pattern of holes in the side of the part. This will cause the
existing gather to fail. You will have to redefine the gather and add
another fill surface to resolve the failure.

EXERCISE 1: Fixing Regeneration Failures

Task 1. Open RESOLVE_HOUSING.PRT and add a 0.5 diameter hole
in the side of the model.
2. Create a straight, linear hole on the side of the model, as shown in
Figure 4.
3. Locate the hole 1.5 off the thin, top surface and the front surface
of the model.
4. Click Thru Next for the depth of the hole and type a diameter of

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Figure 4: Creating a Hole in the Design Model

Task 2.

Create 3 by 2 identical pattern for the hole.

1. Click Pattern and pick the hole.

2. Click Identical > Done .
3. Pick the horizontal 1.5 dimension and type an increment of
[1.0]. Click Done .
4. Type [3] as the number of instances in the first direction.
5. Pick the vertical 1.5 dimension and type an increment of [1.0].
Click Done .
6. Type [2] as the number of instances in the second direction. The
pattern should appear as shown in Figure 5.
7. Save the model and close the window.

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Figure 5: Pattern of Holes

Task 3. Open the mold model and regenerate the mold to update the
reference model.
2. Notice that the holes do not appear in the reference model.
3. Click Regenerate > Automatic . The holes appear but the gather
feature fails, as shown in Figure 6.

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Figure 6: Mold before and after Regeneration

Task 4.

Determine the reason for the feature failure and fix the problem.

1. Click Investigate > Failed Geom in the RESOLVE FEAT menu.

2. Click Next Item and Prev Item to step through the failed
geometry. Use Item Info to get information on the failed geometry.
Notice that it is highlighting the gather cap and telling you that the
geometry is overlapping.
3. Click Quick Fix > Redefine > Confirm .
4. Click Fill > Done as the option to redefine.
5. Pick the inside surface containing the pattern of holes as an
additional fill surface as indicated in Figure 7. Click Done Sel >
Done Refs > Done/Return .

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Fill this surface

Figure 7: Fill Surface

6. Click Show Volume to make sure the volume is correct.

7. Click Done to finish the redefinition of the gather.
8. Now that the failure has been resolved, Pro/ENGINEER is able to
regenerate the model. Click Yes to exit Resolve mode.
Task 5.

Use Insert mode to create a new volume.

1. Click Mold Opening . Notice the detail for the holes on the cavity
solid. Click Done/Return .
2. Click Feature > Mold Assem > Feature Oper > Insert Mode >
Activate .
3. Pick the first protrusion (ID 105) as the feature to insert after. You
may need to show features in the Model Tree.

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Insert after this


Figure 8: Insert after Protrusion

4. Click Done > Done/Return .

5. Click Mold Volume > Create and type [resolve_slide] as the
volume name.
6. Click Sketch > Extrude > Solid > Done > One Side > Done .
7. Pick the right side of the workpiece as the sketching plane and
accept the default direction of feature creation. Pick the top of the
workpiece as the Top reference plane.
8. Sketch the section shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Sketch for Slide Volume.

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9. When finished with the sketch, click UpTo Surface as the depth
option and pick the inside surface of the reference model (the same
surface that was chosen to fill).
10. Click OK to finish the sketch feature.
11. Click RefPart Cutout to remove the overlapping reference model
geometry from the volume. Click Done /Return .
12. Click Shade and shade the slide volume.
Task 6. Further customize this volume by creating rounds and draft on
the volume.
1. Click Modify and select the name RESOLVE_SLIDE.
2. Click Draft > Neutral Pln > Done > No Split > Constant > Done .
3. Pick the three surfaces shown in Figure 10 as the surfaces to draft.
Click Done .

Pick these

Figure 10: Surfaces to Draft

Rege ne rat ion Fa ilu re s i n the Mold

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4. For the neutral plane, pick the surface of the mold volume that is
against the reference models side .
5. Click Use Neut Pln when prompted to select the reference plane.
6. Type [-5] as the draft angle and click OK to create the feature.
7. Click Round > Simple > Done > Constant > Edge Chain >
Done .
8. Pick the bottom two edges of the volume to round, as indicated in
Figure 11. Click Done .

