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Causes of Reformation:

Corruption of the Renaissance papacy

Military Expeditions
Dinancial Manipulation
Political Intrigue

Three Great Exclusivities of Reformation

Sola Scriptura
-By scripture alone
Sola Gratia
-By grace alone
Sola Fide
-By faith alone

Ulrich Zwingli
Not long into his priesthood, Zwingli became critical of the Catholic
Church. He noticed some abuses, and his interpretations of the Bible
led him to believe that Catholicism was wrong in some of its
doctrines and practices. Zwingli, who was a very popular and
charismatic preacher, soon convinced many people that he was

John Calvin
Zwingli's younger contemporary, John Calvin, built on his elder's
teachings. Born in France in 1509, Calvin studied theology and law,
but was forced to flee France in about 1534 after becoming involved
with a group of university students who were circulating Protestant
ideas. He settled in Strasbourg, where he joined a group of
reformers who helped him formulate and solidify his ideas. Later, he
moved to Basel where, in 1536, he published the first edition of his
masterpiece, The Institutes of the Christian Religion, a book he
continued to edit and expand throughout the rest of his life.

Tragedies of the Reformation:

Disunity and Division of the church

The movement was forced to serve political,
social, and economic goals
By the time the church began to pull itself
together, the split between Protestants and
Catholics was already so wide and deep that the
Council of Trent became an inner Catholic affair
and affirmation of the Catholic south of Europe
against the Protestant north.

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