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T h e Bl ack I mm i grat i o n N e t wo rk ( B I N) a n d

U SC Ce n t e r f or t h e S t udy o f I m m i gra n t I n t e gration

i n v i t e you to at t e n d a di s c us s i o n o n

Engagement and MobilizatioN


in the Immigrant Rights Movement

featuring speakers

Amaha Kassa
African Communities Together

Tia Oso
Black Alliance for Just Immigration Black
Immigration Network

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

12:30 - 2:00 pm
Tutor Campus Center, Rosen
Family Screening Theater,
Room 227

Cathy Cha
Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund
moderated by

Manuel Pastor
Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration

RSVP online today at
for more information.
Immigration has made California proudly one of the
most racially diverse states in the nation. Immigrant
communities from various African countries are fastgrowing but least visible and integrated. We invite
you to join us to learn more about the changing
demographics in California as they relate to African
communities, as well as to have a conversation of how
to better integrate and engage African communities
into the mainstream immigrant rights movement.
Join CSII, in collaboration with allies across the state,
to identify emerging trends and community leaders
to analyze statewide data for effective inclusionary
policy and practice. Invited are organizations that work
with and are led by African immigrants, experts and
academics as well as policy makers and funders.

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