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June 2012
Volume 10, Issue 3

Sage Program of Choice, Strathcona School, 10 Lamoreaux Street, Hamilton ON, L8R 1V1
Phone number: (905)527-2470

Summer is Here!
By Paula Hrycenko, Secretary, Steering Committee

Hooray! Summer is here! Thanks to everyone who has

supported the innumerable SAGE events, field trips, and
projects this year. As we gear up for the relaxation of
summer holidays, there is need to think ahead to next fall.
Whether you are a SAGE parent veteran or a newcomer
to the program, there will be many opportunities to get
involved and share your excitement for music, art, drama,
and global education next year. Please consider joining
the steering committee or attending regular meetings. It is
the guiding force of SAGE and your thoughts and input
on the program are invaluable! Oh, and see you at this
summers Garden Parties too!
Happy summer and happy reading,


SAGE Goals Planning

By Jennifer Iachelli, Chair, Steering Committee

The Steering Committee's June 13th meeting

proved inspiring and productive. We are a talented
community, and would like to take advantage of
this to give our kids the best SAGE experience.
One thing we all agreed on was more. Parents have
asked for more SAGE Goal oriented curriculum in
the classroom, and we want to support our teachers
as much as possible.
A change in how we integrate SAGE valuesoriented topics (such as arts, drama, music,
environmental and global education) into
curriculum was suggested and widely accepted by
the Steering Committee. We are very excited to
kick off next year with some new strategies on how
we will implement our enhanced curriculum.
Our class reps did a great job this year! So great!
Next year, a new twist will have the teacher
working side-by-side with them to map out the


Sage Goals Planning
Steering Committee Catch Up
Positions Open on Steering Committee
Classroom Corner- JK/SK, Sage 2/3 and 3/4
CCC Update
Garden Party Schedule
Pizza Night in the Park Event
Penny Drive Results
Strathcona Song
Sage 3 Rocks EQAO
2011/2012 Year End Treasurers Report
Art Gala
2012-2013 Budget


specifics of how and when enhanced curriculum will be

implemented. A planner has even been developed to help
outline how the SAGE values will be targeted in each
classroom during the month.
To provide opportunity for parents to be a part of the
planning and delivery, Class Reps will present SAGE
Values Units to class parents who can choose which
units or special projects they will support throughout the
The Steering Committee and the Family Participation
Committee will work closely
the class reps,
providing training, curriculum guidelines and all
necessary documentation. Well always work as a team!
As a result, our budget choices were affected in a
positive way. We have allocated a LOT of next year's
funds to our enhanced curriculum goals under a category
called SAGE Values Enhancement Grants. Please check
out the treasurer's report on page 7 and 8!
Have a fabulous summer and well see you in the fall!

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Steering Committee Catch Up Opportunities for Involvement!

By Calla Shea-Pelletier
Steering Committee Openings
SAGE- celebrating 10 years!
Next school year SAGE will celebrate its tenth
anniversary. Now, more than ever, we need to
reflect on the five goal vision of SAGE. The
Steering Committee (SC) is always changing to
meet the needs of the current SAGE community.
The SC is made up of parents, teachers and our
school principal and is the main reason SAGE can
continue as a program of choice in our school
board. Do you have any suggestions to further
enhance SAGE? Consider forwarding a proposal,
or better yet get involved in the SC!
This year the Steering Committee was busy
Clarifying the roles of Chair, the new Vice
Chair position, Treasurer
Communications Assistant role has been
added to Committee
Committing to a more meaningful
connection with SAGE Quest.
Getting us pumped about SAGE identity!
With the goal of bringing more awareness
to the program, the SC initiated some very
exciting projects.
Plans were made for updating SAGE
internet presence by commissioning an IT
The SAGE Leaf Newsletter is up and
running again under the capable editing role
of Paula Hrycenko and contributors.
Thanks to Caroline Smith and Sara
Dalicandro for creating a SAGE Brochure
to attract more students to our program.
A vinyl banner of the SAGE original logo
was made that is on display in the front
entrance and can be taken to events offsite
Student energy and creativity were on display at
the AGH exhibit and the celebratory Art Gala. The
Studio Art Program is a unique and wonderful
privilege for the students of SAGE. A special
thanks to the Art Gala Committee and the grade 5
teacher Sylvia Griffiths for their hard and beautiful

