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INQUIRY/ Dynamic Social Studies LESSON PLAN

Student:Andrea Myers
IWU Supervisor: Jayne Babcock
Teaching Date: April 8

School: Riverview Elementary

Co-op Teacher: Mrs. James
Grade Level: Third Grade

Title: Who is a good citizen?

(In the morning, we will have discussed how to talk to the guest speakers and the worksheet they will have to fill out while
with the guest speakers. We will go over respect and raising our hand to talk, etc. This is to save time later.)
I. Goal(s)/Objective(s)/Standard(s)
A. Goal(s)
Students will identify members of the community who are good citizens.
B. Objective(s)
Students will be able to correctly identify people in the community and recognize characteristics of a good
Given a matching activity, students will be able to correctly describe why these people are good citizens.
C. Standard(s)
NCSS.10: Civic Ideals and Practices
IDOE: 3.2.5 Explain the importance of being a responsible citizen of your community, the state and the
nation. Identify people in your community and the state who exhibit the characteristics of good citizenship.
D. Materials:

Time: 50 minutes
Space: Guest speakers will be positioned at each of the three tables around the room.
The independent activity will be at the back or center of the room. The game with me
will be on the carpet area at the front of the room.
Behavior: Today during my lesson, we are going to have a competition. Students will
get points by listening, doing what theyre supposed to do, staying focused,
participating, and displaying good behavior. I, the teacher, will get points when the
students are not listening, are too loud, are not doing what they are supposed to be
doing, and displaying bad behavior. At the end of the lesson, if the students have more
point than the teacher then they will receive 5 minutes of extra recess/free time today
(or tomorrow if out of time) or a special treat. This will be cleared with Mrs. James
II. Anticipatory Set [3 minutes]
Students did a worksheet on Wednesday. On this worksheet, they wrote their own definition of a good citizen and
why they thought they were a good citizen. I will ask students to raise their hand if they would like to read what they
wrote. I will have 3-5 students read why they thought they were a good citizen. (I will make sure to praise their
answers and say what I like about each one) On Wednesday, you did a worksheet and had to answer why you
thought that you were a good citizen. Im going to have 5 people share what they wrote. Who would like to start?

III. Purpose:
Last week we learned about what a good citizen is. Today we will be learning how the people in our own community
are good citizens, from our special guests. This is important because you can learn how you can make a difference in the
community by being a good citizen.
IV. Lesson Presentation: Presentation of Concept
A. INPUT: [3 minutes]
Challenge: This is a good citizen board. As you can see, only half of it is filled out. This side has a list of
jobs that people have in our community. The other side is supposed to say why that person is a good citizen.
Im going to need you guys to help me fill it. First, we are going to do some stations with our special guests
and some fun activities to help give you some ideas. But then, I need you to fill out this board so while were
doing stations, be thinking: How do these people display good citizenship in their job?
Explain stations here.
B. OUTPUT: Active Learning [40 minutes]
Centers: (8 minutes at each center)
Centers 1-3: Guest Speakers
These centers will be designated for students to interact with our guests. The guest speaker will talk
with the students about how they are a good citizen in their job. Each student will be expected to write down
one reason why each speaker is a good citizen.
Center 4: Independent Activity
At this center, there will be a poster board set up. It will have the names of jobs with the job
description and explain why the people with this job are good citizens. The students will match the job with
the explanation of why they are a good citizen on the poster board with Velcro. After they have finished,
they will check what they have with the answer provided. If the two minute warning goes off before they are
finished, they may look at the answers then. Each group will also pick one of the five extra jobs and write
their own reason on a blank card and add it to the board.
Center 5: Game with Ms. Myers
Students will be split up into two teams. One person from each team will stand back to back on
either side of the line on the ground. They will be given a card to hold but not look at, while standing back to
back. I will say ready, set, turn, go. When I say turn, they will spin around and look at the card the other
person is holding. When I say go, they will have to say whether its a good or bad citizen. Whoever answers
first gets a point. If they can tell me why that person is a good or bad citizen then they will get an additional
point. Points will be deducted for preventing the other person from reading their card. Cards will contain
both characteristics and jobs of good and bad citizens.
Bad Citizen Characteristics: Lying, Cheating, Being Mean, Littering, etc.
Good Citizen Characteristics: Honesty, Being Nice, Respectful, Hard Worker, etc.
Good Citizen Jobs: Nurse, Fireman, Janitor, Cop, Cook, Mayor, Teacher, Mechanic, Bank Worker, Builder
Bad Citizen Jobs: Robber, Bully, Intruder, etc. thief
Groups: 5 centers
Group 1: Cadence, Dalynn, Carter, Nick, Maliki
Group 2: Joedon, Jaxon, Stella, Shontrel
Group 3: Molley, Ericka, Ryan, Shan, Colton
Group 4: Alandra, Kady, Jordan, Jakob
Group 5: Lillia, Ella, Joseph, Aiden, Michael
*If a student is absent I will move a student to another group. There should by four or five students in each group.

