Summary of Week 2 1. Linearization: Objective::, U and D

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Summary of Week 2

1. Linearization:
To provide a linear approximation of a process model that could predict local
behavior around a chosen operating condition.
To obtain a linearized model of equation (1) with respect to the point: xo, uo and
do, first obtain the following constants:

then the linearized model is given by

2. Linear Ordinary Differential Equations with constant coefficients.

a. General Form:


b. Solution:
x = xc+x p

where xc is the complementary solution and xp is the particular solution.

c. In solving for the complementary solution, the procedure
involves obtaining the characteristic equation:

whose n roots are the eigenvalues of the system described by (2).
d. The eigenvalues determine the inherent behavior of the
the system is unstable if any of the eigenvalues has a
positive real part.
the system will have oscillatory behavior if any of
eigenvalues has an imaginary part.
the system will respond faster towards steady state if
the real part is more negative.
the frequency of oscillation is higher if the imaginary
parts have larger magnitudes (absolute values).

3. Mulitiple Linear ODE System

Standard Form

Can be reduced into an nth order differential equation either

by substitution or by using matrix operations. Then the
characteristic equation is given by

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