Thank you to all who have responded to the e-mail

request to fill positions on the SC and work as class
reps. I am pleased to say that as of now only the
following positions remain vacant:
Steering Committee Vice-Chair
Garden Representative
I.T. Coordinator
School Council Liaison
Fundraising Co-ordinator (please note our
volunteer for the Marketing Rep is an experienced
Grants Writer, so extra support is available!)

Class reps-- JK/SK, grade 2/3, grade

(While typically these are assigned in the fall, we are
planning ahead for enhanced curriculum and will need
to have class reps in place by September.
Please email Jennifer Iachelli at if
you are interested in any of these positions. Please remember
even if you are not on Steering Committee, do come out to the
meetings, hear whats happening, and share your ideas!

See you at the next Steering Committee

Meeting on August 28th at 6pm.

Friends of Sage Google

Keen to keep in touch with SAGE
happens when youve moved on?
Contact Scott Crawford and he
will add your email to the new
Friends of SAGE Google Group
so you can stay in touch about
events, fundraisers, and all the
fabulous happenings at SAGE!

Page 3


Sage JK/SK

SAGE 2/3

By Sage 2/3 Parents

By SAGE 2/3 Parents

At the Fire Station

The 2/3s have been busy in and out of the

classroom: Grade 3s finished up the EQAO - way
to go! Students have been learning about elements of
a story, then wrote their own versions from a
different character's perspective. In math they are
reviewing telling time, mass and capacity, and
fractions. In social science, students have been busy
"travelling" the world, while preparing travel
planners for their chosen country. What a fun and
creative way to develop research skills and learn
about interesting places, cultures, geography,
and children around the world.
As June winds down, lots of fun lies ahead: A
return trip to Zacada Circus School - this time to
give some circus tricks a try. The Science Centre
awaits us, and to top it all off, a class/family party!!
Happy Summer everyone!

On May 15, 2012, Ms Leah and the JKs walked,

buddies together, to Fire Station No.11. The trip
had been organized to help the students experience
the importance of helpers in our community. The
JKs and SKs have been busy learning all about
"helper occupations" like a dental hygienist,
doctor, nurse, and veterinarian.
"We walked to the No.11 Fire Station. It's the
neighbourhood fire station. When we got there the
fire fighters taught us what to do if the alarm goes
off, we will have to line up outside on the grass.
When firemen hear the alarm it means someone is
hurt or there is a fire. They have to go in their truck
really fast because it's an emergency. (Elijah JK)
The firefighters opened up the different
compartments in the truck and some children even
got to sit inside the truck. After about half an hour
the alarm went off. The children dutifully lined up
outside on the grass and watched the rescue
workers suit up and fly into their truck.
They waved goodbye as they went to help out
someone in our community. Hurray for field trips!

Sage 2/3 at Hamilton Children's Museum where we

learned all about media literacy!

Namaste! Greetings from SAGE 3/4!

By Victoria Jenkinson, Grade3/4 Parent

This past year as part of SAGE's global education goal,

Mr. Adam's class experienced four diverse places of
worship in our community; a Hindu temple at Diwali, a
Buddhist temple during Vietnamese New Year, a Jewish
synagogue at Passover, and a Cathedral at Easter.
Shalom! Peace to all!

"I learned that all religions try to help people

become better human beings in the world"
Grade 4 student Maeve Jenkinson .