VI. Closure/Conclusion [6-8 minutes]

Each student will be given two cards. One will have the name of a job on it and the job description. The other card
will be blank. They will write the reason why that person is a good citizen and raise their hand when they are done. If

their reason needs improvement, I will tell them to include more or rewrite it. If their card is great, I will have them
stick it on the board. Their card should include their name on the back.
I will read some of the entries after the board is completed.
C. Debriefing
If students have not mastered the objective here, I will pull out the independent activity center board. We will do
a couple of the jobs together. And I will have the students explain why for each one.
VII. Practice
Students practice and output are combined to station work independent activity center. Students practice with their
group matching a good citizen to the reason why they are a good citizen. As a group, they will have to pick one job and write
the reason together why that person is a good citizen.
VIII. Assessment
A. Formative: The worksheet students fill out with the guest speakers will guide me in seeing if they understand why
that person is a good citizen. The game students play with me will make it able for me to see if they have a concrete
understanding of the difference between a good and bad citizen. The card students fill out for the good citizen board
will be evaluated to check for their understanding. This will test to see if they can think critically about why that
person in that occupation is a good citizen.
B. Summative: I would have one more lesson and then I would do an end of unit test.
IX. Adaptation:
Remediation If there a handful of students who have not mastered the objective, I will pull them back to a table with me. We
will review what it means to be a good citizen. Then we will do the matching activity together.
Enrichment I do not feel that I can add this for this particular lesson, since they will be in groups for most of the learning.
ESL I do not have any of these students.
Exceptional Needs- There are some students who are in special education or are being tested at this time. I feel that these
students will be fine at the independent activity center because their peers can assist and support their learning. During the
game, I will read the card for these individuals if needed. I will also help these students write their card at the closure if
X. Technology Inclusion
I will use a timer for the stations, with a noise when it is time to switch.
Self-Answer Questions
1. How many students achieved the objective? For those that did not, why not?
I believe that all students achieved the objective except for those that were absent of course. I think some
students have a better understanding than others, but they all achieved what I wanted.
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
The independent activity that students did went really well. They were engage the entire time. The special
guests got the students excited and really involved in discussion. Most students loved the game they played
with me as well. My lesson went a little longer than expected, so this made my closure very rushed.
3. How should I alter this lesson?
I would take out the game that students play with me and interact with the students at the independent
activity. This would create more time for me to complete the lesson, and be able to observe students more.
4. How would I pace it differently?
If I were in my own classroom and not practicum, I would pace it slower. I would give the students more
time at each station.
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
All the students were on task and participated very much. I was very impressed with them.
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
For the students who have trouble reading, I read their cards for them or gave them a longer wait time to
read during the game. I also put lower ability students with a higher ability student to help them. I
incorporated both visual and kinesthetic and auditory activities to reach all students.
7. Did the students work well in the groups I placed them in?
I thought that all the students worked well together. I think the only person that had trouble was Shontrel, but
that is because she has been having trouble relating to classmates recently.


Were the students staying on task during the independent activity during stations?
I only saw one group that was off task during the independent activity. I redirected them right away, and they
got to work after that.
9. Did the game work effectively?
I thought the game went really well. The only problem with it is that students would yell out the answer
before I said go. I thought it was very beneficial for the students however.
10. Was there enough time at each station for the students to interact with each guest speaker? Too much time?
There was enough time with the guest speakers and the game. I thought that the students needed more time
for the independent activity though. If I were to teach this again, I would allow more time at each station.
11. What other way could I have introduced this lesson?
Another way I could have introduced this lesson would be having a discussion with students about citizens
and their jobs. We also could have talked about jobs they know about in the community. That would have led
into my lesson well.

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