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Eating with Sticks

Where did chopsticks come from and why are they used?

Who uses them?

Chopsticks originated in China around 1200 B.C. and spread to be the predominant eating utensil of
Japan, North and South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Thailand between 400-500 A.D.


Countries it has
spread to

How long does it take them to


As the Chinese population began to boom, resources
became scarce and cooks started to cut food into smaller
pieces to cook faster.

Chinese children begin to learn to use chopsticks as early

as 2 years old and master it by the time they are 5.

The smaller pieces removed the need for knives and

started to use the cheap chopsticks that they cooked
with to eat.

What about in the USA?

In our survey, we asked, "At Asian food restaurants, what do you do with the
chopsticks that are set out?"
5% of people said they used it throughout the meal, 20% try and fail to use
them correctly, and 75% don't touch them at all.

In our survey, we also asked, "Can you use chopsticks?"

Only 15% of people claimed to be able to use them.

For those who claimed to be incapable of using them, we asked, "Why don't
you use chopsticks more often?"
24% of people said they weren't interested, 29% don't know how to use them
properly, and 47% lacked the discipline or coordination.

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