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Greg Bauman, Zack Magnuson, Josh Petty

Chapter 18: Description of Presentation Changes

ETT 511

Slide 1
No Changes
Slide 2
We changed the title from The Overall Process to What Needs to Happen?. This provides
more continuity with the title of the third slide and it eliminated some of the redundancy in the
content portion of the slide. As an introduction slide, we felt it was important to give the reader
an immediate question to consider as they thought about the process of creating a visual. We
also eliminated some of the unnecessary wording that made the slide a little confusing to read.
Slide 3
We changed the title of this slide to How Does it Happen rather than Who does What? as we
thought that it more accurately described what the slide was about. In addition to the title, we
changed the formatting of the slide to better emphasize what was important - the three steps of
graphic development. We wanted to keep the font blue as we think that it draws the readers
attention to the three steps without being overwhelming, but we changed the font back from the
distracting Indie Flower to the Arial that is used in the rest of the presentation. We think that
putting it in a vertical alignment rather than the staggered horizontal alignment makes it easier
to follow as well. We also moved the sentence about how the roles could be filled by one person
or many to the 4th slide as that better fits with what slide 4 is about. With that sentence removed
we were able to change all the font back to the default size 30 that is used in most of the
Slide 4
We added the sentence The following roles can be completed by one person or many,
depending on the organization to slide 4 from slide 3 because we think it better fits the
information provided in slide 4. No other changes were made other than shrinking the font
slightly to better fit all the information.

Slide 5

We thought the blue that was chosen to highlight the 4 types of artist on the original
presentation was a bit too bright and it didnt contrast very well with the white background when
surrounded by the black font. At first we tried a darker shade of blue for the font but it clashed
with the blue color used on the top of the slide. We also tried to use a blue background with
white font for the types of artist but that was too distracting and took away from the rest of the
slide. In the end, we thought that underlining the artists emphasized the 4 different roles without
taking away from the information in the slide.
Slide 6
The only change is that the sub points on the slide were enlarged slightly from a size 24 font to
a size 26 to better fit in with the rest of the original information. We felt that the words were small
and a little awkward looking with the size 24 font when next to the size 30 font of the rest of the
Slide 7
We bolded the last bullet point, Document all decisions, as that was emphasized in the text
and is an important aspect of brainstorming in a group of people so that all can be on the same
page during the project.
Slide 8
We left slides 8-11 with the same header title and style because it conveys the message we
want for those slides while at the same time repeating all of our visual elements. The first line
was confusing and too short. The new first line answers the question asked by the header. We
felt that we missed an obvious area to create some contrast under the Key Schematic Themes
bullet point. We felt that using size, color, and texture to emphasize the key themes would catch
the eye while describing what they mean..
Slide 9
We like the repetition of asking another question to start a slide but the first line needed some
rewording to make it less confusing. The bullet points made sense but the slide looked dull. We
decided to add a graphic with color that also represented the choice and struggle that comes
with designing your storyline.

Slide 10

Again, we used a question to start the slide for repetition. We needed to add the word medium
to link slide 9 and 10 together. We wanted to make sure that our audience understands that
these concepts go hand in hand. You choose your medium based on your influences. We also
thought that there needed to be examples for each bullet point.
Slide 11
We thought our definition of differentiation was confusing so we edited it. This changed the
spacing enough to alter the view of the slide. We needed to experiment with the font until the
slide worked within our theme.
Slide 12
No changes were made to this slide. This is a transition slide which previews the upcoming
slides. Bullets were used to align the text and make it easier to read and follow.
Slide 13
The fonts on the original slides, both in style and size, were all over the place. We originally
used three different font styles (arial, courier new, and comic sans ms) and six different font
sizes (10, 12, 30, 36, 48, 72). This created a very distracting and difficult to read slide. We also
wrote the word extremely in all capital letter, in order to emphasize the comic sans font style.
When making changes, the very first thing that we did was make the font completely uniform, in
both style (arial) and size (30). We made the font a size 30 because it creates repetition, in
style, size, and color, with the text on the previous slide. Once that was done, we de-capitalized
the word extremely, as it should not have been in all capitals letters.
Slide 14
This slide had to do with color palette. We interpreted a lot of this to do with contrast, or
difference. In order to demonstrate a poor contrast, between font color and background, we
chose to use a yellow font color on a white background. This is extremely difficult to read
because there is not enough contrast between the background and the font color.
When making changes to this slide, we changed the background from yellow to black. This is a
much greater contrast between font color and background and made the slide much easier to
read. We also changed the text color to black because it was the same color used throughout
the presentation, which created repetition throughout the presentation.