Round these

Figure 11: Round References

9. Type [0.25] as the radius value and click OK to create the

10. Click Done/Return > Done/Return to return to the MOLD menu.

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11. Click Feature > Mold Assem > Feature Oper > Insert Mode >
Cancel and type [Yes] to resume all suppressed features.
Task 7.

Split the new mold volume out of the existing cavity.

1. Click Insert Mode > Activate and select the last split feature (ID
583) to insert after.

Insert after
this split

Figure 12: Insert after Split

2. Click Done > Done/Return to return to the MOLD menu.

3. Click Mold volume > Split > One Volume > Mold Volume >
Done , and pick the CAVITY as the volume to split.
4. Pick the RESOLVE_SLIDE volume as the surface to use for the
split. Click Done Sel .
5. Include the bulk of the volume and omit the volume that duplicates
the slide.
6. Click OK and name the volume [resolve_cav].
7. In the MOLD menu, click Feature > Mold Assem > Feature Oper
> Insert Mode > Cancel and type [Yes] to resume suppressed
8. Click Done .
9. Click Mold Comp > Delete > Done/Return , pick the
RESOLVE_CAVITY volume, and click Confirm . Click Done .

Rege ne rat ion Fa ilu re s i n the Mold

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10. Click Mold Comp > Extract and pick the RESOLVE_CAV and
RESOLVE_SLIDE volumes to extract.
11. OPTIONAL: Perform a mold opening to see the final components.

Figure 13: Finished Resolve Mold

12. Save the model and erase it from memory.

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In this module, you learned that:

Usually a regeneration failure occurs when a feature, or one preceding

it, changes and causes a conflict.

When a failure occurs you must resolve the problem before


In the Resolve Environment, you have the options of working with the
current model or the backup model.

You can use the INVESTIGATE menu for diagnosing the failure.

The Fix Model option enables you to work on any feature in the
current model or backup model.

The Quick Fix option provides a shortcut method for working on the
failed feature only.

Relative accuracy is the default method of measuring accuracy.

Rege ne rat ion Fa ilu re s i n the Mold

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For University Use Only - Commercial Use Prohibited


Using PTC.Help
PTC is continuing its commitment to provide integral
internet/intranet enhancements through the i-series of software
products, including the innovative changes in this release of PTC

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Start the PTC.Help system.

Obtain help while performing a task

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PTC Help is integrated with fully functional, highly flexible CAD/CAM
and Data Management software available from PTC. It is easy to locate a
desired topic. PTC Help can be installed on a Web server, allowing Web
clients to access PTC Help without having direct mounts to file server
machines, thus reducing network traffic and enabling a LAN/WAN


PTC Help offers:

A new help system with integrated table of contents, index, and search

Full certification of Internet Explorer 4.0 and Netscape 4.06

Web server installation capabilities

Full context-sensitive help, allowing access to PTC Help with a click

of the mouse

Expanded context-sensitive help in dialog boxes

Also, you can visit the PTC Technical Support Online Knowledge
Database , which features thousands of Suggested Techniques. For more
information, see the Technical Support Appendix.


The Pro/ENGINEER Help System (also called PTC Help) provides you
with help topics that give you the information you need while you work.

Getting Help While Performing a Task

You can get Help on your current task when you are working in a dialog
box or with a menu by using one of these three procedures.

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To Get Help on Tasks in a Dialog Box

1. Click

on the right end of the main Pro/ENGINEER toolbar.

2. Click anywhere inside the dialog box. A navigational topic opens

in a Help window. The navigational topic contains a list of links to
Help topics about tasks that you perform in the dialog box.
3. Click the topic you want to read.
4. Click Back on the browser toolbar to return to the navigational
topic and choose another topic.

To Get Help on Commands on the Pro/ENGINEER Menu Bar

1. Click

on the right end of the main Pro/ENGINEER toolbar.

2. Click a menu command. A navigational topic opens in a Help

window. The navigational topic contains a list of links to Help
topics about that command.
3. Click the topic you want to read.

