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1.- A company has announced that it wishes to build a large

factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you
support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.
I definitely agree with building a factory near our community. This will
promote employment, growth, better public infrastructure, and more services
Opening a large factory will create new employment which will provide
more opportunities and better salaries for our people. The new company will
have to pay tax to our council who will invest it in the improvement of our
public infrastructure. It will provide new and modern services to our people.
Although the company will have to comply with the rules on environmental
issues, which need to be followed.
1.3.- Conclusion
In conclusion building a large factory will help our company. In addition it
will create new employment and increase new opportunities. Therefore, better
salaries and modern services for the people.

2.-What are some important qualities of a good supervisor

(boss)? Use specific details and examples to explain why these
qualities are important.
Balance is an important quality that must be imbedded in a leader. This
is important in his decision making process. Determining what is good or bad
for an organization. Along with that, a leader has to be able to control and
organize the activities in order to achieve the goals of an organization.
Leadership is an important quality of a boss. This provides employees
with the right direction. In doing so, leading people and boosting their
Balance is a key quality that enhances the objectivity in dealing with

Organization gives the labor force the clear structure of functions and
processes. If we dont have this, then we would achieve chaos. As you know,
chaos will trigger catastrophes.
Control is an important quality that the supervisor needs in order to
achieve the planned targets and goals.
2.3.- Conclusion
To achieve the goals and targets of an organization, an efficient boss
needs to be a leader to be able to control the main processes in order to
achieve the goals and targets of an organization.

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