Access Project 9:: Creating A Query and Sorting and Filtering Data

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Access PROJECT 9: Creating a Query and Sorting

and Filtering Data

Objectives Practiced
Create a query.
Filter a query.
Sort a query.

Tad needs to get information about the Recreational Aquatic Center class schedule and the
instructors for each summer session by creating a query and then filtering and sorting the data.

1. Open Aquatic Center 3.accdb from the folder containing your data files and enable the content
of the database.
2. Create a simple query based on the Schedule table that includes the Class, Session, and
Instructor fields, make it a detail query, and title it Schedule Query.
3. Filter the query to only show Session I classes.
4. Remove the filter.
5. Filter the query to show only classes taught by
instructor Contreras.


There should be four

records listed after applying the filter.

6. Remove the filter.

7. Sort the query by Session in Ascending order.
8. Clear the sort.
9. Sort the query by Instructor in Ascending order.
10. Clear the sort.
11. Save and close the query. Close the database and exit Access.


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