Slide 15

Slide 15 was dealing with the amount of white space included on the slide. According to the text,
slides with a lot of white space are more inviting and easier to read. This slide didnt have a
great deal of text on it so this slide isnt the best example, but in order to emphasize this, we
made the text as large as we could while still fitting it all on a single slide. This is mostly referring
to the slides that have a great deal of text on it, which is also typically a smaller size so that all
of the text fits onto a single slide.
The only changes that were made to this slide is that the font size was downsized from a 46 to a
30. This was done to create more white space on the slide, possibly making it less intimidating,
and was also done to create repetition with the previous slides.
Slide 16
Slide 16 was dealing with the inclusion of graphics. Graphic can make a presentation look
interesting, however when overdone, it can also make a presentation look cheap. In order to
demonstrate this fact, we added a number of pictures on the bottom of the slide. While they
were all aligned within the slide, they took away from the information being presented.
The text on this slide was already arial, size 30, so it already matches the previous several
slides. When cleaning it up though, we did eliminate three of the four pictures. For alignment
purposes, we moved the image that we retained into the white space created by the partial line
of text. The image was also slightly enlarged so that the information, which makes up the
fingers, can be read clearly.
Slide 17
There were no changes on slide 18. This slide already aligned with the repetition from the
previous slides.
Slide 18
Slide 17 was dealing with prime real estate during presentations. Prime real estate is the space
used for instructional content. The prime real estate on this slide was originally filled by a large
real estate graphic. As a result of the graphic, the information that accompanied the slide was
small and pushed to the sides. The focal point of the slide was the graphic, where it should have
been the information on the slide.
When the slide was updated, the font was enlarged to a size 30 so that it matched the previous
slides. The real estate graphic was reduced significantly and aligned into the white space of the

Slide 19

As with the previous slide, the image was large and took up a major portion of the available real
estate on the slide. As a result of this, the information is pushed off to the side and is a small
font size, so that it all fits into that space. The smaller font size makes this information much
more difficult to read.
Right away, the font was enlarged from a size 14 to a size 30, this aligns with the repetition on
the previous slides. The size of the graphic was greatly reduced and it was aligned into the
white space created by a partial row row of text.
Slide 20
This slide was originally a size 36 font size, in order to fill more of the white space on the slide.
This was reduced to a size 30 so that it aligned with the previous slides.
Slide 21
No Changes were made to this slide. Bullets were used for text alignment and to make the
information easier for the reader.
Slide 22 - 23
Slides 22 and 23 are both on the topic of navigation in e-learning so they were lumped together.
Bullets were used to create text alignment and to make points more distinguishable, rather than
just writing a paragraph. Even though the bullets made the points more distinguishable, there
was still a lot of text on those slides, which can be intimidating and/or boring for an audience
member. To break that up some, there was a blank line added between bullet points. In order to
keep the font alignment the same, the third point on slide 22 needed to be moved to slide 23. In
order to keep all three points on the same slide, the font size would need to be reduced. This
would throw off the repetition from the previous slides and would make the information much
more difficult to read. In order to accommodate the new bullet on slide 23, a new slide was
created for the last bullet that was originally on slide 23. This was done for the same reasons
that the bullet from slide 22 was originally moved to slide 23.

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