To Get Help on Commands on Vertical Menus

1. Click a menu command with the right mouse button and hold the
button down until the GETHELP window appears.
2. Point to GETHELP and then release the mouse button. A
navigational topic opens in a Help window. The navigational topic
contains a list of links to Help topics about the command.


With the PTC Help Sidebar, you can browse the Contents or Index of the
PTC Help System and get help anytime you are using Pro/ENGINEER.
1. On the Pro/ENGINEER menu bar, click Help > Pro/E Help
System to display the Help home page as shown in Figure 1.

Usin g PT C. Help

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Figure 1: Starting PTC Help

2. Click Contents to browse Help topics by functional area, Index to

view Help keywords for a specific domain, or Search to find topics
in both the Contents and the Index that match a word or phrase


There are four main branches in the PTC Help table of contents:
Welcome, Pro/ENGINEER Foundation, Using Foundation Modules, and
Using Additional Modules.
Consult the following list to find a particular module in the table of

Pag e A- 4

Associative Topology Bus-CADDS 5 Using Foundation Modules

Associative Topology Bus-ICEM Using Foundation Modules

Basic Assembly Using Foundation Modules

Behavioral Modeler Using Additional Modules, Behavioral Modeling


Configuration File Options Pro/ENGINEER Foundation

Core Pro/ENGINEER Foundation

Design Animation Using Additional Modules, Behavioral Modeling


Expert Machinist Using Additional Modules, Machining

Import Data Doctor Using Foundation Modules

Mechanism Design Using Additional Modules, Behavioral Modeling


Part Modeling Pro/ENGINEER Foundation

F u n d a m e n t a l s o f M o l d Des i g n

For University Use Only - Commercial Use Prohibited


Usin g PT C. Help

Pro/ASSEMBLY Using Additional Modules, Advanced

Pro/ASSEMBLY Extension

Pro/CABLING Using Additional Modules, Routed Options

Pro/CASTING Using Additional Modules, Tooling

Pro/CMM Using Additional Modules, Computer Aided Verification

Pro/COMPOSITE Using Additional Modules, Advanced Surface


Pro/DETAIL Using Foundation Modules

Pro/DIAGRAM Using Additional Modules, Routed Options

Pro/DIEFACE Using Additional Modules, Tooling

Pro/ECAD Using Foundation Modules

Pro/HARNESS-MFG Using Additional Modules, Routed Options

Pro/INTERFACE Using Foundation Modules

Pro/LEGACY Using Foundation Modules

Pro/MOLDESIGN Using Additional Modules, Tooling

Pro/NC Using Additional Modules, Machining

Pro/NC-SHEETMETAL Using Additional Modules, Machining

Pro/PHOTORENDER Using Foundation Modules

Pro/PIPING Using Additional Modules, Routed Options

Pro/PROCESS for ASSEMBLIES Using Additional Modules,

Advanced Pro/ASSEMBLY Extension

Pro/PROCESS for MFG Using Additional Modules, Machining

Pro/PROGRAM Using Foundation Modules

Pro/REPORT Using Foundation Modules

Pro/REVIEW Using Foundation Modules

Pro/SCAN-TOOLS Using Additional Modules, Advanced Surface


Pro/SHEETMETAL Design Using Foundation Modules

Pro/SURFACE Using Additional Modules, Advanced Surface


Pro/VERIFY Using Additional Modules, Computer Aided Verification

Pro/WELDING Using Foundation Modules

Sketcher Pro/ENGINEER Foundation

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For University Use Only - Commercial Use Prohibited


PTC Global Services: Technical Support

PTC Global Services is committed to making the best possible
resources available for customers. In addition to our telephonebased Technical Support, we also have Internet-based offerings that
are designed to fit a customer's individual needs, leveraging the
Internet to provide availability on a 24 x 7 basis.
PTC Global Services is committed to continually improving service
to our customers. Through continuous improvement and our Quality
Monitoring program, we have demonstrated our commitment to
service by achieving Global ISO 9000 Certification for our Technical
Support offerings. We strongly believe that our commitment to
support is unmatched in the industry.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Technical Support Call

Register for on-line Technical Support

Navigate the Knowledge Base.