Grade 4 student Kian Rousseaux

wearing a tallis (prayer shawl) and
kippah at Temple Anshe Sholom in
April 2012


Page 4

CCC Round Up
By Carolyn Conrad, on behalf of the CCC Committee

CCCs main projects this year were the Turtle Island

Project which were activities aimed to build up
Strathcona PS. The Turtle Island project included the
Flag Project to show diversity, Eagle Feather
processions, drumming, gardening, friendship circles,
and the Eco-school certification. We would love to
have your presence in the CCC. Meetings are the first
Monday of every month at 3:30. Please come in the
Eco School and Garden Updates
A big thank-you to the Eco Team and our fearless
grade 5 teacher, Sylvia Griffiths. Their hard work
allows us to keep environmental stewardship and
local/global citizenship a priority for SAGE!
Community Partnership in the Teaching Gardens
Our gardens are looking great thanks to the hard work
of the garden committee. The City of Hamilton
donated a number of plants that were put in the
Butterfly Garden. We are also glad to have Paul
OHara, a local botanist and landscaper to help us
choose indigenous species to fill out the Butterfly
Garden. To learn more about indigenous species and
Pauls business, read Jeff Mahoneys recent article.
Laura Wolfson helped create new mosaics for the
gardens. A beautiful stepping stone of a medicine
wheel for the Peace Maker Garden was laid on June
20, 2012. Nicotiana, sage, cedar and sweet grass were
planted in the appropriate direction in the medicine
wheel garden.

The Summer Garden Experience:

We are looking forward to the ukulele stylings of
Laura Wolfson in the Garden on Saturday, July 21st
or August 2nd, 2012. Join us as we tend the earth and
tend the musical soul. Do you play the ukulele?
Come play for the gardeners this summer. Contact
someone on the garden team and help make this the
summer of the ukulele in the garden.
A New/Old Tradition in the Garden
A sensory garden has been started in the Kinder
Garden and was opened for the Garden Party to great
new Sage parents. Look for more in the fall.
Drumming Program
Wednesday June 6th, a special guest came and
graciously danced for the young drummers in full
regalia. He was amazing and piqued great interest!
The final drumming session was on June 20th and
included an adult session to celebrate National
Aboriginal Day on Thursday June 21st.
The CCC Community, Character & Caring
Committee is dedicated to fostering the SAGE/Main
connection through mutually participated events.
The CCC developed from the SAGE envisioning
priorities, and grew out of equity, peace and the
desire for an inclusive community. Stay tuned for
details about next years program.
Friendship Circles (every 3rd Friday of the
Mays Friendship Circle was a presentation by Laura
Wolfson of the wonderful earth-themed mosaics that
were created by each class. Students sang the new
Strathcona Song with a particularly exuberant
chorus. The final celebration on June 15th was a
beautiful culmination of a fabulous year! Thanks to
all who supported CCC initiatives through the year.

Sage is turning 10!!!

How would you like to celebrate next years landmark year?
Get thinking and bring your ideas to Steering Committee in September!

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Family Pizza in the Park

Great Fun!
By Elisha Stam, JK Parent

A thank you goes out to Alexis

Fletcher for organizing a really
fun SAGE community event.
On Friday May 25th, some
hungry SAGE families met at
Victoria park to enjoy some
pizza for a picnic dinner.
The day could not have been more perfect for
eating on blankets in the breezy shade of the giant
trees. Happy children played while parents relaxed
and got to know each other a little better.
Alexis is hoping to organize this event once a
month as a way to connect with each other and to
spread interest in SAGE. One of the best ways to
build community is to have fun together, so great
idea Alexis! The next event will be a BYO-picnic
to Victoria Park on June 22, 2012. Alexis is hoping
to organize this event once a month as a way to
connect with each other and to spread interest in
SAGE. One of the best ways to build community is
to have fun together, so great idea Alexis! The next
event will be a BYO-picnic to Victoria Park on
June 22, 2012.

Come join us at one of

our Garden Parties this
Well be there the 1st
Thursdays and 3rd
Saturdays all summer!

Penny Drive
We raised an incredible $574
to support the school gardens
and school greening initiatives!
Congratulations to Miss Leahs Kindergarten
class who brought in the most pennies- $108
Thank you everyone for your support!


