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Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Template
Name: Katie Burnside
Date: 3/ 3/ 2015

Grade Level: Preschool

Lesson Title: 3rd Activity: Sight- Describe and Life without

Developmental Domain: Social and Emotional
Development, Language and literacy, Cognitive-Science,
Physical Well-Being and Motor Development

Domain: Language and Literacy Development Strand: Listening and Speaking Topic: Expressive Language
1. Use language to communicate in a variety of ways with others to share observations, ideas and experiences; problem-solve, reason, predict and seek new
2. Use drawings or other visuals to add details to verbal descriptions
Domain: Language and Literacy Development Strand: Reading Topic: Reading Comprehension
With modeling and support, identify the topic of an informational text that has been read aloud.
Domain: Cognitive-Science Strand: Science Inquiry and Application Topic: Inquiry
1. Make careful observations
2. Share findings, ideas and explanations (may be correct or incorrect) through a variety of methods (e.g., pictures, words, dramatization).
Domain: Social and Emotional Development Strand: Relationships Topic: Peer Interactions and Relationship
Demonstrate socially competent behavior with peers.
Domain: Physical Well-Being and Motor Development Strand: Motor Development Topic: Small Muscle; Touch grasp, reach, manipulate.
Coordinate the use of hands, fingers, and wrists to manipulate objects and perform tasks requiring precise movements.
Pre-assessment of current knowledge: The students have knowledge of the senses from past activities and lessons. They would know what the function of each
sense is and what part of the body controls that senses. Before the lesson I would do a quick review with the Simon Says Senses Game and then proceed with the
Instructional Objectives (1-2)
One/Two Assessed Instructional
Objective(s): The student will be
able to...
1. Communicate in a group
setting and be respectful of
others speaking and also
build ideas off of one
another (scaffold each
2. Through looking at an
object use descriptive
language and art to
describe what they see
One Assessed Developmental
Skill: The student will be able to
1. Comprehend the story and

Assessment of Student Learning

Learning Experience

Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data

to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and
Pictures, use of descriptive language (take notes on what
the student says), taking a poll of the different emotions or
ideas the child thought of while going through the maze

Academic Language: Blind, flexible, colors, stiff, long, sort,

trust, eyes, sight, observations, inferences,
Procedural steps:
1. Once circle time is completed introduce the subject
by having the students stand up and go through the
Simon Says Senses game as a quick review
2. After the game introduce the book NEED TITLE
3. Before reading the book ask for cover clues to make
predictions of what is going to happen in the book
4. While reading the book ask different questions about
the book
5. After the book discuss things that the students have
learned about sight from the book, record on paper or
white board to give visual representation
6. After the book is read the students will go into
different centers being called over to the sight table in
groups of 4.
7. At the sight table the students will observe only using

Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or compile

your evidence into a class or group view?)
The poll of the maze emotions and thoughts will be shared
with the class and also comparing the drawings of the
different objects


Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Template
answer specific questions
about the senses
2. Collaborate with other
students appropriate
Safety Considerations: Make
sure students are in a safe
environment while conducting
maze experiment and students are
always supervised.




their sight (no touching, smelling, tasting, ect) and

describe by talking to the teacher at the sight table
and drawing a picture of what they see. The objects
they will be looking at are- bubble wrap, paper towel
roll, pine cone, (Buttons), silver spoon
After they have finished drawing and describing the
objects they will go out in the hallway to the other
In the hallway the students will be put into pairs. One
of which will be blindfolded and the other able to see.
The student with the blindfold will be lead using
words and guiding motions through a maze that is
taped on ground, by their partner.
Each of the partners will take turns going through the
maze after telling the teacher how they felt, thoughts,
and ideas that where in their mind while going
through the maze blindfolded.
After all the groups are done with this the teachers
will tally the different emotions and thoughts while in
the maze and have a class discussion about
blindness and how that would effect their everyday

Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real life, hands-on

Tape to create the maze, bubble wrap, paper towel roll, pine
cone, (buttons), silver spoon
Adult Roles: Guide students to ask intelligent questions and
use descriptive language. To keep children safe during the

Resources & References:

Reflection: (What have you learned about your students? How will this inform future instruction?)
Through this lesson we learned a lot and used our past lesson to make it more successful. The first part of the lesson we took the students out in the hall in pairs to
do a blind maze. One of the students was the leader while the other was a blind follower. We gave the students the choice who would like to be blind so that all the
students would be as comfortable as possible. Hannah or I would blindfold the child so they did not see the maze on the ground and show an example of how to
lead the blind classmate to the leader. We had to continuously remind the leaders to use their words as well as their movement to lead the blind classmate. After


Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Template
they had finished the maze blind we removed the blindfold and asked both students to walk the maze being able to see and independently. After that we asked the
students to articulate what they had done and asked which way was harder to succeed, being blind or a leader or on their own. For the most part the students
were able to do this task and answer honestly. However, some students did not want to admit it was a challenge and said it was easier being blind. After rephrasing
the question to would you want to lead a blind person for the rest of your life or be on your own? Most of the students answered correctly. However, there were
still some that said they would rather be blind or leading the blind. Then we had planned to do the next part of the lesson individually but that did not work out well
the last time. This time I sat up at the front of the class and ask the students inquiring questions about the puff ball, bubble warp and a shell. The students succeed
much more in this atmosphere. The students were not only able to articulate their ideas more clearly but also build off of what other students said. However, the
students started to get off subject and talking out of turn. However, one I commented on how Maliki was sitting quietly raising his hand to answer all the students
started to mimic that positive behavior. Some of the things the students said were very insightful and also interesting. For example Adrian commented, That [the
bubble Wrap] looks like soap cause the way the light hits and makes it different colors. This was something that the students then started to notice. Through this
we were able to ablate on his observation and incorporate the vocabulary word transparent, which is something that we were not planning on teaching. I think over
all this plan was a success and the participation of the students improved. I feel that we adapted our lesson from our previous observations to make it more of a
success and hopefully will be able to build on that in the future.

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