Locate contact numbers for support and services

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Select Support from the PTC Home Page http://www.ptc.com or go
directly to http://www.ptc.com/support/support.htm.


Opening a call via email:
PTC Customers
Send email to cs_ptc@ptc.com with open as the subject of the email.
Please use the following format: (or download the template from

First Name


Last Name


U.S., Germany, France, U.K., Singapore, or








description starts
description continues
description ends
Rand Customers
To open calls by email with RAND, send your questions to

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Opening a Call via Telephone:

PTC Customers
Call us directly by phone (refer to Contact Information page for your
Local Technical Support Center).
The Technical Support Engineer will ask you for the following
information to log a call:

PTC Software Configuration ID

Your name, telephone number

PTC Product (module) name

Priority of the issue

Opening calls on the PTC Web Site:

You can use the PTC Web site www.ptc.com/support to open Technical
Support calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by using the Pro/CALL
This application provides easy to follow instructions and returns a call
number immediately upon submission of all information. To open calls
through the Web with RAND, visit the Rand Customer Service Web site
at www.rand.com/cust_serv.

Sending Data to Technical Support

If you want to sent data to the Technical Support please follow the
instructions on the external PTC Web site
When the call is resolved your data will be deleted by the Technical
Support Engineer and will not be divulged to any third party vendors
under any circumstances.
For secure data you can request from the Technical Support Engineer a
Non-Disclosure agreement template.

Cu s t o m e r Su p p o rt I n f o rm a t i o n

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Customer question

Telephone Call

Web Call

Tech SupportEngineer
creates a call in the database


Call is automatically created

in the database

Call Back and Investigation

Support Engineer
solves issue or
reports it
to Development (SPR)

Software Performance Report
SPR fixed from Development

Software Performance Report (SPR)

SPR Verification through Tech. Support Engineer

Update CD to customer

Figure 1: Call / SPR Flow Chart

Call Priorities:

Pag e B- 4

Extremely Critical


- Work severely impacted


- Work impacted

Not Critical

General Information

- Work stopped

F u n d a m e n t a l s o f M o l d Des i g n

For University Use Only - Commercial Use Prohibited


Software Performance Report Priorities

Top Priority -

Highly critical software issue

that is causing a work


High -

Medium -

Critical software issue that affects immediate work and a

practical alternative technique is not available.
Software issue that does not affect immediate work or a
practical alternative technique is available.


Go to www.ptc.com/support and click Sign-up Online , to open the
registration form and enter your Configuration ID.
To find the Configuration ID, in Pro/ENGINEER, click Help > About
for example.


Complete the information needed to identify yourself as a user with your

personal details.

Figure 1 On Line Support Registration

Please write down your username and password for future reference.

Cu s t o m e r Su p p o rt I n f o rm a t i o n

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After you have registered you will have full access to all Online Tools.

Figure 2: Online Service Options

You can search our Knowledge Base using a Search-Engine. Our Online
Support Applications allow to control the status of Calls (Call Tracker)
and SPRs (SPR Tracker) and to add comments to these. If you add an
comment the Technical Support Engineer assigned to your call will be
notified automatically.
Additionally contact information such as the customer feedback line and
electronic order of software and manuals are available.
The Software Update Tool allows you to request to newest software
updates for any PTC product.


The Technical Support Knowledge Base contains over 18.000 documents,
which are updated from our engineers. Technical Application Notes TAN,
Technical Point of Interest TPI, Frequently Asked Questions FAQs and
Suggested Techniques offer up-to-date information about all relevant
software areas. Limit the search by entering the PTC product/module and
the search string. All FAQs and Suggested Techniques are translated in
French and German.
Pag e B- 6

F u n d a m e n t a l s o f M o l d Des i g n

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Figure 3: Searching the Knowledge Database

Technical Application Note - A technical document that provides
information about SPRs that may affect more than just the customer
originally reporting an issue. TANs also may provide alternative
Techniques to allow a user to continue working.