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Strathcona Song Lyrics

Strathcona Song
Intro: F C G
Today when I get up in the morning
Im going to put on my favorite clothes
Go to a school near Victoria Park
On a street called Lamoreaux
I can hardly wait until I get there
Find a safe place to drop all my things
Have some time to hang out with my friends
Before the bell rings
I know my friends will help me up
Any time that I fall down
I can count on them to join in
When the chorus comes around

An enormous
thank you to
Tor LukasikFoss and
Jamie Shea!

That's when I sing out

Loud and strong
The Strathcona song

If I have a question I can ask my teacher

Or a parent or a volunteer
There's two different programs
but it always just feels like one big
family here

Maybe today is reading in the Library

Art or Science or playing in the gym
Maybe today well get on a bus
And learn something new about Hamilton

I know when I've got something to say

There are people who will hear me out
I know when it's time for us to sing
Everybody's gonna sing it loud
And when I sing out
I sing out loud and strong
The Strathcona song
And when I sing out
Everybody sings along
The Strathcona song

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Sage 3 Rocks EQAO!

By: Cat Potruff, Sage Parent

The SAGE and Main Grade 3s have worked

really hard preparing for and writing the EQAO
tests. The SAGE 3s have some advice for the
Grade 2s for next year:
Some questions are hard and some are easy.
Give your best answer and if you don't know it,
give your best guess. Try your best, don't rush,
and take your time. (Emilee C)

Don't worry about it - it's not as hard as you

think! (Owen C)
Pay attention in class, you get all the
answers there. (Erin P)
The Grade 3s (and their parents) would like
to thank Ms Erika and Mr. Adam for teaching
us what we needed to know for the whole
year, Ms Erika, Ms Cassi and Ms Sullivan for
giving up your afternoons to help the
Scholars with their extra prep and
especially would like to thank Mr. Adam for
the whoopee pies!

Treasurers Report Year End 2011/12

By Jennifer Hennigar-Shuh, Treasurer
prepared by Jennifer Hennigar-Shuh
OPENING BALANCE August 1, 2011

Math Workbooks for SAGE 2 - 5 classes
SAGE Brochures
-SAGE Brochures - refund anticipated from Programs of Choice
-SAGE Brochures - tax rebate anticipated
Grade 5 Year End Trip
Teacher Classroom Purchases - Sabine, Adam, Leah & Erica
Art Cart Top Up (2011/12)
Art Cart Top Up (2012/13 budget - spending now)
Teacher's Wish List





Silent Auction (estimated)

Art Gala* (lost money)






incl. $210 expected refund


Teacher's Credit Union Profit Share (after closure of SAGE Bank

Profit Share in holding account (To be released in Jan/2013)





Page 8

Art Gala

of the Sage program. Many thanks go out to all

who attended.

By the Art Gala Committee

On Thursday May 17th over 80 adults and

kids attended our 7th annual "Follow Your Art"
Gala at the Art Gallery of Hamilton. This was the
first year that children participated in this event
and it was our biggest turn out!
The Art Gala gave Sage families and friends a
chance to view the awesome art created by SK to
grade 5 students and to celebrate the artistic efforts

The Art Gala Committee will be recruiting new

members to help plan next year's event. If you
have any ideas on how to make Art Gala 2013
even better...please do not hesitate to share your
input and/or join the committee.
The Art Gala Committee


Art Cart

Classroom Supplies/

SAGE Values Grants

Fundraising-Income &

Year End Trips*


TOTAL Expected

Art Cart Top Up ($500 for this 2012/13 was

spent at 2011/12 year end)


($70/class x 5 classes) To reimburse teachers

for purchases made for the classroom


Based on $420/class x 5 classes - money for

initiatives to enhance SAGE values
programming: ie, social justice, peace culture,
environment, global/cultural education


Start up money: $2000 for Silent Auction and

$300 for Art Gala. Income from fundraisers
should also be deposited into this account


$500 for grade 5s and $500 ($100 x 5) for

remaining classes. *This money will come from
funds raised during the 2012/2013 school year.


New proposals/unplanned expenditures


See you at the next SAGE STEERING COMMITTEE meeting August 28th 6-8 pm!

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