Josh Petty - Iup Step 1

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Josh Petty

ETT 535
IUP Step 1
28 September 2014

Josh Petty
Montmorency School
Unit Overview
Unit Title: Fitness Testing (Mile run, push-ups, sit-ups, plank)
Subject/Class Name: Physical Education
Learner Ages/Grades: 12-13; 7th Grade
Unit Summary
This unit will be used as part of our biannual fitness testing unit. Instead of completing all of the
tests during class time, students will now have the option to complete the tests for a grade on
their own time. Fitness tests include the one mile run, push-ups, sit-ups, and the plank position.
The plank position is similar to the elevated push-up position, however students are resting on
their forearms, not holding themselves up with their hands.
Each activity involves a timing and scoring component so students must record themselves
completing each activity using some form of technology. Both the push-up and sit-up test
involve the student doing as many push-ups or sit-ups as they can in a one minute time period.
The plank test involves students holding the plank position for as long as they can. Lastly,
students need to complete the one mile run as quickly as they can. When recording their tests,
students can use mobile devices, tablets, digital cameras, or webcams. Once the tests have
been successfully recorded, they must be emailed to the instructor on or prior to the unit due
date. If a student does not have a suitable recording device at home, the student can borrow
one from the instructor and make arrangements to record their results while at school. That still
allows the student to participate fully in the unit, from both a PE and technology standpoint.
Technology that belongs to the school or the instructor will not be sent home for students to
From a technology standpoint, this is a useful unit because it puts students in a position to use a
variety of technological pieces and applications. This knowledge will be very useful going
forward. When it comes to the physical education aspect, students will be meeting all five
components of physical fitness (body composition, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility,

muscular endurance, and muscular strength) in some way. The ultimate goal is to teach
students that it can be fun to workout at home, or outside of school/physical education class.
Prerequisite Skills
Students should know the proper form and technique in order to properly perform a push-up, situp and plank. The necessary technology skills will be taught during class time, which will allow
the students to complete the fitness testing unit on their own, outside of school. Students should
dere9monstrate a positive attitude and do the best that they can.
NOTE: Demonstration videos, with audio and visual directions will be included online for pushup, sit-up, and plank test. Students will also have access to online handouts which walk them
through the steps that we will be doing in class, as part of this unit. These handout will include
written directions and screenshots, where necessary.
*PLEASE NOTE: All standards were taken word from word from their respected
*All ISTE standards were created by the International Society for Technology in
Education (ISTE)
ISTE Standard 2: Students use digital media and environments to communicate and
work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and
contribute to the learning of others.
ISTE Standard 2a: Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or
others employing a variety of digital environments and media
ISTE Standard 2b: Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple
audiences using a variety of media and formats
ISTE Standard 3: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.
ISTE Standard 3d: Process data and report results
ISTE Standard 4: Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research,
manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate
digital tools and resources.
ISTE Standard 4b: Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or
complete a project
ISTE Standard 5: Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to
technology and practice legal and ethical behavior
ISTE Standard 5a: Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of
information and technology
ISTE Standard 5b: Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that
supports collaboration, learning, and productivity
ISTE Standard 6: Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology
concepts, systems, and operations.

ISTE Standard 6a: Understand and use technology systems

ISTE Standard 6b: Select and use applications effectively
and productively
*All national standards were created by the Society of Health and Physical Educators
(Shape America)
National Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a
variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
National Standard 3: The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge
and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and
National Standard 5: The physically literate individual recognizes the value of
physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social
*All state goals were created by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE)
State Goal 19: Acquire movement and motor skills and understand concepts
necessary to engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity.
State Goal 19.A: Demonstrate physical competency in a variety of motor skills
and movement patterns.
State Goal 19.A.3b: Participate daily in moderate to vigorous physical
activity while performing multiple movement patterns consistently with
additional combination movement patterns.
State Goal 19.B: Analyze various movement concepts and applications.
State Goal 19.B.3b: Compare and contrast efficient and inefficient
movement patterns.
State Goal 20: Achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness
based upon continual self-assessment.
State Goal 20.A: Know and apply the principles and components of
health-related and skill-related fitness as applied to learning and performance
of physical activities.
State Goal 20.A.3b: Compare and contrast efficient and inefficient
movement patterns.
State Goal 20.B: Assess individual fitness levels.
State Goal 20.B.3b: Monitor intensity of exercise through a variety of
methods (e.g., perceived exertion, pulse, heart rate monitors), with and
without the use of technology.
State Goal 21: Develop skills necessary to become a successful member of a team by
working with others during physical activity.
State Goal 21.A: Demonstrate personal responsibility during group physical
State Goal 21.A.3a: Follow directions and decisions of responsible
individuals (e.g., teachers, peer leaders, squad leaders).
State Goal 21.A.3c: Remain on task independent of distraction (e.g.,
peer pressure, environmental stressors).

State Goal 22: Understand principles of health promotion and the prevention and
treatment of illness and injury.
State Goal 22.A: Explain the basic principles of health promotion, illness
prevention and safety including how to access valid information, products, and
State Goal 22.A.3a: Identify and describe ways to reduce health risks
common to adolescents (e.g., exercise, diet, refusal of harmful
State Goal 22.A.3b: Identify how positive health practices and relevant
health care can help reduce health risks (e.g., proper diet and exercise
reduce risks of cancer and heart disease).
Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to complete the one mile run at a location of their choosing as
quickly as they are able to.
Students will be able to complete as many push-ups as they can at a location of their
choosing within a one minute time period.
Students will be able to complete as many sit-ups as they can at a location of their
choosing within a one minute time period.
Students will be able to hold the plank position at a location of their choosing for as long
as they can.
Students will be able to record themselves performing each of the unit activities using a
device of their choosing at a location of their choosing.
Students will be able to email the video(s) (file or link) of their performances to the
instructor on or prior to the due date for the unit.

Unit Timeline
*All lessons within this unit will be conducted in class using the schools portable
Google Chrome lab
Lesson 1: All students will create free accounts on the website Map My Run. With this website,
students will be able to map the route that they ran and input their time. Ideally, students with
smartphones will be able to use the free MapMyRun app, which uses the gps in the phone to
track distance and time. If students do not have smartphones, they can use a stopwatch to
manually track their time. On the website version, students can also manually map out their run
route and enter their time. During this class period, we will go over both the website and the
mobile app version of MapMyRun. Students will also be required to return a letter, signed by a
parent or guardian, which says that the student actually completed the assignment on their own,
once the mile run has been completed. Times will not be accepted without a signed parent
letter. This will be used for the one mile run.

Lesson 2: In lesson two, we will be going over how to record a video using a digital camera or
mobile device. From there, students will be shown how save the file to their hard drive, a jump
drive, or a cloud server. Students can either email the file itself to the instructor for review, or
can upload the video to a site, such as YouTube. If the video is uploaded to a site, students can
email the link to the instructor for review. This method can be used to record the push-up, sit-up,
and plank test.
Lesson 3: In lesson three, we will briefly review recording videos with a digital camera and
mobile device. Once weve done that, we will demonstrate how to use a webcam to record
videos for the push-up, sit-up, and plank test. Programs demonstrated will be both Google
Hangouts and Adobe Connect. Students will learn how to obtain a link to their videos so that
they can email them to the instructor for review. Whether the students use the digital camera or
a computer webcam, performances must be recorded in their entirety. Scores will not be
recorded or accepted if the entire performance is not recorded. Once these lessons have been
conducted, students will have two weeks to perform all four of the fitness tests for this unit.
Special arrangements will be made for students who do not have the correct technology
available at home.

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