Technical Point of Interest - A document that provides additional

technical information about a software product. TPIs are created by
Technical Support to document the resolution of common issues reported
in actual customer calls. TPIs are similar to TANs, but do not reference an

Provides step-by-step instructions including

screen snapshots, on how to use PTC software to complete common tasks.
Suggested Techniques:

- Frequently Asked Questions Provides answers to many of the

most commonly asked questions compiled from the PTC Technical
Support database.


Cu s t o m e r Su p p o rt I n f o rm a t i o n

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To subscribe to our email service, the Knowledge Base Monitor, go to
1. Click Technical Support > Online Support Applications >
Knowledge Base Monitor .
2. Select the PTC product/module for which you want to get
3. You will then receive a daily email with update information, this
can help you by upgrading to a new PTC Product or to a new

Figure 4: Knowledge Base Monitor Sign-up

Rand Customers
Rand Worldwide customers can visit the following Web site for phone

Pag e B- 8

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PTC Customers
PTC Technical Support Worldwide Electronic Services
These services are available seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

http://www.ptc.com/support/index.htm (Support)

http://www.ptc.com/company/contacts/edserv.htm (Education)


cs_ptc@ptc.com (for opening calls and sending data)

cs-webmaster@ptc.com (for comments/suggestions on CS Web




Technical Support Customer Feedback Line

The Customer Feedback Line is intended for general Customer Service
concerns that are not technical product issues.


Phone: Numbers

are listed at:


For assistance with technical issues contact should be directed through the
Electronic Services noted in the previous section, or through the Technical
Support line as listed in the Phone and Fax Information sections below.
PTC has nine integrated Technical Support Call Centers, in North
America, Europe, and Asia. Our worldwide coverage ensures telephone
access to Technical Support for customers in all time zones and in local

Cu s t o m e r Su p p o rt I n f o rm a t i o n

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North America Phone Information

Customer Services (including Technical Support, License Management,
and Documentation Requests)
Within the U.S.:


Outside the U.S.:







EUROPE Phone Information

Technical Support Phone Numbers

0800 29 7542


0800-15-241 (French support)

0800-72567 (Dutch support)








49-89-32106-111 (for Pro/MECHANICA outside




1-800-945-42-95 (All languages including Hebrew)

177-150-21-34 (English only)

Pag e B- 1 0





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South Africa







0800-55-38-33 (French support)

0800-83-75-58 (Italian support)
0800-552428 (German support)

United Kingdom


License Management Phone Numbers










49 (0) 89-32106-0




39 (0) 39-65651







Russia/Eastern Europe 44 1252 817 078






41 (0) 1-8-24-34-44

United Kingdom


Education Services Phone Numbers






49 (0) 89-32106-325



Cu s t o m e r Su p p o rt I n f o rm a t i o n


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46-8-590-956-00 (Malmo)
46-8-590-956-46 (Upplands Vasby)


41 (0) 1-820-00-80

United Kingdom

44-0800-212-565 (toll free within UK)


Asia and Pacific Rim Phone Information

Technical Support Phone Numbers



10800-650-8185 (international toll free)

108-657 (manual toll free)

Hong Kong










New Zealand






South Korea

00798-65-1-7078 (international toll free)

080-3469-001 (domestic toll free)


0080-65-1256 (international toll free)

080-013069 (domestic toll free)



*Note: Callers dialing from India or China must provide the operator with
the respective string:


The operator will then connect you to the Singapore Technical Support

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License Management Phone Numbers


81 (0) 3-3346-8280

Hong Kong

(852) 2802-8982

Education Services Phone Numbers


61 2 9955 2833 (Sydney)

61 3 9561 4111 (Melbourne)


86-20-87554426 (GuangZhou)
86-21-62785080 (Shanghai)
86-10-65908699 (Beijing)

Hong Kong



91-80-2267272 Ext.#306 (Bangalore)

91-11-6474701 (New Delhi)
91-226513152 (Mumbai)




03-754 8198



South Korea



886-2-758-8600 (Taipei)
886-4-3103311 (Taichung)
886-7-3323211 (Kaohsiung)

Up-to-Date +

Cu s t o m e r Su p p o rt I n f o rm a t i o n

ISO 9000
Quality Control

= Maximum

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