The Comprehensive Assessment Model Task Rubric Spring 2015

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The Comprehensive Assessment Model Performance Task Rubric

SED335 Fall 2014


Mastery of all concepts is evident in the
An in-depth definition of a
comprehensive assessment plan
Discussion on recent assessment
initiatives with resources and
scholarly articles
RTII process explanation and
artifacts for each tier
Samples of assessment apps and
web 2.0 resources (Pinterest)
At least two lesson plans that
demonstrate knowledge of how
to use SAS and how to download
assessments, resources, plans
At least two lesson plans that you
have created ON YOUR OWN
At least two (each) assessments
created by you for your content
area that are formative,
summative, and informal
At least two assessments of the
above types that are
In-depth definitions of
diagnostic, benchmark,
formative, summative
A sample of each of the
assessment types listed above
Your interpretation of how you
would utilize diagnostic
assessment results
Your interpretation of how you
would utilize benchmark
assessment results
Your interpretation of how you
would change instruction for a

Proficient /mastered grasp of all concepts is
evident in the following:
An in-depth definition of a
comprehensive assessment plan
Discussion on recent assessment
initiatives with resources and
scholarly articles
RTII process explanation and
artifacts for each tier
Samples of assessment apps and
web 2.0 resources (Pinterest)
At least two lesson plans that
demonstrate knowledge of how to
use SAS and how to download
assessments, resources, plans
At least two lesson plans that you
have created ON YOUR OWN
At least two (each) assessments
created by you for your content
area that are formative, summative,
and informal
At least two assessments of the
above types that are differentiated
In-depth definitions of diagnostic,
benchmark, formative, summative
A sample of each of the assessment
types listed above
Your interpretation of how you
would utilize diagnostic assessment
Your interpretation of how you
would utilize benchmark
assessment results
Your interpretation of how you
would change instruction for a
student who is not demonstrating
mastery of concepts

Many of the concepts listed in
the directions are missing;
there is question as to
whether the student truly
grasps the meaning of a
comprehensive assessment
process and how to use it in
his/her classroom.
Content has numerous errors,
artifacts are missing; dubious
assessment results are posted.
Much of the work is cut and
pasted and there is little
analysis and interpretation of
the assessment process in the
students own words and,
this is very important. If a
student cannot speak it, s/he
does not know it.
The student has difficulty
teaching the concepts and,
when asked, cannot explain
various concepts nor apply
them to classroom learning.
There is evidence that this
student has not mastered
the objectives of this course
through demonstration and
application (not
memorization of facts).
This student is still
Emerging in his/her
understanding, application,
and extension of knowledge
regarding assessment

Below Basic
139 and below
Most of the elements
are missing; there is
little proof of a basic
comprehension of
the assessment
process, terms, and
use. This task
demonstrates a
below basic grasp of
these concepts.

This CAM is
unsuitable for
publication and must
be redone.

student who is not demonstrating

mastery of concepts
Your interpretation of how you
will weight grades and what you
will evaluate (chart)

Your interpretation of how you will

weight grades and what you will
evaluate (chart)

This Distinguished work could be given

The difference between Mastery and
to any school district as a training model
Distinguished CAM Performance Tasks
for their teachers and/or parents. It is an
is in the sophistication of the language
in-depth explanation and example of a
and demonstration of the concepts.
Distinguished work of art. AND, this is
AND, this is the most important element in
the most important element in the
the evaluation of this CAM, the student can
evaluation of this CAM, the student can
teach the concepts, may struggle with a few
easily teach these concepts and has no
applications of the concept, but mostly
hesitation in answering questions or
grasps and can fully explain the assessment
explaining each of the elements learned.
processes taught in this course.
There is no question that this student
has mastered the objectives of this
The CAM is presented in an extremely
The CAM is presented in a somewhat
creative manner; e.g., website, a case
creative manner; mostly relies on written
study that follows one student through
work with few variations in its
his/her assessment plan or is a training
presentation. However, mastery of the
movie that is exciting and interesting to
students learning is present.
watch, or other.
There are no errors in grammar,
There are some errors in grammar,
conventions, or content. All works
conventions, or content. Some works cited
every single one including illustrations
are accurately noted.
and pictures - are accurately cited.
Note: The variation in points in each category is to give the student allowance for error.

This Emerging CAM needs to

have errors fixed before it can
be used as a training model.
There is some question as to
whether this student has
mastered all of the
objectives of this course for
their knowledge is still at
the processing stage.

The CAM demonstrates little

creativity and merely imitates
others work.

This is not a
performance task; it
is a regurgitation of
material and is

Numerous errors interfere

with understanding and flow.
There is no works cited page
or it is inconclusive.

Errors, errors,
errors! There is no
works cited page.

I feel that I have met all of the competencies regarding the content area. I was unable to give each one a page because Weebly only allowed me 10 free pages, but
everything is there. I followed the rubric as I went to make sure that I skipped nothing. I also feel that for my first completed Weebly that I was very creative in
making it. I was very excited to discover how the button options worked! I also proofread and used spell check to review my Weebly so it should be without error.
Every work is properly cited except for the citation of the company made test. I made sure to add an excerpt explaining where the test came from, but I was unable
to find a proper citation format for it.

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